高中英语人教版必修5课件【福建专用】Unit 4《Making the news》SectionⅡ

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高中英语人教版必修5课件【福建专用】Unit 4《Making the news》SectionⅡ_第1页
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Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points,1 admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的 (教材原句)Thats admirable,but Im afraid it would be unusual! 值得赞扬,但是恐怕这样就不太合乎常规了!,What she did was pretty admirable.她所做的真是令人钦佩。 Who is your admirable golf player? 谁是你最崇拜的高尔夫球员? 【联想】 admire vt.赞美;羡慕 admiration n. 钦佩;赞美;感叹 admire sb.for sth.因为而钦佩/羡慕某人,The young athlete was much admired for his speed. 这名年轻的运动员因速度而大受赞赏。 2 assist vt.援助;协助;帮助 (教材原句)Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if youre interested.,你将发现你的同事会很热情地帮助你,因此,如果你对摄影感兴趣,也许以后可以集中精力去研究它。,巧学活用 11 补全句子 他受到大家的钦佩,因为他有勇气说出真相。 He _his courage to speak out the truth. 12 单项填空 His quick adaptation to the new environment is_.,was admired for,Aenjoyable Badmirable Cadoptable Denviable 解析:选B。句意:他迅速适应新环境的能力令人钦佩。admirable是“令人钦佩的”之意,符合语境;enjoyable意为“令人高兴的”;adoptable意为“可以采用的”;enviable意为“令人嫉妒的;令人羡慕的”。,21 同义句改写 He assisted us to establish a new company. He _a new company.,assisted us in establishing,归纳拓展 He assisted his neighbor in repairing the fence. 他帮助邻居修篱笆。 He assisted me with good advice and encouragement. 他帮助我出好主意并加以鼓励。,We will assist you to carry out the plan. 我们将帮助你执行这一计划。 【联想】 assistant n. 助手 assistance n. 帮助,易混辨析 assist/help/aid,3 concentrate vt. & vi.集中;聚集 (教材原句)Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if youre interested. 你将发现你的同事会很热情地帮助你,因此,如果你对摄影感兴趣,也许以后可以集中精力去研究它。,归纳拓展 He has concentrated on his work this year. 今年以来,他专心于自己的工作。 I was so concentrated on a picture as not to feel someone touch my arm. 我全部注意力都集中在一张图画上了,所以没有感到有人轻轻地碰我的手臂。,【联想】 concentration n. 集中精力;专心, 22 单项填空 The manager required that his employee_him in arranging the meeting. Aaid Bassist Cmanage Dsupport,解析:选B。句意:经理要求员工协助他安排会议。assist是“辅助,协助”之意,符合语境。aid意为“援助,救助”;manage意为“设法”;support意为“支持”。 名师微博 assist是“协助,帮助”之意,多用于assist sb.in (doing)sth.或assist sb.to do的结构中。,31 同义句改写 All his mind was focused on one thing only. His whole mind _one thing only. 32 单项填空 He was so _on his studies that nothing could call off his attention.,was concentrated on,Aconcentrated Babsorbed Cdepended Dlost 解析:选A。句意:他专心致志地学习,没有什么东西能使他分心。concentrate.on.是“把集中到;专心于”之意,符合语境。absorbed后面多接介词in,表示“沉浸于”,相当于be lost in;depend意为“依靠”。,名师微博 表示“集中精力于”的表达法还有:focus.on,fix.on.,be absorbed in.,be lost in.。,4acquire vt.获得;取得;学到 (教材原句)Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 只有你提出了许多不同的问题之后,你才有可能会获得所有你需要知道的信息。,I have acquired much knowledge from this school. 我从这所学校里学到了很多知识。 He acquired a lot of information through wide reading. 通过广泛的阅读,他获取了大量的信息。,易混辨析 acquire/obtain/gain/attain,5 assess vt.评估;评定 (教材原句)That means you must be able to assess when people are not telling the whole truth and then try to discover it. 那就是说,在人们还没有说出全部真相前,记者就能够做出判断,并力求发现真相。,The lawyers assessed the property at $35,000. 律师们估计这笔财产的价值为35000美元。 We should equally assess historical figures. 我们应该公正地评价历史人物。 【联想】 assessment n. 评估;评价,6inform vt.