Unit 1《Advertising》-Words and expressions课件1(58张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)

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Unit 1《Advertising》-Words and expressions课件1(58张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第1页
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Unit 1《Advertising》-Words and expressions课件1(58张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第2页
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Unit 1《Advertising》-Words and expressions课件1(58张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第3页
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Words and expressions I,Unit 1 Module 4,Module4,Unit 1 Advertising Words and Expressions (1),1.advertisement 1) n. 广告 television advertisement commercial advertisement 2) advertise vt./vi. 做广告,登广告 The company is advertising for typists in the newspaper. If you want to sell your product, you must advertise it. 3) advertiser n. 登广告者,广告客户,登广告招请,2 be/get used to (doing )sth. 习惯于做某事 be used to do sth. 被用来 used to do sth. 过去常常(强调现在不这样了) You used to drink, _ ?,usednt you (didnt you),1 Is that the small town you often refer to? Right, just the one where you know I _ for years.(以前工作过) 2 This is a woman who _ long hours and traveling extensively.(习惯于工作) 3 Cotton _ over 40% of the worlds textiles. (用来做) 4 Used she (Did she use) to go to school by bike? Yes, she_.,used to work,is used to working,is used to make,used to/did,3. share (vi./vt.)分享,分担, 公有 share (in ) sth with/among/between 那孩子和其他孩子一起分享玩具. The child shared his toy with other children. 为什么不和我们分担费用呢? Why dont you share the expenses among us? 那时我们俩公用一间小屋 We share a small room between us at that time. 好朋友应该同甘共苦. Good friends should share in joys and sorrows.,People often share their political views with their parents. 有相同的感情(或想法, 经历) The two friends shared everything-they had no secrets. 把自己的想法(经历或感情)告诉某人,3 persuasive (adj.) 能说服的;善于游说的; persuade (v.) persuade sb. (not) to do sth. persuade sb into doing sth. advise sb. to do sth. try to persuade sb to do sth,说服某人做,劝说某人做(未必成功),Alice trusts you; only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea. A. suggest B. advise C. tempt D. persuade,D,a persuasive manner 晓之以理的态度 persuasive arguments 有说服力的论据,4. promote (vt.) 1)宣传推销 如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗? Do you have any idea of how to promote this product? 2)促进,提升(常与to连用) be/get promoted be promoted from to 我们的老师已被提升为校长了。 Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 3)Promotion (n.)促销,促销手段,促进,提升,5.intend (vt.)打算;有的意图;打算,为设计 1) intend to do sth.,今天我打算读完这本书。 Today, I intend to finish reading this book.,2) intend sb. to do sth./be intended to do sth. 打算计划要某人做某事 这次实验目的是为了测试学生的方向感. This experiment is intended to test the students sense of direction.,3) intend +clause (should) do Mr Smith计划让他儿子出国深造. Mr Smith intends that his son ( should) go abroad for further study.,4) intend +sth+ as/for be +intended +as/for 我们打算把这篇新闻报道作为新生教材。 We intend this news report as a teaching material for freshmen. 这本书是为初学者编写的。 The book is intended for beginners.,6. claim (vt.) (根据权利)要求,认领,声称 (n.)(根据权利提出)要求,索赔, 对事物的权利,主张,A wallet has been found and can be claimed at the managers office. He claimed to have seen the Mona Lisa.,You are my sister, but that doesnt mean you have any claims on me.,I make no claim to understand modern art.,7.aware (adj.)(只做表语)知道的;意识到的 awareness (n.) 反义词 unaware 1) be aware of 作为一个老师, 我应该知道学生想得到什么? As a teacher, I should be very aware of what my Ss want from me. 2) be aware that/wh- 我很清楚实验的危险多大. Im aware how dangerous the experiment is.,8. what if 要是如何怎么办 even if 尽管 as if 好象(虚拟) only if 只有 if only 要是就好了(虚拟),1. She always talks to me _ she were my sister. 2. _ its quite late, well still have to stay a little longer until we finish our work. 3. _hes a cheat (骗子) ? And then I wondered why I did it.,as if,Even if,What if,4. _ a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room. 5. _ I knew her name.,If only,Only if,9.cure (vt./vi.) (1) (vt.)