2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:2-3Vocabulary;Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner

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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:2-3Vocabulary;Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner_第1页
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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:2-3Vocabulary;Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner_第2页
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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:2-3Vocabulary;Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner_第3页
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Section Vocabulary;Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner,Step One:Fast reading Read the text (P19) carefully again and decide whether the following is True (T) or False (F) 1More home care nurses will be needed to help people who have problems speaking.( ) 2Six million Americans suffering from speech or language problems are under the age of 18.( ),3Common sense,physical fitness and an outgoing personality are important for guides.( ) 4According to the survey,the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and tourism.( ) 514 million American teenagers suffer from speech or language problems.( ) 6An adventure guide should have physical fitness and an outgoing personality.( ) 答案: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T,Step Two:Detail reading .Read the text (P19) carefully and fill in the blanks.,答案: 1.data puter 3.biology 4.nurses 5.double 6Social 7.travel agents 8.guides,.Summary According to a(n)1._published by an American university,the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to 2._and 3._.For those who love the 4._life,a good bet could be the leisure industry. 答案: 1.survey puters 3.health 4.outdoor,sign (1)vt.签字,签署;做手势 I havent signed the contract yet.Im still thinking about it.(教材P15)我还没有签这个合同。我仍然在考虑。 He signed the bill.他在账单上签了字。 The policeman signed to me to stop. 警察冲我打手势让我停下。,(2)n.符号;告示牌;示意动作,手势;征兆;迹象 The sign says “No parking”告示牌上写着“请勿停车”。 The teacher made a sign for us to leave. 老师做了一个手势示意我们可以离开了。 They waved the red flag as a sign that they were ready. 他们挥动红旗表示准备好了。,1完成句子 老师示意我回答这个问题。 The teacher_to answer the question. 答案: signed to me,2Before the final exam,many students have shown _of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite. Asign Bmarks Canxiety Dremarks 解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:在期末考试之前,许多学生表现出了紧张的征兆。有些学生产生睡眠障碍然而有的学生食欲大减。 答案: A,apply vt.& vi.申请;请求;适用;应用 Now think of some more questions to ask people applying for these jobs.(教材P15) 现在想出更多的问题提问一下申请工作的人。 These poor children applied to the society for help. 这些可怜的孩子向社会请求帮助。 You cant apply this rule to every case. 这个规则并不能适用于所有的状况。 What you said doesnt apply to me.你说的并不适合我。 If you apply yourself to your study,you will do it well. 如果你专心致志学习,你会学好的。,apply (to sb.) for sth.(向某人)申请某物 apply sth.to sth.把应用于 apply to.适用于 apply oneself to.致力于,3The poor man_the boss_the job,but he failed. Aapplied;for Bapplied for;to Capplied to;for Dapplied at;of 解析: 句意为:那个可怜的人向老板申请那份工作,却失败了。apply to sb.for.向某人申请得到。 答案: C,require vt.需要,require doing/to be done需要被 require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事 require that.(should) do sth.要求做某事,SALES STAFF required in wellknown clothes shop. (教材P18)著名服装店招收销售人员。 The pets require a lot of care and attention. 这些宠物需要特殊照料。 The machine does not work well,it requires repairing/to be repaired. 这台机器不好使,需要修理。 The doctor required that I stay with my mother because my mother requires looking after. 医生让我跟母亲在一起因为母亲需要照顾。,4As a result of the serious flood,twothirds of the buildings in the area_. Aneed repairing Bneeds to repair Cneeds repairing Dneed to repair 解析: 此题考查主谓一致及“need”的特殊用法。twothirds of the buildings作主语,谓语动词应与the buildings保持一致,故应用复数谓语动词。need此处意为“需要”,用法应是need to be done/need doing。 答案: A,5It_that everyone come to hall five minutes before the meeting. Arequires Basks Cis required Dis asked 解析: 句中的it是形式主语,that从句是真正主语,所以应该用被动形式。ask不能接从句。 答案: C,demand (1)n.要求,需要,in great demand需求很大 meet/satisfy ones demand(s)满足某人的需要,But there will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals.(教材P19) 但是对健康护理专业的需求也会有不断的上升。 