Unit 1《Advertising》-Word power课件1(16张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)

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Unit 1《Advertising》-Word power课件1(16张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第1页
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Unit 1《Advertising》-Word power课件1(16张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第3页
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gkxx精品课件,Unit 1 Advertising,Word power,gkxx精品课件,Li Yang - Crazy English,gkxx精品课件,Suppose you are Li Yang, and you wish to produce a new kind of electrical dictionary(电子词典), what preparations should you make in order to attract most customers?,Technology Market research(市场研究/调查) Advertisements ,Brain storming:,gkxx精品课件,Market research,sales/marketing department,consumers,market share,sales targets,market leader,high quality,sales figures,sales and marketing,gkxx精品课件,Market research,sales/marketing department,consumers,market share,sales targets,market leader,high quality,sales figures,sales and marketing,消费者,市场份额,销售目标,市场主导者,高质量,销售量,(产品)销售和市场营销,销售/营销部门,gkxx精品课件,Before a company starts making a new p_, they must collect and study information about what people want and need. So, they do m_. The boss of the company needs a lot of information about the s_ of the product. So, the s_, led by a sales/marketing manager, will present the information from their market research to the boss. The company can then choose the right product to produce, the one which is expected to be most popular with c_. One of the most important pieces of information is the m_ - the percentage of a market that the company has. Also important are the s_ - the amount which they think they will sell in a future period. If they want to become the m_, the company must ensure that their product is of h_. Once the product goes on the market, its s_ - the amount which has been sold - should be reported every day, so the company can check the progress of their product.,roduct,arket research,ales and marketing,ales/marketing department,onsumers,arket share,ales targets,arket leader,igh quality,ales figures,Practice:,gkxx精品课件,Challenge!,Pair work: Complete the dialogue between Mr. Carter and Ms Jones on page 7 in your textbook.,gkxx精品课件,Mr. Carter: Our new _ has been on the market for two weeks. What is its _ now? Ms Jones: We have about 15 per cent share of the market at the moment. The _ rose by 2 percent yesterday across the whole country. Mr. Carter: Thats quite encouraging. I think it might be because_ really like the design and _ of the product. I would like you to do some further _ about young peoples views on the product. The _ should also finish the report on the _ by next week. Ms Jones: Were doing it right now. Ill present it to you tomorrow morning. Mr. Carter: Thats great. If we want to be the _ in our field, we need to get as much information about _ as we can.,product,market share,sales figures,consumers,high quality,market research,sales/marketing department,sales target,market leader,sales and marketing,gkxx精品课件,When the new product is produced after the market research, we still need design some helpful, exciting and attractive advertisements so that the advertisements can help us excite the readers and attract more customers to buy the product.,Attention!,Question: Whats the relationship between these two different colored groups?,gkxx精品课件,More examples:,1.This book is of great help, that is to say, it is very _. 2. I dont think it has any use, that is to say, I think it is _. 3. The message is very valuable. That is to say, it is of great _. 4. The old man is in good health.-He is _. 5. Drunk drivers are a great danger to people on the road. that means they are _ drivers.,helpful,useful,value,healthy,dangerous,gkxx精品课件,Ways of forming adjectives:,Using suffixes (后缀),gkxx精品课件,Competition:,Work in groups and write down more words that are created this way. The group that has the most words wins the game!,Come on!,gkxx精品课件,Best Clothing Shop,Do you want _ (love) and _ (attract) clothing at low prices? Are you tired of wearing the same plain(素色的), _ (bore) outfits(服装) every day? Do you sometimes feel like your friends are trendier(更时髦的) than you are, and wear more _ (create) outfits? We can tell you where your friends found their _ (fantasy幻想) clothes. Best Clothing Shop has opened two new stores in the city centre. An _ (excite) film star look is now available to every teenager! Our shopping environment is _ (friend) and enjoyable. Our highly _ (compete) prices mean you dont have to be rich and _ (fame) to look great.,lovely,attractive,boring,creative,fantastic,exciting,friendly,competitive,famous,gkxx精品课件,Jeans, shirts and dresses are on sale now. If you are one of the first ten _ (luck) shoppers this weekend, you will receive a discount(折扣) card. So come this Saturday to one of our new stores to collect your free gift and start shopping at the place where you can find the clothes you have always wanted!,lucky,gkxx精品课件,1 commerce 2 health 3 hero 4 attraction 5 help 6 excitement 7 origin 8 danger,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Hidden word,Food and _ are quite important to our human beings.,h e a l t h y,h e r o i c,a t t r a c t i v e,h e l p f u l,e x c i t i n g,o r i g i n a l,d a n g e r o u s,clothing,Puzzle!,gkxx精品课件,Thanks!,Bye-bye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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