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,原材料的认识,1、胶膜(FILM),基材PVA(聚已烯醇),INK和网孔,INK厚度,加活化剂,胶膜三色或四色重叠处,INK膜厚变大 活化后,延展性最高可达30公分,Learning Material,Add Activator,Ink & Mesh,Raw PVA Film,INK Thickness,Film is thicker in the ink overlap of tri-color or four-color, the duetility can reach up to 30cm(max) after activition,水转印基本知识,1,1.胶膜INK(油墨)可分为1C、2C、3C、4C,(C为Color首字母);外观主要区别可从油墨厚度来显现,油墨越厚,其膨胀时间延后,转印开始时间变迟,即下水位置拉长,可转印范围缩短,油墨包覆能力变弱,易产生针孔不良; 1.The film INK can be divided into 1C,2C,3C,4C(C means Color).The Appearances can be distinguished from INK thickness.The INK is thick or The expansion time is long or The starting time of transfer will be late.At the same time,the position of entering water will be prolonged and the transferring rang will be small the ability of INK wrapping will be weakened,so it take shape pine hold easily. 2.胶膜转印的适合水温通常为30,水中PVA平均浓度应小于0.2%; The suitable water temperature of film transferring is usually 30,PVA average density in water is 0.2%;,水汽 Vapor,水转印基本知识,原材料的认识,Learning Material,2,水转印基本知识,胶膜所适应的温、湿度 Application temperature and humidity 室温:20-25 相对湿度:65-75%RH Room Temp: 20-25 Relative humidity:65-75%RH,原材料的认识,Learning Material,3,水转印基本知识,原材料的认识,活化剂功用及组成说明 Function and composition of activator 活化剂主要由树酯、溶剂与可塑剂组成,一般以透明色为主,易挥发 The activator is consisted of resin, solvent and plastic solvent, it is transparent, volatilize easily. 对胶膜上的INK“加湿”,易于附着(胶膜本体以干燥状态才能包装运输) To rewet film to retain satisfactory adhesion of substrates and make it adhere easily(The dry film is convenient for packing and transport) 能使得胶膜在PVA入水后,图案不产生变异 To Prevent distortion of dcor when the PAV film enter into water 协助Clear渗入 To enable clear coat paint to penetrate down into substrates,Learning Material,4,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-涂布轮1 Illustration of Gravure cylinder,1.涂布轮(活化轮、处理轮)gravure cylinder,涂布轮可分为100目25、35 、45 、60 、80 、85 等规格。 The standard specifications of gravure cylinder are#100-25u,#100-35u,#100-60u,100-80u #100-85# 100目60 表示单位面积内有100个网孔,单个网孔的深度为60 m。 #100-60u means that there are 100 mesh in unit area ,the unit mesh is 60u in depth,铁,铜质(较软,易于加工),铬质表面网孔(硬度高,耐磨),涂布轮剖面说明,Gravure cylinder side view,Copper (softer and easy to be processed),Iren,Mesh in chrome surface ( harder and wear resistance,5,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-涂布轮2,1.涂布轮(活化轮、处理轮) 胶膜上活化剂的涂布量因涂布轮规格变化而变化,涂布轮单孔越深,胶膜上的活化剂涂布量就越大。 1.gravure Cylinder the activator coating weight is varied with different specifications of cylinder.Deeper unit mesh we use,the more couting weight volume will be,注:比较值是以100目60 为基准 The standard of the specific valve is 100m60u,6,背压轮(橡皮轮、轮),水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-背压轮 Illustration of Device-Cylinder,作用:压住胶膜PVA面,便于胶膜INK部分与涂布轮充分贴合 Function:Press PVA side of the film so that INK of film can adhere with cylinder fully 要求:表面不可有尘屑,且须充分干燥 Requirement:The surface of cylinder shall not have dust and keep dry full-time,Cylinder,7,加热轮(加热滚桶) heat roller,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-加热轮 Illustration of heat roller,加热轮平均温约在80左右,其作用是将胶膜皱折熨平,使活化剂涂布均匀 Heat rollers average temperature is about 80 .the heat roller can iron the film to make wrinkles smooth and easy for activator to be coated with,加热轮温度对胶膜的影响: The influemee of heat roll temp to the filmQ群234526070 1.温度过高,胶膜则会横向收缩 If tempertrure of heat roller is too high, film will shrink in width 2.温度过低无法将胶膜的皱折熨平致涂布不均匀,使得在转印时产生皱纹 If the temperature is too low,film will be not able to be coated well by activatior due to wrinkles,8,胶膜计数器 film consumption counter,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-活化机 Roller Coater,脚踩刹车,对胶膜使用量的记录,紧急状况时,脚踩停止,To record the film consumption volume,Brake pedal,For emergency and unexpected circumstance,9,平 面 图1 TOP View 1,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-活化机 Illustration of roller coater,To transfer tank,Film consumption counter,Heat roller,Expend ing roller,Gravure cylinder,Activator pan,Compressed air roller,Roller coater side view,10,平 面 图2(TOP View 2),水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-转印机 Transfer Machine, 胶膜宽度为50cm,导链宽度为78cm,因此胶膜横向膨胀率约为156%。 