2012年高考英语复习课件:Unit 5 Travelling abroad(新课标人教版选修7)

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2012年高考英语复习课件:2012年高考英语复习课件:第35讲 Unit 5 Travelling abroad(新课标人教版选修7),第35讲 Unit 5 Travelling abroad,第35讲 美文佳句,诵美文 下图描绘的是现在发生在许多高中毕业生身边的一种现象。请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英语电台投稿,描述一下该现象并发表你的看法。,第35讲 美文佳句,注意: 1仔细品味图中人物及简单文字,要结合真实的社会现象,不要作简单描述。 2词数:150左右。 3作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。,第35讲 美文佳句,In recent years, more and more high school students choose to study abroad. And the hottest countries they go are the US, the UK and Australia. Besides, Canada is also a popular country. Those who go to study abroad vary from strong students to weak ones. It is said that the admission process for universities abroad is quite different from ours. They dont have examinations like our College Entrance Examination, which is almost the only bridge leading to universities in China.,第35讲 美文佳句,What the universities see important in an applicant is not only their academic performance, but also their social skills. Of course, for some students, applying for an overseas school is a way for them to avoid Chinese examination, which to a large extent will bring them failure rather than success. Due to this, I doubt whether they will get real success abroad. Anyway, everyone has their rights to choose where to have their university education, abroad or not. If its a good choice for you, go for it.,第35讲 美文佳句,背佳句 1Those who go to study abroad vary from strong students to weak ones. 那些出国留学的学生良莠不齐。 赏析 该句中使用了who引导的定语从句修饰先行词Those,谓语动词使用了“vary fromto”结构。 2 It is said that the admission process for universities abroad is quite different from ours. 据说在国外大学的录取过程与我们的录取过程有很大的不同。 赏析 该句型是含有that从句的一个复合句,主语为形式主语It,意为“据说”。使用该句型时,that从句谓语动词可根据需要用各种时态。be said本身常用一般现在时,但也可以用过去时。,第35讲 美文佳句,3 What the universities see important in an applicant is not only their academic performance, but also their social skills. 大学所看重的不仅是申请人的学业表现,而且还有他们的社交技巧。 赏析 what引导的名词性从句在句中作主语,表语由“not onlybut also”引导。,第35讲 美文佳句,4 Of course, for some students, applying for an overseas school is a way for them to avoid Chinese examination, which to a large extent will bring them failure rather than success. 当然,对于一些中国学生来说,申请到国外的学校就读是避开高考的一种方式,(然而)这在很大程度上给他们带来的是失败而不是成功。 赏析 该句使用了一个which引导的非限制性定语从句,主句的主语为“ving” 结构,从句中使用了高级词汇“rather than”。句式优美,值得借鉴。,. 单词拼写 1 He had painfully written out a first d_. 2 Your present letter seems to c_ the previous one. Please clarify. 3 The doctor strongly r_ that he take a holiday. 4 Not having made full p_, they put off the meeting. 5 China has a_ natural resources, but they are still not enough for individuals.,第35讲 课前热身,raft,ontradict,reparations,ecommended,bundant,6 My sister o_ an important position in the Department of the Environment. 7 She is seeking a s_ for the very man whose departure made her cry. 8 Its a great _(安慰) to live in a family as an exchange student. 9 You should not be _(支配) by the opinions of others.,第35讲 课前热身,ccupies,ubstitute,governed,comfort,第35讲 课前热身,.