Module 2《A Job Worth Doing》课件2(77张PPT)(外研版必修5)

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Module 2 A Job Worth Doing,基础落实,.高频单词思忆,1.The boys parents were glad to see his (令人满意的) result of the final exam. 2.Most of the relief work was done by (志愿者). 3.He (提供) to lend me his new bicycle but I refused, for I didnt want to trouble him.,satisfying,volunteers,offered,4.There was a (圆形的) table in the middle of the room. 5.Do you still remember our (相遇; 邂逅) on campus last summer? 6.The mothers behavior has a (深刻 的,极大的) impact on the development of the children. 7.I (申请) to four universities and was accepted by all of them.,circular,encounter,profound,applied,8.This is a project that (需要) a great deal of money. 9.More than half the staff are (临 时的). 10.The two managers have signed the (合同) after a fierce discussion.,requires,temporary,contract,1. particular尤其;特别be particular 挑剔Im not 我不在意;我 不管 2. theory理论上;从理论上来说 practice 实际上;实践中Practice perfect.熟能 生巧。 3. average平均 average高于/低 于平均水平average 算出的平均数 4. .for granted以为理所当然take for granted that.以为理所当然,.重点短语再现,in,about,particular,in,in,makes,on,above/below,out,take,it,5.have an effect 对有影响 and effect因果come /take effect生效 .into effect实施计划 6.take notice 注意到 to ones notice引起某人的注意 sb.s notice 没有被某人注意到 response 作为的回应 a response to对做出反应a of responsibility责任感,on,cause,into,put/bring,of,come,escape,to,make,sense,8.take 站好位置以备take 欺骗take 拿走 9. .condition处于状况 condition that 条件是on condition决不可能 10.week ,week 一周又一周;接连几个星期 day day日复一日,up,away,in,in,on,no,in,out,by,1.Life is hard at high altitude, and the mountains make communications difficult. 在海拔较高的地区生活是很艰难的,山脉使得 交流也很困难。 make+O.+Oc.的复合结构 你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗?,.典型句式运用,考点提炼,句子仿造,Can you make yourself understood in English?,2.One road in particular,which goes north from La Paz,is considered the most dangerous road in the world. 尤其是那条从拉巴斯通向北方的路,被认为是世界上最危险的路。 which 引导的非限制性定语从句 他迷了路, 这使他耽搁了很久。,考点提炼,句子仿造,He lost his way, which delayed him a long,time.,3.Although there is not a lot of traffic, on average, one vehicle comes off the road every two weeks. 尽管交通量不大,但平均每两周就有一辆车驶出公 路。 although引导让步状语从句;短语 every two weeks每两周 尽管我的叔叔年龄大了,但是他在夏天 每两天去海里游泳一次。,考点提炼,句子仿造,Although my uncle is old, he goes to swim,in the sea every other day in summer.,4.Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand. 每天早上,他手里拿着一个巨大的圆形木板爬上那 个拐弯处指挥交通。 with的复合结构 那位著名歌手出现在舞台上,手里拿着麦 克风。,考点提炼,句子仿造,The famous singer appeared on the stage,with a microphone in his hand.,5.But often they just pass by,taking the human traffic signal for granted. 但经常他们只是从他身边驶过,把人体交通标志看 作理所当然的事情。 v.-ing短语作状语表示伴随 他一边沿街快跑,一边不时地回头看。,考点提炼,句子仿造,He ran fast along the street, looking back,over his shoulder now and then.,导练互动,1.offer vt. & n.提供;出价,开价;vi.(主动) 提出(愿意做某事) This person has to do a joband may not be paid for doing it. 这个人被提供给一份工作,但是可能不付给薪水。 (回归课本P12) 观察思考 The teacher offered a computer to his daughter as a present for her wedding. 这位老师给他的女儿一台电脑当作结婚礼物。,重点单词,offered,He offered to lend me some books. 他表示要借给我几本书。 He offered 4,000 for the car. 他出价4 000英镑买这辆汽车。 You cant just turn down offers of work like that. 人家给你工作,你不能就那样一一谢绝呀。,归纳拓展 offer后可接双宾语,但不接动名词作宾语。 