2013届高考英语一轮复习北师大版课件:选修七 Unit21《 Human Biology》

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,第一部分选修七,抓基础,析考点,提能力,Unit21,第一板块,第二板块,第三板块,第四板块,1 vi. 循环 2 vt. 消化 3 vt. 滥用 4 adj. 根本的,基础的 5 vt. 寻找 6 adj. 每年的,一年一次的,年度的 7 vt. 满足;迎合,circulate,digest,abuse,fundamental,seek,annual,cater,8 vt. 推迟;延期 9 vt. 禁止 10 vt. 联合;团结;统一 11 n. 暂停;停顿 12 n. 常规;惯例 13 adj. 临时的;短暂的 14 vt. 使丧失 15 vi. 下降 16 n. 截止日期;最后日期,postpone,prohibit,unite,pause,routine,temporary,rob,decline,deadline,17 vi. 表决 18 n. 情形;情况 19 adj. 不合理的;荒谬的 20 vt.容忍 n容忍;忍受 adj.宽容的,容忍的 n宽容;容忍 21 vt.反对 n反对;反抗 adj.相反的,对立的,vote,circumstance,absurd,toleration,tolerant,tolerance,oppose,opposition,opposed,tolerate,22 vt.违背,违反 n违背;违犯;违反 23 vt.使有准备 n装备;装备品 24 n大笔钱财;巨款 adj.幸运的 adj.不幸的 25 vt.提交 n提交;呈递 26 n担心;担忧 adj.担心的 prep.关于,violate,violation,equip,equipment,fortune,fortunate,unfortunate,submit,submission,concern,concerned,concerning,1 徒劳,白费力气 2 随便地,随意地 3 不管多大代价,无论如何 4 立刻,马上 5 彻底毁灭 6 终止;消灭 7 抢劫某人某物 8 无论如何;至少,in vain,at random,at all costs,straight away,wipe out,stop sth.in its tracks,rob sb.of sth.,at any rate,9 开始做 10 永久地 11 通过(考试);完成 12 整理;解释;澄清 13 仔细检查;复习 14 遗漏;遗忘;错过机会 15 聚焦;集中;对准,get down to,for good,get through,clear up,go over,miss out,focus on,1Many contemporary amateur athletes would have broken world records if they had taken part in the first Olympic Games. 许多当代的业余运动员如果参加了首届奥运会,他们会打破很多项世界纪录的。 解读:if引导状语从句表示与过去事实相反的假设 仿写:如果没有那场战争,人们那时会生活得更好。 If there _ the war, people _ then.,答案: hadnt been; would have lived a better life,2The Olympic spirit the spirit of competition which emphasises taking part rather than winning has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs. 人们不惜任何代价想获胜的愿望违背了重在参与而不是获胜的奥林匹克精神。 解读:rather than是一个并列连词,相当于instead of,表示“而不是” 仿写:作为学生,我们应当通过努力学习而非考试作弊来取得好成绩。 As students, we should try to get good results by studying hard _ cheating in exams.,答案: rather than,3Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history. 西班牙流感在18个月内使多达5千万人丧命,并且发病的倾向为:年轻力壮的而不是老年人容易发病,它被认为是历史上最严重的流行性传染病。,解读:sb./sth. be believed to .为固定结构,意为“某人或某物被认为是” 仿写:李娜被认为是中国最好的网球运动员之一。 Li Na _ one of the best tennis players of China.,答案:is believed to be,1seek (sought, sought)v.寻找,寻求;追求;探求; 探索;试图,教材P34原句 Doping is not only a problem in athletics, it is part of every sport where athletes seek to achieve beyond their natural limits and are prepared to cheat to do so. 服用兴奋剂不仅仅是田径运动存在的问题,每个运动项目都存在这个问题,运动员为寻求取得超常体育成绩而准备欺骗。 Socrates focused on the individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom.(摘自2010江西高考阅读理解C) 苏格拉底注重个人,并认为人类的最大目的是寻求智慧。,She managed to calm him down and help a neighbour. 她设法使他平静下来 ,然后向一位邻居求助。 We should never fame and position. 我们决不应该追求名誉和地位。,seek,from,seek for,2oppose vt. & vi.反对;反抗,教材P34原句 Genetherapy is very controversial and many people oppose further research into it. 基因治疗是很有争议的,许多人反对进一步研究。 I would the law. 我将反对改变这个法规。 As far as I know, he is strongly opposed to the plan. 据我所知,他强烈反对这一计划。,oppose changing,3postpone vt.推迟;延期,教材P37原句 I decided not to postpone studying and got up early every morning to get down to work straight away. 我决定不推迟学习,并每天早上早起直接准备去工作。,The concert has been postponed to Saturday. 音乐会延迟到星期六。 Were our holiday we have some more money. 我们把度假日期推迟到我们有更多钱的时候。,postponing,until,4prohibit vt.禁止,阻止,教材P38原句 Since the SARS epidemic ended,scientists have been doing trials on treatments to prohibit any future outbreaks. 