2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修7 Unit1《Living well》(新人教版福建专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修7 Unit1《Living well》(新人教版福建专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修7 Unit1《Living well》(新人教版福建专用)_第3页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,新人教版福建专用,Unit 1 Living well, disability n.,根据语境猜词义 (1)His disability prevents him from doing the job. (2)His lack of training was a serious disability. (3)He gets money from the government because of his disabilities.,根据语义找匹配 A缺陷(可数) B具体残废之处 C残废(不可数),C,A,B, disability n.,链接 disabled adj. 残疾的 the disabled 残疾人;伤残者 nondisabled adj. 健全的 enable v. 使能够;使可能, disability n.,单项填空 He gets a(an) _ pension from the government. A. disabled B. disability C. unable D. disabilities,B,解析 他从政府获得一笔残疾抚恤金。, in other words 换句话说,根据语境感悟用法 I soon found that the work I was doing had been done by other people in other words, Im wasting my time. 我很快发现我在重复别人已做过的事情,换句话说,我是在浪费时间。,句型 word came that 有消息传来说 sb. sent word that 某人传来消息, in other words 换句话说,Word came that our duties would be changed. 有消息说我们的职责会有变动。 He sent word by an army messenger that they had arrived in Jakarta. 他通过通信兵传送消息说他们已经达到雅加达。, in other words 换句话说,辨析 in other words / I mean in other words 换句话说,也就是说,尤指转向更简单的说法。 He decided to quit the job. In other words, he had to find another job instead. I mean我是说,用于补充评论或解释刚说过的话或原因。 We couldnt live on that! I mean, it is ridiculous.,用word的适当短语填空,(1)Nack is good, kind, hardworking and intelligent; _, I cant speak too highly of him. (2)I cannot trust him any more because he did not _. (3)_,he left the room hurriedly.,答案 (1)in a / one word (2)keep his word (3)With these words, in other words 换句话说,(4)Beethoven wrote many worldfamous musical compositions. _, he was a great musician. (5)You also can _ online, we really appreciate your proposal.,答案 (4)In other words (5)leave word,用word的适当短语填空, in other words 换句话说, adapt v.,根据语境猜词义 (1) How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments? (2) You can adapt this fabric for anything from divers suits to gloves. (3) Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.,根据语义找匹配 A. 改造;改装 B. 改编;改写 C. 适应;适合,答案 (1)C (2)A (3)B, adapt v.,短语 adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于 adapt to 适应 adapt sth. for sth. 改造;改装(以适应新用途、新情况) adaptfrom 根据改写 / 改编, adapt v.,链接 adaptable adj. 适应力强的;适用面广的 adaptation n. 适应; 改编; 改造, adapt v.,辨析 adapt/adjust 都有“适合,适应”的意思。 adapt指修改或改变,使某物或某人做些改变以适应新条件。 The children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school., adapt v.,辨析 adapt/adjust,adjust指借正当的判断或熟练的技巧“调整,调节”,以使两者互相适应。 You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.,用适当的介词填空 (1)The play is adapted _ a Michael Crichton novel. (2)This teaching material can be adapted _ older children. (3)When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself _ new customs.,答案 (1) from (2) for (3) to, adapt v., out of breath 上气不接下气,根据语境感悟其用法 After climbing that long flight of stairs she was completely out of breath . 爬完那么长的一段楼梯后,她已经完全喘不过气来了。,链接 out of sight 看不见 out of control 失控 out of date 过期,过时 out of order 出毛病;混乱 out of work 失业 out of patience 不能忍受, out of breath 上气不接下气,out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能的 out of fashion 过时,不流行 out of reach 够不着 out of touch 失去联系 out of place 不适合 out of cash 钱用光了,链接, out of breath 上气不接下气,用out of的相关短语填空 (1) The Ford car went _ and crashed over the cliff. (2) Some popular songs go _ (过时)soon. (3) This medicine is _(出毛病). (4) Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed into the office _(上气不接下气),答案 (1) out of control (2) out of fashion / date (3) out of order (4) out of breath, out of breath 上气不接下气, absence n.,根据语境猜词义 (1)I did not notice his absence. (2)In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let him go.,根据语义找匹配 A没有;缺乏 B缺席;不在,答案 (1)B (2)A, absence n.,链接 absence from school/lectures 缺课/缺席讲座 in the absence of (人)不在时,外出时; (物)不存在, 缺少 absent adj. 缺席的 be absent from 不在,缺席, absence n.,用absence的适当形式填空 (1)He had an _ look on his face. (2)He made up a wonderful story to explain his _.,答案 (1) absent (2)absence, firm n. & adj.,根据语境猜词义 (1)He was firm upon that. (2)I dont think that chair is firm enough to stand on. (3)If we stand firm, I firmly believe we shall succeed. (4)The firms credit has been badly shaken., firm n. & adj.,根据语义找匹配 A商行;公司 n B坚定的;坚决的 adj. C牢固的;稳固的;稳定的;坚实的 adj. D牢牢地;坚定地 adv.,答案 (1)B (2)C (3)D (4)A,链接 stand/hold firm 坚持下去,坚定不移 firmly adv. 