2012新课标同步导学英语[译林·江苏专版]必修5:2-1Welcome to the unit & Reading

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2012新课标同步导学英语[译林·江苏专版]必修5:2-1Welcome to the unit & Reading_第1页
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2012新课标同步导学英语[译林·江苏专版]必修5:2-1Welcome to the unit & Reading_第3页
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Tiny beetles kill Canadian trees 全球气候的日益变暖造成了一系列的环境问题,植物虫灾就是其中之一。小小甲虫可以吃掉大片森林,这一现象不能不引起全世界的广泛关注!,Winter is coming and in the western Canadian Province of British Columbia,hungry larvae,or young beetles (甲虫),are busily eating.In recent years,the larvae of the mountain pine beetles have made their way through huge forests,killing a third of the oldest trees in British Columbia.,The young beetles hatched beneath the bark (树皮) of pine trees from eggs laid in early summer would eat a lot in early winter to grow into adulthood. “Weve lost a lot of wood,”says Rodney DeBoice,an expert on beetle control for the province. DeBoice says one reason why so many trees are dying is that the beetles find it easier to chew into older treesand more trees are living longer thanks to modern fire prevention.,Not only are there more old trees,but also there are a lot more beetles. A few years ago,colder winters helped control beetle numbers by killing many of them. Warmer winters mean more survivors. “Temperatures need to stay lower than 40 degrees below zero to put a large dent in the population,”explains DeBoice. So a lot more beetles are surviving and eating.,The pine beetles find shelter and food in the pine trees where they spend most of their life. In early summer,females no larger than the head of a match lay tiny eggs that develop into larvae in the fall. The hungry larvae eat away at the trees life system through the winter. Once they chew a ring all the way around the tree,water and nutrients can no longer flow throughout the tree and it dies. Experts say by the year 2013,80 percent of British Columbias mature pines will be dead.,Help: mature adj. fully grown and developed 成熟的 Find the words in the passage that fit the following descriptions. 1_:to come out of an egg (in Para.2) 2_:a reduction in the amount of something (in Para.6) Key:1.hatch 2.dent,Section Welcome to the unit & Reading,.短语翻译 把下列短语分别译成英语或汉语。 1对关心 _ 2肩并肩地,一起 _ 3砍伐 _ 4大批的,大量的 _ 5对/因感到兴奋 _ 6open the floor _,7wipe out _ 8cut back on _ 9the key to _ 10run out of _ 【答案】 1.be concerned about 2.side by side 3.cut down 4large amounts/numbers of 5.be excited about 6.自由发言 7消灭,扫除 8.削减,减少 9.的关键 10.用完,耗尽,.课文理解 根据课文内容,选择最佳答案。 11Mr Lin Shuiqing is talking about_. Ahow industrial waste damages the world Bhow much of the world is damaged by industrial waste Chow many creatures are damaged by industrial waste Dhow bad pollution in the world is 【答案】 A,12What can we infer (推断) from the sentence “This will have a lasting effect upon the number of fish left for us to eat”? AWe should not eat so much fish. BWe will have more and more fish to eat. CWe will not have enough fish to eat one day. DWe will be affected by the number of fish left. 