完成短语 1对适应;习惯 2就而言 3定居;安顿下来 4适应,调节 5继续干下去 6相适应,相融合 7不可能的;不值得讨论的 8日复一日,get/be used to as far as one is concerned settle in adjust to keep it up fit in out of the question day in and day out,. 完成句子 1 我一直忙于学习,以至于都没有时间去搞社交活动。 I _work that I havent had time for social activities. 2 秘鲁有着多种多样的植物,从沙漠草到大面积丛林。 Peru has _desert grasses to vast areas of jungle. 3 我适应了新学校的生活,现在我感觉很自在。 I have got used to the life in the new_ school._.,第35讲 课前热身,have been so occupied/busy with,abundant plants from,I feel at home now,4 这是她第一次离开自己的祖国。 It was the first time_. 5 此外,他认为别人的想法并不是最重要的。 Besides,_, what other people thought was not the most important thing.,第35讲 课前热身,she had ever left her motherland,as far as he was concerned,recommend vt.推荐,介绍;劝告 recommendation n 推荐,介绍(信),劝告,建议 表示“建议”时,常用结构: recommend(sbs) doing 建议(某人)做某事 recommendthat 建议(从句用虚拟,由 “should动词原形”构成) recommend sb to do 建议某人做某事 表示“推荐;介绍”时,常用 结构: recommend sb sth(recommend sth to sb) 向某人推荐,第35讲 单词点睛,1,第35讲 单词点睛,【温馨提示】 (1) 力劝某人/强力推荐常用副词highly,strongly等,即highly/strongly recommend (2) 把甲介绍给乙,使他们相识,用introduce;把某物介绍、推荐给某人或把某人推荐给某人,应用recommend。 (3) recommend或 recommendation后的名词性从句要用虚拟语气,即should动词原形, should可以省略。,第35讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1) 老师曾建议我们看这部电影。 The teacher recommended that _. The teacher recommended us_. The teacher recommended our_. (2) 我把它推荐给任何一位同学和老师,包括自学的学生。 I _any student and any teacher, including the self taught student.,we (should) see the film,to see the film,seeing the film,recommend it to,comfort vt.安慰;慰问 n安慰;舒适 comfortable adj. 舒适的;舒服的;(人)安逸的,安乐的 uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的,不安逸的 comfortably adv. 安逸地 comfortwith 以安慰;以使舒适 comfort sb for 因某事安慰某人 【温馨提示】 comfort作“舒适”讲时,是不可数名词;而指具体的某件事/人时是可数名词。如: You are a great comfort to your parents. 你是父母最大的安慰。,第35讲 单词点睛,2,第35讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 1 根据汉语意思完成句子 还有,当我想家的时候,房东家就是我家的替身,和他们在一起给了我很大的安慰。 Also, when I miss my family, _ _to be with.,its a great comfort to have a substitute family,第35讲 单词点睛,2 用comfort的适当形式完成句子 (1) Her husband was a great _to her when her father was ill. (2) He has done everything he could to give his parents a _life. (3) After we lost the match, the teacher came up to us, _us with encouraging words. (4) The car is big enough to seat five people_.,comfort,comfortable,comforting,comfortably,substitute n代替,替代品(者)vt.用代 替;做的代替者 substitute A for B(substitute B with/by A) 用A代替B substitute for 代替 as a substitute 作为代理人/代替品 make a substitute of 替换,取代 replace sth with sth 用某物代替某物,第35讲 单词点睛,3,第35讲 单词点睛,【易混辨析】 substitute,replace 这两个词都含“取代,代替”的意思,但用法完全不同。 (1) substitute的用法是:substitute A for B,意为“用A代替B”。 (2) replace 的用法是:replace A with B,意为“用B代替A”。,第35讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1) 在现代社会中,人们用塑料做钢的代替品。 In modern society, people accept to_ _steel. (2) 他代替做这个办公室的打字员。 He _in the office. (3) 我把名单上我的名字换成了你的。 I _your name _mine on the list.,use plastics as a substitute for,substituted as the typist,substituted,for,acknowledge vt.