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活动总结/综合实践活动总结 星空实践队第六小组总结 在华中师范大学数统学院团委的指导下,由华中师范大学星空教育协会会员自愿报名组建,华中师范大学数统星空实践队于XX暑假7月11至7月16日期间赴黄冈市罗田县凉亭河中学开展了为期七日的“仰望教育星空,传播爱与希望”为主题的社会实践活动。在此次暑期社会实践活动的过程中,我们小组队员们一起探讨和学习,以农村经济为调研主题主题,采用了社会调查等多样化的科学方法,在实践中走入农村,服务农村,不仅加深了队员们之间的友谊、结交了许多新的朋友,而且丰富了我们社会经验、使我们的能力得到了很大的提升。 以下是本次社会实践活动我们第六小组的总结。一小组成员介绍:我们小组成员具有我们小组特色,全部来自我们财会系。他们不仅拥有扎实的专业知识,同时他们具有一个优秀的人民教师所具备的品质和能力。他们的才能在这次的实践过程中得到了充分的展现,也得到了升华。二前期筹备:为了搞好这次暑期社会实践,星空实践队提前一个月就开始投入策划。我们小组成员积极报名,在经过严格的筛选之后,我们小组六名精英脱颖而出。我们小组成员不追求最好但是一直追求更好,为了搞好这次暑期实践,在未出发之前我们小组以趣味英语为备课主题第一个拿去备课教案,每天晚上总是拿去一个小时的时间试讲,在试讲的过程中不断的假设实际课堂中会突发的情况。通过试讲我们小组成员不仅将我们所要教授的知识深深印刻在每一个人的脑海里,而且在试讲过程中每一个队员都有自己独特的体会。三讲课我们小组以趣味英语为主题向孩子们传授一些有趣的英语知识。以下是我们小组英语教案:english lesson plansunit-american common phrasescontents:introduces some basic life of common interest in englishanalysis of the students:due to the local education is relatively backward, students english level is not high. because of the holiday, some students have home, class are from different grade students, english level difference is bigger.teaching aims: 1. language knowledge 1) to understand the english and american people say we learn the difference between the english 2) to know and be able to use the most commonly used some phrases in real life : a) knock it off b) big timec) kick backd)pull ones lege)kick assf)shoot and all set2. language skills 1) to learn the most commonly used phrases and use them in communication. 2) to learn some sentence patterns and use them in communication. 3. learning strategy try to understand the language knowledge in the simulated situation. 3. book knowledge and the reality of the difference between usageto know the differences between chinese and the american. main points:use the language knowledge in communication. difficult points:understanding book knowledge and the reality of the difference between usage teaching aids: question and the interaction between students teaching procedures: 1. preparation 1) the teacher questionsthe teacher ask students to explain how they used the phrase2) students free discussion-discuss how they used these phrases3)the teachers explanation-the teacher explained what summarize student,these phrases in american life, comparative analysis, 4) ask the students to feel2. presentation 1)please report to the team representing the interesting english2)teacher questions, the student replied:ask students to some basic interesting english phrases how they are applied3)the teacher explained how to use some americans are interesting english phrase *


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