【答案】 C,13Mr Qian Liwei doesnt think_. Aeconomic development is bad for the environment Ba healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time Cpeople need to stop thinking of companies and money as the enemy Dfactory owners are concerned about the environment 【答案】 A,14Mr Lin Shuiqing and Mr Qian Liwei both agree that _. Awe should decrease the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment Brecycling may be the key to helping both economy and environment Cmany people are willing to pay higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly Dmore effective laws are needed to preserve the environment 【答案】 B,15Which of the following environmental problems isnt mentioned in the debate? AAir is being polluted. BMany rivers are full of chemicals. CTrees are being cut down. DProduction has been reduced. 【答案】 D,damage vt.损害;毁坏;n.损害;毁坏;破坏 do sb.damagedo damage to sb.给某人带来损害 We should learn to protect our skin from the damage of the sun. 我们应该学会保护我们的皮肤免受太阳光的损害。 The storm did great damage to this area. 风暴给这个地区造成了很大损失。,damage,destroy,hurt,injure,wound与harm (1)damage指伤害人或物而使之失去价值、功能或正常的外观,多用于自然灾害中的损害。 (2)destroy指完全的、不可修复的毁坏。 (3)hurt强调精神上、肉体上的伤害,强调疼痛。 (4)injure主要指在事故中受伤、损害、毁坏容貌,强调丧失机能。,(5)wound常指在战争、暴力或灾害中受伤,尤指战斗中的枪伤、刀伤。 (6)harm常用于口语,指伤及一个人或其心情、健康、权利、事业等,使之产生痛苦、损害等。 Once environmental damage is done,it takes many years for the system to recover. 环境破坏一旦造成,生态系统需要多年才能恢复。,1.用wound,damage,destroy,harm,hurt与injure的适当形式填空 (1)She felt_at your words. (2)The building was_in the earthquake. (3)Dont_your eyes by reading in dim light. (4)The bullet_him in the shoulder. (5)The bus was badly_when it hit the wall. (6)He was_in the accident. 【答案】 (1)hurt (2)destroyed (3)harm (4)wounded (5)damaged (6)injured,economy n经济;经济制度;节约 The economy of our country is increasing fast. 我国的经济正飞速发展。 We should make substantial economies. 我们应例行节约。,economic与economical (1)economic adj.经济的,经济上的;强调与国家、地区、社会或个人的经济有关。 (2)economical adj.经济的,节俭的,节约的;强调与个人行为有关。 We are concerned about the governments economic policy. 我们关心政府的经济政策。 She is economical with her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很省。,2.Although the country has had political independence for over a century,_it needs the support of its neighbours. Anaturally Beconomically Cespecially Dluckily 【解析】 由句中的political independence可知,“政治独立”了,但“经济上”仍需要邻国的支持,其他选项不合逻辑。 【答案】 B,debate n& vi.辩论,争辩,争论 debate on/upon sth.with sb.就与某人争论 conduct/have/hold a debate 举行辩论会 open/close a debate 开始/终止辩论 an open/a public debate 公开辩论 Theres been a lot of debates about the cause of acid rain. 有关酸雨的成因争议很多。 We have been debating about current affairs recently. 我们最近正就时事问题进行辩论。,【注意】 debate还可用做及物动词。 Congress will debate the question tomorrow. 明天国会将针对这个问题辩论。 The government is debating the education laws. 政府正在就教育法进行辩论。,debate,argue,discuss与quarrel (1)debate指在正式场合,和意见对立的一方进行全面的、彻底的、比较正式的争论,重在各述理由,双方交锋。后接名词或连接代(副)词引起的不定式短语,不接that从句。 (2)argue指就自己的看法、立场条理清楚地提出赞成或反对某事的理由,以说服他人。其后可接名词或that从句,不可接what,when,whether等引导的从句和不定式。 (3)discuss重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说服对方的成分。其后可接名词、动名词、不定式短语或when,whether,what等引导的从句,但不可接that从句。,(4)quarrel语气强烈,多指不友好的争吵。 Whether he should be sent to the distant area is open to debate. 他是否应该被送到偏远地区还有待于讨论。 I argued with her for a long time,but she refused to support our plan. 我和她辩论了好久,但她还是不支持我们的计划。 We discussed whether to go by bus or plane. 我们讨论要乘公交车还是飞机。 She quarrelled with his husband and left home with her little son.她和丈夫吵了架带着小儿子离开了家。,3.The proposal whether the system should be changed is still _debate. Ain Bover Cunder Don 【解析】 undern.