Unit 1《School lige》Grammar and usage课件4(33张PPT)(牛津译林必修1)

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Unit 1《School lige》Grammar and usage课件4(33张PPT)(牛津译林必修1)_第1页
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Unit 1《School lige》Grammar and usage课件4(33张PPT)(牛津译林必修1)_第3页
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Unit 1 School life Grammar,一、句 子的成份,1、主语 2、谓语 3、宾语 4、表语 5、状语 6、补语 7、定语,主语补足语 宾语补足语,Tired and sleepy, I went to bed. He was shot dead,He thought it important. He pushed the door open.,He lives in London. Shall we do it tomorrow?,She is a beautiful girl. She is an experienced teacher.,由动词构成,注意时态语态的一致,用在 vt 的后面,是动作的承受者,用在 link-v后面,表述主语的特征、状态 、身份等,修饰动词、形容词、副词以及全句句子,二、句 子的种类,1、简单句 (只有一个谓语动词),2、并列句 (有两个谓语动词以上,用并列连词连接起来,他们的地位是平列的),3、复合句 (有连个以上的谓语动词,其中一个是主句的谓语动词,其他都是从句的谓语动词 ),She is laughing. She opened the door. She is a girl.,主 + 谓(vi) 主 + 谓(vt) + 宾 主 + 谓 (link-v) +表,She is a girl and he is a boy. She is a girl and comes from Beijing. She is clever but doesnt work hard.,I didnt go out because it rained a lot. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.,三、从句:,1、This is true. what he said is true.,主语从句,2、This is true. This is what I want to say.,表语从句,5、She is a beautiful girl. She is a girl who is beautiful.,3、I know this boy. I know what you mean.,宾语从句,4、she lives in London. she lives where there is big tree.,状语语从句,定语从句,The Attributive Clause,1.定义:attributive clause is clause to modify a nun or pron in a complex sentence.,2.关键词:先行词, 关系代词,关系副词,eg.This is the car which he bought last year.,先行词,定语从句,关系代词,eg.This is the house where I lived.,先行词,关系副词,定语从句,关系代词:,关系副词:,who whom that which whose,when where why,Relative pron: (引导定语从句,并在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语),主: who that 宾: who whom that 定: whose,B: referring to an object:,主: which that 宾: which that 定: whose,A: referring to a person:,不管是人作宾语还是物宾语 关系代词都可以省略。,1.That middle-aged woman _ is talking to the headmaster is our new teacher. 2.The guest _ we had been waiting for finally arrived. 3.Do you know the boy _ your daughter writes to. 4.I know a young man _ sister is a nurse in that hospital. 5.The girl _ life he saves is now a college student. 6.This book is for students _ native language is not Chinese.,A:,who/that,who/ whom/that/( ),who/ whom/that( ),whose,whose,whose,先行词为人,1.Have you got the present _ came this morning. 2.In the week _followed I got to know the young man quite well. 3.Thank you very much for the present_ you sent me. 4.Is this the place _ we are going to visit? 5.It was the meeting _ importance I did not realize at the time. 6.We visited a few factories _ products had a good market in china today.,B:,that/which,that/which,that/ which/(),that/ which/(),whose,whose,先行词为物,that 的特殊用法: 先行词为all everything anything nothing any more one等不定代词(指物) 先行词被all every no some any little much 等词修饰(指物) 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰 或者先行词本身为序数词或最高级。 先行词被the only, the last, the very, the same 等修饰的时候 先行词既有人又有物 主句是以who 或which 等开头的特殊疑问句 关系代词在定于中做表语 先行词为time(次数)和way(方法)时,先行词是way 后面关系代词可以是that / in which / ( ),I did everything _ I could to help you. He told me all _ he knows There is little _ remains to be said. Is there any question _ troubles you much No film _ I have seen is better than this one. The first English novel _ I read was Robinson Crusoe. This is one of the most exciting football games _ I have ever seen. The only thing _ we would do is to gather all our money to help the sick. The last place _ we visited in the countryside was a farm. He talked about the teachers and schools _ he had visited. Who _ has seen the TV film doesnt admire it? Which is the best book _ you can find? He is not the man _ he used to be. My hometown is not the village_ it used to be Is this the first time _ youve come to China? This is the way _ we looked after the orphan. I didnt like the way_ she spoke to me.,I, who_ (be) your close friend, will try my best to help you out. He who_ (do) not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. Mr. Herpin is one of the foreigners who _ (be) working in China. Mr. smith is the only one of the those foreigners who _ (be) working in China.,主谓一致,1.