确认;承认;答谢 acknowledge sb/sth 承认/感谢/认可某物/某人 或向某人打招呼/问候 acknowledge sb/sth to be/as 承认某人/某物是 acknowledge (doing) sth/that 承认 Its (universally) acknowledged that是大家所公认的 acknowledge sb with 以对某人表示感谢 acknowledge a favor/help 答谢所受到的关照/帮助,第35讲 单词点睛,4,第35讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 1 同义句改写 (1) She is acknowledged as the best singer. She is acknowledged _the best singer. (2) He acknowledged that he had done wrong. He acknowledged_.,to be,having done wrong,第35讲 单词点睛,2 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) 他告诉我说,首先,我不能把别人的话写下来而不表示感谢。 First of all, he told me, I couldnt write what other people had said_. (2) 台湾是中国的一部分,这是大家公认的。 _that Taiwan is a part of China.,without acknowledging them,It is universally acknowledged,第35讲 单词点睛,【易混辨析】 acknowledge, admit, recognize 这些动词均含“承认”之意。 (1) acknowledge 通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错。 (2) admit 强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。 (3) recognize 作“承认”解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。,第35讲 单词点睛,用acknowledge或recognize的适当形式完成句子 (1) He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would _him. (2) They _having been defeated at last.,recognize,acknowledged,occupy vt.占用(时间,空间);占领; (oneself) 使从事,使忙碌 occupation n 职业, 占有期间, 占有 occupied adj. 已占用的;无空闲的; 在使用的 keep sb occupied 使某人忙碌 be occupied with sth/in doing sthoccupy oneself with sth/(in) doing sth be busy doing sth/with sth be engaged in doing sth 忙于做某事,第35讲 单词点睛,5,第35讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1) 这个座位有人占吗? Is anyone _this seat? Is this seat_? (2) 教师不仅要专心于教书,还要育人。 A teacher should _ education as well as with teaching.,occupying,occupied,be occupied (occupy himself/herself) with,keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 keep up 保持,继续 keep a diary 写日记 keep ones word/keep to ones promise 履行诺言 keep in touch with 与保持联系 keep an eye on 照看,密切注视;提示 keep up with 跟上;保持同步水平不落后 keep away from 远离;不接触 keep to sth 信守;坚持;坚守;不违背(诺言、计划等),第35讲 短语存储,1,第35讲 短语存储,【活学活用】 (1) 你正在取得进步,坚持下去。 Youre making progress._. (2) 如果雨继续下,庄稼会被淹没。 _, the crops will be flooded. (3) 他总是说话算数的。 He always keeps_.,Keep it up,If the rain keeps up/If it keeps raining,his word/to his promise,fit in 相适应;相融合 fit in with 适合,符合; 适应;(使)与一致 fit sb in 安排时间见某人 fit sth in 安排时间做某事 fit on 把安上;试穿 fit up 安装;安放 be fit for 适合于 be fit to do sth 适合做某事,第35讲 短语存储,2,第35讲 短语存储,【活学活用】 (1) 拉里好像和别的孩子相处得不融洽。 Larry doesnt seem_. (2) 怀特大夫说今天上午他只能再看两个病人。 Dr. White says _more patients this morning. (3) 继续保持下去,谢蕾。中国学生的适应能力强。 _, Xie Lei. The Chinese students fit in well.,to fit in with the other children,he can fit in only two,Keep it up,as far as one is concerned 就而言,至于 as/so far as sth is concerned 就某事而论 as far as 远到 as/so far as I know 就我所知 as far as I can remember 据我所记得 as far as I see/tell 依我看 as far as the eye can reach 就视力所能及,第35讲 短语存储,3,第35讲 短语存储,【活学活用】 (1) _(据我所知), he will be away for two months. (2) _(就这项规则来说), no one can find out where it comes. (3) _(依我看),you have done nothing wrong. (4) The railway reaches _(一直延伸到下一个城镇),As/So far as I know,As far as the rule is concerned,As far as I see,as far as the next town,out of the question 不可能的;不值得讨论的 out of question 毫无疑问 without question 毋庸置疑地;确实地 in question 在议论中,在谈论中;有疑问,不确定 Theres no question of 做的可能性简直没有 【温馨提示】 out of question为“毫无疑问的”,通常作表语,相当于形容词。