2012新课标同步导学英语[译林·江苏专版]必修5:1-3Task & Project

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2012新课标同步导学英语[译林·江苏专版]必修5:1-3Task & Project_第1页
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2012新课标同步导学英语[译林·江苏专版]必修5:1-3Task & Project_第3页
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Section Task & Project,.短语填空 根据汉语意思,完成下列短语。(每空限填一词) 1_another相互,互相 2get_ 接通 3_the world 到底,究竟 4regardless_ 无论,不管 5get sb._trouble 使某人陷入困境 6blame sb._sth. 由于某事责怪某人 7_hesitation 毫不犹豫地,8be based_ 基于,以为基础 9_advance 提前,事先 10_silence 无声地,默默地 11be absorbed_ 专注于,全神贯注于 12have.attitudes_ 对持态度 13apart_ 除以外 14_the other hand 在另一方面 【答案】 1.one 2.through 3.in 4.of 5.into 6.for 7.without 8.on 9.in 10.in 11.in 12.towards 13.from 14.on,.句子翻译 把下列句子译成汉语。 15We wont tell anyone about your call unless you want us to. _ 【答案】 我们不会把你的电话告诉任何人,除非你想让我们这样做。,16When he comes back three and a half hours later,theyre still sitting on the sofa,absorbed in conversation! _ 【答案】 三个半小时后,当他回来时,她们仍然坐在沙发上,正谈得入神呢!,17Girls always seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends. _ 【答案】 女孩子看上去和她们的好朋友之间总有许多事情要谈论。,18Friendships between girls are usually based on shared feelings and support,but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests. _ 【答案】 女孩子之间的友谊通常是以共同的情感和互相支持为基础的,而男孩子之间的友谊是以共同的活动或兴趣为基础的。,anxious adj.焦急的,焦虑的;渴望的 be anxious for/about 渴望/担忧 be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事 be anxious that.渴望 Jane was anxious about her friends health. 简担忧她朋友的健康。 We have had an anxious time.我们焦虑了一阵子。 We are all anxious for peace.我们都渴望和平。,anxious,eager与keen (1)anxious表示“渴望的,热切的”,暗含焦急、焦虑之意。 (2)eager表示“热切的,渴望的”,暗含有一股激情和冲动。 (3)keen指特别的喜爱。 He is anxious about his weight.他为他的体重担心。 She is always eager for new knowledge. 她总是渴求新知识。 The child is really keen on maths.I think he has a talent for it. 那孩子酷爱数学,我觉得他有这方面的天才。,1.My mother always gets a bit_if we dont arrive when we say we will. Aanxious Bashamed Cweak DPatient 【解析】 anxious忧虑的,担心的;ashamed惭愧的;weak虚弱的;patient耐心的。根据句意A项正确。 【答案】 A,suffer vi.忍受痛苦;受损害,受损失 suffer from苦于;遭受的痛苦 When parents argue constantly,its the children who suffer most.父母争吵不休,最遭罪的是孩子们。 Shes been suffering from cancer for two years. 她得癌症已有两年。,suffer还可用做及物动词,意为“遭受(痛苦、损害等);忍受,忍耐”。 The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake. 那个城市因地震而遭到严重破坏。 Ill suffer this insult no longer.我不会再忍受这种污辱。,2._from heart trouble for years,professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes. AHaving suffered BSuffered CBeing suffered DSuffering 【解析】 由时间状语for years可知此处应用分词的完成式作状语。 【答案】 A,practical adj.实践的,实际的,切合实际的;实用的 Your invention is ingenious,but not very practical. 你发明的东西巧是巧,就是不太实用。 Its an interesting idea but there are many practical difficulties. 这是一个很有意思的想法,然而存在着许多实际困难。,practise v练习 practice n实践;练习;惯例;习惯 in/out of practice勤于/疏于实践或练习 put sth.into practice把某事付诸实施 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 practise doing sth.练习做某事 practised adj.熟练的,内行的,有经验的 It takes years of practice to acquire the skill of an expert. 专家的技能需要多年的实践才能获取。,3.To obtain a license,most learners in London go around the city on small motorbikes_how to move from different points of the city. Ato practise Bpractising Cpractised Dbeing practising 【解析】 此处考查现在分词短语作伴随状语。 【答案】 B,puzzle vt.使困惑,使迷惑不解 What puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone.令我不解的是,他为什么悄悄离开了这个国家。 