2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:6-3 Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner

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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:6-3 Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner_第1页
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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:6-3 Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner_第3页
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Section Function,Speaking,Everyday English,Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner,Step One:Fast reading Read the text (P59) and decide whether the following are true (T) or false (F) 1Since it was founded,WWF has spent more than 1,000 million dollars on 11,000 projects in 130 countries.( ) 2WWF China staff has worked in Beijing since the organisation began to work with the Chinese government.( ),3WWF China staff works on projects including environ- mental education for Chinas secondary schools and universities.( ) 4The WWF has branches in each of the continents.( ) 5Only if people learn how to conserve nature,will our world has a future.( ) 6The WWF had its branch in China in 1995. 答案: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T,Step Two:Detail reading Read the text (P59) carefully and fill in the blanks.,答案: 1.extinction 2.Designer 3.1961 4.90 5.nature conservation 6.environment 7.enviromental education 8.1980 9office 10.thirsty,(1)n.目标,目的 take aim at瞄准 The World Wide Fund for Nature is an organisation whose aim is to protect wildlife.(教材P54)世界自然保护基金会是一个以保护野生动植物为目的的组织。 My aim in life is to do what I like best. 我的生活目标是做我最喜欢做的事。 She went to London with the aim of finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。,(2)v.& vt.瞄准;针对;目的在于 aim sth.at用瞄准 aim at针对,瞄准;目标是做 aim to do旨在做,意欲做,打算做 be aimed at目的是;旨在;针对,He aimed the gun at the enemy officer. 他用枪瞄准了敌军军官。 His remarks were not aimed at you. 他的话不是针对你的。 The factory must aim at increasing production. 工厂必须以提高产量为目标。,1The little boy studies very hard,_becoming an excellent student. Aaiming at Baim in Caimed at Daimed in 解析: 句意为:那个小男孩学习很刻苦,志在成为一名优秀学生。the little boy与aim at之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作状语;aim at瞄准,向(某方向)努力。 答案: A,involve vt.涉及;包括 involve sb.in使某人卷入 be involved in涉及到,卷入,专心于 But the trade also involves live animals.(教材P55) 但这种贸易也包括(贩运)活着的动物。 Taking the job involves living abroad. 接受这项工作就得到国外去住。,Dont involve me in your problems. 不要把我卷入到你们的麻烦中去。 I dont want to be involved in it. 我不想牵扯到这件事里面。 I was so involved in my book that I didnt hear you knock. 我在全神贯注地看书,没有听到你敲门。,2完成句子 我们被告知此人卷入这一犯罪活动。 We are told that the man_the crime. 答案: is involved in,3The young man_in studying paid no attention to the outside world. Ainvolved Binvolving Cto be involved Dbeing involved 解析: 考查固定结构involved in doing.在句中作定语,相当于一个定语从句who was involved in studying。本句意为“全神贯注于学习的那个年轻人没有注意到外面的世界”。 答案: A,live (1)adj.活的(多作定语) But the trade also involves live animals.(教材P55) 然而,这种交易还包括贩卖活的野生动物。 I saw a live mouse here. 我看见一只老鼠在那儿。,(2)adj.& adv.活的;现场直播的,在现场直播的 The club has live music most nights. 这家俱乐部大多数晚上有现场演奏的音乐。 The show is going out live. 这场演出正在实况转播。,(1)alive只能用做表语,后置定语或补语。常用来指人,有时也可指物(动作),作表语时可与living互换。 (2)living既可用做定语,也可用做表语,修饰表示人或物的名词。 (3)lively意为“活泼的,活跃的;充满生气的”,用做定语或表语,既修饰人,又修饰物。,An enemy officer was caught alive. 一位军官被活捉。 Both plants and animals are living things. 植物和动物都属于生物。 He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇特的方法使他的课生动活泼。,4Many people watched the_TV broadcast of the football match. Alive Balive Cliving Dlively 解析: live可用做形容词,意为“现场的,直播的”。 答案: A,focus (1)n.焦点;集中点 The focus of attention has changed,too.(教材P59) 注意的焦点也发生了改变。 Her beauty makes her the focus of attention. 她长得漂亮,很惹人注目。,(2)v.集中;使聚焦 focus on注意,集中于 focus ones attention/eyes on把注意力/目光集中于 You should focus your attention on your work. 你应该把注意力放到工作上。 