《unit 4 language points》课件十六(41张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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Unit four Language point,hear from: v. 接到.的信 How often do you hear from your sister? 你多长时间接到你姐姐一次信? Have you hear from him by last week? 到上星期为止你们接到过他的信吗? 1.It was a pleasure to hear from you. 很高兴收到你的信。 I hear from my sister every two weeks. 我每两星期就会收到我表哥的来信。 注意:hear from后面只能接表示人的名词或代词,不可接letter作为它的宾语。,与hear 相关的短语: hear about 听到关于的消息 hear from 收到的来信 hear of 听说, 听到 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做了某事 hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事,hear from sb. = receive ones letter,be dying for/ to do sth. 渴望, 极想, 渴望做某事 Im dying for a piece of cake. I am dying to know where you are from. 2.She is dying to see you .,3.我极想出国_,I am dying to go abroad.,他很渴望喝点酒_,He was dying for a little wine.,“渴望”的类似说法 have a strong desire for sth. be eager to do be thirsty for sth. desire to do sth. long to do sth. / for sth.,up to 4.He can earn up to $50,000 a year. be up to sth = be busy doing sth. 忙于 It is up to sb to do sth 由某人负责做某事 5. What is up? 怎么了? 这些淘气的孩子在忙什么呢? What are these naughty boys up to? 由我负责完成这项任务. 6. It is up to me to do this task.,-What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the football game? - _. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. A It just depends B Its up to you C All right D Glad to hear that,B,come across 偶然遇见/发现 She came across some old photographs in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片. I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning. 今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老校友.,她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件,She _ in the course of her search.,came across some old letters,come on加油,催促,开始 come about 发生 come across 偶然遇见 come out 出版, 开(花) come through经历(疾病.困难等) come up走近,发come to 涉及,总计苏醒 The cost of the journey _ 3000 yuan. Rain _ just before daybreak . How did the accident _ ? When will the book _ ? I _ my teacher in the street yesterday . The seeds havent _ yet . The old man _ the World War.,comes to,came on,come about,come out,came across,come up,came through,come from 来自, 从来 come off 从离开, 脱落 come over 过来 come along 快点,来吧,取得进展,Dont forget!,come back 回来,折回,I _some interesting books in the room. A came about B came across C came out D came off This situation should never have _. A came over B came up C came back D come about How is your work_? A coming along B coming back C coming to D coming up,B,D,A,wonder wh-词 + to do 想知道 wonder wh- / if + 从句 想知道 Its no wonder + (that) 从句,难怪,怪不得,不足为奇 wonder at “ 对 感到惊讶(惊奇)” Everybody wonders at what he has done. They wondered at his learning. 他们对他的学识感到惊奇。 I wonder who he is. 我很想知道他是谁。 I was just wondering about that . 我就是觉得这件事莫名其妙。 7.No wonder people say that computers are taking over the world. 难怪有人说电子计算机正渐渐接管世界。, I wonder _ they call these flowers. A. if B. what C. when D. whether I wonder _ you would mind _ me a favor. A. if , to do B. whether , to do C. whether , doing D. when , doing,B,C,relevant (adj) relevantly (adv) “有关的 ,有实际价值(重要性)的” be relevant to “与有关” = have sth to do with 这种工作与性别无关 。 The work of this kind is not relevant to sex. 这类课程与当今的社会问题不再有关系 The type of the course is no longer relevant to todays social problem.,make a difference 有影响,很重要 make a great difference 有很大差别, 有很大不同,有很大的关系影响 make some difference to 对.有些关系/影响 make no difference to 对.没有关系/影响 Dollars make no difference to him. I dont think it will make any difference.,tell the difference between 说出的差别 be different from 与不同 make a difference between 区分 我们应该区分开对错. 8.We should make a difference between right and wrong. 对我来说,他 去不去都没关系. 9. It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. Does it _ any difference whether we leave at 9:00 or at 10:00? A tell B be C give D make,D,stick out 伸出, 突出 stick out for sth 坚持要求某事物 stick to sth坚持不放弃 She _ (伸出脚) 当车开动时不要把头伸出车窗外. 10.Dont stick your head out of the window while it is running. 11.Once a decision has been made, all of us should _ it. A direct to B stick to C lead to D refer to,stuck out her foot,B,adapt adjust 12. You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 He adjusted his tie before entering the hall. 13.You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. 14.Please help me adjust my watch.,adapt(oneself) to 的to是介词,后跟名词或动词-ing形式。类似的词组有:,be (get) used to 习惯于 be related to 与相关 lead to 带领,导致,通向 devote oneself to 献身于 contribute to 为作贡献 access to 接近/进入(某地的)方法,注意,look forward to 盼望 pay attention to 注意 give rise to 引起 be accustomed to 习惯于 be addicted to 沉溺于 stick to 坚持 belong to 属于 refer to 提到,涉及到,查阅,participate vi. 