但若在question前加the,即说成out of the question,则意为“不可能的”,这点应特别引起注意。,第35讲 短语存储,4,第35讲 短语存储,有无the不一样的介词短语还有: in prison蹲监狱 in the prison在监狱里 in charge of负责 in the charge of由负责/管理 in church做礼拜 in the church在教堂里 in front of 在前面 in the front of在前部(内部) in class 上课 in the class在教室里 at table 吃饭 at the table在饭桌旁 in possession of拥有 in the possession of 掌握在手 里/被占有,第35讲 短语存储,【活学活用】 (1) 股市依然低迷,我们不可能买得起新房子。 _for us to buy a new flat now since stock market is still in low. (2) 他能够按时来是毫无问题的。 That he can arrive on time_.,It is out of the question,is out of question,In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel. 句型公式 完全倒装句:介词短语谓语动词主语 【句式分析】 当表示地点的介词短语如on a hill, in the valley, round the corner, at the foot of等放在句首,谓语部分为be, stand, lie, sit等,主语为名词,这时就可采用全部倒装。,第35讲 句型透视,【相关拓展】 副词/副词短语谓语动词主语 如果副词或副词短语如in, up, down, out, away等位于句首,动词为come, lie, stand, walk, rush, dash等,主语为名词时,常采用完全倒装。 【易错警示】 全部倒装必须符合三个条件:一是把介词短语、副词或副词短语放在句首;二是谓语动词为be, go, come, walk, dash,run, fly等;三是主语必须是名词。如果主语为代词,则谓语仍放在主语之后。如: Here comes the bus.公交车来了。 Here it comes.它来了。,第35讲 句型透视,【活学活用】 (1) _(远处那座大山的山脚下坐落着一个小村庄),which is my home town. (2) _(孩子们立刻冲出了教室) as soon as the bell rang.,第35讲 句型透视,At the foot of the mountain in the distance sits a village,Out rushed the children,1 She has already thought about what she will do, _her pop music career fade. Awould Bshould Ccould Dmight 【解析】 B 省略了虚拟条件句引导词if,should前置。,第35讲 跟踪训练,2 I must have been a great to my parents in those hard days, for I never failed to live up to their expectations. Aachievement Bcomfort Cdisappointment Dsupport 【解析】 B 考查名词辨析。句意为:在那些艰难的日子里,我从来没有辜负父母的期望,对他们来说我一定是一个很大的安慰。四个名词的主要含义:achievement成就,成绩;comfort安慰,舒适;disappointment失望,挫折;support支持。由语意可知选B。,第35讲 跟踪训练,3 His sacrifices for the country were never officially ,which made all of us feel discouraged. Aacknowledged Bappealed Crecommended Devaluated 【解析】 A 考查动词辨析。句意为:他为祖国所做的牺牲从来没有被正式承认,这让我们觉得很沮丧。四个选项的主要含义分别为:A“承认;(公开)对表示感谢;确认”;B“恳请,上诉”;C“推荐”;D“评估,评价”。从语意的连贯判断选A。,第35讲 跟踪训练,4 I hear that a modern church is to be built near our school. Im afraid that it doesnt the surroundings. Afit in with Bcome up with Ckeep up with Dget along with 【解析】 A 考查短语辨析。这里指的是要建的教堂和周围的环境不一致,所以要用“fit in with”意为“与一致(协调)”。B项意为“提出”;C项意为“跟上”;D项意为“与相处”。,第35讲 跟踪训练,5. you dont betray me, Ill do whatever you ask me to do. AAs if BAs long as CEven if DIf 【解析】 B 考查连词辨析。句意为:只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。 as/so long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句,符合题意。As if好像,似乎;Even if即使,尽管,都不合题意。,第35讲 跟踪训练,6 Lets go for a picnic this weekend together with our classmates, OK? .I love getting close to nature. AI couldnt agree more BThats all right COut of the question DIm afraid not 【解析】 A 考查交际用语。从后面的信息“我喜欢接近大自然”可知,答话人完全赞同对方“周末与同学一起野餐”的提议。A项用于完全赞同对方的建议,意为“我非常同意”;B项用于应答致谢或道歉;C项用于拒绝对方的请求,表示“不可能”;D项为委婉的否定答复。,第35讲 跟踪训练,7 South of the river a small papermaking factory, which causes pollution to the river. Adoes lie Blies Clay Ddid lie 【解析】 B 本题考查倒装语序。