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Zoom In 点击职业英语 听说频道 3 基础英语模块,1,UNIT 1 This is your life !,2,Contents,Dads getting married,1,Why did you do that ?,2,Dads story,3,What are you like ?,4,3,Dads getting married,A. Listen, look at the picture, and fill in the blanks.,Cindy is an American-born Chinese and Amy was born in Canada, but moved to the U.S. when she was six years old. They both live and go to school in San Francisco.,4,replies,dating,Cindy: So what are you doing this ? Amy: Im going to my dads wedding. Cindy: His wedding? Amy: Yeah. I think I told you my parents got divorced when I was a kid and my dads been single ever since. Then he started Joyce. Cindy: How did he meet her? Amy: Well, believe it or not, on the Internet. Cindy: Really? Amy: Yes. He put an ad on S “52-year-old businessman, fun-loving but hardworking, seeks partner to share lifes adventures”something like that. He got a lot of . That was six months ago and now hes getting married.,weekend,_,_,_,5,website,serious,Cindy: Whats she like? Amy: Not at all like my dad! Shes quite and shy. But shes passionate about what she does. And shes about the same age. Or maybe a bit older I think. Cindy: And what does she do? Amy: She runs the website where my dad put his ad. What are you doing? Cindy: Just getting on the Internet. Amy: Why? Cindy: I want to find that your dad used. Dont worryIm not ready to get married yet! Its just that I dont seem to meet the right guys at the moment. Theyre all a bit too clever and determined for me. Just dont know how to enjoy themselves. Maybe Ill find someone on the Internet.,_,_,6,CULTURE ZOOM IN 文化透视 According to the United Nations figures, the U.S. has the third highest divorce rate in the world, (4.95 per 1,000 population) perhaps because its not difficult to get a divorce. In China the divorce rate is very much lower (0.79 per 1,000 population)about the same as for Singaporebut it is increasing very rapidly. In the U.S. most people are “separated” for a time before they get the divorce. Of course, they can get married again only when the divorce is completed. 联合国调查数据显示,美国的离婚率为4.95%,高居世界第三,这可能是因为在美国离婚不是件难事。中国的离婚率为0.79%,比美国低很多,和新加坡持平,但也正在快速增长中。在美国,大多数人离婚之前都会分局一段时间。当然,也只有等他们正式离婚之后,才可以再婚。,7,B. Check ( ) the correct box. True False,1. When Cindy says “His wedding?” she sounds angry.,2. When Cindy says “Really?” she means she doesnt believe Amy.,3. Amys dad is slightly younger than Joyce.,4. Cindy asks Amy about Joyces job.,5. Cindy believes she can find her future husband on the Internet.,8,CONVERSATION ZOOM IN 会话聚焦 Notice how Cindy and Amy leave out some sounds when theyre speaking at normal speed: says. not. Cindy wochuh doing . what are you doing . Amy gonna my dads wedding going to my dads wedding Cindy howdy meetuh how did he meet her Cindy wotsheelaik what is she like Cindy wotsheedu what does she do Can you find any other sounds that seem to disappear?,9,2,4,5,6,3,1,Why did you do that?,A. Listen to the people asking about your reasons for doing things. Put the correct number by the correct answer to each question.,To climb in through the bedroom windowI locked myself out of the house. To mend a puncture. To get exerciseI need to lose weight. To report that someone had stolen my bike. To pay you back for the $20 you lent me last weekhave you forgotten? To put the indoor plants therethey need light.,_,_,_,_,_,_,10,B. PAIR WORK Tell each other about an important event or change in your life or in the life of a relative. Ask each other the reason for the change.,Example: A: My dads taking me to Shanghai tomorrow. B: Why? A: To help me find somewhere to live when I start at Fudan in September. Talk about events like these: You gave up your job. You lent someone some money. Youre going to buy something. Youre working extra hard. Your sister went to Singapore.,11,Dads story,Amy is telling Cindy the story of her dads life. Listen to the story. Try to predict the best ending, a., b., or c., for each sentence after the word so.,Cindy: Why dont you tell me more about your dad? How did he end up in the U.S.? Amy:,1. a. .he came back from Guangzhou. b. .his mother told him to get married. c. .his father suggested that he emigrate.,2. a. .decided to walk there. b. .he borrowed some from a friend. c. .he lent some to his father,12,3. a. .he started looking for work immediately. b. .he had nowhere to stay. c. .he went to the best Chinese restaurant in the city.,5. a. .he took a bus there every day. b. .he saved hard. c. .the restaurant fired him.,4. a. .he spoke to everyone in Cantonese. b. .he began taking lessons. c. .he stopped trying to understand.,13,6. a. .he had to quit. b. .he graduated. c. .bought more books.,7. a. .my dad earned a lot of money. b. .my dad sent him some money. c. .my dad went there.,8. a. .he helped my uncle a lot. b. .he stopped working in the shop. c. .he had a lot to learn.,9. a. .they closed the shop. b. .the business was successful. c. .the business failed.,14,10. a. .he paid a lot of money for the shop. b. .he sent my uncle there. c. .they bought a place there.,11. a. .she wasnt very happy. b. .I couldnt understand her. c. .she got a job.,12. a. .she wrote her a letter. b. .she asked her mother to come to the U.S. c. .she went back home.,13. a. .I bought a ticket. b. .I went back to China with her. c. .I decided to stay here with my dad.,B. Listen again. Check if your predictions are correct.,15,enthusiastic,business,March 20,January 20,January 21,What are you like?,A. Listen to this description of star signs and fill in the missing information.,_,_,_,_,_,independent,_,16,center,sensitive,communicate,August 23,May 21,_,_,_,_,_,17,adventurous.,loyal,punctual,November 21,August 24,_,_,_,_,_,18,B. PAIR WORK Find someone who has the same star sign as you. Ask them to tell you about something that happened that shows the description of their star sign is correct. C. How is the Chinese zodiac生肖 different? Is your personality the same for both systems?,19,Thank You !,20,

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