从句中谓语要注意和先行词保持数和时态上的一致 2. one of 复数 the (only) one of 单数,am,does,are,is,Relative adverb: (引导定语从句,并在从句中充当状语成分),表时间: when 表地点: where 表原因: why (先行词为reason),注:但在不少情况下,可以不用when,特别是在某些句型和某些状语从句中可用that引导定语从句或可以省略when It was the first time that I had serious trouble with my boss. She made me feel at home the moment( the day/time) I arrived.,I still remember the day _ I first got to Paris. There are moments _ I forget all about it. This is the hour _ the place is full of children. This is the place_ I first met Mr. Robinson. I always wanted to have a single room _ I could do my home work. This is the desk_ I put my book. They went to the place_ they believed they could find some fruit. That is the reason_ I didnt join their group. That was the reason _ Mac refused to speak at the meeting.,when,when,when,where,where,where,why,why,where,I will never forget the day _ I joined the League. September 18,1913 is the day _ we will never forget. That was the day _Ann left school on.,Is this the factory _ your father works? This is the factory_ we visited last year. Is this factory _we visit last year?,Do you know the reason _ he was late for school. That was the reason _ Mac gave me the other day. That was the reason _ Mac refused to speak for at the meeting.,关系代词和关系副词的运用和区别 选择用关系代词还是关系副词,看先行词在从句中充当的成分 如从句中缺少主语和宾语,则选择关系代词 如从句中缺少状语,则选择关系副词 所以:知道是定语从句, 现看从句,看从句中是否缺少不可缺少的成分,缺少 关系代词; 不缺少 关系副词,when,(which/ that/),(which/that),the one (that),where,(which/ that/),why,(which/ that/),(which/that),Prep + relative pron:,A: 关系副词可以用相应的介词加关系代词来代替 B:需要加上介词句子意思才完整或者固定词组,C:复合介词+ 关系代词,关系代词作从句中介词的宾语:,He is the man who I am looking after. He is the man who I am looking for.,1.介词可放关代前或从句中,一般在不影响句子或词组的含义时,介词可前可后,某些固定词组短语中,一般不拆开,介词仍应该跟在动词之后,2.若介词在关系代词前,关系代词只用whom or which,不可用who or that; 所以 表人 用 prep + whom 表物 用 prep + which,3.若介词在从句中,作宾语的关代可省略;若介词在关系代之前,关系代词不可省.,1.When根据具体情况可拆分成: on which in which at which during which 2. 介词必须放在which的前面。,10 oclock is the time when our plane arrives. 10 oclock is the time at which our plane arrives. 10 oclock is the time which our plane arrives at.,1.Where根据具体情况可拆分成: in which on which at which from which 等 2.介词可放which前,也可以放在从句中,This is the hotel where I often stay. This is the hotel at which I often stay. This is the hotel which I often stay at.,Why拆分的具体情况 1.why= for which 2.the reason 在主句中作主语 不可改成for which,Do you know the reason why he refused to come? Do you know the reason for which he refused to come? The reason why he refused to come is not clear. The reason for which he refused to come is not clear.,I still remember the day _ I first got to Paris. There are moments _ I forget all about it. This is the hour _ the place is full of children. This is the place_ I first met Mr. Robinson. I always wanted to have a single room _ I could do my home work. This is the desk_ I put my book. They went to the place_ they believed they could find some fruit. That is the reason_ I didnt join their group. That was the reason _ Mac refused to speak at the meeting.,on which,at which,during which,in which,in which,in which,for which,for which,on which,I will never forget the day _ I joined the League. September 18,1913 is the day _ we will never forget. That was the day _Ann left school on.,Is this the factory _ your father