South of the river副词短语位于句首,动词又为lie,故用全部倒装。从上下文可知,这里说的是一般情况,故用一般现在时,排除C。,第35讲 跟踪训练,8 I dont have money or time, , I cant accompany you to the Great Wall. Ain a word Bin other words Cin word Din plain words 【解析】 B 考查短语辨析。in other words换句话说。句意为:我没有钱也没有时间,换句话说,我不能陪你去观长城了。in a word 总而言之;in word 口头上;in plain words 率直地说。,第35讲 跟踪训练,9 The reporters surveys on the hot social issues are often attacked by some lawbreakers. Aconducted Bconducting Care conducting Dto conduct 【解析】 B 本题考查非谓语动词。此处需要非谓语动词作定语;因reporters和conduct之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词形式。不定式to conduct表示将来的动作,强调一般情况,不合适。,第35讲 跟踪训练,10Having won a series of matches against Germans, Wang Hao and his partners, together with coach, waved their hands excitedly to the cheers of the crowd. Aadmit Backnowledge Cabsorb Dconsider 【解析】 B 句意:赢得了对德国队的几场比赛后王浩和他的队友、教练兴奋地挥手对大家的欢呼表示感谢。acknowledge在这里表示“就表示感谢”。 admit “承认”;absorb“吸收,使全神贯注”; consider“考虑,思考”。,第35讲 跟踪训练,11You used to sleep with the windows open, ? Adid you Bdo you Cusednt you Duse you 【解析】 C 本题考查含used to do结构的反意疑问句。used to do sth的反意疑问句形式用usednt/didnt,所以C项正确。,第35讲 跟踪训练,12The old computer doesnt work. We must a new one for it. Areplace Binstead of Csubstitute Dtake the place of 【解析】 C 本题考查词语辨析。 此处需要动词作谓语。根据“电脑坏了”可推测,“我们必须换一台新的”,故用substitute;若用replace则应表达为replace it with a new one.,第35讲 跟踪训练,13He is always working hard. Its that hell pass the test. Aout of question Bout of the question Cin question Dof question 【解析】 A 本题考查含question的短语的用法。从He is always working hard来看,“他通过这次考试是没有问题的”,故用out of question.,第35讲 跟踪训练,14It has been that I try these pills for seasickness. Awarned Bsaid Crecommended Dargued 【解析】 C 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:别人推荐我试试这些治晕船的药片。It has been recommended that表示“据推荐,据建议”。,第35讲 跟踪训练,15I began to feel in the new school when I saw some familiar faces. Aat home Bat heart Cat will Dat sight 【解析】 A 根据语境:当我看到一些熟悉的面孔时,我开始感到舒畅了。feel at home“感到畅快、自在”; at heart在内心里(在本质上);at will 随意地;at sight 一见就。,第35讲 跟踪训练,提纲作文 一、写作指南 提纲作文要求考生根据所给的写作要求和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧围绕中心思想展开写作,表达提纲的主旨。提纲作文形式多样,常见的有书信、通知、日记等,所选题材比较贴近考生的实际生活。,第35讲 作文点拨,1试题特征 提纲式作文分为短文提示、要点提示和表格提示。第一种是用汉语给出一段短文提示,要求考生根据提示写一篇100词左右的短文,所考查的形式灵活多样,比如人物介绍、地点介绍等。第二种是要点提示,这是比较常见的一种写作方式,此类题目用汉语提纲列举几个要点,提出写作要求。考生写作时要首先根据要点确定文章的中心思想,然后围绕中心思想和要点展开合理和适当的联想。第三种是表格提示,出题人用表格的形式给出要点,写作时考生首先要将表格中的要点扩展成一个个完整的句子,然后根据文章的中心话题和要求,把这些要点连句成文。,第35讲 作文点拨,2注意的问题 (1) 细读提示,认真审题,把握体裁。审题应包括:审体裁。提纲作文的体裁一般有书信、报道、通知、日记等形式;定人称;定时态。 (2) 紧扣主题,组织要点。虽然提纲式写作题其“要点”似乎已经定好了,但考生仍要逐个把内容要点完整地列出来。 (3) 选词造句,初步成文。在体裁明确、信息全面、要点清晰的基础上,考生根据要点和重点词汇的句法功能、句子的语法规则,按照提示或说明中所提供的事实和情节发展的顺序选词造句,然后将零散的句子排列成主谓一致、时态呼应、脉络清晰、合乎逻辑、内容完整的短文。,第35讲 作文点拨,3写作步骤 中文提纲式书面表达是高考最常见的考查形式之一,一般都有较多的文字说明,这就在一定程度上限制了考生的表述思路。我们可以从以下几个方面入手进行操作: (1) 仔细审题,明确要求 审读所给信息,弄清所要表达的内容,然后对所给信息进行整理,必要的时候可以针对要点适当调整写作顺序,以使文章行文连贯。,第35讲 作文点拨,(2) 明确中心思想 提纲类作文一般都不给出标题,考生在写作时也不必要加上标题,这就要求考生善于从提示的情景中明确文章的中心思想及写作意图,并在此基础上确定习作的主题句、写作方向,以及展开叙述的方式。,第35讲 作文点拨,(3) 提炼要点 提纲式书面表达一般都只给出只言片语的提示,而不是完整的表达。