The illness puzzled the doctor. 那种病症把医生难住了。,puzzle与confuse (1)puzzle表示因事情错综复杂而使人难以理解或解释。 (2)confuse表示在心理上使人迷惑。 What he did puzzled me greatly. 他的做法使我深感迷惑不解。 Her sudden appearance confused me. 她突然出现令我感到困惑。,4.There was a_look on his face after reading the letter. Apuzzled Bpuzzling Cto puzzle Dbeing puzzled 【解析】 puzzled“感到困惑的”,常用来指人或人的声音、表情等。 【答案】 A,absorb vt.吸引;吸收(水、热、光等);使全神贯注 Cotton gloves absorb sweat.棉手套吸汗。 Small businesses are absorbed by big ones. 小公司被大公司吞并了。,absorbed adj.被吸引住的,入迷的 be absorbed in sth./sb.被某事/某人吸引住 absorbing adj.十分吸引人的 The old man was completely absorbed in the book. 那位老人全神贯注地读这本书。,5.She was so_in her book that she didnt notice it was raining. Aabsorbed Battracted Cdrawn Dconcentrated 【解析】 be absorbed in专心致志于,其他三项搭配不当。 【答案】 A,attitude n态度;看法 An attitude is what a person thinks about something. 态度就是一个人对某事的想法。,attitude常与介词to或towards连用,表示“对的看法或态度”。have/show/take a (an)attitude to/towards.对持态度 What is your attitude to the problem? 对于这个问题你是什么看法?,6.Despite such a big difference in_toward what one eats,there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. Apoint Bidea Cattitude Dsight 【解析】 point点,意义;idea主意,念头;attitude态度,看法;sight视力。句意为:尽管对一个人的饮食态度有着很大的不同,但是毫无疑问西方人把中国的饮食看做是某种特殊的东西。 【答案】 C,consistent adj.(行为、信念等)一致的,协调的,一贯的 What you say is not consistent with what you do. 你所说的与所做的不一致。 There has been a consistent improvement in her attitude. 她的态度一直有改进。,consistent常与介词with连用,意为“与一致的”。 This is consistent with many religious faiths. 这与许多宗教信仰是一致的。,7.(2007年临沂模拟)She is not_in dealing with class affairs,so her students consider her unfair and unreasonable. Aconfident Bconventional Ccontroversial Dconsistent 【解析】 考查形容词词义的辨析。A项“自信的”;B项“传统的,习惯的”;C项“引起争论的;有争议的”;D项“始终如一的”。由题意可知D项正确。 【答案】 D,name vt.说出的名字;给取名字;任命 常接双宾语,也常用于被动语态。 Can you name the plant with blue flowers? 你能说出那种开蓝花的植物的名字吗? They named their child Janet. 他们给他们的孩子取名为珍妮特。,给他们的孩子取名为珍妮特。 (1)name after.以命名 name.as/for.任命为(某职务) (2)in the name of.以的名义 under the name of.用的名字;名叫 Shes been named as the secretary of the office 她被任命为该办公室的秘书。,8.The police arrest the criminal_the name of law. Ain Bunder Cwith Dby 【解析】 in the name of以的名义。 【答案】 A,hesitate vt.& vi.犹豫;踌躇;勉强 hesitate后一般不接名词或代词,可用于hesitate about/at (doing) sth.和hesitate to do sth.结构。 She hesitated for a moment,and then gave her agreement. 她犹豫了片刻,接着便表示了同意。 Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem. 有困难的话就马上告诉我们。,hesitation n犹豫;踌躇;勉强 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 At the order,he set out without hesitation. 听到命令,他马上就出发了。,9.Please do not hesitate_me if you have any difficulty. Ato contact Bcontacting Cto ask Dasking 【解析】 hesitate后接不定式而不接动名词,故排除B、D项;C项与句意不符。句意为:如果有什么困难的话,请尽管和我联系。 【答案】 A,get through (电话等)接通 get through to sb.通常意为“跟某人接通电话”。 I called all day yesterday,but I couldnt get through to you. 昨天我打了一天电话,但是都没办法联络到你。 I couldnt get through to her because her phone was busy all day.她的电话整天占线,因此我没能打通她的电话。,get through with sth.意为“完成某事”。 I will soon get through my work.我不久就会完成工作。,10.The boss said we had only three days to finish the work. Dont worry.We have already_two thirds of it. Agot down Bgot through Cgiven in Dgiven away 【解析】 A项“下来;离开”;B项“完成;顺利通过”;C项“屈服”;D项“赠送;分发;泄露”。 【答案】 B,11(2009年四川卷)Have you_? No.I had the wrong number. Agot in Bgot away Cgot off Dgot through 【解析】 句意为:你打通电话了吗?没有。我拨错号码了。