2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》 单元盘点

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2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》 单元盘点_第1页
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2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》 单元盘点_第2页
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2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》 单元盘点_第3页
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单元盘点,Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Mark Twain, one of Americas greatest writers, _ his reputation for his great works.His novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, set in the USA in the 19th century, is in fact his _ rather than a fiction he had created.,established,biography,That is, his own life resembled the lives of the characters he _.As an adolescent, Mark Twain was determined to make his fortune.He set off from his hometown to South America.Unfortunately, he was forced to stay on a steamboat to work as a _ for several years.,made up,pilot,Twains vivid and amusing accounts of life on the river still make people feel in the mood to read the novel now.The novel has won countless _ in the world.Here is a part of this novel. The main character, Huck, and his companion, Jim, _.,reviews,ran away,They sailed down the Mississippi River on a raft.Because the rain poured down, they were staying inside the _when Huck saw a steamboat in the middle of the river.He also heard a mans angry answer “Youre _”. Jim felt very frightened and panicked, while Huck felt a little curious and crawled to the steamboat.,shelter,lying,He saw a man with _ beating another man, tied up with rope.Huck decided to save the injured.He _anddisturbed that man with beard.The two boys and the injured man paddled away to a safe place.,beard,played a trick on,马克吐温, 美国最伟大的作家之一, 通过他伟大的作品建立了自己的名声. 他的小说哈克贝利费恩历险记, 以19世纪的美国为背景, 实际上是他的自传, 而不是他创造的虚构小说,也就是说, 他的生活类似于他所虚构的人物的生活. 作为一名青少年, 马克吐温下定决心要赚大钱. 他从家乡出发去南美洲. 不幸的是, 他被迫呆在艘汽艇上当了好几年的引航员. 吐温生动有趣的河上生活的描述现在仍然使人们想要去阅读这部小说. 这部小说在世界上好评如潮. 下面是其中的一个片段.,小说的主人公哈克和他的同伴吉姆逃跑了. 他们在一艘木筏上沿着密西西比河顺流而下. 因为大雨滂沱, 他们呆在一个遮蔽物下, 正在这时哈克看到河中间有一艘汽艇. 他还听到一个男人愤怒的回答“你在撒谎”. 吉姆感到既惊慌又害怕, 而哈克感到有点好奇.,他爬到汽艇上, 看到一个有胡须的男子正在打一个被绳子捆着的人. 哈克决定救这个受伤的人. 他捉弄并且干扰了那个有胡须的人. 这两个男孩和那个受伤的人将船划到了一个安全的地方.,链接一 warn (教材原句P29)“Mark Twain”, which means “watermark two”, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water.,“马克吐温”意思是“水深二英尺”, 这是密西西比河上的水手们用来警告正在进入浅水区(安全通行)的同船水手们的口号. 高考例证 (2011高考大纲全国卷)Mary, I _John of his promise to help you. A. Told B. reminded C. warned D. advised,选B. 本题考查动词短语搭配. 句意:玛丽, 约翰承诺要帮助你, 我提醒过他. remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事或提醒某人做某事, 符合语境, 故B项为正确答案. warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事; advise sb.of sth.通知/(正式)告知某人某事, 相当于tell sb.about sth,链接二 panic (教材原句P22)When he heard these words, Jim panicked and ran to the raft. 当吉姆听到这些话时, 他惊慌了并跑向木筏.,高考例证 (2011高考湖北卷)“Tommy, run!Be quick!The house is on fire!”the mother shouted, with_ clearly in her voice. A. Anger B. rudeness C. regret D. panic,选D. 句意:“汤米, 快跑!快点!房子着火 了!”妈妈大声喊叫道. 她的声音里显然带着恐慌. 考查名词辨析. 房间着火了, 妈妈叫孩子赶紧跑出来, 从这些信息看, 本空应选D, 表示“恐慌, 惊恐”. A:愤怒; B:粗鲁, 粗暴; C.懊悔, 遗憾, 抱歉. 以上三项都不符合句意.,链接三 curious (教材原句P22)But although I was frightened, I also felt very curious, so I put my head round the door. 而尽管我很害怕, 但还是感到十分好奇, 于是就把头凑向了那扇门.,高考例证 (2010高考天津卷)People have always been _ about exactly how life on earth began. A. curious B. excited C. anxious D. careful,选A. 句意:人们总是对生命的起源感到好奇. curious“好奇的”, 符合句意. excited“兴奋的”; anxious“焦虑的, 不安的”; careful“ 仔细的, 小心的”.,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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