从“非典”疫潮结束后,科学家们就在做治疗实验以防止将来的再次爆发。 Family finances to college. 他的家庭情况不允许他上大学。,prohibited his going,High costs had the building work being completed. 高额造价使这项建筑工程无法完工。 The prohibition against drunken driving will save many lives. 禁止酒后开车将会减少许多死亡事故。,prohibited,from,5rob vt.使丧失;抢夺,抢劫,教材P40原句 Terri had fallen into a coma in 1990 when a heart attack robbed her brain of oxygen causing permanent harm. 1990年,特里心脏病发作,由于大脑缺氧造成了永久性伤害,陷入昏迷状态。,The tomb had its treasures. 这座坟墓里的财宝早已被盗。 Police are investigating a series of bank robberies in South Wales. 警察正在调查南威尔士发生的一连串银行抢劫案。,been robbed of,rob, steal,以练促记 用rob, steal的适当形式填空 They knocked him down and him of his watch and pen. She used to money from her fathers drawer.,robbed,steal,6decline vi. & vt. 下降;衰退;谢绝 n下降;衰退,教材P40原句 .it is generally agreed that a patients chances of recovery decline . 通常认为病人康复的可能性下降了,I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。 He declined to discuss his plan with the newspaper men. 他谢绝与新闻记者讨论他的计划。 Industry in Britain has been since the 1970s. 英国工业自20世纪70年代以来一直在走下坡路。,in decline,7equip vt.使有准备;配备;装备,It cost $100,000 to equip the gym. 装备体育馆花费了10万美元。 Please yourself a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam. 请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。,equip,with,The emergency services deal with disasters of this kind. 急救队配有装备,可处理此类灾难事件。 A good education should equip you for life. 良好的教育能让你受用终生。,are equipped to,8submit vt.递交;提交;顺从;屈服,I have submitted the motion to the House of Commons. 我已将动议提交给了众议院。 We will submit ourselves to the courts judgement. 我们服从法庭的判决。 He was too proud to such treatment. 他的自尊心太强,不甘于受这种对待。,submit to,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1A true friend is one who _ (tolerate) your weaknesses.,答案: tolerates,2The kind of car _ (cater) for most young people.,答案: caters,3Mr. Smith _ (abuse) his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends.,答案: abused,4The match had to be _ (postpone) until next week on account of bad weather.,答案: postponed,5She is continuing to _ (oppose) her husbands plan to visit America this summer.,答案: oppose,6Her illness _ (rob) her of the chance to go to school.,答案: robbed,7She _ (violate) the terms of the contract repeatedly.,答案: violated,8Make sure that all applications must be _ (submit) by Monday.,答案: submitted,9Every year, new graduates are always _ (seek) for a job suitable for themselves.,答案: seeking,10Young people should be _ (equip) with practical technology and knowledge.,答案: equipped,.单项填空 1We cant _ our fate. Instead, we should take a positive attitude to the present situation. Asubmit to Bcorrespond to Csubscribe to Dcompromise to,解析:submit to意为“服从于,屈服于”,符合题意。B项“与一致,与相当;通信”;C项“同意,捐助,订阅”;D项compromise与with连用,表示“与妥协”。,答案: A,2(2012盐城第一次调研)Because of the rain, well have to _ the football match. Im free next Sunday if you would like to play then. Aadvance Bpostpone Cabandon Dadvocate,解析:考查动词辨析。advance“前进”;postpone“推迟,延期”;abandon“丢弃,遗弃”;advocate“拥护,提倡”。句意:由于下雨,我们将不得不推迟足球赛。如果你喜欢玩,下周日我有空。,答案: B,3The old lady came to the police station and claimed _ of her purse when she was shopping. Ato be robbed Bto be robbing Cto rob Dto have been robbed,解析:考查rob的用法。句意:这位老妇人来到警局,声称在购物时钱包被抢了。rob sb. of sth.“抢某人某物”, the old lady与rob之间存在动宾关系,故用不定式的被动式,且被抢动作发生在claim“宣称”之前,故用不定式的完成被动式,D项正确。