Film width 50cm ,guid chain wedth 78cm ,The wide expension rate of the film is approximately 156% 导链功用:a.带动胶膜 b.管制胶膜 Guid chain funcation: a.move film b.Control film 过滤网的功用:滤去多余的PVA(因水中的PVA过多将会影响胶膜的活化时间)。 Filter Net Funcation:filter excessive PVA(excessive pVA in water will influence film activition,77cm,转印水槽深度剖面示意,Transfer water Tank depth plane,Transfer machine-top View,Water pump,Anti-wave bar,Circulative water,Heat water tank,Heat pipe,Guide chain78cm,Anti-wave bar,Filter net,11,风扇(鼓风机)Air Blower (anti-wrinkle fan),水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-风扇1 Illustration of Air blower1,a,b,d,e,b,c,f,f,a.风扇机 Air Blower b.移动滑轮 Moving Block c.气泡调节阀开关阀 Air bubbling adjustorairpipe valve &switchQ群234526070 d.量角器 Angel meter e.挡风槽 Anti-splash board f.风向调节挡板 Air adjustment board,12,风扇(鼓风机),水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-风扇2 Air Blower 2,430,60,水平面,50,高度(Height):480mm 角度(Angel):60 正常情况下,风扇的角度已固定,与水平面成60夹角;风扇可前后、左右移动。 The angel between the fixed air blower and the water level is 60.The blower can move in both back and forth, left and right.,风扇,Air-blower,blower,Water level,13,风扇(鼓风机),水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-风扇3,胶布膨胀线 film expansiln line,接触点 conjection,气流中央 Air Current center,风扇吹出水波 Wave genered by air blower,胶布行进方向Directimlf film,转印槽 Transfer tank,1.前/后方向 如左图所示,沿水槽移动风扇架可调整气流,此气流与水的接触点正好就是胶布与水的膨胀起始点. 1.As shown in the left graph .,the air curreny can be adyusted by putting the fan along the water tank, the conguction point of the air current and water is just the staring point of water and water and film 2.左/右方向 风扇亦可左/右移动,若胶布向左飘移,则将风扇往左,反之亦然.总而言之,无论风扇向那一方移,则胶布会朝相对的另一方漂移. The fan can be moved eowards both left and right. If the film is turned to let,the fan will be moved to left,vice versal.In a word ,no matter which direcion the fan in movedto, the film will be moved to the opposite direction.,14,挡波棒Anti-wave Bar,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-挡波棒,挡波棒,挡波棒,一次挡波 Primary anti -wave,二次挡波 Secondary anti-wave, 因风扇在吹动胶膜时,会使水面形成波浪状,影响转印。挡波棒起阻挡水波作用。 When the air blower blows the film,The water surface will be waved,which will influence transfering. the Anti-wave bar can block the wave 挡波棒呈递高趋势,若一次性挡波将会使胶膜产生折痕等不良。 The Anti-wave bars are step-up,if it is one-off anti-wave,there will be winkles and other defect in the film. a挡波棒最接近水面。 Anti wave bar A is closest to the water level,a,Anti-wave Bar,15,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-三角架 Triangle conveyor,转印机的三角架(Triangle conveyor of transfer machine),控制箱,左图为转印机三角架本体 ,下水点,遮尘板, 三角架最多可挂满15个JIG,即15/15,单个JIG距离为55cm 15/15:The triangle conveyor can hold 15 JIG(MAX), interval between each JIG is 55cm. 12/15表示三角架只能挂此类产品12JIG,单个JIG距离约为75cm 12/15: The triangle conveyor can hold 12 JIG(MAX), interval between each JIG is 75cmQ群234526070 10/15表示三角架只能挂此类产品10个JIG,单个JIG距离约为85cm 10/15: The triangle conveyor can hold 10 JIG(MAX), interval between each JIG is 85cm,Dust prevention Cover,Dipping position,conrtolpanel,转印机的三角架(Triangle conveyor of transfer machine),16,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-三角架 Illustration of triangle conveyor,转印机的三角架(Triangular Conveyor),一次角 primary Angle,二次角 Secondary Angle,下水点 Dipping position,一次角、二次角说明 Illustration of primary angle and secondary angle,17,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-三角架 Illustration of Triangle Conveyor,一次角与二次角Primary Angle and secondary Angle, 在转印时,角度使得物体与胶布间包覆的空气得以逸出,减少空气造成的气泡与纹变; While transfer, the air between film and substrates can escape from the angle to avoid the bubbles and pattern dis tortion caused by air 一次角与被印物穿过胶膜,同时与转印槽形成1535的夹角; Primary Angle and substrates cross the film in the meantime,An angle about 1535against transfer transfer tank will be formed. 