表示“在中”。句意为:这个系统是否应该被更换的提议仍在讨论中。 【答案】 C,atmosphere n大气,大气层;气氛;氛围 Please pay attention to the pollution of the atmosphere. 请注意大气污染。 The atmosphere of the party is active and friendly. 晚会的气氛既活跃又友好。,the upper atmosphere高层大气 in an atmosphere of在的氛围中 be full of atmosphere情趣盎然 a romantic atmosphere一种浪漫的气氛 We live in an atmosphere of freedom. 我们生活在自由的环境中。,4.(2008年湖北卷)The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_. Aatmosphere Bstate Csituation Dphenomenon 【解析】 句意为:这两个国家的最高领导人在友好的气氛中进行交谈。atmosphere气氛,氛围;state状态;situation形势,局面;phenomenon现象。 【答案】 A,flow vi.& n流动 The river flows south into the sea. 这条河向南流入大海。 The years flow away so fast. 年华易逝。 The doctor could not stop the flow of blood. 那位医生无法止住流血。,flow,pour与stream (1)flow表示“流动”的普通用词,强调不断且顺畅的感觉。 (2)pour“倾斜,涌入”,强调流量大且向低处流动。 (3)stream强调由水源处流出。 The traffic began to flow normally again. 交通又恢复正常的流动。 Blood poured from the wound.血从伤口涌出。 Tears were streaming down her face. 泪水不断流下她的脸颊。,【注意】 动词的形式变化: 原形动词 过去式 过去分词 flow流动 flowed flowed fly飞 flew flown blow吹 blew blown The president flew to the front yesterday. 昨天总统乘飞机抵达了前线。,5.She stood there quietly,with her hair_down over her shoulders. Aflowed Bflowing Cto flow Dbeing flowed 【解析】 本题考查with复合结构。her hair与flow构成主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作宾补。句意为:她静静地站在那儿,头发垂到她的肩上。 【答案】 B,lay vt.产卵,下蛋;放置,摆放 lay.aside/away 贮存,储蓄 lay.down 放下 lay sb.off 裁员 lay.out 陈列;布置,安排 Last week,they laid 20 eggs,but this week the hens arent laying. 上周这些母鸡下了20个蛋,不过这周却不再下了。 She laid the book down on the table.她把书放在桌上。 The police have laid a trap for him. 警方设下陷阱等着他。,lay的过去式和过去分词均为laid。还要区分lie和lay。lie作“撒谎”讲时过去式和过去分词均为lied;作“躺,位于”讲时其过去式和过去分词分别为lay和lain。 Just now he lied to us again.刚才他又对我们撒谎了。 Mr Wang has lain in bed for half a month. 王先生卧床半月了。,6.The manager had fallen asleep where he_,without undressing. Awas lying Bwas laying Chad laid Dhad lied 【解析】 B、C两项表示“产卵,放”,显然与句意不符;D项表示“说谎”。句意为:经理没脱衣服就在躺着的地方睡着了。 【答案】 A,approach vt.& vi.接近,靠近 approach意为“靠近”时,后面可直接接人或物作宾语,不用介词to。 We must approach the bird very quietly or it will fly away. 我们必须悄悄地走近那只鸟,不然它会飞走。 Be careful!The train is approaching the station. 小心!火车进站了。 As the police approached,all the kids ran away. 警察一走近,所有小孩都跑了。,approach还可以作名词,意为“方法,方式”,常与介词to连用。 In some cases,different approaches to the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theories. 在某些情况下,对于同一科学问题不同的方法会得出相反的结论。,7.单词拼写 The woman_(走近) my table and took a seat. 【答案】 approached,expand vi.& vt.扩展,扩大 We hope to expand our business this year. 我们希望今年可以扩大我们的事业。 She expanded her short story into a novel. 她把她的短篇故事扩充为长篇小说。 Our foreign trade has expanded during recent years. 我们的对外贸易近年来扩大了很多。,expand与extend expand意为“扩大”,指朝各个方向增大,扩展。 extend指向某一个方向“延长,延伸”。 The peacock expands its tail.孔雀开屏。 They extended the subway.他们延长了地铁。,8.单词拼写 All matter e_when heated to a certain temperature. 【答案】 expands,beneficial adj.有益的,有利的,有帮助的 be beneficial to.对有益 A good diet is beneficial to health. 良好的饮食有益于健康。 It will be beneficial to you to arrive early. 早到对你有好处。,benefit vt.& n使受益,益处 benefit from/by 从中受益 for the benefit of.为了的利益 be of benefit to 对有好处 to ones benefit 对某人有好处的是 have the benefit of sth./doing sth.有的好处 None of us have benefited from the project. 我们都没有从该项目中受益。,9.In order to work better in the future,each of us must first of all know our _ and weaknesses. Astrengths Bbenefits Ctechniques Dvalues 【解析】 本题考查名词词义辨析。