《Unit1 living well Period 1》课件四(28张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading,Unit 1 Living well,A Guessing Game,Each team can get one point if any of your team can guess the answer of a question!,Who created the following music?,Beethoven,He is a famous composer and he is half-deaf.,Do you know any other famous disabled people?,Helen Keller,Blind, deaf and dumb,Edison slightly deaf Scientist /inventor,Steven Hawking physicist / mathematician,Speech impaired 损害,(Black holes theory),Zhang Haidi has no feeling below the waist, uses a wheel chair writer,Tai Lihua deaf dancer,To all of us, some things are given and some withheld, over which we have no choice. But one can always choose ones outlook on life, look more on the positive side, and face lifes disappointments with a cheerful and grateful heart. Dance is the visible, colourful embodiment of music. Dance gives beautiful expression to the world within my heart. - Tai Lihua,所有人的人生,都有圆有缺有满有空,这是你不能选择的。但你可以选择看人生的角度,多看人生的圆满,然后带着一颗快乐的心去面对人生的不圆满。舞蹈,是我看得见的彩色音乐,也是我表达内心世界的美丽语言。 - 邰丽华,Match the names of the young disabled people with their achievements,Gao Qiang Barry Sally Rada,1. represented the country in an athletics competition and won a gold medal in the 50-meetre race 2. owns a personal website on the Internet 3. played a major part in the school play; takes singing and dancing lessons after school 4. passed the university entrance exam; will train to be a teacher,Read about the website “Family village” and find out the purpose of the website.,The purpose of the “Family village”: To give ordinary young people with a disability the chance to tell their personal stories. Other disabled people find the website beneficial. The website is also a way for non-disabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities.,Scanning:,a muscle disease that makes him very weak,clumsy and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as other people,to work in the computer industry,invented a computer game,going to the movies and football matcher and keeping pets,to live one day at a time,dont feelor makebut accept them and give them,Detailed reading :,clumsy and often drop things or bump into furniture,too tired to get out of bed,has missed a lot of school and lessons,feels stupid because of being behind the others after a long absence from school,invented a computer football game,looks after pets,Disability has made him grow stronger and more independent .,Which of the following is false? Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends. Martys disability has made him more independent.,Detailed reading :,2. From the passage we can infer that _. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him Marty never loses heart Marty is afraid of being made fun of Marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger,Detailed reading :,Write a summary for each paragraph. 1._ _ 2._ 3._ 4._ _ 5._ 6._,An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease,About how his disease started,The problems he has to deal with every day,His life is easier because his classmates accept him for who he is.,His interests, hobbies and ambitions,The advantages of his disease,Detailed reading :,A summary,The main idea of the story: Though he is a _ person, Marty never feels _ for himself and he _ his life. What kind of person do you think Marty is?,disabled,sorry,enjoys,2. What kind of person do you think Marty is?,Marty seems to be a fairly p_ person who considers he has a good life. he is r_ about his disability but he never stops doing as much as he can. He is a mentally strong, i_ boy.,ositive,ealistic,ndependent,Group discussion,What can we do to help people with disabilities? Why can disabled people live well now?,Where there is a _, there is a _.,will,way,( Quoted from the website of China Disabled Peoples Performing Art Troupe: ,“Even for a withered flower, it longs to contribute all of its fragrance. Even it is a broken tree, it longs to contribute all of its shade.”,哪怕是一朵残缺的花,也想献出全部芬芳; 哪怕是一棵受伤的树,也要献出一片绿荫。,Preview “Discovering useful words and expression”. Complete “Speaking Task” on P. 52 of Wb.,Homework,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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