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礼仪/辩论赛 辩论赛流程主持词英文 debate host word (rules)everyone please be quiet down, we will begin in a minute. prior to the start of the game, please will you carry the mobile communication tools, such as mobile phones, phs, adjust to the vibration or mute state. in the process of game, the game please cooperate with us to keep quiet and clean. thank you for your cooperation.ladies and gentlemen, to the guests, good evening! welcome to xi an finance and economics school, XX freshmen debate on site. after previous trials, each school has picked out a good team to participate in the debate for field, are looking forward to their performance.debate for two games will be held today in the classroom, first of all welcome to attend the first debate of the two teams, they are:welcome them to get in. (please have a seat)sit on my left hand side is: team;sit on my right hand side is: team.please welcome debater to introduce myself. please welcome square.please welcome the opposition. (gestures)before the game started, ill introduce todays voice. (with timekeepers)warning sound, represents the time with 30 seconds left; represents the countdown, countdown to 5 seconds; single end of speech sound; the total time to promptdebate the surface appears to be a kind of advanced intellectual games, but it caused the wisdom and wit, especially the debaters personality style and charm, youth is far more than the game itself. but there is always a game, the presence of two groups of players confident today, will. actually quite? it remains to be seen every debaters wisdom and speed. to make the both sides of the team can be in a fight for the best competitive state and is the most exuberant, lets give them our warm applause for encouragement.the motion of the game is about the topic:for the view of is:against the view of is:to be sure, the position is determined by before the draw, so the debaters speech does not represent my point of view. both players will be the topic of today is a great debate.first of all, made the opening statement, square one time is 3 minutes, please. (gestures)thanks to square a speech, please do argue against a opening statement below, this opposition point of view, and time is 3 minutes.thanks to argue against a speech, the following stage in attack debate. first of all, lets welcome square 2 choose to argue against two or three grilled, shall ask only ask, answer is only allowed to answer. when questions from a total of no more than 30 seconds. answer when a total of no more than 1 minute, total time of 1 minute 30 seconds, please. (during the game rules) pay attention to remind debater qathank you, lets argue against two choose square two or three cross-examine.thank you, please welcome square three choose to argue against two or three for questioning.thank you, lets argue against three choose square two or three cross-examine.to thank the debater best quotes, please below square to attack a debate summary, time is 1 minutes and 30 seconds. please welcome (gestures)thank you, welcome to attack debate argue against a summary, time is 1 minutes and 30 seconds. please welcome. (gestures)thanks to argue against a fascinating argument, then this link, a component is new to join the contest, origin