Unit 3《 The World Online》-Task课件1(33张PPT)(牛津译林版选修7)

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Unit 3《 The World Online》-Task课件1(33张PPT)(牛津译林版选修7)_第1页
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Unit 3《 The World Online》-Task课件1(33张PPT)(牛津译林版选修7)_第3页
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Unit 3,Task,Getting news from the Internet,Lead in,With the development of science and technology, there are so many media to get news from. Can you give me some examples?,Suppose you work for an internet news website. Your boss has asked you to attend a series of lectures about the ways people watch or listen to the news. You will need to write a report. Now lets learn some skills which help us to write the report. Read the skill on P42,Skills building 1: Reading charts and graphs,Can you tell me some of the most popular types of the charts? Can you tell me the definition of them? Now look at the following charts and tell me which type each of them belongs to?,The bar chart shows the weight in kilograms of some fruit sold one day by a market. We can see that 52 kg of apples were sold, 40 kg of oranges were sold, and 8 kg of star fruit were sold.,1. Different types of news and suitable sources. Listen to the speech and take notes.,radio,to see pictures,to know scores,the Internet,changes,updated,newspapers,details,at their own speed,TV,important,wider,drive,watch TV,read newspapers,2. Reasons why the number of people seeking news on the Internet is small. Listen and use the information to complete notes. The Internet is still not very (1) _ to everyone. Information on the Internet is often (2) _. People do not always (3) _ the news they find online.,accessible,uncontrolled,trust,What source do most people first turn to for weather reports? 2. What source do the least number of people first turn to for sports results? 3. What percentage of people turn to the Internet first for breaking news?,Local TV.,4%.,The Internet.,4. What type of news do the least number of people turn to the Internet for? 5. What are the 3 types of news that 5% of people turn to the Internet for?,Opinions, weather and sports results.,Emergency.,6. What news source do people trust the most? 7. What news source do people trust the least?,The Internet.,National TV.,Skills building 2: Forming more detailed questions,Read the guidelines,1. Start with information that you know and build on it .,For example: When you know or have just learned that 60% of people prefer football to table tennis, you can then ask:,Does a persons age affect their answer?,Do men and women answer differently?,Is football becoming more popular, or is table tennis becoming less popular?,2. Ask positive and negative questions. dont just ask about what people like, prefer or choose to do. Also ask what they do not like or do not prefer. For example:,Other than table tennis, what sport do people not like to play?,What sport do people prefer table tennis to?,3. Find out why. Once you have the facts, you can try to find out why they are true. This kind of information will be helpful if you need to support or explain the fact you have learned, e.g.,Why is football more popular?,Step 2: asking more detailed questions,Practise,Student 1: Form questions from the prompts in the left column. Write down your questions before you ask your partner for his/her opinion. Student 2: Answer your partners questions. Form your opinions using the prompts in the right column.,Skills building 3: Reporting on facts and figures,What shall we pay attention to when we write a report? For example, when you are asked to write a report on how the students in your class think they should spend their time, what should you include?,Question:,Try to tell which of the following are facts and which are opinions., Computers are still too expensive for many people. I think reading newspapers is the easiest way to get news. You can not only see real images on TV but also hear them talk. News on the Internet is updated every hour. Some people consider Internet news to be unbelievable.,fact,opinion,fact,fact,opinion,Step 3: e-mailing a report,Your boss asked you to write a report about the lectures you attended. Write an e-mail to tell him what you have learned about getting news from the Internet.,Practise,Language points,What percentage of people turn to the Internet for breaking news? (P43) 有多少比例的人上网查新闻。 turn to 求助于 go to someone I had to turn to the dictionary for help. 变成 change to The ice turned to water.,高考链接,With no one to _ in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.(2006全国) turn to B. turn on C. turn off D. turn over,Other than table tennis, what sport do people not like to play? (P44) 除了乒乓球,还有什么运动人们不喜欢玩。 other than 1) FORMAL different from or except: Holidays other than those in this brochure do not have free places for children. The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. 2) in a negative sentence, used to mean except: Theres nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish.,高考链接,THINK IT OVER,I got the story from Tom and _ people who had worked with him . (2004天津) A. every other B. many others C. some other D. other than,What sport do people prefer table tennis to? (P44) 比起乒乓球人们更喜欢什么运动? prefer verb T (-rr-) to like, choose or want one thing rather than another: Do you prefer hot or cold weather? I prefer red wine to white. + ing form of verb He prefers watching rugby to playing it. + to infinitive Id prefer not to discuss this issue. FORMAL Id prefer you not to smoke (= I would like it better if you did not smoke).,Homework for you: Review what we learned today. Parts A and B in writing on page 125.,Thank you !,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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