《Unit 1 Living well》课件十一(21张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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,WELL,LIVING,Unit1,Do you know them?,21位舞者是生活在无声世界的聋哑人,他们平均年龄17岁,最小的只有13岁。,邰丽华: 我感觉残疾不是缺陷,而是人类多元化的一个特点,残疾不是不幸,只是不便,其实每个人的人生都是一样的,有圆,有缺,有满,有空,这是你没有办法选择的,但是你可以去选择看人生的角度,然后带着一颗快乐而感恩的心态去面对人生的不圆满。这就是我对生活的感悟。,What do the following words mean ?,disabled :,disability :,( Disabled people are those who cant use a certain part of the body . They cant see, hear, speak, walk or behave properly .),disabled people :,unable to use a certain part of ones body,the state of being disabled,people with disability,How many different types of disabilities do you know?,Types of Disabilities,Physically disabled,Mentally disabled,blind,cant see,deaf,cant hear,mute,cant speak,lame,cant walk normally,paralytic,have no feeling in a certain part of the body,armless,legless,handless,lose a certain part of the body,dwarf,a very short and small person,hunchback,have a hump(驼峰) on the back,cant behave properly or normally,blind,lame,deaf-mute,armless,legless,handless,hunchback,paralytic,Disabled people,dwarf,Can you name some other great disabled people? And what have they tried to do to overcome these difficulties?,Hawking (Black holes theory),Steven Hawking 1942 England Speech impaired, can only move one of his fingers Physicist / mathematician made a research in the beginning of space, matter and time.,Helen Keller,Blind, deaf and dumb,Helen Keller 18821968 United Kingdom blind and dumb,learn to read Braille (盲文) , to speak and write .Finished the studies in Radcliff College. Became famous writer - “Three days To See.”,Zhang Haidi: writer , paralytic, in a wheelchair,Beethoven,Deaf,Hu yizhou 1978- ,China some problems in his brain. His IQ is only 30. A famous conductor (指挥家) in the Chinese Disabled Art Group,Deng Pufang: son of Deng Xiaoping , paralytic, wheelchair , chairman of the Chinese Disabled Union .,Sanglan(桑兰) 1981 -, China.,a famous gymnast (体操运动员).She hurt herself seriously in a competition and cant stand. She helped to bid 2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the Paralympics (残疾人运动会),What do you learn from these disabled?,Theyre broken in body but firm in spirit. (身残志坚),Discussion,Should disabled students be allowed to go to college? Should they get any extra help? Why or why not?,Yes, they should. Because there are many gifted disabled students, they can make a contribution to the society.,They should get some extra help in their everyday activities.,No, they shouldnt. Because they need recognition, more than sympathy and help.,Homework,Try to talk to disabled people and know more about them. 2. Preview Martys Story.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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