The company tries his best to satisfy the customers demands. 公司尽最大的努力来满足顾客的需求。 The teachers are in great demand in the west of China. 中国西部地区急需教师。,(2)vt.要求,需要 demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand that.(should) do sth.要求某人做某事 We demanded that she give us an immediate answer. 我们要求她立即给予我们答复。,6They demanded that the right to vote_to every citizen,white and black. Agive Bshould give Cbe given Dwould be given 解析: demand后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应用“should动词原形”,should可省略,句中的give与the right to vote之间为被动关系,故选C。 答案: C,7According to the survey,teachers are_in this area. Aon demand Bin demand Cdemand Ddemanding 解析: 句意为:“根据调查,这个地区急需教师。” on demand为“一经要求”;in demand为“需要的”。demand不可单独放在本句中,但我们可以说:There is demand for teachers in this area.教师是被需求的,故D选项的demanding应为demanded。 答案: B,suffer (1)vt.遭受,蒙受(痛苦,损害),Peasants suffered great losses because of the heavy snow. 由于大雪,农民遭受了巨大的损失。 Though he is only 15,he suffers much pain. 尽管他才15岁,他却遭受了许多痛苦。 (2)suffer from受苦,患病 He suffered from cold and hunger in the old society. 在旧社会,他饱受饥寒之苦。 He suffered from all kinds of disease in those years. 那些年,他有各种各样的病。,8_such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river. AHaving suffered BSuffering CThat suffered DSuffered 解析: 此题考查ing分词作状语。因suffer这一动作早于主句谓语动词动作发生,故用ing的完成时。 答案: A,in response to作为的回应 I am writing in response to your advertisement for a temporary position as a waiter.(教材P18) 看到你们广告上要招收临时服务员,我就写信来应聘。 My mother opened the door in response to the knock. 听到敲门声,妈妈打开门。,(1)make/give a response to对做出反应 make/give no response to对不予回答/理睬 (2)respond v. respond to回答,回应,响应 respondthat答复说/回应说,Even animals can respond to kindness. 即使动物受到善待都能做出反应。 The doctor responded that he would recover soon. 医生回答道他很快会康复。 They made a quick response to my question. 他们对我提出的问题立即做出反应。,9The school should_immediately to the parents request that students attend classes on Sundays. Aanswer Bobey Cfollow Drespond 解析: respond to对作出回答。 答案: D,10The trade union intended to call on the workers to go on strike _ the governments limitation on exports. Ain memory of Bin honour of Cin response to Din need of 解析: 句意为:工会打算号召工人罢工来回应政府对出口产品的限制。in response to对做出回应;in memory of纪念;in honour of对表示敬意;in need of需要。 答案: C,For people doing this job,common sense,physical fitness and an outgoing personality are likely to be more important than computer skills. (教材P19) 对于从事这项工作的人来说,拥有常识、健康的身体及乐观向上的个性可能比掌握计算机技能更重要。 本句为简单句,谓语为are likely to be,likely为形容词,“可能的”,常用于以下两种句型:,(1)Sb./Sth.belikelyto do sth. It is likely to snow today.今天可能会下雪。 Chinese team is likely to win the match. 中国队有可能赢得比赛。 (2)Its likelythatclause It is likely that hell fail.他很有可能失败。 Its likely that she wont attend the meeting tomorrow. 明天她可能不参加这个会议。,11Because of the bad weather,the train is_to be late today. Alikely Bprobable Cpossible Dknown 解析: 考查句型sb./sth.be likely to do sth.。probable,possible不可用人或物作主语。 答案: A,.单词拼写 1You do it first;it is_(暂时的) 答案: temporary 2This is my_(永久性的) address;you can keep it. 答案: permanent 3We are_(感激的) to you for your timely help. 答案: grateful,4She is under_(合同) to a major American computer firm. 答案: contract 5These days we have more money and more_(空闲) to enjoy our life. 答案: leisure 6My income has almost d_in the past two years. 答案: doubled 7The company is attempting to meet the customers d_. 答案: demands,8They combined t_methods of teaching with modern ones. 答案: traditional 9As far as I know,the boy has a strong p_. 答案: personality 10The tickets for tomorrow evenings film wont be a_. 答案: available,.重点短语 1have a day_ 有一天的假期 2be fluent_ (讲话)流利 3_location 外景拍摄 4in response_ 回答,答复 5be related_ 与有关 6combine._. 把和相结合 7suffer_ 遭受(痛苦),8_demand 需要 9look forward_ 期待,渴望 10be likely_sth. 可能做某事 答案: 1.off 2.in 3.on 4.to 5.to 6.with 7.from 8.in 9.to 10.to do,.佳句必背 1现在,想出更多的问题来问那些申请这些工作的人。 Now think of some more questions to ask people _ _ _ _. 答案: applying for these jobs 2但是对健康护理专业的需求也将会有所上升。 But there will also be_ _ _ _ _ _health care professionals. 答案: a rise in the demand for,31 400万美国人有语言问题,其中600万人年龄不到18岁。 14 million Americans _ _ _or language problems,and six million of them are under the age of 18. 答案: suffer from speech,练考题、验能力、轻巧夺冠,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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