一次角为左右的角度,通常二次角由夹具而定; The primary angle is the angle against left and right position;The secondary angle is usually decided by JIG,18,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-三角架 Triangle Conveyor,一次角与二次角 Primary Angle and Secondary Angle,a.若被印物如下图2进入水中,则被印物与胶膜单间 在(A)位置上会包空气,使图案印不上;若如图1则空气可跑掉,但角度如太大,会使(B)点无法包覆胶膜,因此在决定角度时要考虑以上二事项。 a.The substrat enter in to water,as shown in following shart2,there will be air at(a)position of between Substrate and film,but if the angle is too big the film cant be covered at B position.So when we decide the angle,we shall consider the above two items.,b.若一个盒状物体在转印时仅有一个角度,则第一接触面会产生很多针孔(气泡),因为空气无法跑掉,若有第二个角度则可避免。 b.If a box object has only one angle when being transferred,a lot of bubbling will appear at the fist touch side because the air cant escape,of course,if there is secondary angle,the problem can be avoided.,(1),(B),(2),(A),胶膜 Film,19,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-三角架 Triangle convenyor,二次角底座 secondary angel base,0度角底座 O degree angle base,15度角底座 15 degree angle base,20,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-转印机控制箱 Illustration of longer diffusion time and ink disslove too much,转印机控制箱,三角架速率,活化机速率,导链速率,一次角调节开关,紧急停止开关, 固定活化机速率,当导链速率增大时,油墨未完膨胀,转印产生针孔(气泡),可转印范围缩短,纹路中间部分略微变异;当导链速率变小,油墨活化时间过长,膨胀时间缩短,下水位置须提前。Q群234526070 Fix the speed of roller coater; when increasing speed of gusge chain,pin hole defect occurs easily due to insufficient ink diffusion;when decreasing the speed,the transfer position has to be moved foreward due to longer diffusion time and over diffusion, 因胶膜纵向膨胀率约在110%左右,因此一般导链速率较三角架速率快10%,以适应纹路膨胀率。 Film expanding rate is approximately 110%;there fore speed of the film guide chain needs 10% faster than conveyor in order to comply with film expending rate, 一般活化机速率与三角架速率相雷同,但根据客户对纹路的要求,会有特殊速率比例。 Normally speed of triangle conveyor is as sameas roller coater. Exceptional speed rate is possible depending on pattern demanded by customers, 三角架的速率与脱膜机的速率相雷同。 Speed of triangle conveyor is almost as same as film removal & washing machines,Film guide chain speed,Roller coater speed,Premary angle adjutment switch,Emrgency stop switch,Triangle conveyor speed,21,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-转印机(Transfer Machine),自动水位计,恒温水箱,溢水口,Automative Water level meter,Constant Temperature Water Tank,outlet,22,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-转印机 Illustration of Gravure cylinder,循环水过滤,限位开关,若JIG未及时取下时,触及此限位开关时,转印机将被紧急停止,Recycle water is filtered,switch,The transfer machine will be stopped immediately when the unloaded JIG reach its maximum position of conveyor,23,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-转印机控制箱 Illustration of Conrtol panel of transfer machine,转印机控制箱,脱膜进口(entry),脱膜机控制箱 control box of Residual film removal machine,脱膜机的导链间距为54.5cm The pitch of guide chain is 54.5cm,24,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-脱膜机 Illustration of Film Removal & washing Device,纯水压力表,自来水压力表,水洗脱膜可分为A、B、C三段,A、B段自来水冲洗,C段为纯水清洗 Three stages of washing process stage AB: washing by tap water Stage C: washing by pure water,Pure water pressure meter,Tap water pressure meter,25,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-脱膜机 Residual Film Removal machine,添加一道纯水冲洗 (冲洗残留PVA) Washing with pure water (washing residua PVA),可上下调节吹风机,纯水清洗功用:A水箱相对于B水箱的PVA残量会多,但都存在PVA的重复污染,C水箱(纯水)就是将AB水箱冲洗过的产品重新洗涤一次。Q群234526070 Purpose of washing with pure water: the PVA remains is reletively mone in A tank than in B, but the both are polluted repeatedly. The products will be washed again by waterin tank C(pure water) after the products are washed by water from A and B tanks.,Air can be adjusted in both up and down,26,水转印基本知识,水洗脱膜机 Film Removal &washing eguipment,喷淋头上下,左右四个面 The water spraying from up and down,left and right,设备图示说明-脱膜机 Residual Film removal Machine,27,水转印基本知识,设备图示说明-水分干燥炉 Drying Baking Oven,Shuttle hanging conveyor,Conrtol panel,JIG loading,28,

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