2013届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M2 Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》

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2013届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M2 Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》_第1页
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2013届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M2 Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》_第2页
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2013届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M2 Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》_第3页
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Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained,1、 assume vt . 假定, 设想,assume sb./sth. to be 假定/假设某人/某事为 It is assumed that 被认为,Dont always assume the worst. 别总往最坏处想。 I have always assumed her to be American. 我一直认为她是美国人。,assumption n. 假定,假设 make an assumption 认为,假定 assuming that 假定,假设(引导条件状语从句),I hope to go to college next year, I pass my exams. 如果我能通过考试, 我希望明年能上大学。,assuming that,A lot of people poverty only exists in Africa. 许多人认为贫困仅仅存在于非洲。,make the assumption that,2、 witness vt. 目击,目睹(尤指罪行或事故的发生),亲身经历(重要事件或变迁) n. 证明;证人,见证人,They are the witnesses at the scene of the accident. 他们是事故现场的目击者。 His ragged clothes were a witness to his poverty. 他的破烂衣服可以证明他的贫穷。,We _ the most important scientific development of the century. 我们亲身经历本世纪最重要的科学进展。,were witnessing,Several villagers the air crash in which 8 people were killed. 几位村民目睹了这起造成8人罹难的空难。,witnessed,The police wanted to know whether there was someone who _ the robbery. A. witnessed B. stared C. looked D. proved,A 根据句意“警察想知道是否有人目击这次抢劫”。根据句意可知,此处应选“目击、看到”之意。witness 目击,见证(正式的法律用语); stare 凝视,盯着看; look 看; prove 证明。,3、辨析 lately, late, later, latter, latest,(1) lately作副词相当于recently,表示“最近,近来”之意,强调时间点,多用过去时;表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中。 I havent been sleeping well just lately. 我最近没睡好觉。 (2) late作副词时表示时间上的晚或迟。,(3) later作形容词时,表示“以后的,后期的”;作副词时表示“后来,较晚地”,还可与表示时间的名词连用,表示“之后”,用于过去和将来。 (4) latter用作形容词,常与定冠词the连用,表示列举的两个事物中的后面的一个,译为“后者”,与 the former相对。 (5) latest是形容词,它指时间的先后中“最近的,最新的”。,Its only _ that I know why she wasnt feeling well all these days. A. late B. lately C. latest D. latter,B 本句为一个强调句型,根据句意“只是在最近我才知道她为什么这些天都不舒服。”可知此处应用副词lately “最近,近来”。,4、 possibility n可能性,possibility of (sb. doing) sth.(某人做)某事的可能性 possibility that的可能性,The possibility of food poisoning has been excluded. 食物中毒的可能性已被排除。 Research findings show that there is a possibility that 10% of the Chinese young men will never find a girlfriend in 2050. 研究结果显示到2050年,中国10%的男青年可能将无女朋友可找。,possible adj. 可能的 possibly adv. 可能地 Its possible that 有可能发生 It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)做某事情是可能的,Theres no possibility of _. Theres no possibility that he has been murdered. 他已被谋杀的可能性完全没有。,his having been murdered,Tomorrow is Sunday and he has a day off, so he is _ to attend our party. A. probable B. possible C. likely D. possibility,C 虽然probable和possible都有“可能”的意思,但是它们一般不用表示人的词作主语; possibility是名词,不能直接接在be动词后作表语,只能选C。,5、 convince vt. 使确信;使信服,convince sb. that 从句/of sth. 使某人确信某事 be convinced that/of sth.确信某事 convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事,What he heard and saw convinced him of the need for economic reforms. 他的所见所闻让他相信了进行经济改革的必要性。,convincing adj. 