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礼仪/赠言大全 生日英文赠言 your birthday is a beginning! and each new birthday is a chance to begin again, to start over, and to take a new hold on life .你的生日是一个开端!每一个生日都是重新开始、重新启动、重新把握人生的机会!wishing youglad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness to last throughout the year! have a wonderful birthday!愿你一年到头都有充满友谊的欢欣日子,充满愉快的喜丽时光,充满幸福的温馨岁月!祝你度过一个美妙的生日!may your memories today be warm ones. may your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year. have a wonderful birthday!愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦美梦甜,愿你今年的万事称心。祝你的生日美妙无比!my birthday wishes to you are the most sincere; my fluttering longing is the most genuine. we good friends know and understand each other so well that we can share joys through our lives, and that we shall cherish our friendship as a most precious page in our life.我的生日祝福最诚挚,我悠悠的思念最真实。我们是心有灵犀的知己,总是分享生命中的喜悦,友谊是我们生命中最珍贵的一页。may your life be brighter as each birthday comes and goes, with new happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose. have a wonderful birthday!愿你每一个生日给生命增添新的亮丽,愿你新的幸福如玫瑰绽开怒放。祝你的生日无比快乐!may all the plans youre making work out just right for you. may all the dreams youre dreaming in the future come true. may each day be as happy as your birthday. and may life always bring the best things your way.愿你的计划都能实现,愿你的梦想都能成真,愿你每天都像生日般快乐,愿你的生活永远锦上添花。whatever dreams youre dreaming, may each one of them come true; whaterever plans youre making, may they all work out for you. happy birthday!无论你有多少个梦想,但愿能梦想成真;无论你许下什么心愿,但愿能心想事成。祝你生日快乐!*祝贺爱人生日happy birthday to someone who is charming, intelligent and good-looking!祝贺妩媚、聪慧、靓丽的你生日快乐!i send you my love congratulations and warmest wishes for this and every day.谨向你的生日和你的每一天,奉上我的殷殷祝福和深深爱恋。roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say, may each hour be a happy one on this special day. have a happy birthday!我送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰,想悄悄地对你说,愿你分分秒秒都美妙幸福。祝你生日快乐!just for you, this comes with warm affection and loving thought of you to wish you happy birthday and joy the whole year through. happiness always!请接受我送给你的礼物,它带着我对你温存的爱慕和深情的思念,祝愿你“生日快乐”,全年快乐,永远快乐!*

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