此时考生就必须在大脑中将各信息点补充完整,适时使用一些短语、句型以及各种从句。此时要记住,“有话好好说,有话慢慢说”,不要想着一蹴而就。我们有这样的体验,提纲式书面表达的写作中,我们还没写几句,就感觉所有要点都已经表达完了。在写作中一定注意避免这样的情况,要依据提示的情景将提纲中的每个要点表达清楚,以使你的习作内容完整,要点齐全,内容饱满。这就要求考生在写作时将提示的内容展开叙述,用自己熟悉的英语词汇、短语和句型来表达内容,并在必要的时候添加一些细节,以使上下文连贯。,第35讲 作文点拨,(4) 确保语言精练,语法正确 在提纲式书面表达的写作中,要注意抓住提示的信息,并注意适当进行发挥。表达中要注意确定句子的时态与语态,注意句式结构的正确和变化多样,适当运用短语、并列句、复合句、介词短语和副词等,以使文章饱满。,第35讲 作文点拨,二、真题欣赏 假定你住在一个涉外小区。社区委员会请你帮忙用英文写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。 要点: 1时间:下周六上午8:00至11:00; 2内容:采摘苹果; 3报名:办公室,下周四下午5:00前; 4提示:带帽子、手套。,第35讲 作文点拨,注意: 1.词数100左右,开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:社区 community Dear neighbors, We are very happy to announce that _ We are looking forward to your joining us. Community Office,第35讲 作文点拨,【思路点拨】 第一步:审题看要求。本题要求写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。开头、结尾已经给出,审题的重点放在要点和要求上。要点有四项,注意有两项,注意的第一项是重要的一项。理思路:理顺要点,讲清本次活动安排的时间、内容、报名的时间、地点及本次活动的注意事项。,第35讲 作文点拨,第二步:写作。可以先在稿纸上起草,用自己最有把握的单词、短语、句型去表达。要尝试最简单的复杂句,比如用定语从句、宾语从句等,但句式不易过于复杂。要用一些恰当的连词,使句与句之间、段与段之间过渡自然。 第三步:检查。作文写完后,最后要进行检查。重点放在要点、时态、语态、动词的数、单词拼写、标点符号、大小写等。检查完后再抄写在试卷上,注意卷面的整洁。,第35讲 作文点拨,【示例】 Dear neighbors, We are very happy to announce that our community is going to organize an activity for all the community members. Next Saturday, we are going to pick apples in a village 20 kilometers away from our town, and all are welcome. We will meet at 8:00 am at the gate, where a blue bus will be waiting. Our outdoor activity will last 3 hours, and well be back at about 11 oclock.,第35讲 作文点拨,If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements. We suggest that you bring a hat and a pair of gloves with you. We are looking forward to your joining us. Community Office,第35讲 作文点拨,【好词好句积累】 1announce that 2organize an activity 3pick apples in a village 4sign up at the office 5make necessary arrangements 6look forward to,第35讲 作文点拨,三、实战演练 假如你叫李华,为了培养同学们的英语学习兴趣,提高英语水平,你和你校的几位英语爱好者在互联网上建了一个叫做easyenglish的网站。请用英语在校报上写一篇文章向你校全体同学介绍这个网站。要点如下: 1目的:培养同学们英语学习的兴趣,使学英语变得更 轻松。,第35讲 作文点拨,2内容: (1) 丰富的英语材料:英语习题、外国文化、英语小故事等; (2) 网络英语聊天; (3) 展示英语习作、交流学习心得。 注意: 1短文必须包括以上要点,可适当添加细节; 2词数:100左右。开头已经为你写好,但不计入总词数。,第35讲 作文点拨,One possible version: Dear fellow students, Id like to introduce you to a new websiteeasyenglish. com. The purpose of setting up such a website is to develop your interest of learning English and make learning English easy and enjoyable for us students. A wide variety of English materials are available in this website, such as English exercises, foreign cultures, English short stories, etc. And you can also enjoy chatting in English here with other English learners so that you can improve both your oral and written English.,第35讲 作文点拨,Furthermore, if youd like to show your own English writings and exchange your English learning experience with others, this website is your best choice. Meanwhile, your English can get improved by being corrected by others. Welcome to surf this website and be a member of it!,第35讲 作文点拨,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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