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,1lose(lost,lost) vt.丢失;失去;错过;迷路;使沉溺于,专心致志于 归纳拓展 lose face丢面子;丢脸 lose heart灰心;泄气 lose ones heart to.爱上/喜欢上 lose ones wayget/be lost迷路 lose weight减肥,be lost inlose oneself in沉迷于;专心致志于(be) lost in thought陷入沉思 注意:lose一般用作及物动词,因此如果后面不跟宾语时,应用被动形式,特别是以非谓语动词形式出现时,要注意losing和lost的区别。 他坐在那,沉浸在思考中。 It was darker,whats worse,he was lost in the forest. 天越来越黑了,更糟的是,他在森林中迷路了。,同类辨析 lost,missing与gone 三者都有“失去”之意,但又略有不同。 (1)lost失去的,指无法再找到的,另外还有“迷路的,困惑的”等含义,可作定语、表语。 (2)missing丢失的,指暂时不在或找不到的,另外还有“被损毁的,缺少的,失踪的”等意思,可作定语、表语。 (3)gone失去的,强调时间、情况等一去不复返,只可作表语。,【链接训练】 _ in the mountains for a week,the two students were finally saved by the local police. AHaving lost BLost CBeing lost DLosing 【解析】 句意为:在山里迷路一周了,这两个学生最后被当地警察救了出来。be lost in意为“在中迷路,迷失在,陷入(沉思等)”,作状语时要用lost。 【答案】 B,2influence nU,C影响(力),感化;势力,权威;C给予影响的事物,有影响力的事物 vt.对有影响,感化 归纳拓展 have an influence on/upon.对有影响 have influence over有左右的力量,对有影响 under the influence of受的影响 例句:His parents no longer have any influence over/on him.他的父母对他不再有任何约束力。,Under the influence of his deskmate,he has made great progress since last week. 在同桌的影响下,从上周他已经取得了很大的进步。 Dont let me influence your decision. 别让我影响你的决定。 【链接训练】 Overheating development might have a bad _ on the national economy. Acause Binfluence Cresult Dfactor,【解析】 考查固定短语have an influence on,意为“对有影响”。句意为:发展过热可能会给国家经济带来不利的影响。 【答案】 B,3record n纪录,记载,录音,档案;履历 vt.记录下来,录音vi.录音,被记录 归纳拓展 keep a record of.把记录下来 break/beat/cut a/the record打破纪录 set/make/create a record创造纪录 hold the record保持纪录 make a record制作唱片 play a record播放唱片 in record有记录在案 It is recorded that.据记录,例句:The doctor keeps a record of all the serious illnesses in the village. 这个医生保存了这个村庄所有严重疾病的记录。 He set a world record in high jump. 他创造了跳高的世界纪录。 It is recorded that there had been a lot of earthquakes in Wenchuan.据记载说汶川以前多次发生过地震。,【链接训练】 As students,you must listen to the teacher attentively and keep a record _ what the teacher asks you to remember. Afor Bof CIn Don 【解析】 句意为:作为学生,你必须集中精力听老师讲课并把老师要求你记住的记录下来。keep a record of.是固定短语,意为“把记录下来”。 【答案】 B,4mix vt.&vi.混合,结合;配制;混淆;融合 归纳拓展 (1)mix up混合,掺和;混淆;弄混 mix with sb./sth.(指人或物)相处,有交往 mix.and.(together)把与混合到一块儿 mix.with.把与混合/结合/调和 (2)mixer n混合者,搅拌器 mixture n混合物 mixed adj.混合的,男女混合的,例句:Dont mix the fruit with the rest of the mixture. 不要把水果和别的混合物拌在一起。 We can sometimes mix business with pleasure. 我们有时可以把工作和娱乐结合在一起。 The teacher always mixes me up with another student. 老师总是把我与另一位学生搞混。,【链接训练】 To make a cake,we _ flour,eggs,sugar and milk together. Amix Bcombine Cunite Djoin 【解析】 句意为:我们把面粉、鸡蛋、糖和牛奶混合在一起做蛋糕。mix指把两种或多种东西“混合在一起”,成为难以区分的状态,常有“乱”的意味。combine.and/with.“把和结合起来”;unite“联合;团结”;join“加入某个组织或团体”。 【答案】 A,1go deaf变聋 归纳拓展 go deaf其中go为系动词,意为“变得”,后多跟表示贬义色彩的形容词作表语。 go bad/mad/blind变质/变疯/变瞎 go wrong/wild出毛病/变疯狂 go pale/red/grey变得苍白/变红/变灰白 go hungry挨饿 go wild with excitement兴奋地发狂,例句:With days passing on,my fathers hair is going grey.随着时间的流逝,爸爸的头发变灰白了。 Her often went hungry when he was young. 他小时候经常挨饿。 Her face went pale at the bad news. 