《Unit3 period4 language points》课件二十(21张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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language Points,witness (vt ) to see sth happen, esp, a crime or accident(当场看到;目击) 你亲眼看到那场事故了吗? Did you _ the accident? 我最好的朋友见证了我的婚礼。 2) (vi) if a time or place witnesses an event, the event happens during that time or in that place (经历;发生),witness,My best friends witnessed my wedding.,Great changes have taken place in my hometown. My hometown has witnessed great changes. There has been a crime increase in recent years. Recent years has witnessed a crime increase. 3(n) someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened. 她被传唤作被告证人。 She was called as a _ _ . be witness to sth.,defense,witness,2. yell 1)vi. to shout or say sth. very loudly, esp, because you are frightened, angry, or excited When I got to the dorm, I heard him yelling (when/because) yell at sb. yell (out) in pain/ surprise 2)n. a loud shout let out /give a yell 弗兰克大叫一声跳开了。 Frank let out a yell and jumped away.,3. ahead of 1) 在前面, 比早 2) 比强(好)” 我们前面的路 was narrow and muddy. A man _(走到其他人前面)to see if the road was clear . 他的语文比我强. He _. ahead of time/schedule “提前” We finish the task_.,went ahead of the others,is ahead of me in Chinese,ahead of time,Ahead of us the road,4. flee fled fled 1) vt. to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger逃跑,逃避,逃离 2) vi. flee to/from/into somewhere The prisoner attempted to_ The alarmed people _ He killed the enemy and _ Many German artists _ at the beginning of WW,flee from the prison,fled from the fire .,fled the country .,fled to America,flee from the prison /flee from the fire / flee to America/ flee the country,5. drag vi. To pull sth. along the ground; to pull someone somewhere where they do not want to go Why drag me in? 干么把我拉扯进去? drag sb. out to a concert 硬拖某人去听音乐 drag the negotiation out for three months 把谈判拖长到三个月 drag on 拖延; 拖长(声调、字眼等) drag oneself along (慢吞吞地)拖着脚走,6. depth (n)“深,深度深处 deep (adj.) length (n) long (adj.) width (n) wide (adj.) height (n) high (adj.) Whats the depth of the lake ? in depth “深入” The teachers and students are studying the subject in depth .,注意,1. The river is 5 miles long and 2 meters wide . = The river is 5 miles _ _ and 2 meters _ _ .,in,length,in,width,2. deep (adj. adv.) “深的,深,迟”, 指具体深度. deeply (adv.) “ 深深地”,带有感情色彩.,Frogs go deep under the mud . We were all deeply moved by his words . He was _ in the book . I regret _ that I am unable go there . The meeting continued _ into the night . The hole is around 3 meters in _.,deep,deeply,deep,depth,7.in the meantime = meanwhile (adv)在此期间,与此同时 The train doesnt leave for a hour, in the meantime , Im going to take a nap. Jack ran for a doctor, in the meantime, we stayed with the patient. Ill call you when he comes. In the meantime I must give you something to do.,8. abandon (vt.) 放弃,抛弃,遗弃 Many people were killed by the chemical weapons _ by the Japanese during the World War.,abandoned,abandon ones country 背弃祖国 abandon ones friend 背弃朋友 abandon a bad habit 革除恶习 abandon ones hope 放弃希望 abandon ones idea 放弃主意,yell drag flee depths witness in the distance ,Nemo is hanging out with his three fish friends when suddenly they notice a boat in the distance. To show courage, his friends all swim closer to it and ask Nemo to do so. When seeing this, Nemos father yells out to stop their stupid action and he then yells at him, pointing out that he is too young to swim into the depth of the sea. Annoyed at his father, Nemo flees away, heading to the boat. His father trys his best to call him back, but unfortunately, he witness that Nemo is catched and dragged away in a net by a diver.,Nemo is hanging out with his three fish friends when suddenly they notice a boat_. To show courage, his friends all swim closer to it and ask Nemo to do so. When seeing this, Nemos father _to stop their stupid action and he then _him, pointing out that he is too young to swim into _the sea. Annoyed at his father, Nemo_, heading to the boat. His father trys his best to call him back, but unfortunately, he _that Nemo is catched and _in a net by a diver.,in the distance,yells out,yells at,the depth of,flees away,witness,dragged away,Useful Expressions 听说 亲眼看到 分类,整理 大声喊叫 快点,hear of,witness with ones own eyes,sort out,yell out,come on,Useful Expressions 6. 跑在前 7. 给某人领路 8.在远处 9. 一包,一群 10.指向,run ahead of ,show sb the way,in the distance,a pack of,point towards (to),Useful Expressions 11. 用向瞄准 12.收,挣得,引来 13. 饱吃一顿 14. 因为很害怕 15. 抬高,举起,aim at sb (sth),bring in,have a good feed on ,be terrified of,hold up,Complete the sentences below with suitable words from the text,1. Police have appealed for w_ to come forward. 2. The travel agent fixed up our a_.,itnesses,ccommodation,3. The manager went abroad last week , _ we made Mr Wang in charge of our company .,in the meantime,4. Karl Marx was forced to f_ his home country for political reasons. 5. He a _ his wife and children.,lee,bandoned,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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