令人信服的 unconvincing adj. 不足以令人信服的,Youre not a very convincing liar! 你撒的谎难以让人信服!,I was _ that we were doing the right thing. A. convinced B. believed C. trusted D. feared,A A、B、C 3个选项均有“相信”的意思,但是在此句中believe不能用被动形式,trust指信任某人。fear是“害怕”的意思。,6、 evidence n. U 证据,根据; 证词;迹象 vt. 使明显,证明,There is evidence that somebody has been living here. 有迹象表明有人一直住在这里。 He was punished for giving false evidence. 他因作伪证而受到惩罚。,be in evidence 显眼;引人注目 evident adj. 明显的,明白的 It is evident that是显而易见的,When faced with the_ he had to admit he was guilty. A. sign B. evidence C. mark D. demonstration,B 句意:在证据面前他只得承认他有罪。,7、 base n. 基地, 大本营;底部;基础 vt. 将建立在某物基础上,base A on B 将A建立在B的基础上 be based on sth.基于某物,He used his familys story as a base for his novel. 他把他一家人的经历作为他小说的素材。,Shanghai is the most important industrial base of China. 上海是中国最重要的工业基地。 I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday. 我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 The novel is based on a local ghost story. 这部小说是基于当地的一个鬼的传说。,A. succeeded; based B. succeeding; basing C. succeeded; basing D. succeeding; based,D 句子主语是succeed这个动作的执行者,所以要用succeeding;后面是分词短语作定语,相当于which was based on,省略了which was, 所以是based。,After _ in “The Brokeback Mountain (断背山)”, Ang Lee directed “Lust Caution(色戒)”, _ on a short novel by Zhang Ailing.,1、 step up 加紧,加强,促进,I stepped up my pace to follow my classmates. 我加快脚步去追赶我的同学。 The scientists have stepped up research into medicine for cancer. 科学家们已经加强了对治疗癌症的药物的研究。,step into 进入 step by step 逐步地 take steps to do sth. 采取措施做某事 follow in ones steps 步某人的后尘,The government _ its war against terrorism after the suicide bombing in the subway. A. stepped aside B. stepped into C. stepped down D. stepped up,D 句意:在地铁里发生自杀性爆炸事件之后,政府加紧了反恐斗争。,2、辨析due to, owing to, because of, thanks to,这些词组均表示“由于”之意。 (1)due to 用于较庄重的书面语中,侧重“起因于”,在句中多作表语,有时作状语。 (2)owing to 可以与due to换用,但在句中多作状语,也可作表语。 (3)because of 着重某种原因的理由,在句中通常作状语。 (4)thanks to 突出一种感激之情,含“多亏”意味。 Thanks to your presence, I was able to prove my innocence. 幸亏你在场,我才能够证明自己的清白。,They didnt attend the meeting held last Friday morning _ to the delay of the train. A. owing B. owed C. thank D. dued,A owing to 由于。,3、 show up 出现,露面;使某人难堪;使显出来,Theyve been waiting for hours for you to show up. 为了等你出现,他们已经等了好几个小时了。,show up a fraud 揭发一个欺诈行为 show sb. around (a place)带领某人参观某地 (到处转) show ones face 出席;露面;出现 show off 炫耀,夸耀;卖弄 显示;渲染(某物的优点),Peter promised to attend our party, but he has not _ yet. A. showed off B. turned out C. showed up D. came about,C show off意为“炫耀”,turn out意为“证明”,come about意为“发生”。该句意思为“彼得答应过要来参加我们的派对,但是他现在还没有出现。”,4、 look into 朝里面看;调查;检查,He looked into the room but saw nothing. 他朝房间里看了看但是什么都没看到。 The chief manager has promised to look into this matter carefully. 总经理承诺会仔细调查这件事情。,look after 照顾;照料 look back 往后看;回顾 (on / upon) look out 小心(口语);往外看 look up 查寻;抬头看;尊重 (to) look down 往下看;轻视 (on / upon) look over 检查;查看 look through 浏览 look forward to doing 期望/期待做 look round / around 寻找;参观,5、 make up 编造;补偿,弥补;组成,形成;占(比例);和解,调停;化妆,This country is made up of many small islands. 这个国家是由许多小岛组成的。 The teacher asked the children to make up a poem about Christmas. 老师让孩子们写一首圣诞诗。 We must make up for the lost time. 我们一定要把失去的时间补回来。,We didnt mean to hurt each other. Lets make up. 我们并不是要故意伤害对方的。我们和好吧。 She would spend an hour making herself up before going to work. 在上班前她总会花一个小时打扮自己。 