offer sb.sth.=offer sb.提供给某人某物 offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 offer sb.some money for sth.出价买某物 offer sb.sth.for some money要价卖某物 accept/refuse/turn down an offer接受/拒绝/谢 绝好意 make an offer of提议,提供,易混辨异 offer/provide/supply (1)offer提供,侧重主动给予,多指具体的事物。 多用于:offer sb. sth.或offer sth. to sb.。 (2)provide供应,供给,表示事先准备好必需品来 “供应”。一般用于:provide sth. for sb.与 provide sb. with sth.。 (3)supply补给,供给,提供,只用于具体事物,侧 重补充不足的人员或物品,有时可以与provide互换。 经常用于:supply sth. to sb.或supply sb. with sth.。,活学活用 It began to rain, so I her my umbrella, but to my surprise, she refused to take it. A.supplied B.provided C.offered D.afforded 解析 根据句中的.but to my surprise, she refused to take it可以推知是“主动提供”,即C 项正确。,C, v.指导;指引;导引;adj.笔直的;直接的;adv.直接;径直;亲自 Timoteo stands on the bend and the traffic. 铁穆特欧站在那个转弯处指挥交通。(回归课本P13) 观察思考 The headteacher is directing his students to do a complete cleaning. 班主任正在指导他的学生打扫卫生。,directs,The general directed that all his men (should) attack. 将军命令部队进攻。 I came here directly I got your message. 一接到你的消息我就来这儿了。 Which is the most direct way to Xian? 哪条是去西安最直接/最近的路?,归纳拓展 director n.导演;主任 direction n.方向;方位;指挥 directory n.姓名地址录;电话簿 directly adv.直接地;立即;conj.(=the moment=as soon as)立刻;一就 direct/show sb. to sp.为某人指去的路 direct sth. to sb.把(信件等)寄至/交予某人 in a direct line成一条直线 in the direction of朝方向 in every (all) direction(s)朝四面八方,活学活用 Excuse me, sir.Can you me to the post office? A.approach C.carry D.tell 解析 direct sb. to sp.指引某人到某地。若用 tell则应用“Can you tell me the way to sp.?”。,B,3.apply vt. & vi.申请;应用;适用 Now think of some more questions to ask people for these jobs. 现在想出更多的问题来问申请这些工作的人们。 (回归课本P15) 观察思考 I have applied to go abroad for further study. 我已经申请出国深造了。 The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶规则适用于每一个人。 You would pass your exams if you applied yourself. 努力学习你就会通过考试。,applying,归纳拓展 apply作“向某人或某公司申请”解时后面跟to,如 果申请某个职位或工作用for。 application n.请求;申请;应用 be applied to适用于,应用于;施加于;用来表 示;与接触 apply for sth.申请;请求;接洽 apply to sth./sb.适用于某物/某人 apply把运用于 apply oneself to sth./to doing sth.致力 于;集中精力做某事,活学活用 (1)He decided to for a position in the publishing house after he had graduated from university. A.offer B.get C.find D.apply 解析 apply for a position申请一份工作;B、 C项表示该含义时,直接加a position即可;A项 意思不符合句子意思。 (2)New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process.,新技术正在被应用于几乎每一个工业过程。,D,4.requirev.需要;要求;命令;坚持(多用被动) 观察思考 It is a matter that requires very careful handling. 这件事情需要慎重处理。 All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。 The director required that we should work all night. 主任要求我们通宵工作。 These books are required reading. 这些书是指定读物。 What do you require of me?你对我有何要求?,归纳拓展 require后接从句时,从句中用“should+动词原形” 的虚拟语气,should可以省略。 require sth.(of sb.) require do sth. require that sb.(should) do require want need,要求某人某事,doing,(用主动形式表被动)需要做 (或用to be done代替doing),要求某人干某事,活学活用 It is in the regulations that you other people the password of your e-mail account. A.required;not tell B.hoped;not tell C.required;not to tell D.hoped;not to tell 解析 句意为:规则中要求你不能把电子邮箱的密 码告诉别人。require后接从句时,从句中用should 加动词原形的虚拟语气,should可以省略。,A,5.demand n. 需求,需要 But there will also be a rise in the for health care professionals. 