听到那个坏消息,她的脸色变得苍白。 同类辨析 go,become (get),grow与turn (1)go指由好变坏,由正常状况变成特殊情况,或变为某种颜色。 (2)become (get)可指由好变坏,也可指由坏变好,强调变化过程的完成。,例如:become better (worse)更好(糟) get richer and richer变得越来越富 (3)grow指逐渐变成新状态,强调过程。 例如:grow tall长高 (4)turn成为完全不同的事物,强调变化的结果。turn后跟名词时,名词前不加冠词。 例如:turn yellow (grey)变黄(灰),【链接训练】 On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she _ pale. Agot Bchanged Cwent Dappeared 【解析】 go作连系动词,意思是“变得”,往往指向坏的方面转变。句意为:当听说矿难的消息后,她的脸变得苍白。get作连系动词的意思是“渐渐起来”,强调逐渐变化;change“改变”;appear“出现,显现”。 【答案】 C,Happy birthday,Alice!So you have _ twentyone already! Abecome Bturned Cgrown Dpassed 【解析】 turn此处意为“到达”,后接年龄的意思是“到岁”。 【答案】 B,2make (take) a note of记录,把记下来 归纳拓展 (1)make/take notes做笔记 take note of注意;留意 leave a note for sb.给某人留张便条 compare notes对笔记,交换意见 (2)note sth.down把某事记下来 It should be noted that.应该注意的是,(3)noted adj.闻名的,著名的 be noted for因而出名 be noted as作为出名 例句:The secretary made a note (notes) of what her boss asked her to do. 秘书把老板要她做的事记下来了。 Take note of what hes going to say. 注意他将要说的话。 The policeman noted down every word he said. 警察已把他说的每一句话都记下来了。 Chengde is noted as a healthy resort. 承德作为疗养胜地而闻名。,【链接训练】 The teacher asked us to _ in the lesson. Amake a note Btake a note Ckeep notes of Dmake notes 【解析】 make/take notes意为“做笔记”。句意为:老师让我们上课做笔记。故符合题意的只有D项。make/take a note“记录;记下来”。 【答案】 D,3change.into.把变成;把换成 归纳拓展 (1)change.into.turn.into.把变成 change sth. with sb.与某人交换某物 change sth. for sth.将某物换成另一物 get changed换装 (2)change可用于货币交换,不同种货币交换,常用into;大钞票换零时常用for。,例句:I need to change these pounds into dollars. 我需要把这些英镑兑换成美元。 Heat can change solids into liquids and liquids into vapors. 热量可以使固体变成液体,使液体变成气体。 I wont change my seat with you. 我不愿意和你换座位。 Hurry up!No time to get changed! 快点!没时间换服装了!,【链接训练】 用适当的介词填空 Ill change this old car for a new one. The hall has been changed into a meetingroom. What kind of insects can change into butterflies?,1However,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.然而,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。 强调句型 归纳拓展 强调句型是英语中常见的句子结构,其基本结构为“Itbe被强调部分that/who句子其余部分”,具体用法如下: (1)在强调句型中,连接词一般用that。如被强调的部分指人时,可用who (m)/that,其他一律用that,不能用which,where,when等。,(2)在强调结构中,无论被强调的是人还是物,是单数还是复数,be动词一律用is/was形式。 (3)强调句型也有疑问句形式。一般疑问句的强调形式,只需将is/was提前,移到句首即可,即“Is/ 归纳拓展 Was it.that.?”特殊疑问句的强调形式,须将陈述句变成一般疑问句,再在句首加上疑问词,即“疑问词(被强调部分)is/wasitthat句子其余部分”。 (4)not.until.结构在强调句型中的运用:until引导的时间状语从句可以用在强调句型中,其结构为“It is/was not until.that.”。,(5)当强调的是主语时,其谓语动词应和被强调的人和物保持人称、数的一致。如果被强调的主语是人称代词,宜用主格。 (6)强调句型与定语从句、主语从句和状语从句的区别:一般说来,如果把句子中的“It is/was.that”去掉,稍加调整语序,能还原成完整句子,且句子意思依然完整,则为强调句型;否则,应为其他句式。 例句:It is he that/who is to blame.是他应受到责备。 It was at 10 oclock last night that they got home. 他们是在昨天晚上十点到家的。,It was not until last Sunday that I knew he was ill.直到上星期天我才知道他病了。 Where was it that you met your parents? 你是在什么地方遇到你父母的? 【链接训练】 It is _ he often breaks the school rules _ makes his headteacher unsatisfied with him. Awhat;that Bthat;what Cthat;that Dwhich;that,【解析】 此句为It is.that引导的强调句型,因为被强调的部分是主语从句来充当的,且从句里不缺任何成分,所以用that来引导,故C项正确。 