Road accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital patients. 交通事故的受害者占医院病人的四分之一。,make a face 扮鬼脸 make a record 创纪录;制作唱片 make up ones mind 下定决心 make progress 取得进步 make money 挣钱 make fun of 取笑 make out 分辨出来;理解,了解,For all these years I have been working for others. I hope Ill _ my own business some day. A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up,C 从句意看应该是“我想开创自己的事业”。turn up 出现; fix up 安装; make up 化妆,编造,均不合题意。只有C项意为“开创,建立”,符合题意。,6、 make ones way 行进,前行;缓慢获得成功,Gradually, Peter began to make his way in politics. 彼得逐渐在政界有所建树。 Jane made her way through the crowd hard for her son. 珍妮穿过人群奋力前行,走向她的儿子。,by way of sp. 途经某地 get in the way 妨碍 show sb. the way 为某人引路 lead the way 带路 in any way 无论如何,in no way 无论如何不;决不 give way (to) 退让 on the way 在途中 on ones way to 到去的途中 make ones way for 走向 fight ones way 打/挤/推出一条路;用力开出一条路前进,“_, please.” asked the gentleman. Then he ran through the crowd, pushing people _. A. Lead the way; out of his way B. Give way; out of his way C. Clear the way; in the way D. Lead the way; on his way,B give way 表示“让路”;push sb. out of ones way表示“把某人推开”。,She gradually _ to the top of the company. 她努力奋斗, 逐渐进入公司高层。,fought her way,His parents were glad that he _ in his career. 他的父母亲很高兴他在事业上有所进步。,made his way,that Justin was taken by aliens是同位语从句,作possibility的同位语,说明此名词的具体内容。同时that在同位语从句中只起连接作用,没有实际意义,不作任何成分。,1、When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens 当问及贾斯汀被外星人带走的可能性时, Is there any possibility _ you could pick me up after school? No problem. A. when B. that C. whether D. what,B that连接同位语从句,说明possibility的内容,且that在从句中不充当任何成分,也没有实际意义,只起连接作用。,可用于sb. / sth.be done 不定式的句型的动词有:say, think, consider, report, advise, suppose, expect, prove, order等。所列出的这几个动词还可以用于It be done that sb.的句型。 He is thought to have made up the excuse. It is thought that he made up the excuse. 据认为他这个理由是编造的。,2、The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being. It is said that the Yeti is a large 据说野人是一种大而多毛,像人一样用两条腿走路的动物。,It was considered that they were running out of supplies. They were considered to be running out of supplies. 据认为他们的补给快要耗尽了。 It is reported that the little prince looks up to his father as a hero. The little prince is reported to look up to his father as a hero. 据报道小王子尊他的父王为英雄。 It was supposed that they got in the way. 当时人们认为是他们碍事。 They were supposed to get in the way. 原本认为他们会碍事的。,It has been proved _ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life. A. if B. because C. when D. that,D 句意:在童年时期吃蔬菜有助于保护你在余生中不得严重的疾病,这已经得到了证实。考查主语从句。由句子结构可知,it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句。因为从句中成分完整,所以只能用只起连接作用而不作句子成分的连词that。,Mr Greens book is said to _ into several foreign languages so far. A. have translated B. have been translated C. be translated D. have been translating,B 句意:格林先生的书现已被译成几种外语了。由被动含义排除A、D。句中有so far谓语动词常用现在完成时,故在动词不定式后使用完成式。故选B。,It is often _ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak. A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said,A 句意:人们常说人类天性会说话。此句型结构是it is 过去分词 that。,1. B next to 靠近; far from 远非; due to由于。,1. So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy, but it is _ ideal. We have to work still harder.(2010江苏) A. next to B. far from C. out of D. due to,2. C 根据句意“你知道是否Linda愿意主持这个节目吗?你不妨问问她。”可知答案。,2. Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program? _, does it?