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考试班级: 出题教师:= 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期系别_ 班级_ 学号 _ 姓名_旅游英语1期末口试考核方案_级_班 姓名_ 学号_题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分一、 考试目的1 通过期末口试,一方面考查学生的英语语言基本功和口语表述能力,另一方面考查学生实际操作能力和综合素质。重点考查学生的语音、语调、用词的准确性,语言概括能力、逻辑思维能力、语言实际运用能力和导游服务的综合素质;2 通过模拟导游,检查学生是否能运用所学的导游基础知识、景点导游基础知识、导游业务知识和技能,灵活地用英语进行导游讲解,重点考查学生是否具有英语讲解能力、导游规范服务能力、处理突发事件的能力和导游员的综合素质;3 通过现场模拟导游,考查学生是否能在旅游服务过程中,灵活地使用英语与外国游客进行自由交谈并提供吃、住、行、游、购、娱等各项服务能力;重点考查学生在导游讲解中,能否根据所学的知识和技能,灵活、恰当地使用导游服务技巧并收到良好的带团效果;4 通过即兴演讲,考查学生对导游综合知识和服务规范的理解及语言逻辑表达能力; 5 通过对学生导游基础知识和服务规范知识的问答,考查学生对基础知识和基本技能掌握情况以及导游服务中的技能、技巧和策略掌握情况。二、考试形式及要求1 考试形式:口试(模拟导游+现场模拟导游)2 考核内容及要求: 本次口试包含三部分内容:导游讲解(70分)、即兴演讲(15分)和回答问题(15分)3 评分标准(见附页):满分:100分(导游讲解70分+即兴演讲15分+回答问题15分)(1)模拟景点导游:(10分钟) 根据所学内容设计如下模拟情境:a) 欢迎词、欢送词、城市概况(北京、上海、西安、丽江古城)、沿途导游、介绍宾馆;b) 中国古建筑:北京故宫、长城、兵马俑、石窟艺术c) 中国古典园林: 中西园林特色、颐和园、苏州园林、避暑山庄d) 佛教寺院:西藏布达拉宫、普宁寺、普陀宗乘之庙;e) 名山、大川、草原:黄山、桂林石林、木兰围场;f) 传统工艺:中国剪纸、中国画、中国书法、丝绸工艺、景泰蓝、瓷器、工艺品;g) 休闲娱乐:京剧、逛庙会h) 中国文化:传统节日、古代传说、地方特色菜肴、风味小吃、四大菜系、工夫茶; 现场抽签,确定本次模拟景点导游讲解、即兴演讲和回答问题的内容; 每个学生模拟景点导游时间为10分钟,包括欢迎词、欢送词及景点导游讲解。 (2) 即兴演讲(3分钟)演讲内容: 我为什么要选择英语导游员这个职业? 如何做一名优秀英语导游员? 我的梦想。 毕业后我怎样为旅游业做贡献? 介绍你最喜欢的一座城市。 一次难忘的旅游。(3)回答问题(2分钟)三、成绩评定成绩评定:考试成绩的评定按平均成绩(含平时作业20%,出勤率10%,课堂表现10%)占40%,期末综合考试成绩占60%计算,总分为100分。1 语音、语调正确,表达准确,逻辑性强,回答问题准确无误。(80-100分)2 语音、语调较正确,表达基本准确,逻辑性较强,回答问题基本准确。(60-79分)3 语音、语调不正确,表不清楚,没有逻辑性,不能回答问题。(59分以下)复习范围可参考下列书籍:1王哲.导游英语.北京大学出版社. 2008年9月. 2马树生、许萍.模拟导游. 旅游教育出版社.2005年8月3毕伟力.跟我游承德 中国广播广电出版社.2006年.4冯大志.承德英语导游词. 远方出版社.2004年4月5导游员服务技能英语复习题(300题)= 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末口试评分标准项目要求分值得分(总分100)导游服务规范(20分)引导标志1面对客人1面部表情自然大方2欢迎、欢送词内容完整,有亲和力6即兴回答问题切题,反应机敏第1题 5分第2题5分语言能力(25分)自然3流畅3有逻辑性3生动幽默2语速适中1语调准确1声音可闻1音质优美1英语灵活运用程度10导游内容(景点讲解)(35分)正确10全面6切题8发挥8重点突出8导游方法的运用5仪容、礼仪(10分)服务态度3仪表仪容3礼貌礼节4艺术性强6总 分 (100分)得 分= 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题一题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. The Summer Palace2. The Twin Pagoda Hill ;3. The Spring Festival;4. The Mountain Resort;5. The Mulan Hunting Ground.6. Chinese arts and craftsII. Why do you want to be an English tour guide? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points) 1. Do you think healthy is very important to the tour guide? Why? Yes. A tour guide commonly works long hours and the job is demanding. He needs to do lots of talking, walking and other physical things. So he must be healthy and energetic. 2. Do you think the work of a tour guide includes a wide range of tasks? Why? Yes, I think so. The job of a tour guide encompasses a broad array of scope. A guide is the public face of a travel agency. A guide acts as a goodwill culture ambassador to foreign guests.= 密 封 线 = = 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题二题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1.Humble Administrators Garden;2. Chinese calligraphy3.The Wooden Club Peak;4.The Universal Peace Tample;5. The Tangtze Gorges.6. The Shadow PlayII. Talk about your favorite city (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. Is a guide the public face of a travel agency? Why?A guide is the public face of a travel agency. He will help shape the first impression to visitors. His quality of service is as a matter of course conducive to the direct promotion of sales of local tour products; in other words, tour guides make great contribution to increasing the income of foreign currency of an area. 3. As a tour guide, when you meet your guest at the airport what will be your essential equipments?As a tour guide, part of his duty is to make sure he has got all the essential items he will need for his job: ID card, a flag of travel service, placard with a tourists name, a megaphone/mini-amplifier, forms of comment, business cards, a cap, an umbrella or a raincoat, etc. = 密 封 线 = = 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题三题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. The Lesser Potola Palace;2. The Summer Palace;3. The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang ;4. The Temple of Banchan Lama;5. Chinese Tea.6. Chinese Fairy Tale II. How do we face to pressure of employment? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. What are the trait(features) of excellent tour guides?Observance and integrity; good service; detail-oriented planning; communication style; interpersonal skills; work independently; knowledgeable and professional; cross-cultural awareness, etc.2. What shall we do if we want to provide good services to tourists?Have a good understanding of human nature is respectful, and to be thoughtful with sincere consideration to guests needs.3. Why do we say that speaking English with great fluency is very important to a tour guide?English proficiency is a powerful tool. Be skillful in providing tour narrations and commentaries for the full enjoyment of guests. Convey the accurate translation in a casual way.= 密 封 线 = = 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题四题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. The Main Palace of the Mountain Resort;2. The Capital City-Xian;3. The Mausoleum of Eastern Tombs In the Qing Dynasty;4. The Temple of Universal Happiness;5. Chinese Ancient Architecture.6. Local Food you like best II. How do we become a qualified English tour guide? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. How will the tour guide be a problemsolver? Have the ability to handle crises and complexity. Handle complaints in appropriate ways at appropriate time. Listen attentively and offer constructive feedback. Find win-win situations.2. Why do we say “good sense of humor” is very important to a tour guide?Humor can help set the keynote of a group. Humor can energize and motivate guests to have more relaxing experience. Know well when and how to use humor. Be sure to use it selectively.3.How to understand “be positive”in our work ?Consider failure as an opportunity to learn. Look at the good side in all circumstances. By embracing a positive and persistent attitude, we will be able to overcome all the problems we may confront.= 密 封 线 = = 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题五题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes;2. Jinshanling Great Wall;3. Buddhism in China;4. Second to None In Scenery Under the Sky;5. Inner Mongolia Grassland6. Traditional Chinese Calligraphy II. What is your unforgettable tour in your experience? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. Do you think healthy is very important to the tour guide? Why? Yes. A tour guide commonly works long hours and the job is demanding. He needs to do lots of talking, walking and other physical things. So he must be healthy and energetic. 2. What is a tour guide? A tour guide refers to someone designated by a travel agency to organize and conduct trips and to take care of every detail of logistics for a tour. He is also a person, which the guests pay for the convenience of having someone along who has a thorough familiarity with the geography and history of a certain area.3. Do you think the work of a tour guide includes a wide range of tasks? Why? Yes, I think so. First the job of a tour guide encompasses a broad array of scope. Secondly, a guide is the public face of a travel agency. Thirdly, a guide acts as a goodwill culture ambassador to foreign guests.= 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题六题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. The Palace Museum in Peking;2. Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses;3. The Mid-Autumn Festival;4. West Lake in Hangzhou;5. The Mulan Hunting Ground6. Traditional Chinese SealII. Why do I choose an English Tour Guide as my future career? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. What are the main works for the pre-tour preparation? Responsible for pre-tour preparation which includes the following aspects: to analyze the itinerary very closely, such as information of guests, activities, hotels, confirmation of reservations, making sure adequate transportation.2. Please give out the basic services of tour guides.The tour guide will provide some basic services including meeting and seeing off, checking in and checking out, arranging food and accommodation, providing on-tour service and promoting optional tour products, etc. Tour guides act as educators in expressing the knowledge. 3. Is a guide the public face of a travel agency? Why?A guide is the public face of a travel agency. He will help shape the first impression to visitors. His quality of service is as a matter of course conducive to the direct promotion of sales of local tour products; in other words, tour guides make great contribution to increasing the income of foreign currency of an area.