self-calibration judges respectively to both sides of the debate team debater one to three questions, the judges questions not timing.next, the debate will enter the highlight of the free stage of the debate, both sides have 4 minutes each time, please welcome tetragonal spoke first.the final stage in summation. please do argue against four summarize, time is 4 minutes, please welcome. (remind both players alternate rules)thanks to argue against four wonderful statement. now, lets welcome square four do summarize, time is 4 minutes, please welcome.thank you for square four summation. here, the game is over. now, lets welcome the judges, making on-site evaluation to the game. waiting for the evaluation result, the audience friends to the positive and negative two or three questions each. (timely remind shut many)distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, the jury has to make the final evaluation, according to the rules of the game, announcing the results before the game, please welcome the judges comments on the game.tonight, we each classroom is conducted into the game, the game ends, there will be a team to enter the next round of competition, in the rest of the team, will have an opportunity to resurrection, resurrection is the way in which yi thought everyone public home page - yi thought to vote on the speech and debate club, the most popular teams will enter the next round of matches, voting deadline for everyone. the next round at 7:00-9:00, time is a month.below i solemnly declare that, after a jury, serious judge. eventually determine the winner of the game is:the best debater is:. please use the most warm applause to congratulate them.to this end the game, please leave the debater to take picture with the judges.辩论赛主持词(规则)各位请安静下来,我们的比赛马上就要开始了。比赛开始前,请您将您随身携带的移动通讯工具,如手机、小灵通等调整到震动或静音状态。在比赛过程中,请您配合我们保持赛场的安静与清洁。感谢您的合作。各位观众,给位来宾,大家晚上好!欢迎大家来到西安财经学院,XX级新生辩论赛的现场。经过前期的选拔赛,每个学院已经挑出了优秀的队伍来参与校级辩论赛,非常期待他们的表现。今天在这间教室将举行两场辩论赛,首先有请参加第一场辩论赛的两只队伍,他们分别是:欢迎他们入场。(请坐)坐在我左手边的是:代表队;坐在我右手边的是:代表队。有请辩手做自我介绍。有请正方。有请反方。(手势示意)在比赛开始之前,由我来介绍今天的提示音。(与计时员配合)警示音,代表时间还剩30秒;倒计时音,代表倒计时5秒;单次发言结束音;总计时间到提示音辩论赛表面看似是一种高级的智力游戏,但它所引发出来的睿智与才思,尤其是辩手们的个性风采和青春魅力,都远远超过了比赛本身。但是比赛总有胜负,今天在场的两组选手都信心十足,志在必得。究竟鹿死谁手呢?这还要看每一位辩手的智慧和辩才。为使双方的队伍都能以一个最佳的竞技状态和最旺盛的斗志参加比赛,让我们给予他们最热烈的掌声以作鼓励。本场比赛的辩题是关于的话题:正方所持的观点是:反方所持的观点是:需要说明的是,双方立场是由赛前抽签决定的,所以辩手们的发言不代表本人观点。 今天双方选手就要以此为话题进行一场精彩的辩论。首先,由正方一辩做开篇陈词,时间是3分钟,请。(手势)感谢正方一辩的发言,下面请反方一辩做开篇陈词,阐述反方的观点,时间也是3分钟。感谢反方一辩的发言,下面进入攻辩阶段。首先有请正方二辩选择反方二辩或者三辩进行盘问,问者只准问,答者只准答。提问总计时不超过30秒。回答总计时不超过1分钟,总计时间1分30秒,请。(比赛期间注意提醒辩手答问规则)谢谢,下面有请反方二辩选择正方二辩或者三辩进行盘问。谢谢,下面有请正方三辩选择反方二辩或者三辩进行盘问。谢谢,下面有请反方三辩选择正方二辩或者三辩进行盘问。感谢双方辩手的精彩发言,下面请正方一辩进行攻辩小结,时间是1分30秒。有请(手势)谢谢,下面有请反方一辩进行攻辩小结,时间也是1分30秒。有请。(手势)感谢反方一辩的精彩陈词,接下来的这个环节,是本届大赛新加入的一个环节,由来自校辩论队的评委分别向正反双方辩手提1至3个问题,评委提问不计时。接下来,辩论赛将进入最精彩的自由辩论阶段,双方各有4分钟时间,有请正方首先发言。最后进入总结陈词阶段。请反方四辩做总结陈词,时间也是4分钟,有请。(提醒选手双方交替的规则)感谢反方四辩的精彩陈词。现在有请正方四辩做总结陈词,时间也是4分钟,有请。感谢正方四辩的总结陈词。到这里,比赛就告一段落了。现在有请评委们离席,对本场比赛做出现场评判。在等待评判结果时,现场的观众朋友可以向正反双方各提2至3个问题。(适时提醒关众)各位来宾,各位观众,评委团已做出最终评定,根据比赛规则,在宣布本场比赛成绩之前,有请评委对本场比赛进行点评。今晚,我们每个教室进行的是进的比赛,整场比赛结束后,将会有支队伍进入下一轮的比赛,在其余支队伍中,会有一次复活的机会,复活的方式是在奕思人人公共主页奕思演讲与辩论社上进行投票,人气最高的队伍将进入下一轮的比赛,人人投票截止时间为。下轮比赛的时间是月日晚7:009:00。下面我郑重宣布,经过评委团认真的评判。最终确定本场比赛的优胜队是:最佳辩手是:。请大家用最热烈的掌声向他们表示祝贺。本场比赛到此结束,请双方辩手留下与评委合影留念。

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