坚决地;坚定地;牢牢地, firm n. & adj.,温馨提示: firm 用作副词的用法十分有限,通常只能与 stand, hold, stay 等少数动词连用,且位于动词之后;而firmly 的用法则十分广泛,且可位于动词之前或之后。 hold firmly 通常用于本义,指“紧紧握住”;而 hold firm 则通常用于引申义,指“坚持(原则、理想、信仰等)”。, firm n. & adj.,完成句子 (1)框架上再钉个钉子让它牢固点。 Put another nail in the frame to _. (2)他对这个问题的回答就是一个很坚定的“No!” His reply to the request was _.,答案 (1)make it firm (2)a firm “No!”, conduct n. & vt.,根据语境猜词义 (1)We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food. (2)Nonmetals such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily. (3)The orchestra is conducted by John Williams., conduct n. & vt.,根据语境猜词义,(4)“I cant scold your cheating on the examination,” said a father to his son. “But Im glad that you conduct yourself honestly next time.” (5)Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Marty?, conduct n. & vt.,根据语义找匹配 A(乐队)指挥 v B为人;表现 v C导(电、热) v D实施;进行 v E 行为 n.,答案 (1)D (2)C (3)A (4)B (5)E, conduct n. & vt.,短语 conduct a survey / investigation 进行调查 conduct oneself 表现,链接 conductive adj. 具有传导性的 conductor n. (乐队)指挥;(公共汽车上的)售票员, conduct n. & vt.,用conduct的适当形式填空 Yesterday our chemistry teacher (1)_ an experiment on wood to see whether it is (2)_, after the experiment we drew a conclusion that wood is a poor (3)_ of heat.,答案 (1)conducted (2)conductive (3)conductor, congratulate vt.,根据语境猜词义 (1) She congratulated me warmly on my exam results. (2) I congratulate myself on my good fortune.,根据语义找匹配 A. 祝贺;向道喜 B. (因某事)为感到高兴,答案 (1)A (2)B,短语 congratulate sb. on sth. / congratulate sb. for doing(having done)sth. 祝贺某人做了某事 congratulate oneself on sth. / congratulate oneself for doing / having done sth. 庆幸自己做了某事, congratulate vt.,链接 congratulation n. 恭喜;祝贺 (常用复数) Please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage. 谨以至诚祝贺你们喜结良缘。, congratulate vt.,辨析 congratulate / celebrate 两者的意思很接近,但在英语中却有所不同。 congratulate意思是“祝贺,道贺”,只能用人作宾语,若要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要用on (upon)连接,构成congratulate sb. on / upon sth. We congratulated her on winning the contest., congratulate vt.,辨析 congratulate / celebrate 两者的意思很接近,但在英语中却有所不同。, congratulate vt.,celebrate意思是举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事(节日、胜利、成功等)作宾语,构成celebrate sth.。 We had a party to celebrate parents silver wedding.,翻译句子 (1)我们祝贺他考试得了第一名。 (2)见到她时请转达我的祝贺。,答案 (1) We congratulated him on having come first in his exam. (2) Please give / pass her my congratulations when you see her., congratulate vt., access n. & v.,根据语境猜词义 (1)Only 40% of 5yearolds have access to preschool education. (2)There is easy access to the countryside by rail. (3)Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.,根据语义找匹配 A. 通道;入口 n B. (使用某物或接近某人的)权利;机会 n C. 接近,利用 v.,答案 (1)B (2)A (3)C, access n. & v.,短语 have / get / obtain / gain access to 拥有的机会;可以接近;进入 give access to 接近;准许进入, access n. & v.,链接 accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 be accessible to 可接近的,可靠近的;可使用的,辨析 access (to) / approach (to) access to (的)通道;入口;(使用某物或接近某人的)权利或机会 The only access to that farmhouse is across the fields. Students must have access to good resources., access n. & v.,approach to (的)路径;途径;(解决某一特定问题,尤其是经过深思熟虑的)方法;态度 Soldiers were guarding all approaches to the palace. We need a fresh approach to sports in education.,辨析 access (to) / approach (to), access n. & v.,单项填空 (1)For professional athletes, _ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books. A. appeal B. attachment C. access D. approach,(2)The people living here are _ to the swimming pool. A. predictable B. possible C. accessible D. due,C,C, access n. & v., meet with,根据语境猜词义 (1)In the woods, he met with two strangers. (2)The two scouts met with the officers to talk about plans for the march. (3)This work met with the same failure. (4)The plan seems to meet with their ideas., meet with,根据语义找匹配 A遇见;碰到;偶然遇到 B和见面;会晤 C遭到;遭受 D符合,答案 (1)A (2)B (3)C (4)D, meet with,单项填空 I _ some difficulties when I tried to enter the country. A. went with B. came with C. met with D. carried with,解析 当我试图进入这个国家时遇到了一些困难。go with 与相配。,C,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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