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礼仪/感言大全 英语感言4篇 *目录. 英语感言. 毕业感言英语精选. 优秀员工获奖感言 英语. 英语比赛的获奖感言怎么写?1、当选为优秀员工,仅仅是进步的起点,这将是我今后工作的鞭策和动力,它将推动我更加努力地完成公司的各项指标,做好每一件事,我决心在员工中起到革新技术,提高效率,发扬团队精神等带头作用;也决心为打造品牌,保质保量完成任务,努力提高员工素质,在各级领导的带领下,为将cctc打造成为世界一流企业奉献青春和力量!衷心希望我们这支队伍能够越来越壮大,努力为企业的繁荣昌盛做出贡献!1, was elected to the excellent employees, only is the starting point of the progress, this will be my future work of the whip and the power, it will push me harder to complete the objectives of company to do every thing, i am determined to rise to innovative technology in the staff, improve efficiency, promote team spirit and other leading role; also determined to build a brand, to complete the task with good quality, efforts to improve staff quality, under the guidance of leaders at all levels, to forge a world first-class enterprise for the cctc dedicated youth and strength! sincerely hope that we can this team, there is a growing effort to contribute to the prosperity of the enterprise.2、很荣幸被评为xx年度的优秀员工,这既是公司对我个人工作能力的肯定,也是对我做好今后工作的一种鼓励,虽然这一年里我没有什么可炫耀的业绩,但在自己的工作岗位上始终兢兢业业,认真对待每一件事,多思考,多关注,为把好产品的质量关尽自己的一份力。在今后的工作中,我将更加出色的完成各项工作,不辜负公司对我期望。2, it is my pleasure to xx year was rated as outstanding staff, this is the affirmation of the company for my personal work ability, also is a kind of encourage for me to do a good job in the future, although i have nothing to show off this years performance, but in his own work conscientiously, take everything seriously, think more and more attention, for the good product quality to do his part. in the future work, i will be better to finish the work, i dont live up to what our company want to see.3、荣誉至上,它集合了一个人的辛劳、智慧以及公众的认可和尊崇,肩负荣誉,我甚感荣幸与欣慰。我虽渺小,但也知道自己的重要。尽管人在工作中总会遇到一些坑洼,但我会让自己保持着一颗平静的心去面对。世上是没有解决不了的困难,只要有信心。所以,我要自信、也自信我能把事情做好!3, honor is the highest, it brings together a persons toil, wisdom and public recognition and respect, with honor, i am very honored and pleased. i am small, but also know their own importance. although people always meet some potholes in a work, but i will keep myself with a calm heart to face. there is no problem too difficult, as long as there is confidence. so, i want self-confidence, also confident - i can get things done!4、当选为公司xx年度的优秀员工,这是一份荣誉,更是一份激励。加入公司近七年来,从一个对“电路板”这个名词仅仅有一点点模糊理解的门外汉,到现今不但已熟练掌握各类板件的工艺流程和一些主要设备的工作原理,还能对一般板件的常见缺陷进行分析处理,整个过程离不开上级领导的认真教导和资深同事们的热心帮助,在今后的日子里,我将秉承团结奋进的精神,引导更多的人加入到我们的优秀队伍中来,让我们一起为cctc更加灿烂辉煌的明天加油!4, was elected to the xx company annual good employees, it is an honor, but also a stimulus. joined the company for nearly seven years, from one to the noun pcb just have a little fuzzy understanding of the layman, today not only have some familiar with all kinds of technological process of panel and the working principle of main equipment, also can analyze the general common defects of panel processing, the whole process without superior leadership earnestly teach senior colleagues and enthusiastic help, in the future days, i will uphold the spirit of unity, lead more people to join our outstanding team, let us together for cctc more brilliant tomorrow!5、我认为一名优秀员工应该起到表率作用,应该以高度的主人翁精神,默默地奉献着光和热;应该抱着务实认真的工作态度,埋头苦干,敬业爱岗,勤勤恳恳地做好本职工作。现在我们公司的全员活动在轰轰烈烈地进行着,我做为钻房一名优秀员工,将积极参与改善活动中去,不断地展现自己的热情和智慧,为公司和自己创造一个更加优美的工作环境。展望未来,我还有很长的路要走,我不会被现在一点成绩冲昏头脑,我将继续发扬成绩,不断创新,不求做得最好,但求做得更好。