根据后面的weaknesses可知,每个人必须知道自己的强项和弱项,strengths优势,强项;benefits益处,好处;techniques技巧;values价值观。 【答案】 A,situation n形势;情形;位置 I am sorry to know you have fallen into a difficult situation. 知道你陷入困境我很难过。 The town is in a delightful situation in a wide,green valley. 该城镇坐落在一个宽阔而且草木葱茏的山谷中,环境宜人。,situation,condition,state与position (1)situation意为“一定时期内由各种情况造成的处境、形势”,也可指“语境,情景”。 (2)condition指“条件,状况,情况”,其单数形式指人或事物所处的状态,表示这个意义时,可与state换用。它还强调由于一定原因或条件造成的状态,如人的健康状况、事物的完好程度、设备的可用性等。其复数常指一般的、笼统的情况。,(3)state可指“人或事物所处的状态和状况”,可与condition互换。此外,它还可表示“思想、感情、心理等的状态”。 (4)position指物自身的位置,不含比较意味;situation指物的位置与其他物的关系。,10.用situation,condition与state填空 (1)They kept silent for a long time,in a_of hesitation and doubt. (2)Whether Ill go depends on the_of my health. (3)Under the present_,he cant keep up with the class. (4)It is important for you to use a word or phrase according to the _in language studies. 【答案】 (1)state (2)condition/state (3)conditions (4)situation,responsibility n责任;职责;义务 She is a woman with many responsibilities. 她是个负有许多职责的妇女。,a sense of responsibility责任感 a position of responsibility负有责任的位置 take responsibility forbe responsible for对负责 do sth.on ones own responsibility 自己负责做某事 responsible adj.负责的,有责任的 He will take responsibility for his behavior. 他将为他的行为负责。,11.Dont believe him,for he is a man of no_of responsibility. Asense Bmeans Cidea Dattitude 【解析】 sense of responsibility责任感。句意为:别相信他,他是一个没有责任感的人。 【答案】 A,key n答案;关键;adj.关键的 He turned the key in the lock,but he didnt unlock it. 他把钥匙在锁里转了转,但没打开。 The key to success is preparation. 成功的关键是准备。 The key to solving the problem is to cooperate. 解决问题的关键是合作。 He was a key figure in the team. 他是这个队里的关键人物。,表“的”时有些名词后要用to。 the key to the classroom教室的钥匙 a visit to.去的拜访 a secretary to.的秘书 the answer to.的答案 a danger to.的危险 the approach to.通往的途径或方法,an introduction to.的介绍、说明 the notes to.的注解 an entrance to.的入口处 an access to.接近或使用的权利或机会 the contribution to science对科学的贡献 I have had an answer to her letter. 我对她的信已作了答复。,12.The key_pollution is to make people realize the importance of protecting the environment. Ato reduce Bof reducing Cto reducing Dfor reducing 【解析】 本题中key意为“关键”,常和介词to搭配,表示“的关键”“的钥匙”等。 【答案】 C,effective adj.有效的,效果好的 The law is no longer effective.该法令已失效。 Its a very effective cure for the headache. 这种药治头疼很有效。,effectively adv.有效地;起作用地 effect n影响,效果 have an effect on.对有影响 affect vt.影响;感动 Smoking in a park doesnt affect other people in the same way. 同样,在公园里吸烟并不影响其他人。,13.(2007年江西卷)Scientists are convinced_the positive effect of laughter_physical and mental health. Aof;at Bby;in Cof;on Don;at 【解析】 第一个空考查短语be convinced of坚信;第二个空考查短语the effect on sth.对于的影响。 【答案】 C,ridiculous adj.荒唐的,荒谬的,可笑的 It is ridiculous to do sth.做某事很荒唐 It is ridiculous that.是荒唐的 She looks absolutely ridiculous in that hat. 她戴那顶帽子看起来非常可笑。 Its ridiculous to drive so fast along these lanes. 在这些狭路上开快车太离谱了。,ridiculous,absurd,foolish与funny (1)ridiculous指愚蠢、不合理而引人发笑。 (2)absurd“荒谬的”,特别强调不合理或违背事实。 (3)foolish“愚蠢的”,强调没有意义或缺乏判断力。 (4)funny“可笑的”,强调不合理而招致别人的取笑或蔑视。,Dont be ridiculous!You cant pay $ 50 for a Tshirt! 别犯傻了,你不会花50美元买一件T恤衫的! It is absurd to believe that the number 13 brings had luck. 相信数字13会带来厄运是荒诞不经的。 Its foolish of you to run away from home. 你竟然离家出走真是笨极了。 Everyone except me seemed to find her mistakes funny. 