,答案: D,4Does the common man _ the ideas of political union between European countries? Aobject Boppose Cbe for Dbe against,解析:句意:一般人是不是反对欧洲国家之间的政治联盟的想法呢?be for“支持”;be against“反对”,句中由助动词does提问故不能选。object to“反对”;oppose “反对”。故应选B。,答案: B,5The officer at first _ to make a statement, but later she agreed. Avoted Breduced Cpostponed Ddeclined,解析:句意:这位官员起初拒绝发表声明,但是她后来又同意了。vote to do sth.“投票做某事”;reduce“减少”;postpone“延缓”;这两个词后接动词的ing形式。decline to do sth.“婉言拒绝做某事”。,答案: D,6He told us that he was going to Beijing to _ his fortune. Aseek Bresearch Cgather Dproduce,解析:句意:他告诉我们他要到北京碰碰运气。seek ones fortune“发财致富;碰运气”,符合句意要求。,答案: A,7For years workers have to _ low wages and terrible working conditions. Apreserve Bprohibit Cignore Dtolerate,解析:句意:多年以来工人们不得不忍受低工资和残酷的工作环境。preserve“保护,保持”;prohibit“禁止”;ignore“忽视”;tolerate“忍受,容忍”。,答案: D,8We want to _ our children with some special skills, thus, they can live better in the future. Aprepare Bequip Cpermit Dallow,解析:句意:我们想使我们的小孩具有某些特长,这样,他们才能在将来生活得更好。equip .with .“使具有(必要的学问、能力之类)”,符合句意。,答案: B,1at all costs 不管多大代价,无论如何 I must finish the work by tomorrow at all costs. 我无论如何得在明天之前完成这项工作。,He saved his son from drowning but only at the cost of his own life. 他救了溺水的儿子,但自己却丢了性命。 The new buildings going up $82 million. 修建这座大楼要花费8,200万美元。,at a cost of,2wipe out 彻底毁灭;全部摧毁 教材P38原句 Epidemics can wipe out up to half of the population in urban areas. 流行病可以消灭居住在城市的多达一半的人口。 The storm the building only in two hours. 在仅仅两个小时之内,暴风雨就把那座建筑物毁坏了。,wiped,out,Please the drawing from the blackboard. 请将黑板上的画擦掉。 Wipe your tears away. 擦干你的眼泪。,wipe off,3at any rate无论如何;不管怎样;至少 At any rate, I determined to wait for his definite reply. 无论如何,我决心等他给我一个肯定的答复。 Well, thats one good piece of news . 不管怎么说,这是个好消息。,at any rate,If you go on at that rate, you will injure your health. 如果你继续那样下去的话,你会把身体搞垮的。 The apples are sold 10 for twenty. 这些苹果以每20个10英镑的价格出售。,at the rate of,.选词填空(其中有一项是多余的) at any rate, at all cost(s), in vain, at random, in advance, for good 1The summer sports meeting must be held on time _.,答案: at any rate,2You can choose a number _.,答案: at random,3We tried _ to make him change his mind.,答案:in vain,4You are not to allow anyone to leave the house_.,答案:at all costs,5Weve separated from each other before, but I think its _ this time.,答案:for good,.单项填空 1(2012东北师大附中一模)_, we wont finish the work by the end of this month. AAt any rate BAt a rate CAt this rate DAt the rate,解析:at the rate“按价格;以速度/速率”;at a rate“以速度”;at any rate“不管怎么样”;at this rate意为“照这样”,符合句意。,答案: C,2(2012桂林八中一模)We would maintain the world balance of power _. Aat all costs Bat cost Cat our best Dat best,解析:句意:我们将不惜一切代价维持世界力量的均衡。at cost“按成本”;at best“至多”;at ones best“在 的最佳状态”;at all costs“不管多大代价;无论如何”,符合句意。,答案: A,3(2009湖北高考)His efforts to raise money for his program were_because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets. Ain place Bin sight Cin effect Din vain,解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:谁也不愿意从自己的 口袋里掏一分钱,看来他为他的项目筹钱的努力是白费 力气。因此选D表示“徒劳的;无用的”。A项“在对的 位置”;B项“被看到,在视线之内”;C项“有效,实际上”。,答案: D,4At last she wiped _ the jar and filled it with clean water. Aoff Bup Cout Daway,解析:考查wipe短语。句意:最终她擦净了罐子的内部,并把它装满了干净的水。wipe out“擦净的内部”,符合句意。wipe. off“擦掉”;wipe . up“擦净(液体等)”;wipe . away“擦去(眼泪等)”。