在以后工作中,以无缺勤、高效率,少报废为目标,为cctc成为世界一流企业做出更大贡献。5, i think a good employee should play a leading role, should be the height of the ownership, silently dedication with light and heat; should be holding the pragmatic earnest work attitude, hard work, work excellently, completes the labor of duty diligently. now our companys overall activities in a vigorous manner, i as a drill room a good employee, will actively participate in improvement activities, constantly showing his enthusiasm and wisdom, and for the company to create a more beautiful work environment. looking to the future, i still have a long way to go, i will not be carried away by something now, i will continue to carry forward the achievements, continuous innovation, not do best, but beg to do better. in the later work, in order to shape, high efficiency, less scrap as the goal, contributing to a larger cctc to become the world first-class enterprise.毕业感言英语精选英语感言(2) 英语毕业感言(一)parents, teachers, and fellow students,this is the day of our graduation. today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. we are supposed to feel happy on such a day as this, and we are supposed to be full of hope of the future. we all do feel these things, but we feel much more, too. there is a great feeling of sadness today as we realize that this is the last time that we will all be together as members of this school. however, the thing we feel most, i think, is our feeling of thanks. we have some idea of what you, our parents, have done for us, and we have some idea of all the efforts that you, our teachers, have made for us. no words can express how thankful we are to you on this day. we will always remember this day and we will remember you. thank you from the bottom of our hearts!英语毕业感言(二)hello, everyone.i dont know how to express my feeling now. i dont know whether im happy or sad. today well be apart. from now on well never study together, never laugh together.ive been in cambridge young english school for three years. ive learned a lot here. i got to know whats english and how to read english. teacher li was hard because of us. we didnt listen to him when he began to teach us. and he couldnt do anything else but shout attention!teacher li is great. remember, teacher pi said, phonogram is difficult to spell. and he would only ask us to dictionary when he was tied. instesd te li could spell it. its really admirable. i love teachers reading, nice although not better than .how time flys. im going to graduate. dense book notes that left me the best gift, which not only gave me the knowledge, but gave me a lot of fun. i would like to thank mu shenghui. i admire his notes and his achievements. i am happy to be his deckmate.wish everyone can pave a perfect road with english. come on, everybody!thank you! thats all.