《Period 1 Warming-up, Listening & Talking》课件二十二(25张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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Welcome to this unit,Many people work very hard to become successful in their chosen career. Look at the following pictures of successful individuals and discuss the questions below with a partner.,Questions:,1. What qualities do you think each person above has that made them successful? 2. Do you know any successful people? What did they do? 3. Do you want to be successful? How do you think you could achieve success?,Sir Clive Sinclair,3. What society was Clive chairman of?,Read the radio transcript quickly and Answer the following questions:,on 30 July 1940.,An assistant editor for a magazine called Practical Wireless.,British Mensa (the high IQ society),1. When was Clive Sinclair born?,2. What was Clives first job?,Which of the following can best express the main idea of the text.,Sir Clives stories. B. Sir Clives mini inventions. C. How Sir Clive ran his company. D. Sir Clive Sinclairs life and inventions.,D,解题点拔,Reading Strategy: Understanding the topic sentence or theme. 精确地概括全文,防止外延太大或以偏概全。如上题中的A项:Sir Clives stories. 外延太大;B项 Sir Clives mini inventions.和C 项How Sir Clive ran his company 是本文当中的具体事例,为以偏概全。只有D选项,能够精确地概括全文。,C1: How well did you understand the details of the transcript? Read the text again if you do not know the answer.,What did Sinclairs grandfather and father do? _ 2. Why didnt Sinclair go to university? _ _ 3. What was the first thing that Sinclair made and sold? _,They were both engineers.,Because he decided that university would teach him nothing new.,The pocket-sized radio.,4. What was Sinclairs big picture? _ _ 5. Why was the ZX80 computer so popular? _ _ 6. What did the ZX Spectrum prove most useful for? _,To produce electronic goods in bulk and sell cheaply his pocket radio.,Because the computer was very cheap, which cost less than 100 pounds.,It proved more useful for playing computer games on.,His C5 car.,It demonstrated that Sinclair had skillful leadership and strength of personality.,7. What was Sinclairs failure? _ 8. What did the growth of Mensa demonstrate? _ _ _,Read Para One and chose the correct topic sentence for it. Sir Clive Sinclair was a famous British businessman and inventor. B. Clives brilliant Childhood. C. Clive got a job at 17. D. Sinclair invented the calculator and was saddened.,Read Para Two and chose the correct topic sentence for it. Sinclair was unfortunate. B. How Clive ran his first company. C. Sinclair produced his pocket radio in bulk. D. Sinclair registered his own company.,Read Para Three and chose the correct topic sentence for it. Sinclair was the first to make pocket- sized things in the world. B. Sinclairs computer cost only 100 pounds. C. Sinclairs company expended rapidly. D. Sinclair was very talented at making little things.,Read Para Four and chose the correct topic sentence for it. Sinclair studied Economics at Cambridge University. B. The advantage of Sinclairs new inventions. Sinclairs new invention was laughed at in the newspaper. D. How Sinclairs career underwent a downward slide during the 1980s.,Read Para Five and chose the correct topic sentence for it. Sinclair became chairman of British Mensa. B. How Sinclair saved Mensa as a chairman. Sinclair paid personally for an annual Mensa conference at Cambridge. D. Sinclair has been an inventor and a business man.,Read Para Six and chose the correct topic sentence for it. Peoples recognition of Sinclairs efforts and achievements. B. Sinclairs life story. Sinclair has realized his dream. D. Sinclair has a full and interesting life.,Careful reading : 1. How many parts can you split the text into ? He was clever and talented when he was young. His success and failure. His great leadership skills and strength of personality Peoples recognition of his efforts and achievements,Part 1 ( para 1 ),Part2 (paras 2-4),Part3 (para 5),Part4 ( para 6),The following is a timeline of important dates in Sinclairs life. Fill in what happened in each year.,He got a job as an assistant editor for a magazine.,Sinclair registered his own company.,He launched the worlds first pocket calculator.,He launched the worlds first pocket TV.,Sinclair showed off the ZX80 computer.,Sinclair launched his C5 car.,He launched the worlds first digital watch.,D: Find these new words in the transcript of the radio program me. Guess their meanings from the context. Then match them with their correct definitions.,Answers:,1. b,2.f,3.h,4.c,5.e,6.g,7.d,8.a,E: Licheng wrote an article about Sir Clive Sinclair for the school Magazine . Complete the article with the words in the box below.,Answers:,(1) inventing,(2) educating,(3)electronic,(4) registered,(5) radio,(6) expanded,(7) electricity,(8) unfortunately,(9) membership,(10) honoured,Understanding Sinclair was blessed with brains and spent much of his time educating himself. A few years later, he restarted his company that had earlier folded. Sinclairs big picture was to produce in bulk and to sell cheaply so that everyone could afford electronic goods. By the end of eight months, Sinclair had sold more than 20,000ZX80 computers, making it a real hit.,4. However , during that time, his career underwent a downward slide after he launched the Sinclair C5 car. This small three-wheeled, battery-powered car didnt need a tank filled with gallons of petrol for energy like most vehicles, and so it was better for the environment. 5. Mensas membership figures boomed under his leadership.,6. Sinclair has been successful because he possessed a combination of intelligence and determination that allowed him to realize his dream of making electronic goods available to everyone. 7. He was honoured in 1983 with a knighthood from the Queen of England in recognition of his efforts and achievements.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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