Module 2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》Listening,Spenking and Writin课件1(11张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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Module 2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》Listening,Spenking and Writin课件1(11张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第1页
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Module 2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》Listening,Spenking and Writin课件1(11张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第3页
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gkxx精品课件,Unit 2 The Environment,Welcome to the unit,gkxx精品课件,Welcome to the unit,Unit2 The Environment,gkxx精品课件,environment,peaceful,clean,healthy,green,beautiful,Why is the earth crying ?,environmental problems,gkxx精品课件,Earth,rubbish,smoke,deforestation,forest fire,standstorm,water pollution,gkxx精品课件,Rubbish,gkxx精品课件,1.What kind of rubbish do you usually find? 2.What effect does rubbish have on our daily life? 3.What has caused so much rubbish? How can we solve this problem?,gkxx精品课件,Make the environment ugly, dirty and even dangerous. Cause diseases.,Throw rubbish in the streets or in nature. Buy products that use too much packaging(包装).,gkxx精品课件,Throw waste in rubbish bins. Buy products that use less packaging. Recycle as much as possible.,gkxx精品课件,Air pollution causes more than 2.7 million deaths in the world every day.,1.Where does smoke come from? 2.Suppose the factory is in your neighborhood, how do you think the smoke will affect you? 3.Is there any way to deal with air pollution?,smoke,gkxx精品课件,Make people get sick or even die. Make the environment dirty. Cause acid rain (酸雨).,Factories, power stations(发电站), cars, air conditioners give off waste gas. Burn coal and oil.,gkxx精品课件,The harmful smoke should be made harmless before it goes into the air. Ride bikes more. Limit the number of cars./Make cars that dont pollute the air.,gkxx精品课件,deforestation,gkxx精品课件,1.What can you see in the picture?,2.What will happen if we continue cutting down so many trees?,gkxx精品课件,Desertification 沙漠化,gkxx精品课件,Deforestation,Desertification,gkxx精品课件,Cause bad weather (sandstorm). Lands or mountains turn into desert. Cause starvation(饥饿).,Rich surface soil will be blown away by wind or washed by rain down to hills and into rivers.,gkxx精品课件,Use less wood. Plant more new trees. Try to make desert areas become green land.,What can we do to prevent this from happening?,gkxx精品课件,Forest fire,gkxx精品课件,1.What might be the reasons for the terrible forest fire in the picture? 2.Who should take the responsibility(责任) of taking good care of the forest? 3.Do you think the forest plays an important part in balancing nature?,gkxx精品课件,Sandstorm,gkxx精品课件,1.Have you ever experienced any sandstorms or have you ever seen some on TV?,2.What measures has our government taken to better our environment?,gkxx精品课件,Water pollution,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,Water pollution,It is estimated that over 1 billion peopleabout one fifth of the worlds population dont have enough safe drinking water.,gkxx精品课件,Many people dont have enough clean drinking water. Make people get sick.,Factories pour waste into rivers/ lakes/seas. People throw rubbish into rivers/lakes.,gkxx精品课件,Use new technology to make sure that factories are green and clean. Clean the water in the rivers/lakes. Save water in our daily life.,gkxx精品课件,Which problems are caused by nature?,rubbish,smoke,deforestation,forest fire,sandstorm,water pollution,forest fire,sandstorm,gkxx精品课件,earthquake,Tsunami海啸 Seaquake海震,Typhoon台风 Hurricane飓风,Flood Drought 干旱,Snowslide 雪崩,Tornado龙卷风,Volcano eruption,Natural disasters,gkxx精品课件,earthquake,gkxx精品课件,On July 28th, 1976, at 3:42 a.m. local time, a powerful earthquake took place in northeastern China about 95 miles east of Beijing near Tang Shan, an industrial city of about 1 million people.,More about Tang Shan earthquake,gkxx精品课件,Many eye witnesses said they saw a bright flash across the sky which was followed by a deafening roar just before the shaking began.,gkxx精品课件,Remains of Pompeii,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,What caused the destruction of the city of