而对健康护理专家的需求也将会增加。 (回归课本P19) 观察思考 Some citizens demand to have a talk with the mayor. 一些市民要求与市长谈一谈。 Protestors went on hunger strike to demand that all political prisoners(should)be freed. 抗议者绝食示威,要求释放所有政治犯。 His records are always in demand. 他的唱片一直很畅销。,demand,归纳拓展 demand后接不定式,不能接动名词;被要求的人作 为宾语时,用of或from引出;跟从句时,从句谓语动 词用should加动词原形,should可省略。 demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand sth. of/from sb.向某人要求某事 make a demand提要求 make demands on要求 in great demand急需 meet ones demand满足某人的要求,易混辨异 demand/request/require/ask 四者都含有“要求,请求”的意思。 (1)demand一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持 不让对方拒绝的要求。 She demanded an immediate explanation. 她强烈要求立即作出解释。 (2)request是正式用词,指非常正式、有礼貌地请 求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。 They made a request for further aid. 他们要求再给一些帮助。,(3)require强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而 提出的要求。 The wearing of seat belts is required by law. 法律规定必须系安全带。 (4)ask属普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请求,长、 晚辈、上下级之间都可使用。 She asked that she should be kept informed. 她要求继续向她汇报有关情况。,活学活用 (1)He whether the articles exhibited at the back of the department store were for sale. A.demanded B.asked C.required D.requested 解析 由句意知是“询问”,只有ask符合此意, 所以选B项。,B,(2)A wellwritten composition a good choice of words and clear organization. A.receives B.takes C.demands D.calls 解析 句意为:一篇好的作文要求好的词汇选择和清晰的组织思路。demand要求,需要;D项变为calls for就正确了。,C,6.suffer vt.遭受;经历;忍受;vi.受损害;受 痛苦 14 million Americans from speech or language problems, and six million of them are under the age of 18. 一千四百万美国人遭受说话和语言障碍,其中六百 万不足18岁。 (回归课本P19),suffer,观察思考 The car suffered severe damage in the accident. 汽车在事故中受到严重损坏。 At least, he died suddenly and didnt suffer. 起码他死的很突然,没有遭受痛苦。 If you choose to ignore the rules,youll have to suffer the consequences. 如果你决定不理会这些规则,你将不得不承担后果。 He experienced all the sufferings during the war. 在战争期间,他经历了所有的苦难。,归纳拓展 suffer the consequences承担后果;受到惩罚 suffer a(n) defeat/damage/injury遭受失败/损坏/ 伤痛 suffer for.因而吃苦头 suffer from.患病 注意 当suffer后接具体的疾病、自然灾害、战争 等带来的苦难或疾苦时,经常用suffer from。当宾 语为pain, loss, punishment, wrong, discourage- ment, disappointment时,suffer用作及物动词。,活学活用 The old lady great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident. A.took B.suffered C.suffered from D.stood 解析 表示“遭受某种不幸、痛苦”时,suffer用 作及物动词;当表示“变坏,变差,变糟”时只用 作不及物动词。,B,7.take up站好位置以备;拿起;接受;开始;占据(时间、空间等) .,Timoteo his place on the bend and directs the traffic. 在路的拐弯处铁穆特欧站好自己的位置,开始指挥 来往的车辆。 (回归课本P13) 观察思考 The writing of the paper took up the whole morning. 写这篇论文用了一个上午的时间。 He took up drawing at the age of five. 他五岁起开始绘画。,takes up,重点短语与句型,Are you going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing? 一周内不争吵,你敢接受这一挑战吗? 归纳拓展 take off(飞机)起飞;(事业)成功;脱下(衣物) take on 呈现 take over 接管 take away 带走;拿走 take in 欺骗;吸入 take it easy 别着急;慢慢来 take your time 慢慢来;不着急,活学活用 To keep healthy, most retired old people jogging as a regular form of exercise. A.take up B.carry out C.hold out D.make up 解析 take up开始从事/做;carry out执行; hold out坚持;伸出;make up编造;化妆。,A, response to作为对的回应(to为介词) Im writing your advertisement for a temporary position as a waiter. 我写信是对你们广告上的一个作为侍者的临时的职 位的回复。 (回归课本P18) 观察思考 The film star made no response to the question asked by that reporter. 这位电影明星对那个记者的问题未作回答。 His cool response suggested that he didnt like the idea. 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意。,in response to,The government has responded to pressure and dropped the proposal. 政府已在压力下作出回应并放弃了这一建议。 归纳拓展 make no/little/some response to.对没有/ 很少/有些反应 make a (quick) response to.对作出(迅 速)回应 respond to回答,回应 be responsible to/for sb./sth.对某人/某事负责 take the responsibility for/of doing sth.负起 做某事的责任,易混辨异 answer/reply/respond 三者都含有“回答”的意思。 (1)answer是常用词,可指“口头,书面”,甚至用 “行动”回答。表示“去开门、接电话等”用 answer。 I knocked the door but no one answered it. 我敲了门,但是无人应答。 (2)reply比answer正式。reply后接直接宾语、that 从句时不加to,其他情况下加to后再接宾语。 I sent in my application,and the university replied immediately. 我把申请书交上去了,大学方面立即给了答复。,(3)respond系正式用语,指“对号召(职责、请求等) 作出自发性的适当反应”。 The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. 政府的反应是今后禁止一切示威活动。,活学活用 He made no response the plan, which is considered to be agreement. A.for C.on 解析 make no response to sth.没有对作出 回应,是习惯搭配短语。,B,9.Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand.每天早 上,他手里拿着一个巨大的圆形木板爬上拐弯处指 挥交通。 句式分析 本句中的“with a large circular board in his hand”是“with+O.+Oc.”的复合结构。 With so many things to do,I will have another tiring day. 有那么多事要做,我将会再过一个令人疲倦的一天。 The teacher came in,with the test papers under his arm. 老师胳膊底下夹着试卷进了教室。,归纳拓展 “with+宾语+宾补”的复合结构,通常有以下几种 形式: (1)“with+宾语+adj.(宾补)”在句中作状语。 He likes to sleep with the window open. (2)“with+宾语+adv.(宾补)”在句中作状语。 With her son away from home,she was worried. (3)“with+宾语+介词短语(宾补)”在句中作状语。 She came in with a baby in her arms. (4)“with+宾语+现在分词(宾补)”在句中作状语。 With a local guide leading the way,we got there easily.,(5)“with+宾语+过去分词(宾补)”在句中作状语。 With the problem solved,we went on smoothly. (6)“with+宾语+不定式(宾补)”在句中作状语。 With her husband to help her,she worked it out. (7)“with+宾语+介词短语(宾补)”在句中作定语。 The girl with a bag on her back went happily to school.,活学活用 (1)My brother is used to doing his homework . the radio on B.with the radio on C.with on the radio D.because the radio on 解析 “with the radio on”是with的复合结构, 作伴随状语。,B,(2)I had to stay at home with so much homework . be done have done do be doing 解析 “with so much homework to do”是with 的复合结构,其中的宾语补足语用不定式,表示动 作尚未发生。,C,10.Life is hard at high altitude, and the mountains make communications difficult. 在海拔较高的地区生活是很艰难的,山脉使得 交流也很困难。 观察思考 句中的make communications difficult是 “make+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构。 His jokes made us all laugh. 他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。 I couldnt make my car start this morning. 今天早晨我的汽车发动不起来了。,归纳拓展 在“make+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构中,宾语 补足语可以用名词、形容词、不定式(省略符号 to)、过去分词等充当。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只学习不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。 The news made John irritable. 这消息使约翰烦躁不安。 The bad weather made us stay at home all day. 糟糕的天气使得我们一整天呆在家里。 Im afraid I cant make myself understood. 恐怕别人听不懂我的话。 活学活用 我不得不再大点声说以使被听到。,I had to speak louder to make myself heard.,【例1】John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather with them to school. (北京高考) A.took B.had taken C.were taking D.would take 解析 定语从句his father and grandfather with them to school中的动词take动作 发生在was given之前,故应用过去完成时态。 