get in进入,抵达,收获;get away走开,逃脱;get off(从)下来,出发,下班,逃脱惩罚;get through完成,度过,通过,讲清楚,打通电话。 【答案】 D,in the world (表示强调)究竟,到底 常用在疑问词后面,表示加强语气或惊讶。 What in the world is she doing?她到底在做什么? What in the world does he mean?他到底是什么意思? 在英语中,与其意义相近的表达还有on earth,ever等。 What on earth are you doing?你究竟在做什么?,12._in the world did they think they were doing? AHow BWhy CWhere DWhat 【解析】 分析句子结构可知,句中were doing后缺少宾语,故选用疑问词what。 【答案】 D,regardless adv.不管, 不顾 We will continue the race,regardless of the weather. 不管天气如何,我们将继续比赛。 We objected but they went regardless. 我们反对,但他们还是不顾一切地去了。 It seemed an impossible task at times,but we carried on,regardless.这任务有时看起来好像不可能完成,但是不管怎样,我们还是继续下去了。,regardless of和in spite of都相当于介词短语,其后不能接句子,意为“不顾;尽管”。 He went out regardless of/in spite of the rain. 尽管下着雨,他还是出去了。,13.(2009年江苏卷)This special school accepts all disabled students,_educational level and background. Aaccording to Bregardless of Cin addition to Din terms of 【解析】 句意为:这所特殊教育学校接收所有残疾学生,不管教育水平和教育背景。according to据所说,按所载;根据,按照;regardless of不顾,不管;in addition to除之外(还);in terms of按照,从方面来说。 【答案】 B,Were here for you 24 hours a day,7 days a week,and our service is free.我们每天24小时,每周7天为您免费服务。 free adj.免费的;自由的;adv.免费地;随意地 free from/of免除;使摆脱;不受伤害(或影响等) for free不要报酬地;免费地 free of charge免费的 be free to do sth.无拘无束地做某事 set free释放 freedom n自由,After ten years in prison,he was set free. 他坐了10年监狱后被释放了。 Ive got several free tickets for the theatre. 我有几张免费的戏票。 You are free to speak here.在此处你可以畅所欲言。,free与freely (1)free可用做副词,意为“免费地,随意地,自由自在地”。 Babies are allowed to travel free on buses. 婴儿获准免费坐公共汽车。 (2)freely作副词,意为“自由地,率直地”。 In France,he could write freely,without fear of arrest. 在法国,他可以自由地写作,不用害怕被捕。,14._of the burden of ice,the balloon climbed up and drifted away. ATo be free BFreeing CTo free DFreed 【解析】 句子主语the balloon与free之间为被动关系,因此用过去分词作短语作状语。句意为:脱离了冰的重负以后,气球攀升上来然后漂走了。 【答案】 D,I am of the same opinion (as.) 我(与)持同样的观点。 句中of the same opinion属于“ofthe same名词”结构,作表语。 The two boys are of the same age.这两个男孩一样大。,(1)beof抽象名词be名词的形容词形式 be of great/much value/use/importance/helpbe very valuable/useful/important/helpful 非常有价值/有用/重要/帮助 The dictionary is of great value to us. The dictionary is very valuable to us. 这本词典对我们来说很有用(价值)。,(2)beofa(n)/the/the same性质名词(无相应的形容词形式) be of the same size/height/color/shape/type/age. 相同大小/重量/颜色/形状/类型/年龄 The coats are of different colours.这些外套颜色不一样。 (3)“ofn.”结构可以作表语,也可以作定语或宾语补足语。 There are two boys of the same height.那两个男孩一样高。 You will find this map of great value when you visit Beijing. 当你游览北京时,你就会发现这张地图很有用。,15.The twin brothers,Tom and John,are_. Aof same high Bthe height of same Cof the same height Dthe same high 【解析】 of the same heightthe same in height 一样高。 【答案】 C,For example,sometimes when he leaves the apartment to play football,Amanda and her friend,sharon,will be sitting on the sofa,talking. 比如,有时当他离开公寓去踢足球时,阿曼达和她的朋友莎伦就会坐在沙发上聊天。 句中talking为现在分词作伴随状语,表示该动作和句中的谓语动词sitting同时进行。 They were sitting on the bench,chatting and laughing. 他们坐在长凳上,有说有笑。 Two boys were on the playground,playing. 两个男孩正在操场上玩。,(1)现在分词作状语与其逻辑主语,即句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系;现在分词除可作伴随状语外,还可作原因、时间、结果、方式状语等。 (2)现在分词作时间、原因或条件状语时,通常位于句子的前部;作方式、伴随或结果状语时,通常位于句子的后部。,The parents died,leaving the boy an orphan. 父母去世后,这个男孩成了孤儿。(结果状语) Hearing the good news,they burst out a cry of joy. 听到这个好消息,他们高兴地叫了起来。