【答案】 C,2By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for orchestras. 到他十四岁时,莫扎特已经谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲、小提琴曲以及管弦乐曲。 by the time意为“到时为止”,相当于连词,引导时间状语从句。 归纳拓展 by the time一般过去时,主句一般用过去完成时 by the time一般现在时,主句一般用将来时或将来完成时,by the end of过去时间,谓语部分用过去完成时 by the end of将来时间,谓语部分用将来完成时 例句:By the time she was 15,she had written three long novels.到她十五岁时,她已经创作了三部长篇小说。 By the time we graduate from this school,well have learned English for 6 years. 到我们从这所学校毕业时,我们就已经学了六年英语了。 By the end of next term,I will have learned 5,000 English words. 到下学期期末,我将会学习5 000个英语单词。,【链接训练】 This January will be very precious for us by which time we_reviewing Senior Book I. Awill finish Bwill have finished Chave finished Dwill be finished 【解析】 考查by the time在定语从句中的应用。by the time一般现在时,主句一般用将来完成时。句意为:这个一月份对我们而言非常宝贵,到那时我们就已经完成必修一的复习了。 【答案】 B,By the time he was 14,Edison _ his own small lab. Abuilt Bwould build Chad built Dwould have built 【解析】 by the time引导的从句中使用的是一般过去时,主句应为过去完成时,故答案为C。 【答案】 C,1时间状语从句 (1)时间状语从句常用以下连词引导: when,as,while,before,after,since,till/until,as soon as,the moment,hardly.when.,no sooner.than.,whenever,by the time等。 例句:After he had finished his homework,he watched TV. 他做完作业才看电视。 He almost knocked me down before he saw me. 他几乎把我撞倒才看见我。,I cut my finger as I was peeling the apple. 我在削苹果时削到了手指。 (2)when,while,as都可表示“当的时候”,但它们在用法上有区别: when强调“特定时间”,从句谓语动词可以是延续性或瞬时性的。 while表示一段时间,从句谓语动词必须是延续性的,有时含有对比含义,意为“而,然而”(表对比时为并列连词)。,as多用于口语中,强调“同一时间”或“一前一后”,有时有“随着”之意。 例句:When he was eating his breakfast,he heard the doorbell ring.吃早饭时,他听到门铃响了。 While he was eating his breakfast,he heard the bell ring.他吃早饭时听到铃声响了。(强调吃饭过程) While I was reading,he was playing. 我在读书,而他在玩。(强调对比含义) As he was eating his breakfast,he heard the doorbell ring.他在吃早饭时,听到门铃响了。(强调同一时间),(3)as soon as与once的区别: as soon as和once都有“刚就”或“一就”之意,只是as soon as多侧重动作的连续,而once还含有条件的含义。 例句:Ill tell him the news as soon as I see him. 一见到他,我就把这一消息告诉他。 Once you show any fear,hell attack you. 一旦示弱,他就会攻击你。 (4)时间状语从句一般不用将来时,因此,主句若为将来时,时间状语从句用一般现在时: 例句:Ill go on with the work when I come back tomorrow.明天回来时我将继续这项工作。,(5)时间状语从句中的省略: 时间状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致或者是it,谓语部分又含有be动词时,可以省略从句中的主语和be。 例句:Ice melts when heated.(when之后省略了it is) 冰受热会融化。 Complete your work as soon as possible. (as soon as之后省略了it is) 尽可能快地完成你的工作。,【链接训练】 It was nearly midnight _ Henry began to feel terrible. Auntil Bthat Cwhen Dwhile 【解析】 考查when引导的时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。句意为:将近午夜时亨利开始感到不舒服。 【答案】 C,There were some chairs left over _ everyone had sat down. Awhen Buntil Cthat Dwhere 【解析】 考查when(当的时候)引导的时间状语从句。句意为:当大家坐好后,还剩下几把椅子。如选B项,则表示“剩下椅子”发生在“坐下”之前,显然不合逻辑;如把C项看成关系词,从语法和意义上都是错误的;如把D项where看成关系词或连接副词,从句时态不对,意思上也讲不通,故答案为A。 【答案】 A,The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months;it will be a long time _ we meet them again. Aafter Bbefore Csince Dwhen 【解析】 before意为“在之前”,引导时间状语从句。