课文原文 When I took them out,they .,考题回扣,B,had frozen,【例2】 their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. (天津高考) A.To throw B.Thrown C.Throwing D.Being thrown 解析 throw与句子主语the fans之间为主谓关系, 故用现在分词作状语。A项表示动作还未发生;B、 D两项表示被动,均不符合句意。 课文原文 But often they just pass by, .,C,taking the human,traffic signal for granted,【例3】I thought wed be late for the concert, we ended up getting there ahead of time. (湖南高考) A.but B.or D.for 解析 句意为:我以为我们去听音乐会会迟到,但 结果我们却提前到了那里。此处用but表转折。 课文原文 When two vehicles approach from opposite directions they cant see each other, they can see Timoteo.,A,but,【例4】In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a for everyone to stand up. (湖北高考) A.signal B.chance C.mark D.measure 解析 A项“信号”;B项“机会”;C项“记 号”;D项“措施”。句中it代替“铃响时教师合 上书”这件事,而“它”正是大家要起立的“信 号”。 课文原文 But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic for granted.,A,signal,【例5】The last time we had great fun was we were visiting the Water Park. (天津高考) A.where C.when D.why 解析 由the last time可知是表示时间,故用when 引导表语从句。 课文原文 He was driving a lorry load of bananas he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.,C,when,1.The doctor who had (自愿) to settle down in the poor village became the chief topic of the villagers. 2.Many people (遭受) from cultural shock when they came abroad. 3.The performance was (令人满意 的).The audience all enjoyed it. 4.97% of the people working in IT said that they found their life at work (充 满压力的).,自主检测,.品句填词,volunteered,suffered,satisfying,stressful,5.Im sorry,but computers of that type are not (可获得的) for the time being. 6.Where is the nearest (理发师) shop?Id like to have my hair cut. 7.The official had to resign in (回应) to the public pressure. 8.Even in small companies,computers are an (必不可少的) tool. 9.My friend reads three novels every month on (平均). 10.He signed the (合同) with me last week.,available,barber,response,essential,average,contract,in particular,on average,in theory,in practice,pass by,take.for granted,have an effect on,take up,take notice of,in response to,on condition that 1.She loves the song because her mother used to sing it. 2. ,the journey should only take about 30 minutes,but it usually takes more than an hour. 3. my question,he wrote a letter to me.,.短语运用,in particular,In theory,in practice,In response to,4. ,one in eight people who caught a cold was influenza H1N1. 5.He always that others should help him. 6.I hope youll what Im going to tell you. 7.The runners their positions on the starting line. 8.When I was a child,Id like to lie on my back and look at the clouds . 9.Teachers words often the primary school students. 10.You can catch up with other students you study even harder.,On average,takes it for granted,take notice of,took up,passing by,have a great effect,on,on,condition that,1.他尽管忙也偶尔去看看电影。(although) 2.我答应了他的请求,借给了他一些书。(in response to) 3.我当然认为会毫不费力地通过这次驾照考试。 (take.for granted),.翻译句子,Although he is busy,he goes to the cinema,now and then.,I lent him some books in response to his,request.,I take it for granted that I can pass the,driving test without difficulty.,4.