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工作报告/实习报告 毕业大学生英文实习报告 internship experience in chengdu tianya automotivesystems co.ltdpurpose: as an object of tianya automotive system co. ltds logisticsdepartment of the warehouse keeper to field study and practice. use our professional knowledge to know the warehouse keepers workflow and content. have a better understanding of logistics work and link theory into practice. bring up working ability and solve problems ability. achieve the target that i can do all i have learned .ready to have a successful life in our social life.time: 20xx.10.15 20xx.4.15address: #388,chenglong avenue,longquanyi district,chengdu,sichuan province ,china 610100company: chengdu tianya automotive system co.ltd.main content and experience:10 years of studying hard, can finally come in handy. set foot into my long career as an experimental field with a youthful momentum. however, in reality, i found the future of social understanding in the university campus is an ideal, while the gap between ideals and reality in real life is so big.at the first please let me introduce my company in chengdu tianya automotive systems co.ltd,our company operating in china since 1985,first operation in qinhuangdao , supplying automotive brake lines. we are the one of company to provide automotive systems to faw-volks.as a just inter the socials student, the manager let me do warehouse manage, there are some important things i have to attention. first important is dont make ourselves staring point too high to put .the manager told me because i was a new staff so he let me to be a warehouse keeper .warehouse keeper is a part of logistics department.as a warehouse keeper the most basic quality is “circumspection” .then ,i have to know our companys products and know it well. second, when we deliver goods we must know there are how much the product in our warehouse. the last important thing is we must obey “first in first out”.this post looks very easy,but it not,if i didnt pay attention to the process,there was a mistake it will let the data could not calculate clearly and make the financial loss. sometime i always exchange idea with our bookkeeper,because they need our data to count. as a just inter the socials student,i need step by step to work. now ,i am responsible for warehouse manage. when i first in this company everyday i clean the box. faw-volks the request us make the box spotless. so it become an integral part of we must do everyday.after introduce my job, there are another important things when we work, it is have a relationship with our colleague. when i first into the office, they working so busy, i didnt know what i can do for them and didnt familiar whit them ,i felt very lonely. as a new staff in first day, no people talk to you no people have lunch with you , i felt relay sad. i told myself i dont want do this, i am not happy. when i get back to home i told to my parents, the told me as a new staff i must diligent than other staff, study hard, listen the old staffs arrangement and always smile to every one. in the next day, i do it. a few days later they accept me. talk with me, and give me some job do , i am really happy. by this internship, i know a person who can have a good relations with other people in everywhere, they are fluky.after three month, i will leave this school .this fieldworks experience give me a deeply feeling .school is different from the social. in college the teacher will told us what things you should do and what you can do. they teach us how to be a good person and a good student. we can learn more knowledge from our teacher, but we just learn , we dont have chance to do it . as a student, we dont have ability to make money. our parents give us money in our school life, so we dont know how hard to make money. this time we set foot in social leave from the school, we should earnmoney by our own hands. we are the youth ,we have more chance to show our ability. there are some sentences i remembered and i think it can used in our work and daily life. first “years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.”this sentence told us to be a brave man, we must believe ourselves, if there has a problem , dont worry and fear , we can solve it better. second “youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. nobody grows old merely by a number of years. we grow old by deserting our ideals.” dont to be a lazy man, we should working hard, whether in life or in work, dont to be a adventurous .third have a strong curious in work, learn to innovation . “whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human beings heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living. in the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.”last, step by step to be a dependably person , growing knowledge in everywhere and everyday. like this sentence “an individual human existence should be like a riversmall at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea.” we are young, we have more energy to do many things, to become a brave and a smart person.as a new staff, first we should do everything with a humble attitude, a company different from college ,we should learn much in social ,we must do everything energetically and clearly.相关*:大学生机械制造实习报告范文2019年1月大学生广告公司实习总结范文大学生毕业实习报告(会计专业)暑假大学生的出版社实习报告范文2019大学生律师实习报告例文大学生暑期社会实践实习报告范文精选2019年大学生税务所专业实习总结2019年数控专业大学生实习报告大学生房地产企业个人实习报告范文大学生法律专业大学生实习报告范文*

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