(2010安徽) A. It makes no time B. It counts for nothing C. It doesnt hurt to ask D. It doesnt make sense,3. A look up 查询; look at 看一看; look for 寻找; look into 调查。,3. I often _ the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet.(2011四川) A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look into,如何写好简单句,要想写好简单句,就必须记住简单句的这6种基本句型。 【句型1】主语谓语(vi.) (状语) They worked day and night. 他们夜以继日地工作。 【句型2】主语 系动词 表语 My grandpa is seventy years old. 我爷爷70岁了。 本句型中的连系动词以 be 为最多。此外还有少数其他的连系动词,如 appear, become, get, grow, look, prove, remain 等。,【句型3】主语 谓语(vt.) 宾语 (状语) I havent decided whether to go or not. 我还没有决定去还是不去。 【句型4】主语 谓语 (vt.) 间接宾语 直接宾语 Zhou Nan lent me some money.(some money to me.) 周楠借给我一些钱。 如果将间接宾语置于直接宾语之后,则需借助介词to 或 for。 直接宾语和间接宾语之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系。,【句型5】主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 We watched the train leaving the station. 我们看着火车离开车站。 本句型中的宾语和宾补之间有着逻辑上的主谓关系。 【句型6】 There be / stand / live主语 地点 状语 There are several guests in the hall. 客厅里有几位客人。 在本句型中,还可将谓语动词be换成某些表示“来往,存在,发生”之类的不及物动词,如 arrive, come, go, exist, happen, live, remain, seem, stand 等。,按括号内要求将下列句子译成英语: 1. 历史要发展。 (主语谓语) _,1. History advances.,2. 我有3年没去看我的叔叔了。(主语谓语宾语) _,2. I havent visited my uncle for three years.,3. 我把亨利当作最亲密的朋友。(主语谓语双宾语) _,3. I consider Henry my closest friend.,4. 我们现在必须对它保密吗?(主语谓语复合宾语) _,4. Must we keep it a secret now?,5. 这些玫瑰花闻起来很香。(主语系动词表语) _,5. These roses smell sweet.,6. 在他的卧室里只有一张床和一把椅子。(There be结构) _,6. In his bedroom there was only a bed and a chair.,名词,表示人或事物(事件/行为)名称的词是名词。名词分为专有名词和普通名词两大类,其中普通名词又分为个体名词,集合名词,抽象名词和物质名词。一般而言,个体名词和集合名词是可数名词;抽象名词和物质名词是不可数名词。难点是有些名词根据词义的变化其性质也发生变化,如“success(成功)”是个抽象的概念,常用作不可数名词。但表示“成功的实例(人或物)”时,用作可数名词。另外,名词是否可数,不能完全根据汉语的思维来确定。,一、名词的数 可以直接用数目来计算的名词是可数名词;不可以直接用数目来计算的名词是不可数名词。,1以s,x,ch或sh 结尾的名词在词尾加es。但stomach变成复数为stomachs。,2以y结尾的名词分两种情况。其中以元音字母加y结尾的词在词尾直接加s,以辅音字母加y结尾的词改y为i再加es。,3以o结尾的名词变复数无规律可言,但中学阶段以o结尾变复数加es的单词可概括为“两人两菜”: Negro 黑人;hero 英雄; tomato 番茄; potato 马铃薯。其他加s。,4以f/fe结尾的名词变复数也无规律可言,但中学阶段以f/fe结尾变复数改f/fe为v加es的单词可概括为“贼(thief)的妻子(wife)头戴树叶(leave)用架子(shelf)上的半(half)把小刀(knife)结束了一只狼(wolf)的生命(life)”。其他加s。,5含man的单词,通常改其中的元音字母a为e。但直接加s的单词有3个:Roman; German; human。,6单词中间含oo的单词,通常改其中的元音字母oo为ee。,7加(r)en变复数的单词:child(ren); ox(en)。,8以a为复数形式的单词:bacteria; phenomena。,9改is为es变为复数形式的单词:bases; analyses。,10单复数同形的单词。其中单复数同复数形式的单词主要有:means; works; series; species。单复数同单数形式的单词主要有:Chinese; Japanese; aircraft; sheep; deer; swine; fish等。,11people表示“人”时,单复数同单数形式;表示“民族”时,复数须加s;fish单复数同单数形式,复数形式fishes表示“各种各样的鱼”。,12含有主体名词的复合名词变复数,在主体名词上变化,如:fathersinlaw; 无主体名词的复合名词变复数,在词尾上变化,如touchmenots。其他情况一般加s。,二、名词的格 1表示有生命的东西的名词,所有格一般在该名词后加s如:Jims sister(吉姆的姐姐);Li Mings book(李明的书)。,2以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,只在名词右上方加。如Teachers Day (教师节)。,3以s结尾的单数名词或人名可以加s构成所有格如 the bosss letter (老板的信) (特例:以s结尾的人名的所有格的构成加s或均可,如: James book/Jamess book詹姆斯的书)。,4如果某物为两人共有,则只在后一个名词词尾加s;如果不是共有的,则两个名词后要加s如:Jim and Kates room吉姆和凯特的房间(共有);Janes and Toms books 简和汤姆的书(不共有)。,5复合名词的所有格在后一个名词词尾加s构成,如:her soninlaws car(她女婿的车)。,6表示某人家,店铺等生活,工作处所的所有格后的名词常省略:如:at Mr. Wangs(在王先生家);at the tailors(在裁缝店);at the barbers(在理发店)。,7有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等名词也可以在词尾加s构成所有格:如:todays newspaper(今天的报纸);ten minutes walk(步行10分钟的路程);Beijings street(北京的街道)。,8物如为无生命的名词,通常用“of名词”结构来构成所有格:如the name of the hospital(医院的名称);the centre of the city(市中心)。