Module 5《Cloning》introduction,reading and voca课件6(12张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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Module 5《Cloning》introduction,reading and voca课件6(12张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第1页
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Module 5《Cloning》introduction,reading and voca课件6(12张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第3页
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Module 5 Cloning,It is written by Marry Shelly in1818.It is considered to be the first real science fiction. Frankenstein is the name of a mad scientis.He uses bones from dead bodies to create a creature and gives life to it,From Frankenstein (1931),Mary Shelly,交,Read the new words,chase disgust emotion fiancee vein contrast nightmare,追逐,追赶,使厌烦,使恶心,感情,情绪,未婚妻,血管,静脉,对照,噩梦,contrast, fiancee, disgust, chase,nightmare 1._ means to quickly follow someone 2._ refers to a woman who is going to marry 3._ means a terrible dream. 4._ means strong feeling of dislike. 5._ refers to comparison of unlike things to show the differences.,Chase,Fiancee,Nightmare,Disgust,Contrast,Read part1 and answer the questions: 1.Who creates a monster? 2.What does the monster look like?,Frankenstein creates a monster.,The monster looks strong ,large but ugly.,3.Why does he murder 3 people? 4.What happens to the monster at the end of the story?,He disappears into the ice and snow to end his life.,Because Frankenstein refuses to create a wife for him.,Part2: 1.When was the monster finished? 2.Try to describe monster with the following words in the box. huge human being lip monster terrifying ugly,It was on a cold November night that the monster was finished.,e.g. The monster resembles a huge human being, strong and very ugly, with wrinkled skin, yellow eyes and black lips, which makes him very terrifying.,3.How did Frankenstein feel on seeing the monster? 4.What did Frankenstein think of the monster?,He felt horrified and disgusted .He also regretted having creating the monster,When he was unfinished ,he was only ugly then,but now he became a nightmare.,Main idea of the passage,Which sentence below can best describe the main idea of the passage (Part Two)?,The monster was the ugliest thing ever seen in the world. Frankenstein regretted having created the monster very much. The monster was so ugly and terrifying that Frankenstein regretted having created him.,Are you for cloning or against cloning? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing?,for cloning,Key Sentences Ex3 on P61,against cloning,So many mes,Thank You!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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