= 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题七题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. The Tower of Mists and Rains in Chengde;2. A Vivid Story about the Birth of Buddhas Sakyamuni;3. Procelain of China;4. Beautiful city-Shanghai;5. Minority Nationalities6. Chinese FestivalsII. What influence does economy bring to tourism? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. What is dressed properly when a tour guide is working?The most convenient option is to wear uniforms with a badge or a cap with an insignia of the company. The tour guide should have smart shoes and the hair must be well combed. 2. Why should the guide reach a wharf or an airport 30 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time of the guest?This will provide ample time for the guide to get better prepared and make necessary arrangements before the participants arrive. 3. Whats the definition of an itinerary? An itinerary is a detailed schedule or a suggested route for a journey. = 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题八题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. Ancient gardens in Hangzhou;2. The Badaling Great Wall;3. Wushu and Qinggong in China;4. Huangshan Mountain;5. Jade Screen pavilion 6. Traditional Chinese medicineII. What your future dream? How do you realize your dream? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. What kinds of changes will happen during a tour?Changes of times, dates, activities, lodging and meals. 2. To avoid any careless omissions or ambiguities for the itinerary, what should a guide do?The guide must double check the itinerary at the time of pre-tour and verify it with the tour leader, international tour guide or independent travelers after the greeting. 3. If the group would departure ahead of the schedule, what should the guide do? Inform the staff working for the next destination to make arrangement for checking out, canceling meals, vehicles etc.= 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题九题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. Suzhou ancient gardens in China;2. Chinese Silk;3. The Wutai Mountain;4. The Lesser Potala Temple in Chengde;5. The Twin Pagoda Hill in Chengde.6. Peking Tea House II. Talk about your hometown. (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. If a tour guide wants to develop a new itinerary, what should he/she do?The guide must gain approval of both the company and the guests and obtain signature of the tour leader or an independent traveler as well. 2. Besides some common activities included in the itinerary, what special activities travel agency will provide to the clients? There is a range of activities such as sports, parties, banquets, performances, etc.3. If a guest persists to visit crowded and unsafe areas, what should the tour guide do?The guide should ensure that the reasons for refusal are explained clearly and patiently to the guest.= 密 封 线 = 密 封 线 =河北旅游职业学院2012-2013学年第一学期旅游英语1期末考试口试试题十题号一、模拟景点导游70%二、即兴演讲15%三、回答问题15%总分口试考官得分I. Please choose one of the following topics and simulate as an English tour guide to show a tour group go around the scenic spot and talk about it, give some explanations and answer the question. You will be asked to finish it around 10 minutes. Think about what you are going to say (70 points).According to the scenic spot, try your best to talk about it:1. The Golden Hill;2. The Temple of Heaven;3. The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang ;4. The Temple of Anyuan ;5. Beijing Opera6. Chinese Cloisonne II. What kind of job will you chose after you graduate from the college? (15 points)III. Answer the following questions based on your presentation.(15 points)1. At a very large venue, what does the guide remind the guests? The guide should remind guests not to wander off (or, to stay together) and should watch guests movements and surroundings for potential mishaps. 2.How to understand “be positive”in our work ?Consider failure as an opportunity to learn. Look at the good side in all circumstances. By embracing a positive and persistent attitude, we will be able to overcome all the problems we may confront.3. Do y


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