《unit4第一课时warming up&reading》课件二(20张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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2019/10/18,Appreciation Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.,予人玫瑰,手有余香,Unit 4 Sharing,to have, use ,pay, or take part in something with others among a group rather than singly.,2019/10/18,If everybody offers a little love, the world will become more beautiful.,volunteer,2019/10/18,The definition of “volunteer”,The important factors 1. Not for rewards esp. money and materials 2. Volunteer not forced to do so 3. Not only the person but also the society and the environment benefit from it,2019/10/18,2019/10/18,A.People who help others in their community B.People who help others outside their community C.People who help their parents D.People who help other relatives or friends.,What kind of people can be called as volunteer? ( ),A,B,2019/10/18,What is a volunteer?,A volunteer is a person who ,2019/10/18,1. What voluntary work have you done? If not, what will you volunteer to do in the future? 2. Which countries do you think need help most? Why? 3. In which country do you want to do voluntary work? In China or abroad? Why?,Discussion,Choose one of the questions and discuss in groups of four. Then lets share.,2019/10/18,Situated to the north of Australia,About 5.7 million,English as the official language. Pidgin English as the language for communication.,A poor country with most people living in tribal villages and depending on subsistence farming to make a living.,About 85% of children start school but only about 60% of these reach Year 5.,Location: Population: Language: Economy: Education:,Papua New Guinea,2019/10/18,Scanning 1. _ is a young Australian woman. 2. _ was dying to hear all about Jos life in Papua New Guinea. 3. _ walked a long way to get to the school. 4. _ didnt have any textbooks. 5. _ became a lot more imaginative when teaching. 6. _ started jumping out of the windows during a chemistry experiment. 7. _ visited a village that was the home of one of the boys, Tombe. 8. _ started crying “ieee ieee” to welcome them. 9. _ led us to a low bamboo hut. 10. _ was going to share the platform with Jenny and Jo. 11. _ softly talked to each other in their language Jo didnt understand.,2019/10/18,Scanning 1. _ is a young Australian woman. 2. _ was dying to hear all about Jos life in Papua New Guinea. 3. _ walked a long way to get to the school. 4. _ didnt have any textbooks. 5. _ became a lot more imaginative when teaching. 6. _ started jumping out of the windows during a chemistry experiment.,Jo,Rosemary,The boys,The boys and Jo,Jo,The boys,2019/10/18,Scanning 7. _ visited a village that was the home of one of the boys, Tombe. 8. _ started crying “ieee ieee” to welcome them. 9. _ led us to a low bamboo hut. 10. _ was going to share the platform with Jenny and Jo. 11. _ softly talked to each other in their language Jo didnt understand.,Jenny and Jo,Kiak,Mukap,Kiak,Tombes family,2019/10/18,1.Why did Jo send Rosemary some photos? 2. Why the high school was called a bush school? 3. Were the boys and villagers friendly to Jo? How do you know? 4. Why was Science the most challenging subject for Jo? 5. Why did the boys start jumping out of the window? 6. Why should it take Jo and Jean two and a half hours to get to the village?,2019/10/18,1.Why did Jo send Rosemary some photos? 2. Why the high school was called a bush school? 3. Were the boys and villagers friendly to Jo? How do you know?,It was difficult for Rosemary to imagine how life was hard / different in Jos -,The classrooms were made of bamboo and the roofs of grass.,Lots of “good mornings” ; cry “ ieee ieee” ; shake hands with all the villagers; many goodbyes; firm handshakes,2019/10/18,4. Why was Science the most challenging subject for Jo? 5. Why did the boys start jumping out of the window? 6. Why should it take Jo and Jean two and a half hours to get to the village?,They had to climb up a mountain to a ridge first and then down a steep path to the valley below.,Her students had no concept of doing experiments. And there was no equipment.,The boys never came across something like bubbling mixture.,2019/10/18,Try to divide the whole article into four parts, and summarize what each part is about.,Structure,2019/10/18,A. We had a meal together. B. The experiment frightened the boys. C. I am glad to receive Rosemarys letter and Ive included some photos. D. I left and I felt privileged. E. I saw the poor condition of the room. F. Its a bush school and the students live far away. G. I saw a strange custom.,C,F,B,E,A,D,G,2019/10/18,Read Paragraph 4-7 and finish the chart,Careful-reading,2019/10/18,low bamboo hut,grass sticking out of the roof,windows,doorway,fresh grass,relative,Hot stones,oil drum,vegetables,banana leaves,steamed,2019/10/18,own hut,platform,sweet potato,corns,greens,tin plates,cups,jars,evil spirits,attracts,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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