除了我,大家似乎都觉得她的错误可笑。,14.She looked _ in that hat,which drew much extra attention. Ainterested Bridiculous Cridiculously Dhealthy 【解析】 ridiculous此处意为“可笑的”,以至于“吸引了不少目光”;A、D两项不合句意;C项“ridiculously”为副词,而题干中looked为连系动词,后面要跟形容词。故B项符合题意。 【答案】 B,smart adj.聪明的;敏捷的;整齐的;漂亮的 It was smart of you to bring a map. 你很聪明,能想到带张地图。 Its easy to teach smart students. 教反应敏捷的学生很容易。 You look very smart in that new shirt. 你穿那件新衬衫看起来很英俊。,smart,beautiful,pretty与handsome (1)smart指人“聪明的,动作敏捷的,长得帅气、好看的”。 (2)beautiful可修饰人和物,修饰人时指“美丽的,好看的”,一般不用于修饰男子。 (3)pretty可修饰人和物,修饰女子时指“俊俏的,标致的”;修饰男子时含有贬义,指“女人气的”;pretty还可作副词,意为“相当,颇”。 (4)handsome可修饰人和物,修饰男子时指“漂亮的,英俊的”;也可形容女子“健美的”。,15.She is_than her brother but works less harder than him. Asmarter Btaller Cyounger Dprettier 【解析】 由but works less harder than him可知“她比她兄弟聪明”,故A项正确。 【答案】 A,provide vt.提供 The trees provide shade. 树给人们遮阴。 The government provided us with some rice and oil. 政府提供给我们一些大米和油。,provided/providing (that)可作连词,意为“假若,倘若,除非”。 Provided that there is no opposition,I will act as the representative of our team. 倘若无人反对,我将担任我们队的代表。,16.You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting _ you dont mind taking the night train. Aprovided Bunless Cthough Duntil 【解析】 本题考查状语从句的引导词。四个选项中只有provided和unless可以引导条件状语从句,前者意为“如果”,符合句意。句意为:如果你不介意乘晚上的火车的话,你可以早点到北京参加会议。 【答案】 A,think of 考虑;关心;想起;记得;想一想;想像;对有某种看法 The mother has many things to think of. 这位母亲有许多事要考虑。 I thought of my hometown when I saw the beautiful scenery. 看见这美丽的景色,我想起了我的家乡。,think well (ill) of认为好(不好) think much (little) of认为不错(没什么了不起) think of.as把看做 think highly of看重;高度评价 think about考虑;回想;想起 think over仔细考虑 think twice重新考虑 think up想出,设计出 think aloud (out loud)自言自语,What do you think of.?How do you like.? 你认为怎样? Ill think over your suggestions,and let you know my decision in a day or two. 我会慎重考虑你的建议,并在一两天内告诉你我的决定。,17.Whats wrong,Tom?You look pretty upset. Oh,nothing serious. Actually,I _ of my old friends. Aam thinking Bhave just thought Cwas just thinking Dhad just thought 【解析】 本题语境为再现说话前的某一场景,应该用过去进行时。 【答案】 C,open the floor 自由发言 You can open the floor at the meeting and express yourself. 在会议上你可以自由发言阐述自己的观点。 Please sum up very briefly and then well open the floor for questions and answers. 请简要总结,然后我们自由提问并解答。,take the floor 发言;参加讨论;开始跳舞 get/have the floor 得到发言权 ask for the floor 征求发言权 hold the floor 长篇大论地发言 She held the floor for over an hour. 她发言占了一个多小时。,18.完成句子 I now invite the President_ _ _ _(讲话)(floor) 【答案】 to take the floor,in addition另外 You need time and money,and,in addition,you need diligence. 你需要时间与金钱,此外,你还需要努力。 There is,in addition,one further point to make. 此外,还有一点要说。,【注意】 in addition“除此之外”,后不可加宾语;而in addition to后必须加宾语,to为介词。 She speaks three foreign languages in addition to English. 除英语之外,她还会说三种外语。,19.A new security system was installed._,extra guards were hired. AAs a result BApart from CIn that case DIn addition 【解析】 A项“因此”;B项“除之外”;C项“假使那样的话”;D项“另外”。句意为:安装了新的安全系统,另外,还雇用了一些保安。 【答案】 D,wipe out 取消;彻底消灭;擦拭 The disease wiped out many peoples lives. 这场疾病夺去了很多人的生命。 This years losses have wiped out last years profits. 今年的亏损把去年的赢利都赔光了。 This vase hadnt been wiped out properly before it was put away.这个花瓶没有擦干净就收起来了。,wipe away 擦去;清除 wipe down 把擦干净 wipe.off.把从擦去 wipe up./wipe.up把揩掉 He wiped the sweat off his face and went on working. 他擦去汗水,继续工作。