这项措施在理论上好像合情合理,但能否付诸实 施还有待于验证。(in theory,put.into practice) 5.Life is hard at high altitude,and the mountains make communications difficult.,This measure seems reasonable in theory,but,在海拔高的地区生活很艰辛,高山使得交流也非常,困难。,it remains to be seen whether it can be put,into practice.,1. ,the plan is worthwhile,but some changes will have to be made. A.Essential B.Essentially C.Necessary D.Necessarily 解析 由句意知,所缺词应修饰整个句子且表示 “从根本上来讲”,故选B项。D项指“必要地,必 须地”,一般不修饰整个句子,而是修饰某一成分。,.单项填空,B,2.Your suggestion sounds fine ,but would it work ? practice;in theory theory;in practice advance;in theory general;in practice 解析 in theory理论上;in practice实践中;in advance提前;in general大体上。根据句意知 B 项正确。,B,3.Is there anything youd like for dinner? No,nothing . place favor particular turn 解析 in particular特殊地,特别地;in place 在合适的位置;in favor赞同;支持;in turn反 过来。,C,4.Teachers words and deeds always a great effect their students. A.have;on B.give;to C.make;in D.take;to 解析 have an effect on/upon sb./sth.对某人/ 某物有影响,起作用。,A,5.Dont take for granted that he will agree with you on the point. B.what C.which D.that 解析 考查短语take.for granted。it作形式 宾语,真正的宾语是that从句。,A,6.My father the shopkeeper 400 yuan for that new bike. A.asked B.charged C.sold D.offered 解析 本题考查动词辨析。ask问;邀请;charge 要价;控诉;sell卖;offer给予;出价。句意为: 我父亲出400元钱买了那辆新自行车。只有D项符合 句意。,D,7.My cousin went to Canada two years ago.He there for a few months and then went to America. A.worked B.would work C.would be working D.had been working 解析 此题考查一般过去时。句意为:我的堂兄两 年前去了加拿大。他在那儿工作了几个月,之后去 了美国。“工作了几个月”和“去了美国”是先后 发生的两个过去动作。空格处也可用had worked。,A,8.Tickets are free of charge from the school. A.available B.convenient C.familiar D.favorite 解析 句意为:学校有免费票。available可获得 的;可购得的。,A,9.Unfortunately,when I arrived,she ,so we had only time for a few words. A.just left B.had just left C.has just left D.was just leaving 解析 由句中的“so we had only time for a few words”知是“她将要离开”,故选D项。,D,10.We have seen that method some other conditions and it does work. A.applied to B.applying for C.applies to D.apply for 解析 applied to作后置定语,相当于从句 which is applied to some other conditions; apply sth.把用于。,A,11. ,there are 2,000 customers to the supermarket every day. A.On average B.At average C.For average D.To average 解析 on average平均。句意为:平均每天有 2 000名顾客光顾这家超市。,A,12.On my fathers birthday,I gave him a special present, I had spent my own money buying for the first time. B.a one C.that D.them 解析 one是a special present的同位语,其后 接一个省略了关系代词that的定语从句。,A,13.The opposition have demanded that all the facts public. A.make B.are made made D.should make 解析 demand后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,即 用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。,C,14.Tom put his heart into the wildlife research,and finally,his efforts him a great success and fame. A.saved B.earned C.made D.offered 解析 earn sb.sth.“为某人赢得某物”。Save 和offer后均可接双宾语,但与题意不符。,B,15.You may find the key to the maths problem on Page 107. Ah,its so simple.I wonder why I of that. A.hadnt thought B.havent thought C.didnt think D.wasnt thinking 解析 考查时态。句意为:你可在107页找到 那道数学题的答案。哦,这么简单。我纳闷 刚才为什么没想到。强调在说话之前发生的动 作,因此用过去时。,C,返回,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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