,答案: C,The Olympic spirit the spirit of competition which emphasises taking part winning has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs. 人们不惜任何代价想获胜的愿望违背了重在参与而不是获胜的奥林匹克精神。,rather than,(1)rather than在此表示选择,意为“而不是”,这一表达方 式通常用在平行结构中,连接相同的句子成分,即rather than 前后两部分在成分和形式上应当一致。 Changing your diet, rather than dieting, is a healthier alternative. 改变日常饮食而不是节食,是更健康的办法。 He is an explorer a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。,rather than,preferred to go,would rather die,(3)rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应 与rather than前面的词在人称和数上保持一致。 Mary, rather than you is responsible for the work. 是玛丽而不是你应对这项工作负责。,.完成句子 1据说有人在纽约见到他了。 He in New York. 2如果你昨天听从我的建议的话,你就不会犯错了。 If you my advice yesterday, you a mistake.,is said to have been seen,had followed,wouldnt have made,3如今,摄影也更多地被当作一门艺术,而不仅仅是 一种爱好了。 Now photography is also regarded more as art a simple hobby.,rather than,.单项填空 4(2012南昌二模)It is believed that high achievers are ambitious, hardworking, and work toward personal standards of excellence_ material rewards. Aother than Bor rather Crather than Dor else,解析:考查副词短语。other than“除之外”;or rather“更确切地说”;or else“否则”;rather than“而不是”。根据句意“人们认为成就大的人有抱负、勤劳、朝着个人优秀的标准而不是物质奖励努力”可知,答案为C。,答案: C,5Peter, you _all the time since last week. You had better have your chest Xrayed today to make sure everything is all right. Aare coughing Bcoughed Chave been coughing Dhad coughed,解析:考查动词的时态。此处用现在完成进行时态强调过去的动作一直延续到现在,并有可能持续下去。,答案: C,条件句和混合条件句;情态动词和表达法 1. I _ the shades of yellow they picked, but it was fine I got used to the yellow. Adidnt pick Bwouldnt have picked Cmust have picked Dmight have picked,解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:要是我选就不会选他们选的黄色色调,但是也没关系我已经习惯黄色了。根据语意这里是对与过去事实相反的情况的虚拟,故用would have done。,答案: B,2Sorry, Cathy.I didnt know that you were badly short of money then. But you _ me for help. Amust have asked Bcould have asked Cwould have asked Dmay have asked,解析:考查情态动词表推测。句意表示“当时你本可以找我帮忙的”,此处用could have done sth.表示过去本可以做某事却没有做。,答案: B,3_ it turn out to be windy and snowy tomorrow, we would have to _ the picnic. AWould; put forward BShould; call off CWill; give up DShould; put up,解析:考查虚拟语气及固定短语的含义。第一空should 表虚拟语气,第二空表示“取消”。句意:万一明天有风并且下雪,我们就不得不取消野餐。,答案: B,4John went to the hospital alone. If he _ me about it, I would have gone with him. Ashould tell Btells Ctold Dhad told,解析:考查虚拟语气。前一句是陈述语气,说明动作发生在过去,而且后一句的主句是I would have gone,说明是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,应该用had过去分词。句意:约翰独自去了医院。如果他告诉我的话,我会跟他一起去的。,答案: D,5(2012杭州一模)If he _ quietly as the doctor instructed, Ronald, would not suffer so much now. Alaid Blay Cshould lie Dhad lain,解析:考查混合条件句。根据句意可知,从句是对过去时间的虚拟,应用过去完成时,而主句是与现在事实相反,应用would动词原形。,答案: D,6(2012福州高三质检)No driving electric motor bikes in some areas is a rule that you _ obey in Fuzhou. Awill Bshall Cmay Dcan,解析:考查情态动词。句意:在一些地区不许骑电动摩托车是你在福州必须遵守的一个规定。此处shall用于第二人称的陈述句中表示警告。,答案: B,7I _ stop by sometime and thank her for all her help. Aneed Bhave to Cmust Dmay,解析:句意:我以后一定得登门谢谢她的帮助。此处must可表示未来明确的打算。need后应加to。have to“不得不”;may表示“可能性”,语意不符。,答案: C,8At your age you _ be growing away from your parents and learning to stand on your own feet. Aneed Bmay Cought to Dused to,解析:考查情态动词ought to。句意:在你这个年龄,你应该离开父母,学会自立。从语意的连贯性判断选C,表示“应该”。,答案: C,点击此图片进入“提能力”,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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