Module 6《War and Peace》Grammar课件1(23张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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Module 6 War and Peace,Language points,Saving Private Ryan,( P77, Books),Para1:,director : Steven Spielberg Characters: Captain John Miller -by Tom Hanks Private James Ryan -by Matt Damon,Para2-3: The story of the film: The US army sent a group of soliders into the French countryside to save a private called Ryan,whose three brothers have been killed almost at the same time.,Para4: Review : An anti-war film A story of courage and sacrifice; Message: We want peace; We dont want war.,Whats your oponion about the war? (use one sentence to describe) We hate war. We cant avoid the war. Sometimes we need wars. Wars bring people wound, poverty, and sacrifice. The aim of the war is to keep peace. If we demanded peace, wed have peace.,brainstorming:,Module 6 Language points,Sentences :,In september 1939, Britain _ _Germany after Germany_ Poland. 2. During the war, Germany_ many countries, _ 3. American soldiers _ _land at the most dangerous place, _ _Omaha Beach. 4.The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that US commanders_ _ _the invasion.,including France.,(passage1),declared war,on,invaded,occupied,attempted to,known as,thought about,abandoning,Sentences :,5.If they _ _the beach, they_ probably _ _killed. 6.The survivors lay on the beach, _ _ _.,.(passage2),7.The cemetery and memorial_ _ _ a cliff _the beach and the English Channel, _ _the boats attempted their landings.,.(passage3),had reached,would,have been,exhausted,and shocked,are situated on,overlooking,from where,Phrases:,1.向宣战; 2.作为而出名; 3.包括在内; 4.参加; 5.试图做; 6.考虑做; 7.取得突破; 8,以开始/结束 9.接起,救起;,1,declare war on 2,be known as 3, including sth.; / sth. included. 4,take part in 5,attempt to do 6, think about 7, make a breakthrough; 8, start/end as 9, pick up,10.远离的; 11.爬上; 12.离开,下(车/船); 13.和一起作战; 14.对的贡献; 15.坐落在; 16.(日/月)落下;,Phrases:,10, far away; 11,climb up; 12,get off; 13,fight with 14,(make a ) contribution to 15,be situated on/in/at / be located on/in/at 16,go down,Name of your presentation,New words-presentation:,1, 要求,命令; 2,宣布,声明; 3,侵占,占用; 4, 试图,努力做 5,抛弃,放弃; 6,谴责,责难; 7,侵略,涌入; 8,使疲惫, 使厌烦; 9,俯瞰,忽略;,1, demand; 2, declare; 3, occupy; 4, attempt; 5, abandon; 6, condemn 7, invade 8, weary 9,overlook,New words-practice:,1.He d_ that I go out at once. I demanded to see the president Obama . demand to do sth/that从句; be in demand; 需求大,受欢迎;,emanded,2.The painting was d_ to be a forgery (赝品). declare+名词/复合结构/that从句 declare sb./sth. to be 宣布为 declare for/against sb./sth. 声明支持/反对.,eclared,New words-practice:,3. She a_ to go on working but she could not. They made an attempt at escaping/to escape. attempt to do./ make an attempt at/to do 尝试做某事;,ttempted,4.The baby had been a_ by its poor parents. abandon oneself to. 陷入,沉湎于(某种情感);,bandoned,5. The bed seemed to o_most of the room. He was occupied in/with writing his novel. 他正忙于写他的小说。 occupy(sb.) in doing sth = (sb.)be occupied in/with sth;忙着做某事;,New words-practice:,ccupy,6. Germany i_ Poland in 1939,nvaded,Many tourists invade the city every summer.,invasion (n.) 侵略 invader (n.) 入侵者,7. She knew that the society would c_ her for leaving her children. condemn sb. for sth.; 因而责备某人 因判某人有罪 He was condemned for murder. Saddam was condemned to death. 萨达姆被宣判死刑。 condemn sb. to sth. 判处某人(某种刑罚),New words-practice:,ondemn,8. I w_ of listening to the boring lecture.,weary of sth= be weary of 对感到厌烦,earied,New words-practice:,9. We o_ the church from our house.,verlook,Its easy to overlook a mistake like that.,New words-analysis:,1, demand; 2, declare; 3, occupy; 4, attempt; 5, abandon; 6, condemn 7, invade 8, weary 9,overlook,-demand to do sth/that从句,-declare sb./sth. to be declare for/against sb./sth.,-attempt to do./ make an attempt at/to do,-(sb.)be occupied in/with sth;,abandon oneself to.,condemn sb. for sth,-invasion (n.)/ invader (n.),weary of sth= be weary of,Consolidationpractice:,1.Young children soon_ words when they Hear their adults use. Put forward to B. look forward to C. Turn up D. pick up 2.The Evening News comes at 7:00 Oclock and _ only thirty minutes. Keeps B. continues C. finishes D. Lasts 3.After a _ ride, the motorist finally got To the end. A.Wounded B. weary C. credible D. Tired,Language points,Consolidationpractice:,4.She _her husband and went away with All her money. Leave B. quitted C. opened D.Abandoned 5.When did the Romans _Britain? A.Advance B. invade C. improve D. Produce 6.He _his loyalty to the government. A. Declared for B. declared against C. Declared D. declared war on,Consolidationpractice:,7. I wish I _ to visit our English teacher With you yesterday. A.had gone B. might go C. Were able to go D. would go 8. If only I _ to my parents advice! A. Listening B.listen C. Am listening D.had listened 9._ your letter, I would have started off Two days ago. If I received B.should I receive C. If I could have received D. had I received,grammar,Consolidationpractice:,10. It is strange that he _ so. Thinks B.think C.thought D.will think 11.The doctor insisted that she_ in bed, But her smiling face suggested there _ Nothing serious. A. stay, was; B. stayed, was; C.Would stay; be D.stay; be,HOMEWORK,1,书面作业:课文重点句子。 2,finish the paper of language points.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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