,9表示某物的一部分或抽象概念时,常用“of名词”结构表示所有格:如:the top of the house房屋的顶部(一部分);the cost of living生活费用(抽象意义)。 10如果在表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词时,常用“of所有格”的形式,即双重所有格,来表示所属关系:如:a friend of my fathersone of my fathers friends(我父亲的一位朋友)。 11还有一些表示“的”的词,如: to, for, from。the answer to the question 问题的答案,the key to the door 门的钥匙,a ticket for the concert音乐会的票,a student from Beijing来自北京的学生。,三、名词的修饰词 1只能修饰可数名词复数的词 数词,many,several,a few,few,a (large)number of,如:two apples两个苹果,a large number of students 许多学生,several books几本书。 2只能修饰不可数名词的词 much, a little,little,a great deal of,如: much water 许多水,a little time一点儿时间。 3既能修饰可数名词复数又能修饰不可数名词的词 a lot of,lots of,plenty of,表示容器的量词, 如: a lot of books 许多书,a lot of milk 许多牛奶,two boxes of apples 两箱苹果,three cups of tea 3杯茶。,四、名词的功能 1在句中作主语 Mary is to meet you at the airport. 玛丽将在机场接你。 2作表语 My brother is a worker. 我弟弟是个工人。 3作宾语或复合宾语 He finished his task on time. 他按时完成了他的任务。 We made Tom our monitor. 我们选汤姆为我们的班长。,4作定语 He got three gold medals at 23rd Olympic Games. 他在第二十三届奥运会上取得了3块金牌。 注意:名词作定语修饰名词,通常表示事物的属性、本质特征、内容、材料、目的等。这些形容词化的名词与形容词作定语在语义上有一定的区别。 colorful dress 色彩鲜艳的女装(仅指颜色) color film 彩色电影(属性为彩色的) 5作状语 The meeting lasted two hours. 会议持续了两个小时。,6作同位语 Mr. Smith, our leader, is speaking now. 史密斯先生,我们的领导,正在讲话。 7作称呼语 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们,先生们,早上好。,family指“家庭”时,强调全体;指“家里人”时强调个体,与住房无关。 My family is a big one. 我家是个大家庭。 My family are having supper now. 我的家人现在在吃晚饭。,home指“家”,表示同一家庭共同生活的地方,具有感情色彩。 Kate has left home for school. 凯特离家上学去了。 既可作副词也可作名词,意思是“在家”。 I had to stay (at) home to do my homework. 我得待在家里做家庭作业。 house指“住宅”、“住房”。 The Greens live in a big house. 格林一家住在一个大房子里。,man总称“人”、“人类”,用单数。 So far,the moon has been visited by man. 到目前为止,人类已经访问过月球。 总称“男人”,用单数,不用冠词。 Man is stronger than woman. 男人比女人有力。 指个体“男人”,有单、复数。 There are two men and three women over there. 那边有2个男人3个女人。,people泛指“人们”,表示复数概念。 People often work in the day. 人们常在白天工作。 指“人”的个体,但只表示复数概念。 There are five people in my family. 我家有5口人。 前面加定冠词指 “人民”,表示复数概念。 Lets work for the people. 咱们为人民服务。 指“民族”时,有单、复数之分。 The Chinese people is a hardworking people. 中国人是一个勤劳的民族。,person强调“人”的个体,有单、复数之分。 There are five persons in my family. 我家有5个人。,police总称“警察”,表示复数概念。 The police were standing there. 警察站在那儿。 指“警察”的个体,但只表示复数概念。 There are several police/policemen watching the traffic. 有几个警察在管理交通。 policeman强调“警察”的个体,有单、复数之分。 My father is a policeman. 我父亲是个警员。,universe指“宇宙万物”,强调物质概念。 When we talk about the universe, we mean the earth, the sun, the moon and many other stars. 谈到宇宙时,我们往往指的是地球、太阳、月亮以及其他的许多星星。 space指“太空”、“宇宙空间”,强调空间概念。 Many countries have sent up the satellites into space. 很多国家往太空发射过人造卫星。 也可以指 “空间”、“余地”、“空地”。 There is no space on the bus. 公共汽车上没有座位了。,1. The _ so much alike that I cant tell which is which. A. twin looks B. twins look C. twin look D. twins looks,B 此题容易误选C,误认为 twin 的意思是“双胞胎”,指两个,表复数意义。其实,此题的正确答案为B,twin 的意思是“孪生子之一”或“双胞胎之一”,英文解释为 either of two children born of the same mother at the same time,即它指的是两者中的一个,而不是两个,要表示双胞胎两个,要用复数 twins。,2. Mr. Black, who is a _, is now in love with Miss Smith, who is a _. A. cooker; typewriter B. cook; typist C. cooker; typist D. cook; typewriter,B 此题正确答案为B,但容易误选A,许多同学想当然地认为:cook 用作动词,表示“煮饭”,所以 cooker 应是其相应的名词,表示“煮饭的人”,即“厨师”;type 用作动词,表示“打字”,所以 typewriter 应表示“打字员”。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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