,20.The cost of the new building will_all the companys profits this year. Acome out Bbreak out Cwipe out Dlook out 【解析】 come out长出;出版;break out爆发,逃脱;wipe out消除,擦拭;look out当心,留心。由句意“建这幢新楼的花费将把公司今年的利润全部用掉”可知应选C项。 【答案】 C,cut back on削减,缩减,减少 They told me to cut back on my expenses. 他们告诉我要削减费用。 We oppose any plans to cut back on the education budget. 我们反对任何削减教育预算的计划。,cut across 横过;走捷径 cut down 砍下,砍倒;减小 cut in 插嘴;插入;插队 cut off 切断(水、电、煤气) cut out 切去;剪去 cut up切碎 Dont cut in while others are talking. 别人谈话时不要插嘴。,21.The secretary_to tell Mr Brown that he was wanted on the phone. Acut off Bcut down Ccut in Dcut up 【解析】 本题考查词组辨析。A项“切断;断绝”;B项“砍倒;削减”;C项“插嘴;插话”;D项“切碎”。句意为:秘书插话来告诉布朗先生有人打电话找他。 【答案】 C,be concerned about 为担心;对焦虑;对关心 We are all concerned about your health. 我们都关心你的健康。 He was concerned about his sons safety. 他很担心他儿子的安全。,concern n& vt. 关心;惦记;关联 concern oneself about/in/with.关心;对感兴趣 as concerns 关于 as/so far as.be concerned 关于;至于;就而言 as far as I am concerned 就我而言 be concerned with 与有关,be concerned in 参与 show/feel concern about/for 担心/关心/挂念 have no concern for 毫不关心 I am not concerned with the accident. 我与这场事故没有什么关系。,22.My father expressed his great_over my health when leaving,_that he would come to see me again the next month. Acare;add Bconcern;adding Cinterest;having Dattention;but added,【解析】 第一个空考查句意及名词与介词的搭配,concern over/about表示“对关心”;care,interest和attention均不与over搭配;第二个空在句子中应为伴随状语,主语My father与add“补充说”是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。 【答案】 B,pay attention to注意 其中to是介词,所以后跟n./pron./v.ing Please pay attention to what I am saying. 请注意听我讲的话。 You should pay attention to your handwriting. 你应当注意一下你的书写。,draw ones attention (to) catch ones attention (to)使某人注意 attract ones attention (to)引起某人的注意 bring sth.to ones attention使某人注意某物 fix ones attention (ones eyes) on集中精力在上 come to ones attention获悉,call ones attention (to)提醒某人注意 the center of attention关注的中心 stand at/to attention立正 Please fix your attention on your studies. 请把精力用在学习上。,23.The media can often help solve problems,and draw attention _ situations _ help is needed. Ain;that Bto;which Cin;where Dto;where 【解析】 draw attention to是固定词组,此处to作介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。where在此引导宾语从句。 【答案】 D,run out (of) 用完,耗尽 Many hospitals are running out of money. 许多医院都快没有资金了。 We have run out of milk and juice. 我们没有牛奶和果汁了。 They had to return home when their money ran out. 他们的钱花光了,不得不返回家乡。,run out of与run out (1)run out of用完了。表示主动含义,主语一般是人。 He is always running out of money before the pay day. 他老是在发工资之前把钱花光。 run out of还有“从流出、跑出”之意。 (2)run out(become used up) 用完了。其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。run out也有“流出”之意,但不接宾语。,24.Our petrol_;Im afraid we wont go far before the car stops. Ahas run out Bis running out Chas used up Dis using up 【解析】 由we wont go far可知油还没有用完,故排除A项;use up“用完”,为及物动词短语;C、D两项结构均不对。 【答案】 B,With me are Mr Lin Shuiqing,from the Society for Environmental Preservation,and.和我在一起的嘉宾是来自环境保护协会的林水清先生,和 该句属倒装句式,作表语的介词短语with me置于句首,句子用了完全倒装结构。,In front of my house stands a tall tree. 我家房前有棵大树。 Beside the beautiful lake is a small village,where I was born. 美丽的湖边有一个小村庄,我就在那儿出生。,下列几种情况多用完全倒装句式: (1)表示地点、时间的介词短语放在句首,主语较长又无宾语时。 Through window came in the sweet music. 从窗户飘进来美妙的音乐。 (2)表示方向、地点和时间的副词,如:in,out,down,up,off,back,away,there,now,

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