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中考英语短文填空,Blank fillings in a passage,1,题型分析,给出一篇难易适中的短文,中间去掉几个单词,让考生根据上下文填上所缺的单词。 可以说是完形填空的变体,但比完形填空更难。它没有选项的提示,只是文章内容的暗示,如果没有读懂短文的意思,就无法做这种题。 这种题型考查的是考生的整体阅读能力、基础语法的运用能力和书面表述能力,特别是单词和短语的拼写能力。 短文的题材很多,有故事,科普小品,风土人情,人物,文化,体育等,一般以故事性题材为主,少科普性,否则会更难。 考查的内容也相当广泛,但常以动词(同义词区别及形式),介词,形容词(副词)的级,名词的数,习惯用语的搭配,连词(含引导词)等为主。,2,技巧指导,1. 第一遍通读全文,对文章有一个整体认识,了解故事的时间、地点、人物等之间的关系,为下一步填空打下坚实的基础,切忌看一空填一空。(Read through) 2. 第二遍逐句阅读并填空,根据句子的语法以及上下文的整体逻辑关系用恰当的词填入空白,特别是有时根据意思可能有多种用法时,应填入恰当的单词并符合英美人的习惯表达,不要受汉语的影响。例如:“我看一看你的信”,关于“看”的就有六个,这就需要进行筛选,只能用read,不能用watch, see, look, have a look at, look at等。(Fill in the blanks) 3. 第三遍复查答案。将填空的短文再完整地阅读一次,以检查全文是否通顺,所填答案是否最为合理,形式是否正确等等。(Check),3,近三年中考短文填空词性分析,4,Think carefully! What kind of words is needed for this blank?,动词 (V原形,三单,过去式,-ing,V-pp.) 名词 (n单数,复数) 形容词 (adj.原级,比较级,最高级) 副词 (adv.) 代词 (pron.人称代词主/宾格,形物代,名物代,反身代词) 介词/连词 (prep./conj.基本用法,固定搭配),注意拼写正确!大小写!,5,2014 重庆,Holding doors open for people behind you, picking up litter, thanking people these acts of kindness seem very _78_ . But students at James Middle School know that such small acts make the world a better place. Eighth-graders from James Middle School, took part in the Random Acts of Kindness Week _79_ March 31 to April 4. During the week, they tried their best to do kind things for others. Celeste Murray, an English teacher at the school, started the activity. Since she was little, she has always tried to do small acts of kindness in her daily life. “I believe the world is _80_ by small things,” she told the newspaper The Daily Times. Over the week, to her surprise, Murray also _81_ great changes in her class. Before that, she always needed to ask her _82_ to push the chairs in or turn off the lights before they leave the classroom. Now, the students do those things by _83_. “The teachers have a lot of work,” said Jordon, one of Murrays students. He learned to care more about others. Eliza, _84_ student, gave out more praises (赞扬) to others. “It makes them feel happy and successful,” she said. The activity made students feel that they can make a difference. Hailey decides to continue to do at least one act of kindness every week, _85_ busy she is. She believes her acts could encourage others.,短文填空。(每空2分,共16分) 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。,文章大意: 介绍我们应该从日常生活中的一些小事做起,从小事中献爱心,从自己身边的小事做起。如果我们每一个人都从小事做起,那世界就充满了真爱。对所有考生进行了人生观的教育,同时也针对当前学生中普遍的错误认识和看法,许多学生认为小事不必去做,要做就要做大事的想法。,6,2014重庆,Holding doors open for people behind you, picking up litter, thanking people these acts of kindness seem very 78 . But students at James Middle School know that such small acts make the world a better place. Eighth-graders from James Middle School, took part in the Random Acts of Kindness Week 79 March 31 to April 4. During the week, they tried their best to do kind things for others. Celeste Murray, an English teacher at the school, started the activity. Since she was little, she has always tried to do small acts of kindness in her daily life. “I believe the world is 80 by small things,” she told the newspaper The Daily Times. Over the week, to her surprise, Murray also 81 great changes in her class.,small,形容词,介词搭配,from . to .,from,被动,差动词过去分词,changed,动词,过去式,found/saw/discovered,7,Before that, she always needed to ask her 82 to push the chairs in or turn off the lights before they leave the classroom. Now, the students do those things by 83 . “The teachers have a lot of work,” said Jordon, one of Murrays students. He learned to care more about others. Eliza, 84 student, gave out more praises (赞扬) to others. “It makes them feel happy and successful,” she said. The activity made students feel that they can make a difference. Hailey decides to continue to do at least one act of kindness every week, 85 busy she is. She believes her acts could encourage others.,名词,ask sb. to do,students,反身代词,by oneself,themselves,another,形容词,另一个、又一个,however,副词,无论、不管,8,2013重庆,Peter was the best table tennis player in his school and hardly ever lost a match. He hated losing anything. When he 78 , he would feel really good. If he lost, he would feel terrible. It seemed to Peter that losing was the 79 thing in the world . A new kid, Albert, came to Peters school .He was good at table tennis, too. Soon there would be a match 80 Peter and Albert. Peter worked hard to get ready for the match, but Albert didnt seem to think 81 of it. When the match began, Albert was a real player. There was always a 82 on his face, while Peter looked serious all the time. Peter thought it was so important to win the match that he even wanted to cheat(舞弊) , but he lost in the end. “You played very well, Peter. I think we can play again sometime , ” said Albert.,短文填空。