Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》listening,speaking&writing 课件(14张ppt)(外研版必修1)

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Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》listening,speaking&writing 课件(14张ppt)(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》listening,speaking&writing 课件(14张ppt)(外研版必修1)_第3页
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Module 4 Listening ,speaking and writing,Look at the words and guess what the passage is about,neighborhood committee organization join club unemployed survey information household population occupation professional manual worker,1.The passage is about a neighborhood group 2. A person lives in the neighborhood,Listen to the passage,Were your predictions about the passage correct?,I: Mr. Yang, you are from Nanchang , are not you? Am I right in thinking that you have lived here all you life? Y: Yes, I was born in this street. I: Really! And you work for an organization called“ the neighborhood committee”, is that right? Y: yes, I have worked for it for four years now. It s been very interesting. I: We do not have these organizations in France. What kind of work does the committee do? Y: A great many things . Our job is to look after the neighborhood. I: Can you give us some examples?,Y: Yes umm, for example, we have started a holiday club for children . A lot of children have joined it. It is done very well. I: Yes, we have that kind of thing in France. Y: And we have begun a neighborhood watch, where people watch the houses and streets. It has been very successful, so far. The streets are safer as a result. I: Congratulations!,Complete the chart,Number of household 850 Total population Number of professional people 322 Number of office workers Number of manual workers Number of shop workers 183 Number of adults in employment Number of students 280,2.800,517,378,1.400,I: You have just completed a survey of the neighborhood, have not you? Y: Yes, it has been fascinating. In the past we did not know much about the people who live in our area. Now we have a lot more information. I:I d be interested to hear some of the figures. Y: Well, there are 850 households. I: So it is quite a small area. Y:Yes it is the total population is 2800.,I:2800. Have you collected any information about occupations? Y: Yes, we have got 322 professional people, teachers, etc. There are 517 office worker,378 people in manual work and 280 students. There are 183 people working in local shops like the butcher s and the greengrocer s. I: I see. What about the number of adults in employment? Y: We make it 1400. We have certainly done our best to help people find employment. I: I am sure you have!,Talk about the neighborhood in your area,What do you think about the committee? How have they help people? Would you like to be on the committee when you are older? What have you done to help in your neighborhood?,Pronunciation Listen to this part. Underline the stressed words in each sentence. I: Mr Yang , you are from Nanchang, are not you? And you have lived here all your life, is that right? Y: Yes, I was born in this street. I: Really! And you work for an organization called“ the neighborhood committee”, is that right? Y:Yes, I have worked for it for four years now. It has been very interesting.,I: Mr. Yang , you are from Nanchang, are not you? And you have lived here all your life, is that right? Y: Yes, I was born in this street. I: Really! And you work for an organization called“ the neighborhood committee”, is that right? Y: Yes, I have worked for it for four years now. It has been very interesting,Everyday English,Choose the correct answers according to the listening passage in Listening and vocabulary activity 2 1.Am I right thinking(that)? Means_ A. Is it true that.? B. I believe that. 2. A great many things means_ A . A lot of things B. great things 3. To do well means _ A. to be successful B. to be healthy 4.As a result means _. A. because of this B. We have had good results 5. Congratulations! Means_? A. You have done something very good B. Very interesting,A,A,A,A,A,6.It is fascinating means_ A. It is strange B. It is very interesting 7. We make it (1,400)means_ A. We will make (1,400)things B. We think the answer is (1,400 ),B,A,Writing: Group work: Look at the way the words and and but are used in a lively city. Complete the paragraph P33.,Homework: 1work in pairs to retell Xiamen; 2find out some phrases or sentences that they do not understand.; 3preview Grammar 1 and 2.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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