治愈, 治疗(常与of 连用) cure a disease/a patient cure sb/sth of sth 医生治好了老人的背痛. The doctor cured the old man of his backache. (2) (Cn.)治疗法, 治疗药, 对策 An effective cure for the common cold has not yet been found.,10. comment 议论,评论,解释 There was a lot of comment about his behavior. make comment(s) on/about She made helpful comments on my work. Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster? no comment 无可奉告,11. trick (n.)戏法,诡计 (vt.)欺骗诈骗 1) play a trick/tricks on sb.= make fun of sb. =make a fool of sb. =play a joke/jokes on sb. 2) trick sb. into sth. /doing sth. 那个淘气的学生经常捉弄同学. The naughty student often play tricks on their classmates. 卖主试图骗我买他的产品. The salesman tried to trick me into buying his products.,12.lead (vt./ vi.)带领, 引导 led, led, leading *lead sb. to sp. 导游把我们带到那座寺庙. Our guide led us to the temple. 你沿那条街走就可以到达车站. The street led you to the station.,*lead to 通向 导致 这桥直通那个小岛. This bridge leads to the island. 他的粗心导致了考试失败. His carelessness led to his failing in the exam.,lead sb to do 使某人,促使某人做某事 老师的话使他对近来的所作所为进行思考 The teachers words led him to think about what he had done recently . lead sb. in doing sth. 领导某人做某事 The party leads us in building our country. lead an army 指挥, 率领 lead a (happy/busy/quite/simple) life 过着(某种生活),13. commit (vt.) perform ( a crime, foolish act, etc.) 变形: committed,committing,commits 犯(错误), 干(坏事), commit a crime / suicide / murder 犯罪 / 自杀 / 杀人; A robbery was committed last night.,commit sb./oneself to sth./doing sth. 使某人自己不能不做某事(尤指自己)承担义务; 作出保证;承诺 The government has committed itself to improving health education. 政府承诺将改进健康教育.,14 place n. 地点; (第)位 v. 放置,安排 Dont place the bottle near the fire. 知识链接 give place to 让位于 in place 在原处; 合适的 in place of 取代 take the place of 取代 place an order for 订购,Great emphasis is placed on education. 教育受到高度重视。,15 issue n. 议题;发行; 一期 v. 发行,颁布 What issue are Linda and her husband arguing about now? Have you read the latest issue of the magazine? The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action.,The book, _ yesterday, is well received by the young. A issue B issued C issues D issuing,B,16 untrue 不真实的; 不忠诚的 His words are always untrue. She was untrue to her husband. untimely 不合时宜的 unsocial 不好交际的; 不合群的 unfold 打开,17 breath 气息; 呼吸 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 out of breath 气喘吁吁, 上气不接下气 take a breath 呼吸,18 original 起初的,原来的; 独创的; 原版的 n. 原作 Our original plan wasnt very good. He is an original composer. I cant read Shakespeare in the original. origin n. 起源; 出身( 复数),19 public n./ adj. 公众; 大众的 The museum is open to the public except on Monday. in public 当众; 在公共场所 the public 公众 public affairs 公众事务 public school 公立学校,21 campaign 战役; 活动 a campaign against nuclear weapons 反对核武器运动 the air campaign 空中战役 a presidential campaign 总统竞选活动,22. image 图象; 形象 Slowly an image began to appear on the screen. Personal image is very important in the music world. 在音乐界个人形象很重要。,23 service ( U/ C) 服务,帮助 (U)(服务业的)招待,服侍;使用(状况) The government aims to improve public services, especially education. 政府致力于改善公共事业,尤其是教育。 The ship will be taken out of service within two years. 那艘船将在两年之内不再使用。,at ones service 随时为某人服务的 be of service to sb 对某人有用 in service 当差; 在职; 在使用中 do/ offer a service for sb 为某人效劳,若你需要什么随时为你效劳. If you need anything, Im at your service.,1) The restaurant at the corner across the street gives_. A a good service B good services C good service D services good,C,2) -Good morning, Grand Hotel! -Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th. -_. A What can I do for you? B Just a minute, please. C Whats the matter? D At your service.,B,24 fall for sth 上的当; 对信以为真 fall for sb 爱上; 倾心于; 迷恋(某人) fall behind 落后 Its a pity that most people_ the advertisement and bought the goods it advertised. A fall for B fell into C have fallen for D have fallen into,C,Words and expressions II,Unit 1 0f Module 4,13 recommend (1) vt 推荐, 介绍 recommend sb sth / recommend sth to sb recommend sb for/ as Would you recommend a good dictionary _ me? I recommend her _ your secretary. He will recommend you _ the job.,to,as,for,(2)vt 劝,劝告,忠告 recommend doing sth recommend sb to do sth recommend that(should)+do 我劝你坐地铁去. I recommend going by subway. 