告知;通知 (教材原句)They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story. 他们必须通过调查研究,来使自己了解被遗漏的那部分情况。 inform sb.of/about sth. 通知某人某物,inform sb.to do sth. 告知某人干某事 inform sb.that/wh clause 通知某人某物 keep sb.informed of sth. 随时告知某人某物 归纳拓展 I have informed him of the time for the opening ceremony. 我已经通知了他开幕仪式的时间。,They were informed to set off before dark. 他们被告知天黑前要出发。 I was informed that my luggage had already arrived. 我接到通知说我的行李已经运到了。 He promised to keep me informed of how project was getting along.他许诺随时告诉我工程的进展情况。,【联想】 information n信息 41 用acquire,obtain,gain,attain的适当形式填空 (1)He _ the property with a bank loan.,obtained,(2)It is through learning that the individual _many habitual ways of reacting to situations. (3)An investor _ by buying stocks that go up in value. (4)The salesperson_his sales goal for the month.,acquires,gains,attained,42 单项填空 Only when you have_ a good knowledge of grammar_write correctly. Arealized;you can Bgot;you can Cacquired;can you Dgrasped;you can,解析:选C。句意:只有很好地掌握了语法知识,写出的东西才能正确。由宾语knowledge可知,此处表示“习得某种知识”,故用acquire;only修饰when引导的时间状语从 句,位于句首,其后用倒装语序。,51 同义句改写 How do you make an assessment on your students? How do you_?,assess your students,52 单项填空 They say they should_ intelligence not only from these tests but other performances. Aregard Bassess Cconsider Dguess,解析:选B。句意:他们认为他们不应该仅仅通过考试还要通过其他方面的表现来评估智力。assess意为“评估”之意,符合语境。regard意为“认为”;consider意为“考虑;认为”;guess意为“猜测”。,61 补全句子 请随时通知我们最新的发展。 Please_the latest development.,keep us informed of,62 单项填空 He would like to be_ from time to time how things were going here because he wanted to keep everything controlled. Aconsulted Binformed Crequired Denquired,解析:选B。句意:他希望不时得到这里情况的消息,因为他想掌控一切。inform sb.of.是“告知某人”之意,符合语境。consult意为“仔细,询问”;require意为“要求,需要”;enquire意为“询问,咨询”。,7depend on 依靠;依赖 (教材原句)Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says. 同时,你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。 depend on sb.for sth. 依靠某人取得某物,depend on sb.to do 依靠某人干某事 They depended on farming for their livelihood. 他们以农业为生。 You can depend on him to rise to the occasion,if necessary. 如果需要的话,你可依靠他来应付这个局面。,【联想】 It all depends.视情况而定。 rest on依靠 rely on 依赖,依靠,8accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告 (教材原句)Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 你有没有遇到这种情况,别人控告你的记者,说他的报告失实呢? accuse sb.of sth. 控告某人某物;谴责某人某物,归纳拓展 The police accused him of theft. 警察指控他行窃。 Toms teacher accused him of cheating in the exam. 汤姆的老师指责他考试作弊。 【联想】 charge sb.with sth.控告某人某物 blame sb.for sth.因为某事而责备某人,9so as to (do sth.) 为了(做) (教材原句)A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. 一位足球运动员被指控受贿,故意不进球,为的是让另一队赢球。,He went there quickly so as to meet her. 他赶快到那里以便可以碰见她。 He quickened his pace so as to catch the bus. 他加快步伐以便能赶上那辆公共汽车。 We started early so as to get there before ten. 我们很早动身,为的是十点前赶到。,易混辨析 so as to/in order to/so that/in order that,71 补全句子 我妻子女儿靠我生活。 My wife and daughter_their living.,depend on me for,72 单项填空 Tom will never let you down;you can always _him to help you. Aturn up Bdepend on Cdecide on Dexpect,解析:选B。句意:汤姆将永不会置你于不顾,你永远可以依赖他帮助你。depend on sb.to do意为“依靠某人干某事”,符合语境。turn up意为“出现;调大音量”;decide on意为“在方面做出决定”;expect sb.to do意为“期望某人干某事”。