Module 1《British and American English》introduction,reading and voca课件11(32张PPT)(外研版必修5)

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Module 1《British and American English》introduction,reading and voca课件11(32张PPT)(外研版必修5)_第1页
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Module 1《British and American English》introduction,reading and voca课件11(32张PPT)(外研版必修5)_第2页
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Module 1《British and American English》introduction,reading and voca课件11(32张PPT)(外研版必修5)_第3页
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English is the most common language in the earth village,English as the first language,Britian,America,Australia,Jamaica 牙买加,English as official language,India,English as the foreign languge,China,Japan,France,British and American English,Fast-reading,There are seven paragraphs in the passage Which paragraphs tell the ways in which British and American English are different? Which paragraphs predict (预测) the future of these two varieties(kinds) of English?,Paragraph One, Two, Three and Four.,Paragraph Five, Six and Seven.,?,Read para. 1- 4 and find four ways in which British and American English are different.(find 4 key words),Vocabulary Grammar Spelling pronunciation,skimming,fill the blanks,holiday,maths,soccer,fall,first floor,garbage,Ready for para.1&2,listen to para.1&2 fill the blanks,automobiles,motorway,petrol,subway,cab,flashlight,queue up,French fries,Para. 3 the differences in grammar,Do you have?,My friend has just arrived,on the team/ weekend,Write me soon!,Para.4 the Differences in Spelling,centre colour programme,center color program,Para.4 difference in pronunciation,Enjoy Briitish and American English,Enjoy BBC,一般来说,英式英语读音比较平,硬。 美式英语大多是卷舌,比较好听 。,Do you Know?,check Para.14,There are _ differences between American and British varieties of English. A. no B. a few C. lots of,2. Americans _ understand what the British are saying. A. sometimes B. usually C. never,3. There are _ differences between British and American grammar. A. no B. many C. not many,4. American spelling is _ British spelling. A. the same way B. simpler than C. harder than,5. For a Londoner, an American accent may be easier to understand than _. A. a Chinese accent B. some British accents C. a CNN newsreader,Read para5-7 T (True ) or F (False).,There are a few differences between American and British English. Americans always have difficulty in understanding what the British are saying. There is going to be only one English left-British English.,T,F,F,sometimes,not,Monita Rajpal is a CNN news reporter. She was born in Hong Kong and spent much of her childhood there, before moving to Canada. In addition to English, she speaks Cantonese(广东话), French and Punjabi (印度和巴基斯坦的旁遮普语),If you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and weather forecasters all speaking with the different accents.,We can conclude from her story:,Post-reading Discuss the following questions,1.How many main varieties (kinds) of Chinese are there? 2. Do Chinese people from different regions(地区) have difficulty understanding each other? 3. What will happen to Chinese in the future?,普通话、北方方言、粤方言、湘方言、 赣方言、客家方言、闽方言、吴方言等。,homework,1.Write your own passage about the differences between American and British English 2.Listen to VOA and BBC,Thank for your attending,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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