参加 参与,participate in sth.,他没有参加讨论。,15.He didnt participate in the discussion.,希望全班同学参与这项活动。,16.All the students in our class are expected to participate in the activity.,This is a show with lots of audience participation.,这是一次观众热烈参与的演出。,take part in participate in join,后接“竞赛” “比赛” 等,比较正式 也=take part in,join the Party / club / league join sb. in (doing) sth.加入到他人的行列一道从事某项活动 join in sth.参加某项活动或比赛,The football team began to sing the National Anthem and soon everyone else _ them. A. joined B. joined in C. participate in D. attend When did you _the Party? Would you like to _me in a walk? In the year of 2008 thousands of athletes from all over the world will _the Olympic Games in Beijing. We are talking about how to improve our spoken English. Would you like to _our discussion ?,A,join,join,participate in,join in,返回,dry out (使)变干,干透 17.Dry out the wet clothes in the sun . 把湿衣服拿到太阳底下去晾干. Dont leave the bread on the table; it will dry out. 别把面包放在桌子上,它会干掉的。,dry up (河流,湖泊等)干枯,(使)完全变干 The intense heat has dried up the pond. 酷热使池水干枯。 The sun came out and dried up the streets. 太阳出来把马路晒干了。 18.During the drought the river dried up.,otherwise (adv. conj.) “用别的方法,其他方面; 否则,不然 (or)” He is slow , but otherwise he is a good worker . 19.Seize the chance , otherwise (or) you will regret it . 祈使句 , and (or ,otherwise ) + 简单句 (简单句常用将来时),Hurry up , _ you will be late. A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unless Study hard , _ you will pass the exam . A. and B. or C. if D. unless Study hard , _ you will not pass the exam . A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unless,B,A,B,privilege “ 殊荣” 20.It was a privilege to know you . 能认识你真是荣幸之至。 privilege 还表示“特权”、“权利” have the privilege to do sth = have the right to do sth “有特权(权利) 干某事” Only members have the privilege to use the ground. the privilege of citizenship/ equality 公民权/平等权,using language,catalogue n. 目录 目录册 系列,a catalogue of disasters,一系列的灾难,图书目录,a library catalogue,展览目录,an exhibition catalogue,返回,donate v. 捐赠,他向慈善机构捐赠了数千英镑。,1.He _ thousands of pounds to the charity.,If most bread winners _ a days pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful. A. desert B. get C. donate D. lend,donation n. 捐赠物 2.The poor in the country can receive a large donation every year.,这个国家的穷人每年都能收到大量的捐赠。,返回,donated,C,in need 在困难中,在危急中 be in need of sth 需要 have the need for sth 对的需要 according to the need 根据需要 句意理解: 3.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友. 我们应该帮助有困难的人. 4. We should help those in need. 他现在很需要一大笔钱. 5. He now is in great need of much money.,purchase vt. 购买 采购; 努力取得,他把两年前买的那幢房子卖了。,6. He sold the house he had purchased two years before.,7.They purchased life at the expense of honour.,他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。,n. 购买 购得物,如果你对所购之物不满意,我们将全额退款。,8.If you are not satisfied with your purchase, well give you a full refund.,返回,anniversary n. 周年纪念(日),结婚周年纪念日,a wedding anniversary,今天是我国独立六十周年纪念日。,9.Today is the sixtieth anniversary of our countrys independence.,返回,operate vt. 运转 操作 经营 vt “操作(run);经营,管理(manage)” vi “操作,工作(work),运转;做手术”,The lift was not operating properly.,电梯有些失灵了。,你会使用缝纫机吗?,10.Can you operate the sewing machine ?,operate on sb. 给某人/某部位动手术,11.He operated on the babys eyes.,他给婴儿眼部动手术。,那家公司经营着3个工厂和一个煤矿。,The company operates three factories and a coal mine.,返回,The company operates three factories . She will have to _ on for her cancer . He and the other doctors didnt leave until the _ was over . He will perform an operation _ her for a diseased lung .,be operated,operation,on,lie lay lain lying “vi. 躺,位于” lie lied lied lying “vi. 撒谎” lay laid laid laying “vt. 放下,下蛋” 规则的撒谎,不规则的躺, 躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则. The man lying there never lies . She laid the baby in the bed and left.,The pen _ on desk belongs to me . The baby _ in the arms of her mother . The village _ to the north of the city . He _ the bag down on the floor .,lying,lay,lies,laid,12.The book still _ where I _ them a month ago . A. lay , lay B. laid , had laid C. lay , had laid D. was lying , had lain There on some hay on the ground _ a poor peasant boy . A. lied B. lay C. lain D. laid,Homework,1. Master all the language points learned in the Unit. 2. Preview the Attributive clause.,See you!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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