医生劝他长期休养. The doctor recommended him to take a long rest. =The doctor recommended he take a long rest.,recommendation n (1)介绍, 介绍信 a letter of recommendation write sb a recommendation (2) 正式建议,提议 a (to sb.) (for/on/about sth.) The committee made recommendations to the board on teachers pay and conditions.,14 sales n 常用复数 销售额,销售量 sale 买卖, 销售, 大甩卖 a sale price 特价 a sale of summer clothes 夏季衣服大甩卖 for sale 出售的, 待售的 on sale 出售, 上市 He put his car up _. They sell eggs _today. _are up/ down this month.,for sale,on sale,Sales,15 convenient adj 方便的, 便利的, 合适的 sth be convenient for/to sb It is convenient for sb. to do sth 他家在车站附近, 是个方便的地方. His house is a convenient place, near the station. 这种洗碗机对主妇来说很方便. This dishwasher is very convenient for/to house wives. 我们六点见面,方便吗? Is it convenient for us to meet at 6?,be convenient for sth 靠近,The house is for several schools.,这座房子离几所学校都很近,convenience n.,at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候 for the convenience of为了方便某人,We have provided seats for the of our customers. Can you telephone me at your to arrange a meeting?,16. available adj. 可利用的, 可得到的 图书馆暑假期间可以使用吗? Is the library available during summer vacation? 只有一点钱可用于旅行了。 There is only a little money available for the trip. 这些衣服恐怕没你的尺寸了. These dresses are not available in your size, Im afraid.,17 various adj. She took the job for various reasons. vary v. 变化 variety n.各种各样,变化 a variety of / varieties of / various kinds of 各种各样的 There are a variety of / varieties of / various kinds of flowers in the garden. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great variety of goods.,18 particular :特定的,特别的,特殊的 He gave no particular reason. I still remember her particular way of smiling on that particular evening. be particular about /over sth. 挑剔的;难以满足的 她对她的穿着很挑剔. She is very particular about what she wears.,I like fruit and apples_. A. in particular B. particular C. particularly D. A or C,D,particularly/especially, specially,交通很差,特别是在市中心.,Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.,The ring was specially made for you.,这枚戒指是专门为你而做的.,19. determine (decide) 1. We havent determined the date for the meeting. 2.The determined that he would never cheat in the exam. 3.Have you determined when to go abroad? determine to do sth.=determine on/upon sth. 4. He determined to learn Greek. 5. He determined to start early. =He determined on/ upon an early start.,be determined to do sth. 决心决定做某事,I am determined to succeed.,Tom is working hard because he is determined to pass the exam.,20. appeal to:move the feeling; attract 鲜艳的颜色能够吸引小孩。 Bright colors appeal to small children. appeal to sb. for help 向某人恳求帮助 make an appeal to sb. for sth. to do sth. 为某事向某人发出呼吁,The police made an appeal to small children.,Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic.,.be concerned with 与有关,涉及; be concerned for/about 对担忧/担心 Her latest document (记录片) is concerned _youth unemployment(失业). He didnt seem in the least concerned _her safety. They were more concerned _ how the other women had dressed.,about /for,with,with,The meeting was concerned _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests(利益). A. with ; for B. with ; with C. for ; about D. about ; with,A,22 approach (1) n 方法, 途径, 道路 所有通往机场的路都被雪所覆盖. All the approaches to the airport were covered with snow. 他提出一个学习外语的新方法. He presents a new approach to foreign languages. (2) vi/vt 接近, 靠近 The time for graduation is approaching. His work is approaching perfection.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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