根据所提供的情景“The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months”可判断出表示“要过很长时间我们才能跟他们再见面”。It will be long before从句,意为“要过很久才”,符合题意。after意为“在之后”;since引导时间状语从句,意为“自从”,表示动作从过去的某个时候开始一直延续到现在,常与现在完成时连用;when意为“当的时候”。 【答案】 B,Are you ready for Spain? Yes,I want the girls to experience that _ they are young. Awhile Buntil Cif Dbefore 【解析】 句意为:你们准备好去西班牙了吗?是的。我想让这些女孩子趁着还年轻的时候去体验一下。while意为“趁着,当的时候”。until意为“直到时候”;if意为“如果,是否”;before表示“在之前”,均不符合题意。 【答案】 A,2过去完成时 过去的两个动作如果一个动作发生在另一个动作之前,那么发生在前的就用过去完成时,即“过去的过去”。 结构为:助动词had (通用于各种人称和数)过去分词。 用法如下: (1)在by,by the end of,by the time后接某一时间时,常用过去完成时。 例句:He had copied the report three times by ten last night.到昨晚十点,他已把报告抄了三遍。,(2)表示原计划或打算做某事而没有办成,常用过去完成时。此类常用词有want,mean,plan,hope,think,suppose,expect等,常译为“原以为/希望”等。 例句:We had hoped to catch the 8:00 bus,but found it gone. 我们原希望赶上8点的公交车,但车已开走了。 此时也可以把此类词用过去时,而将后面的不定式变成完成时态。 例句:We hoped to have caught the 8:00 bus,but found it gone.,(3)过去完成时还表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到那时的动作或状态。 例句:We hadnt met each other since we graduated from university. 自从大学毕业后,我们彼此就再也没有见过面。 (4)在时间和条件状语从句中代替过去将来完成时。 例句:The doctor said the patient would sleep deeply for about twelve hours until the poison had stopped doing its harm. 医生说病人将昏睡大约12个小时,直到毒药毒性不再起作用为止。,(5)在no sooner.than,hardly (scarcely)when句式中,前面用过去完成时,意为“刚就;一就”。 例句:They had hardly been seated when the bus started.他们刚坐下,公交车就开了。 I had no sooner finished the work than the light went out. No sooner had I finished the work than the light went out.我刚完成工作,灯就灭了。,(6)在有after,before引导的时间状语从句中,因为有了明确的前后区别,主句可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。 例句:The train left before he got there. 他到那里之前火车就开了。 I played computer games after I (had) finished my homework.我做完作业就玩电脑游戏。 (7)在It was the first/second/third.time that句型结构中,that从句的动词常用过去完成时。 例句:It was the first time that he had ever spoken to a foreigner.这是他第一次跟外国人讲话。,【链接训练】 Hardly _ my mailbox when I found an email from my teacher. AI had clicked Bhad I clicked Cdid I click DI clicked 【解析】 hardly.when.和no sooner.than.结构表示“一就”,hardly,no sooner置于句首时,其主句须部分倒装,即把过去完成时态的助动词had提到主语之前。句意为:我刚点开邮箱,就发现了一封我老师发给我的邮件。 【答案】 B,The moment I got home,I found I _ my jacket on the playground. Ahad left Bleft Chave left Dwas leaving 【解析】 考查动词时态。句意为:我一到家就发现我的夹克衫落在操场上了。动词leave发生在谓语动词found之前,而found又是过去式形式,所以应是过去的过去,故用过去完成时态。 【答案】 A,Did Alice enjoy the concert held in Liyuan Theatre yesterday? Yes,she did.She _ such an excellent concert for a long time. Adidnt take part in Bwouldnt take part in Chasnt been in Dhadnt been in 【解析】 考查时态。take part in为非延续性动词词组,不能和时间状语for a long time连用,排除A、B项;此句中的参考时间为过去时,所以不能用现在完成时态,排除C。故正确选项为D项过去完成时。 【答案】 D,We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we_each other for years. Aknew Bhave known Chad known Dknow 【解析】 考查时态。句意为:2000年我们第一次在火车上相遇,我俩同时感觉到好像彼此认识多年了。根据第二句题干可知主句为过去时,而that引导的宾语从句的谓语动词又发生在主句动词之前,即为“过去的过去”,故选C。 【答案】 C,Loading ,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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