Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Introduction Reading and Vocabulary课件1(15张PPT)(外研版必修4)

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Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Introduction Reading and Vocabulary课件1(15张PPT)(外研版必修4)_第1页
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Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Introduction Reading and Vocabulary课件1(15张PPT)(外研版必修4)_第3页
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Period 1,Module 4 A Trip Along the Three Gorges Introduction Reading & Vocabulary,Introduction-1 Brainstorm(2ms) What can you see from the picture?,cliff,river,gorge,wood,Introduction-2. Vocabulary (4ms) Fill in the blanks.,A _ is the low ground between the sides of mountains. 2. A _ is a large area of flat low ground. 3. The _ is the area where the land meets the sea or a lake. 4. A _ is the side of the mountain. 5. _ are the steep sides of mountains at the edge of a river or the sea. 6. A _ is the top of a mountain. 7. A _ is an area of water surrounded by land. 8. A _ is a small forest. 9. A _ is a large hole in a cliff or a mountain. 10. A _ is a large area of flat high ground,plain,shore,slope,Cliffs,peak,lake,wood,cave,plateau,valley,Introduction-3. Matching (4ms),lake,cliff,valley,wood,cliff lake wood valley,cave,shore,slope,plain,cave shore slope plain,Introduction - 4. Quiz(3ms) Do the quiz about the Yangtze River.,The Three Gorges,(1) The Yangtze River is the _ river in the world. (a) longest (b) second longest (c) third longest (2) It flows from the Himalayas in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the _. (a) south (b) north (c) east (3)The worlds biggest dam was opened on the Yangtze River in _. (a) 2001 (b) 2003 (c) 2005,Post-reading-1. Discussion (3ms),Imagine youre going on trip through the Three Gorges . Which of these topics will you talk about: the boat the food life along the river the scenery the weather,Reading & Vocabulary -2. Scanning (5ms) Find out the answers to the following questions.,Who took a trip along the Three Gorges? Where were they from? Where did they start their trip? When did they start their trip?,Peter Hessler and his colleague.,They were from America.,The town of Fuling.,On a beautiful afternoon.,Reading & Vocabulary -3. Skimming (5ms) Complete the statements about the writers journey.,Peter and his friend went downstream _. (a) to see the dam (b) to see the Three gorges (c) to get to Fuling He choose the Jiangyou boat because _. (a) it was crowded (b) it didnt stop at temples (c) it didnt usually carry foreigners. When they started the trip it was _. (a) sunny (b)cold (c) evening,4. When the boat went through the first gorge. Peter and his friend _. (a) took lots of photographs (b) spent most of the time on deck (c) were asleep 5. When they reached the site of the dam _ came to look. (a) everyone (b) no one (c) only the foreigners 6. Peter was impressed by the Yangtze Rivers sense of _. (a) power (b) history (c) danger,Reading & Vocabulary -4. Filling (5ms) Fill in the blanks.,during the Spring Festival,1997,Peter Hessler and his colleague,boat,the sun setting,slept through it,Xiang River, home of Qu Yuan rocks, streams, and hills,flag blowing, a sign, took pictures and pointed at the site,Reading & Vocabulary -5. Filling (5ms) Complete the definitions of the words in the box.,1 A _ is the place where sth is being built. 2 To _ means to buy and sell things. 3. If you _ somewhere you go there quickly. 4. _ is the opposite of near. 5. _ are things you can buy or sell. 6. A _ is a very old story which is probably not true. 7. The sun rises in the east and _ in the west. 8. A _ is someone who writes poems. 9. A _ is someone who works with you. 10. _ is a plant which grows quickly and is used to make furniture.,construction site,trade,rush,Distant,Goods,legend,sets,poet,colleague,Bamboo,Reading & Vocabulary -6. Filling (5ms) Match the words with their definition.,a place where boats load and unload a simple boat made of pieces of wood tied together a Buddhist temple a change of route a floor on a boat marks or signs used in writing to use or take advantage of,dock,raft,pagoda,detour,deck,characters,exploit,characters deck dock detour exploit pagoda raft,Homework,Try to find some information about the Three Gorges on Internet.Then show it to the classmates tomorrow.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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