,81 补全句子 我的老板指责我太粗心大意。 My boss_being too careless.,accused me of,82 单项填空 Because he was so dreamy and quiet a teacher once_him_being stupid. Aaccused;for Bcharged;with Caccused;of Dblamed;of,解析:选C。句意:因为他是如此的心不在焉和沉默,他的一个老师曾经指责他是一个愚蠢的小孩。accuse sb.of 是“指责某人某物”之意,符合语境。charge sb.with.意为“因为控告某人”。,91 同义句改写 In order that you can keep energetic,you should exercise more. You should exercise more _keep energetic.,so as to/in order to,92 单项填空 He shouted_attract everybodys attention. Ain order that Bin that Cso that Dso as to 解析:选D。句意:他大喊大叫以便引起大家的注意。so as to后面接动词原形,表示“为了干某事”之意;A、C项也可以表示目的,其后接从句;in that意为“因为”。,10demand n. 需求;要求 vt.强烈要求 (教材原句)It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. 这事有点为难,因为如果我们错了,足球队就可以向我们索要赔偿。,in demand (of) 受欢迎;有需要 make demands 提出要求 demand sth. 要求得到某物 demand sth. of /from sb. 向某人要求某物 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 demand of sb.to do 要求某人做某事 demand thatclause 要求(从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气should do的形式,should可以省略),归纳拓展 The factory is in great demand of steel to keep up production. 那个工厂需要大量钢铁以维持生产。 Refuse to let others make unrealistic demands of you. 不要让旁人对你提不现实的要求。,We demanded an immediate answer of them.我们要求他们马上作出答复。 He demanded to know what was going on there. 他要求知道那里发生了什么事。 He demanded of me to start at once.他要求我马上出发。,She demanded that he(should)finish the work within an hour. 她要求他在一小时内完成工作。 【联想】 demanding adj.高要求的;费力的,11gifted adj.有天赋的 be gifted in/at. 在方面有天赋 归纳拓展 The gifted author wrote one smash after another. 这个天才作家创作了一篇又一篇轰动一时的作品。,George was gifted in science and technology. 乔治在理工科方面很有天赋。 She is a beautiful girl who is very gifted in language. 她是一个在语言方面很有天份的漂亮女孩!,【联想】 talented adj.有天赋的 gift n. 天赋;礼物 have a gift for. 在方面有天赋,101 补全句子 (1)这些丝制品没有什么销路。 These silk goods are not much_. (2)他要求我关上大门。 He _the gate.,in demand,demanded of me to shut,102 单项填空 They demanded that the agreement _in black and white. Awas written Bwere written Cwrote Dbe written 解析:选D。句意:他们要求将这份协议用白纸黑字写下来。demand后面接that引导的宾语从句时,从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气shoulddo的形式,should可以省略。,(教材原句) Not only am I interested in photography,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. 我对摄影不仅感兴趣,而且我在大学里还修过摄影课来提升我的技术呢。,句法分析 本句含有not only.but also.句式,表示“不但,而且”之意。 (1)not only 表示否定意义,位于句首时,其后用部分倒装语序。 (2)not only.but also. 连接并列成分作主语时,其后谓语动词遵循就近一致的原则。,归纳拓展 Not only did he speak correctly,but he also spoke easily. 他不仅说得正确,而且说得很轻松。 Not only have American lives grown longer,but their quality has improved. 美国人不仅提高了寿命,而且还提高了生活质量。,Not only the students but also the teacher is fond of sport. 不但学生们而且老师也都喜爱运动。,巧学活用 11翻译句子 不仅你正确,他也正确。 _,Not only you but also he is right.,12单项填空 (2012永安一中期中)Not only_the food in the restaurant,he_to pay for it. Ahe complained about;also did refuse Bdid he complain about;also refused Cdid he complain about;also did refuse Dhe complained about;also refused,解析:选B。句意:他不仅抱怨饭馆里的食物不好而且还拒绝付费。not only.but also.句式中,如果not only位于句首,则not only分句用倒装语序,而but also分句用正常语序。 故选择B项。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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