works? This is the factory_ we visited last year. Is this factory _we visit last year?,Do you know the reason _ he was late for school. That was the reason _ Mac gave me the other day. That was the reason _ Mac refused to speak for at the meeting.,关系代词和关系副词的运用和区别 选择用关系代词还是关系副词,看先行词在从句中充当的成分 如从句中缺少主语和宾语,则选择关系代词 如从句中缺少状语,则选择关系副词 所以:知道是定语从句, 现看从句,看从句中是否缺少不可缺少的成分,缺少 关系代词; 不缺少 关系副词,when,(which/ that/),(which/that),the one (that),where,(which/ that/),why,(which/ that/),(which/that),/ on which,/ in which,/ for which,1.If you move to that house, you will have neighbors _ your wife is to quarrel. 2.Do you know the comrade _ we are talking? 3.The knife _ we cut the bread is very sharp. 4.His naughty grandson has taken away his glasses, _ the old man can see nothing. 5.This is the worker, _ the book was written. 6.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, _ more than 10 bridges have been built. 7.The man, _ I learned the news, is an engineer. 8.Thats the question _ the class will have a discussion. 9. It rained all night and all day, _ which time the ship broke into pieces. 10.He is a man_ no one has better right to speak.,B:,with whom,to whom,with which,without which,by whom,over which,from whom,about which,during,than whom,C:,1.The professor is an ordinary-looking little man, on the nose of whom there is a pair of thick glasses. 2. There are many girls here, none of whom like football. 3.China has a lot of famous writers, one of whom is Lu Xun. 4.China has a lot of islands, one of which is Taiwan. 5. The tower is 40 meters high, on the top of which we can see quite a large part of city. 6. I used to live in a house, in front of which grew a tall tress. 7.I have a lot of friends, some of whom are college students. 8.I saw some tress, the leaves of which were black with disease.,1. whose在定语从句中作adj.使用,相当于所有格的his, her, its, their。 2. whose +n. = the + n. + of which the + n. + of whom,p.s. 关系代词Whose 也可以拆分如下:,He is the student whose composition won the first prize. He is the student the composition of whom won the first prize. I love the house whose windows face the lake. I love the house the windows of which face the lake.,Restrictive attributive clause & non-restrictive attributive clause,限制性定语从句对前面的内容进行限制修饰,缺少它,意思不能成形。 非限制性定语从句对前面的内容进行补充说明,有无不改变句子基本含义。,在三种情况下只能用非限制定语从句: 1.先行词为专有名词(人名、地名) 2.先行词为独一无二的东西 3.整个句子,Which 只能放在先行词之后(一般作主语) As 可放在先行词之前(一般作宾语),The elephant is like a wall, _ anyone can see. He didnt has the exam, _makes his father mad,as,which,Mr. Li, who is very old, is our director. My daughter, whose body is slim, still wants to lose some weight. The clock struck thirteen, which made everyone laugh. My money is in my bedroom, where I always keep it. You have to wait till May, when she is back.,在非限中,无论介词放在关代之前或在从句之中,其中的关代词均不可省略。,This boy, with whom I used to play, is now a writer. This boy, whom/ who I used to play with, is now a writer. I love Sunny, to whom Im getting married pretty soon. I love Sunny, whom/ who Im getting married to pretty soon.,注: 关于as用作关系代词,一、 as引导限制性定语从句 二、as引导非限制性定语从句,Youd better not buy such books as you dont understand. I have never seen the same thing as was told by my grandma. She doesnt believe I am such a person as I appear. Such as flatter you often might not be honest.,宾语,主语,表语,主语,一、在限制性定语从句中,As is known to all, Wuxi is famous for its Tai Lake. We have to work hard, as we can see at the moment. He was born in Wuxi, as the book mentions, and never left here. He turned out to be successful, as we could expected He turned out to be successful, which was expected. As 意为“正如”,其引导的定从位置灵活,但which引导的定从只能放句后。,二、在非限制性定语从句中,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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