Module 1《Life in the Future》vocabulary课件1(20张PPT)(外研版必修4)

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Module1 words & expressions,名词 砖 混凝土 泥 罪,罪行 预测 资源 材料 垃圾添埋地 罪犯,犯人 范围,brick,concrete,mud,crime,prediction,resource,material,landfill,criminal,limit,目录 命令,指令 娱乐,消遣 保龄球游戏 垒球 费用,价钱 轻打,轻弹 开关 外科手术 远距离手术 门诊病人 诊所 失去能力,伤残,catalogue,command,recreation,softball,bowling,charge,flick,switch,surgery,telesurgery,outpatient,clinic,disability,宇航基地 洗碟机 殖民地 动物的脚 门前擦鞋垫,spaceport,dishwasher,colony,pad,doormat,动词 依赖,依靠 逮捕,拘留 开火,启动 供给动力 系,贴,连接 预言,预料 造成形状,rely,arrest,fire,power,attach,predict,shape,形容词 替换的,供选择的 危险的,冒险的 太阳的 都市的,城市的 乐观的,乐观主义的 无疑地,确定地 最后,终于 户外 联机地,alternative,risky,solar,urban,optimistic,definitely,eventually,outdoors,online,It is r_ to buy a car without any good advice. wood and atone are the only raw m_ on the island. 3. In some developing countries more and more people are moving to u_ areas. 4.Nobody can tell ones fortune-it is not p_. 5.This country is rich in natural_(资源), such as oil, coal, natural gas, etc. 6.He hated being in the army because he had to obey _(命令)here. 7.When I went to London, I found that my English was too_.(有限的),猜猜看,isky,aterials,rban,redictable,resources,commands,limited,重点词汇展示,.alternative adj. 非传统的,另类的 alternative energy 替代性能源 alternative lifestyle 另类生活方式 alternative n. 抉择,可供选择的事物,We can take the bus or alternatively go by train.,_.,我们可以坐汽车去,也可以坐火车去,. prediction 预测 make a prediction预测,预料 predict v. 预言,预告,预报 predictor n. 预言者,预报者 predict tomorrows weather a hot summer 预报明天天气很热,令人吃惊的是他的预测最终成真了,It is surprising that his prediction came true finally.,3. resource 资源 energy resource 能源 natural resources 自然资源 human resources 人力资源,China is very rich in natural _. A energies B materials C resources D sources,. limit n.限度,极限,界限 vt.限定某人/物,给某人/物定界限 limited adj.有限的,少的 limitation un.限制,限定 cn.局限,能力上的不足,起限制作用 的条件/事或环境 within limits 适当地,有限度的 without limit无限的,无限制的 例句:No fishing is allowed within a twenty-mil limit. The speed limit on this road is 70 mph Im willing to help, within limits. Only a limited number of place is available.,. command vt.指挥,控制,命令吩咐 n. un指挥,掌握 cn.命令 commander 指挥官,司令,队长 at /by ones command 奉某人之命,受某人委托。 be at sbs command 听候某人吩咐 例句 He tried his best to command himself. The captain command his men to fire. This ship is under command of Captain King. He has a good command of the English language. He commanded that we should swim across the river.,.charge n.看管,主管,费用 vt. 装,使充满,使承担(任务等),责令,收费 have charge of sth. 对某事物有责任 in charge of sb./sth.处于控制或者是支配地位 in/under ones charge 在某人照看下 take charge of sth.控制/掌管某事,承担某事物的责任。 例句:how much did they charge for you watch? He is in charge of the affairs. Will you take charge of the children? He charged me two yuan for giving me the help.,Words: arrestpowerpredictshapedisplaylimitexplore blowreactcommunicate Varyinvolvespreadbendhugprolongeducate publishsupportexport replacediagnosegraduateexplodeescapeclear surroundtradenarrowexploitforbid attackexistclaimdivecoveradaptdisappear evolveindicatebow.,Phrases outuse up 2.rely on 3.get rid of of charge 6.on the way out connected to stuck in no time 10.(be)under construction 11.keep cool way 13.make a deal 14.give away accident a result of e to power heavy with19.throw light on e straight to the point,More words: a city firing nets 3.within a citys limits 4.raiserise 5.minibuses offer an alternative to- 6.face a fine of 7.which varies fromto- 8.a leading figure 9.the key to 10.give a high yield 11.crossing different species of rice plant 12.quantityquantities 13.we decked at- 14.maybemay be,More phrases: 1.for sure 2.make a prediction 3.loadwith- birth charge of 6.carry out in progress caughttrapped in 9.have a good view of-10.have-in commmon in a good mood 12.with-in mind 13.lose business 14.more than respect at war with 17.get a kick out of doing - around 19.stick out likely to do-,What is the building made of?,Concrete, brick, glass, aluminum, mud, steel, plastic, rubber, wood, stone,Imagination: the house of future,1)recycled materials: glass, plastic,aluminum, wood, steel,2)must be environmentally friendly , little pollution 3) Cooking ,heating will use solar energy and wind, to save.,Homework,Review all the knowledge that we learn this class.,goodbye,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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