(每空2分,共16分) 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。,动词,过去式,won,worst,形容词,最高级(terrible),介词,between . and.,between,副词,think much of it,much,名词,跟serious对比,smile,9,But Peter didnt 83 happy and couldnt fall asleep that night . One day, Peter saw Albert playing basketball. 84 he lost again and again, the happy smile never left his face. Peter found Albert was great at table tennis but bad at basketball. However, he enjoyed 85 of them. Whether he won or lost the game, Albert enjoyed it. Peter came to realize that enjoying a game was much more important than winning or losing it. He felt happier than ever before.,动词,原形,feel,连词,“尽管“,Though,代词,“两项运动都喜欢”,both,10,See how well you can do it!,实战演练!,11,Passage 1,She is Liu Hui, a middle school student in Anhui, one of the “stay-at-home children”in her town. Liu Hui is 12 years old and lives with her sister. Her parents left home to (1)_ money in big cities when she was only four. Liu Hui has to take (2)_ of her younger sister. They have to stay at home alone (3)_ they have to go to school in the town. “I used to feel (4)_ without my parents at home, ” she said, “but now I know (5)_ they do so. They have to go away to make money for us so that we can live a better life.” Every day, Liu Hui gets up at 6:30 a.m. and cooks (6)_. Then the two girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 p.m. Then Liu Hui does housework and (7)_ her sister with her homework. She usually goes to bed at 9:30 p.m. Though busy, Liu Hui is still the best student in her class. She said, “My life is OK. But I still hope my parents will come back and live with (8)_.”,V-原形,搭配,conj.,adj.,adv.,n.,V-三单,pron.,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._,make/earn,care,because,sorry/sad/unhappy,why,breakfast,helps,us,12,Passage 2,True friends are hard to find. Often you thought you could believe in someone, but later he or she may let you (1)_. A true friend is sometimes a person who will always be there for you. Through good times or (2)_ times, they will stand by your side. They will not leave you alone when things get difficult. They will accept you (3)_ trying to change you. A friend will bring new and exciting things into your life and make it richer. True friends will keep your worst secrets as you will keep theirs. They will (4)_ honest and you can always believe in them. If you talk to someone who you believe in, you dont have to worry about what you may say. You can enjoy this freedom only with (5)_.,搭配,adj.,prep.,V-原,n.,13,Friendship is a two-way street. To find a true friend and keep the friendship between you, you must do the same thing as well. Be there for your friends when (6)_ are in need and share the good times with them. Offer them the same things they give to you. Friendship will break(7) _ if only one person is giving and putting effort into it. You will find that there is nothing more valuable (有价值的) than (8)_ a true friend by your side to share life with, just as someone says, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized (珍惜) than true friendship”.,pron.,adv.,V-ing,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._,down,bad,without,be/keep,friends,they,quickly /easily,having,14,短文填空,理解为重 初次见面,通读一遍 细读再做,逐个突破 如遇难题,不必着急 前观后看,意思连贯 短语搭配,做题不累 定义定形,细心则赢 胜利关口,勿忘回首,答题四字诀,15,Practice makes perfect!,Try your best!,16,Have you ever tried shopping online? What about talking with strangers through the Internet? Of course, yes. With the development of society, the Internet is playing a more and more (1)_ part in our daily life; more and more people, especially teenagers show great (2)_ in the Internet. If we teenagers are crazy about (3)_ games or chatting online, it will definitely (4)_ bad influence on our study and health. Things is getting even (5)_; it may make us get tired of (6)_ except surfing the net. We should (7)_ more time reading good books, novels or news reports on the Internet. In a word, the Internet makes our life convenient and colorful, (8)_ we should still learn the way to make full use of it properly.,One more chance!,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._,important,interest,playing,have,worse,everything,spend,but,17,


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