Pompeii?,Mount Vesuvius erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside. All the people in Pompeii were buried alive, and so was the city.,gkxx精品课件,typhoon hurricane tornado,gkxx精品课件,snow slide,gkxx精品课件,flood and drought,gkxx精品课件,tsunami,gkxx精品课件,Before tsunami,After tsunami,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,El Nino,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,environment 2. debate 3. Preserve 4. industry preservation industrial 5. atmosphere 6. pollute pollution 7. in addition 8. obvious 9. approach 10. benefit beneficial,gkxx精品课件,Global warming,Explosion爆炸 of mines,war,Radiation射线,starvation,Factitious (人为的) damage,Leak泄漏 of gas/oil/ nuclear,gkxx精品课件,Remains of Loulan,gkxx精品课件,What caused the city of Loulan to disappear?,It was gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.,gkxx精品课件,Smoke from the factories and cars,Suppose this factory is in your neighbourhood, how do you think the smoke will affect you?,Air pollution causes more than 2.7 million deaths in the world every day.,gkxx精品课件,Who should take the responsibility of taking care of the forest? why?,Do you think the forest plays an important part in balancing nature?,Trees be cut down and soil be washed away,gkxx精品课件,How do you feel when you see piles of rubbish like this?,In your daily life, how do people deal with everyday rubbish?,Do you think rubbish is a big problem for the environment?,gkxx精品课件,Waste water from factories and cities,Who should be blamed for this?,If you were in charge of the factory, how would you deal with it?,gkxx精品课件,It is estimated that over 1 billion peopleabout one fifth of the worlds population dont have enough safe drinking water.,估计,gkxx精品课件,Almost 800 million people in the world do not have enough to eat.,starvation,gkxx精品课件,war,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,用钢筋混凝土封起来的曾经发生核泄露的切尔诺贝利核电站4号机组,1986年4月26日,前苏联(现乌克兰境内)的切尔诺贝利核电站4号机组发生爆炸,8吨多强辐射物质倾泻而出,使5万多平方公里的土地受到污染,320多万人遭受核辐射的侵害。,Leak of nuclear核泄漏,gkxx精品课件,Leak of oil,gkxx精品课件,April 22nd,What can we do to solve the problem?,gkxx精品课件,As a student, what can you do to reduce pollution and protect our environment? Discuss with your partners and write down the things you can do. Divide the class into two groups. The group which has more ideas will be the winner.,Competition,gkxx精品课件,GROUP A:,GROUP B:,gkxx精品课件,rubbish,plate,basket,clean,gkxx精品课件,gkxx精品课件,Pass laws,Plant trees,April 22nd,Earthday,Control sand,What can we do?,gkxx精品课件,Please save the earth.,gkxx精品课件,Language points:, pron.,我有几本中国食谱,如果你想看的话可以借一本给你。,Ive got a few books on Chinese food. You can borrow one if you like.,如果你坐火车,你会有一次舒服的旅行,不过一定要坐快车。,If you go by train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get a fast one.,train,a book,gkxx精品课件,请给办公室每人准备一本,再给来访者额外准备一些。,Would you make a copy for everybody in the office and a few extra ones for the visitors.,copies,-你想要哪块蛋糕? -前面的那块。,“Which cake would you like?“ “The one at the front.“,cake,gkxx精品课件,Note:,one表示承接前面已出现过的同类可数名词,承接同一个东西时用it. one只能代替单数可数名词,复数形式为ones,表泛指。That可代替单数可数名词和不可数名词,复数形式为those,表特指,通常有后置定语。 Eg. 1.-Do you have a camera? -No, but my father has one. He bought it a week ago. 2.The air of a suburb is cleaner than that of a city.,gkxx精品课件,高考链接,gkxx精品课件,高考链接,6. I prefer a flat in Inverness to _ in Perth, because I want to live near my Mons. A. one B. that C. it D. this,gkxx精品课件,高考链接,7.Weve been looking at houses but havent found _ we like yet. A. one B. ones C. it D. them 8.I knew _ John Lennon, but not _ famous one. A. /; a B. a; the C. /; the D. the; a,gkxx精品课件,2. man: U the human race.人类。(without the article the or a),人类比最聪明的机器人还要智慧得多。,Man is still far more intelligent than the cleverest robot.,人类正在迅速地毁灭自然。,Man is rapidly destroying the Earth.,这是人类所知道的最危险的物质之一。,This is one of the most dangerous substances known to man。,gkxx精品课件,高考链接,While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made _ discovery which complete changed _ mans understanding of colour. A. a;/ B. a; the C./; the D. the; a,gkxx精品课件,Write down what you will do to protect our environment. Exchange your ideas with your classmates.,Homework,gkxx精品课件,Good-bye,Thank you,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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