(时间状语) Not knowing his uncles address,he phoned to ask his parents. 因为不知道舅舅的地址,他打电话问他的父母。,16.As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not_,and asked myself what I was going to do. Amoved Bmoving Cto move Dbeing moved 【解析】 空白处在句中作伴随状语,且主语与move之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。 【答案】 B,When asked they usually hesitate before responding,My best friend?.当被问及这个问题的时候,他们往往在回答之前都要犹豫一下:“我最要好的朋友?” 句中when asked相当于“when they are asked”。 When asked why he did it,the boy kept silent. 当被问及他为什么这样做时,那个男孩就是一言不发。,状语从句的主语与主句主语一致且从句中含be动词时,可以把从句主语和be动词一起省略,从而形成“连词分词(短语)”结构。形成“连词v.ing形式”时,主句主语发出该动作;若形成“连词v.ed形式”时,主句主语承受该动作。 When waiting for the bus,I met an old friend who I hadnt seen for years.等公交车时,我遇到了一位多年不见的老朋友。,17.It shames me to say it,but I told a lie when_at the meeting by my boss. Aquestioning Bhaving questioned Cquestioned Dto be questioned 【答案】 C,When a boy is said to be or to have a best friend,it is likely that the two share little about their feelings with one another.当一个男孩说他是某人的好朋友或他有一个好朋友时,可能这两个人互相之间很少交流感情。 “Sb.is/wassaid不定式”为常用句式,经常可转换为“It is/was saidthat从句”句式,意为“据说”。 She was said to have graduated from a famous university. It was said that she had graduated from a famous university. 据说她毕业于一所名牌大学。 Tom is said to go abroad next month.It is said that Tom will go abroad next month.据说汤姆下个月将要出国。,It is/was reported that.据报道 It is/was thought that.人们认为 It is/was believed that.人们相信 It is/was suggested that.人们建议 The police are reported to be searching for the killer. It is reported that the police are searching for the killer. 据报道警察正在搜捕凶手。,18.The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang,who was reported_the world record in 110meter hurdle race. Abreaking Bhaving broken Cto have broken Dto break 【解析】 Sb./Sth.is reported to do sth.某人/物据报道做某事。打破世界纪录是已经发生的事,故用不定式的完成式。 【答案】 C,.完成句子 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(每空限填一词) 1The boy looked puzzled at_ _ _ (这个令人迷惑的问题) 【答案】 the puzzling problem 2Where_ _ _(到底) did you go just now? 【答案】 in the world,3Nowadays,many companies_ _ _ (正苦于) a shortage of skilled staff. 【答案】 are suffering from 4I was told that this model_ _ _(以为基础) Einsteins theory. 【答案】 was based on 5On the one hand,I have to work;_ _ _ _(另一方面),I have many visitors to see. 【答案】 on the other hand,6She dialed the number many times,but didnt_ _(接通) 【答案】 get through 7I refused his invitation_ _(毫不犹豫地) 【答案】 without hesitation 8_ _(不顾) his parents object,the young man was determined to study medicine. 【答案】 Regardless of,9The three girls get on well with_ _(互相) 【答案】 one another 10When she was out that night,her parents_ _ _(为担忧) her safety. 【答案】 were anxious about,.句型转换 每空填一个英语单词,使A、B两句意思相符。 11A.I wrote a letter to her,but she didnt write back. BI wrote a letter to her,but she didnt_ _ _ _. 【答案】 respond/reply to my letter,12A.It was said that the man had gone to America for business. BThe man_ _ _ _ _ _America for business. 【答案】 was said to have gone to 13A.Computers are said to have been used in agriculture production. BIt is said that computers_ _ _in agriculture production. 【答案】 have been used,14A.When he was introduced to us,he said nothing but smile. B_ _to us,he said nothing but smile. 【答案】 When introduced,练考题、验能力、轻巧夺冠,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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