优秀员工获奖感言 英语英语感言(3) first of all to thank all the colleagues and leaders understanding of administration work, cooperate and support, thank you for the recognition and support of my work.administration department is to provide service to colleagues, administrative affairs of the company processing, due to the nature of the work and content is service, processing is a little small, everyday trivial things, so the whole overview and quantify the work hard, so i can get good staff this award, really cant depart from the support of my colleagues, it is not just my personal honor, honor and administration dept.i think a good employee should play a leading role, should be the height of the ownership, silently dedication with light and heat; should be holding the pragmatic earnest work attitude, hard work, work excellently, completes the labor of duty diligently. be diligent and responsible for work, because of the diligence, can improve the efficiency of production, such as the previous said no pains, a harvest; and with the sense of responsibility, will be careful and meticulous in work, to avoid any mistakes.in the later work, i will not live up to the expectations of leadership, more dedicated, hard working, and constantly learning to improve their working skills, with the practical action to render the development of the company to the best of their own.since into the companys work, i did not make a great contribution for the company, nor a particularly satisfactory performance is worth showing off, i just try to do a good job in their own positions of our best effort to finish every index, summed up their experience, learn from experience, learn from others, will try to work for a much better than one, as much as possible, improve the work efficiency, even so, but i pay a recognised by the company, i am very great privilege, i think company awards events this time also once again explained to every employee to communicate and as long as there is pay, as long as your feet on the ground ready to belong to own the job, there will be a return.this can be rated as outstanding staff, i think it is not only the company about my personal work ability and grades affirmation, also is a kind of work do better in the future. i also believe that the work will do better in the future. the big fellow jade library development makes us grow, we work together to make big fellow jade library more brilliant.首先感谢全体同事及各位领导对行政部工作的理解、配合和支持,感谢你们对我工作的认可和支持。行政部是给各位同事提供服务,处理公司行政事务的部门,由于工作的性质和内容就是服务,处理的都是点滴小事、日常琐碎杂事,因此整体的工作难以概述和量化,所以我能获得优秀员工这个奖项,确实离不开各位同事的支持,这不仅仅是我个人的荣誉,也是行政部的荣誉。我认为一名优秀员工应该起到表率作用,应该以高度的主人翁精神,默默地奉献着光和热;应该抱着务实认真的工作态度,埋头苦干,敬业爱岗,勤勤恳恳地做好本职工作。做工作要勤奋和有责任心,因为勤奋,能够提高生产效率,如前人所说的多一份耕耘,多一份收获;而有了责任心,在工作中就会认真细致,避免出现差错。在以后的工作当中,我将不辜负领导的期望,更加尽心尽职,努力工作,并不断学习提升自己的工作技能,用实际行动为公司的发展尽自己的绵薄之力。自进公司工作至今,我并没有为公司做出了不起的大贡献,也没取得特别值得炫耀可喜的业绩,我只是尽量做好属于自己岗位上的工作,尽自己最大的努力的去完成每一次的指标,总结自己的经验,从经验中学习,向他人学习,尽量将自己的工作争取一次比一次做得更好,尽可能的提高工作效率,虽然如此,但我的付出得到了公司的认可,我深感无比的荣幸,我想公司这次评优活动也再次向每位员工传达与说明了只要有付出,只要脚踏实地的做好了属于自己的那份工作,就会有回报。这次能被评为优秀员工,我想这既是公司对我个人工作能力与成绩的肯定,也是对今后工作做得更好的一种鼓励。我也坚信,今后的工作一定会做得更好。大汉玉库的发展让我们成长,我们的共同努力让大汉玉库更加辉煌。英语比赛的获奖感言怎么写?英语感言(4) 英语比赛的获奖感言范文我荣幸地到北京参加第七届“星星火炬”全国少年儿童英语风采展示活动全国总决赛。“星星火炬”全国少年儿童英语风采展示决赛是由中国少年儿童文化艺术基金会、中国少年先锋队红领巾艺术团、中华文化合作与交流促进会、中国教育学会少年儿童校外教育分会等主办的。本次活动分英语才艺展示、英语口语展示两大项目进行。我参加的是英语才艺展示,节目是骄傲的孔雀,一个人同时扮演两个角色,孔雀和猴子。在比赛场上我能沉着表现,很自信的应对外教评委提出的问题,大胆的展示自己。这次比赛我获得了银奖。在与全国的优秀选手同台竞技,能取得这样的成绩,我很高兴!也很自豪!在这里,我首先要感谢爸爸妈妈、外公外婆,还有大姨大姨丈,如果没有他们给我支持,我就没有信心参赛;我更要感谢黄玉平老师,如果没有黄老师精心地选题和指导,我就不能获奖;我也要感谢oic慧学堂,如果不是oic慧学堂给我机遇,我还不知道这个世界上还有“星星火炬”全国少年儿童英语风采展示这个比赛;感谢一直在支持我,鼓励我的同学、朋友们。谢谢你们!英语比赛的获奖感言怎么写?英语大赛获奖感言英语作文初中毕业感想幼儿园英语毕业感言2017年大学同学毕业感言一句话中文英语版英语作文毕业感言初中毕业感言英语作文英语演讲比赛的获奖感言英语演讲比赛冠军的获奖感言英语比赛的获奖感言范文

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