The discussion focused on three main problems. 讨论集中在三个主要问题上。,5Public attention at the moment is_on the problem of industrial relations. Acalled Bpaid Cfocused Dput 解析: 考查词义辨析。根据句意“目前公众的注意力集中在工业关系的问题上”,可知正确答案。 答案: C,be concerned about关心某事;担心某事 Im concerned about the future of wildlife in Africa. (教材P57)我担心非洲野生动植物的未来。 We are all concerned about his safety. 我们都为他的安全担忧。 Im not concerned about that matter any more. 我再也不用担心那件事了。,(1)concern vt.关系到;使担心,关心;n.关怀,关心;关心的事 (2)concerning prep.关于 (3)be concerned with与有关,涉及 (4)as/so far as Im concerned就我而言,依我看来 as far as sth.is concerned就某事而言,He showed great concern about you. 他很担心你。 She said she was not concerned with the matter any longer. 她说她不再和这件事有关。 As far as Im concerned,I agree with what you said. 就我(个人)而言,我同意你所说的。,6He is interested in politics,so he is quite_about the relationships between China and other countries. Aanxious Bworried Cconcerned Dconcerning 解析: 考查词义辨析。anxious焦虑;着急的,worried担心的,concerned关心的,concerning是一个介词表示关于,be concerned about关心;挂念,本句意为:他对政治感兴趣,因此他十分关心中国与其他国家的关系。 答案: C,stand for (1)代表,象征 The initials,WWF,stand for World Wide Fund for Nature. (教材P59)缩略词WWF代表“世界自然保护基金组织”。 What does “WTO” stand for?“WTO”代表什么?,(2)忍受,忍耐(多用于否定句) I wont stand for any more of your rudeness. 我不能再容忍你的无礼了。 I wouldnt stand for being treated as a child. 我不会容许被当做小孩看待。 (3)主张,提倡 I stand for freedom of speech for everyone. 我主张人人都有言论自由。 John always stands for what is right. 约翰总是提倡正确的东西。,7ATM is a short form which_“automated teller machine” Astands for Bstands by Cbases on Drelies on 解析: stand for代表;stand by支持;仍然遵守诺言;base sth.on sth.以为依据;rely on依靠。 答案: A,set up建立;成立 Then,in 1995,the organisation set up an office in Beijing. (教材P59)接着,1995年该组织在北京成立了办事处。 A new government was set up after the war. 战后成立了新政府。 The factory has set up a night school to provide the workers with more technical training. 工厂已设立夜校以便向工人提供更多的技术培训。,set about散布(谣言等);开始忙碌 set off出发,动身;引爆,引发某人(哭;笑等) set down使(飞机)着陆,放下;写下 set out出发,动身;着手做(to do),8(2010陕西卷)A notice was_in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. Asent up Bgiven up Cset up Dput up 解析: 句意为:为了提醒学生讲座时间的更改特意张贴了一份通知。put up “张贴”,符合题意。send up发射;give up放弃;set up建立。 答案: D,The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy.(教材P59) 世界自然保护基金组织相信只有人们学会保护自然,不浪费能源,我们的世界才有未来。 only if只要,用于引导陈述语气的真实条件句。用于句首时。句子应部分倒装。,Children may enter the club only if they are accompanied by their parents. 只要有父母陪同,孩子们就可以进入俱乐部。 Only if you study hard will you pass the test. 只要你努力学习,就会通过考试。,if only但愿,引导的句子常用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反用一般过去时;与过去事实相反则用过去完成时。 If only I had followed your advice. 要是我遵照你的建议就好了。 If only John were here with us. 要是约翰和我们一起在这里该多好。,9完成句子 (1)只要走快些,你就能赶上他。 _you walk quickly can you catch up with her. 答案: Only if (2)要是我富有就好了。 _I could be rich! 答案: If only,.单词拼写 1Housework_(包括) cooking,washing and cleaning. 答案: involves 2The bank has _ (分行) in all parts of the country. 答案: branches 3It is commonly accepted that it is a_(浪费) of time to talk with them. 答案: waste,4The waitress argued that it was not she who_(放置) the table. 答案: laid 5The whole family are sitting around the table talking about a_(现场直播的) football game they saw just now. 答案: live 6She a_to achieve her goal after two years. 答案: aimed,.重点短语 1be concerned _ 关心某事,担心某事 2_ an eye on 照看,注意 3go _ 袭击,适用于 4_ on (动物)以为食 5on the _ of. 在的边缘 6stand _ 代表 7have an effect _ 对有影响 8set _ 建立;设立,答案: 1.about 2.keep 3.for 4.feed 5.brink 6.for 7.on 8.up,.同义句转换,每空一词 1They want to start their own importexport business. They want to_ _their own importexport business. 答案: set up 2The amount of rain affects the growth of crops seriously. The amount of rain_ _ _ _ _the growth of crops. 答案: has a serious effect on,3We need a new system for watching what is going on. We need a new system for_what is going on. 答案: monitoring,练考题、验能力、轻巧夺冠,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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