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关于客观的英语演讲稿目录第一篇:关于客观的英语演讲稿第二篇:如何客观认识自我第三篇:英语演讲稿第四篇:英语演讲稿第五篇:英语演讲稿正文第一篇:关于客观的英语演讲稿objectively speakingpeople in this world can be divided into two categories: those always working and those always making ments. the working ones never have time to idle away. some may run a hotel, or do some business; some may open a factory or set up a school; others may be absorbed in scientific research, or devoted to military affairs or political issues. right or wrong, successful or failed, they are always fully mitted to their careers. facing all kinds of risks(not because they neglect them, but mainly because they have the courage), and shouldering the responsibilities, they march forward, bravely and cautiously. they are risking their luck and their lives as well. they have neither time nor energy to ment on others. while attentively planning the future, they devote themselves wholly in hard work, leaving the embroidered stories and malicious gossips flying in the air. the menting ones, however, usually work less, and even if they want to work sometimes, they simply are not capable enough. they are no better than anyone, but show admiration to nobody either. they blame either the heaven, or the earth, but never themselves. they dare not to take any risks, but they are also afraid of any hard work. they are gossip-mongers, making stories and spreading rumors, making you feel annoyed and upset. its not because that you have hurt them, or disturbed them, or hindered them, but because you are working. if only you are working, he is there menting. everything is hard at the beginning. you have just started a new cause, needing encouragement and support, yet he is there pouring a jar of cold water or blowing a gust of chilly wind, making you worried or perplexed. but once you have succeeded, he is there again sharing your success without feeling a little ashamed of the discouragement he had given you.many people dont like using their mind but enjoy echoing the views of others. they often take it for granted that the working ones are wrong while the menting ones are definitely right. however in all fairness, how can it be true? not working itself is already wrong, and it is a blunder to hurt the hard working people.from ancient time to the present, many great men have been mented on endlessly. take the cases of confucius, emperor qinshihuang, empress wu zetian, gengis khan, dr. sun yet-sun, chairman mao, deng xiaoping, etc. both positive and negative criticism have been made about them. they not only enjoyed pliments but also suffered slanders from all over the world.from the ancient times, people have been used to killing the rich to save the poor, without thinking about how the rich became rich and the poor stayed poor. the policy of “allowing some people to get rich” has balanced peoples mind to some extent, but there is still a long way to go before we can get rid of “the hatred toward the wealthy”.capable people or rich people are just human, neither sages nor perfect men. they have their own faults, and they may also mit mistakes. but objectively speaking, some mistakes are forced on them, which are the expectations of the public. they are expected to do this or that, but when expectations bee disappointments, they have to take the blaming. in fact, its the publics fault to demand for perfection or counting on unrealistic expectations of the rich.i encourage people to work, even though they may mit mistakes.i advise those enjoying menting to make some effort to do something for the others.i hope people can make ments objectively instead of subjectively, without going to extremes, and not out of preference.i also hope that the hard-working people do not care too much about what the others say, even what the others criticize. you should believe that public opinions will finally decide whats right and whats wrong. what we need is just time.第二篇:如何客观认识自我如何客观认识自我现在作为一名大四的学生,即将在下半个学期步入社会,开始去实习。但是现在我们同学中还有很多人不能够正确的认识自我,很多人不能够很恰当的说出自己的学识和专业水平,要不是估计偏高,就是估计偏低。同时也有很多人也不能够完全知道自己的性格趋向,要不是强调优点,就是强调缺点。甚至有些同学不能够正确说出自己的理想、坚定性、上进心、道德感等达到了怎样的高度,要不是偏于自傲,就是偏于妄自菲薄。这样就导致我们在日后的工作中,不能明确自己的奋斗目标。曾经有个寓言故事,说的是有个小毛驴和小猴共同生活在一个主人家。一天,小猴玩得起兴,就爬到了主人家的房顶,上蹦下跳的,主人一个劲地夸小猴灵巧。为了得到主人的夸奖,小毛驴也爬到了房顶,费了好大劲,但是却把主人的瓦给踩坏了。主人见状,便大声赶它下来,并又打了它一顿。小毛驴感到很委屈:为什么小猴能上房,而且还能得到夸奖,而我却不能呢?从这边可以看出里面有很多和我们遇到的情况很相似,我们很多都处于一个小盒子里,走不出来,很迷惑,又不知道原因。这也就是我们都不能正确认识的原因,那么现在我们先从什么是自我来开始认识。自我,在心理学上讲是一个独特的持久的同一身份的我,主要包括物质自我、社会自我和精神自我,简单地说就是对自己的认识和了解。物质自我指生物学上的我,包括人的外貌、身高、体重、衣着等方面;社会自我指一个人的社会关系、人际关系以及在社会中的角色地位;精神自我指人的性格和价值观,即“我”的内部主观存在的意识。对于现在的大学生,年轻气盛、心浮气躁,充满着知和行的困惑,不能有效地控制自己的言行,关键在你能否客观的正确的认识自我。错误的认识自我会导致两种后果。一是自卑。因为有些同学注重外在的自我,认为自己身体有缺陷,长得不好看,打扮的也不如别人时尚;还有些同学注重内在的自我,认为自己的思维能力、学习能力都比他人差,看不到自己的优点,久而久之,这些都会增加一个人的自卑感。云月华老师说:“我就是我,独一无二的我,没有人可以替代,所以你要增加自信,客观分析自己。”二是自负。过度的自信,目中无人,认为自己在各方面就是最好的,不能看到自己的不足。云月华老师指出,认识自我是建立在一个客观分析的基础上,不仅要看到自己的优点还要看到自己的缺点,这样才能知道自己前进的方向,同时找到前进的动力。因此,我们要经常进行自我评价,以来为客观认识自我做基础。自我评价是指适当地对自己的感知、所思所想、自己的想法、期望、品德、行为及个性特征的判断与评估。自我评价可以是正确的,好可以是不正确的,正确地客观地认识和评价自己存在的价值和自己的所作所为,就能够处理好个人与社会、与他人的关系,这有利于发扬优点和克服缺点,使自己的人格得到健全的发展。对自己的评价过高或过低,都不能全面地、恰如其分地评价自己的心理生活和行为,势必不能发扬长处,好不利于克服弱点,从而造成自己在社会中的不适应。如果只看到自己的不足,觉得处处不如人,就会丧失信心,遇事畏缩不前,可能使人形成怯懦、沉闷、无生气等特点;如果一个只是看到自己的长处,认为自己处处比人强,自我陶醉,孤芳自赏,这样的人容易形成盲目乐观、做作、固执已见、自以为是等不良的人格品质。例如自卑感,所谓的自卑感是对自己不满,否定的情感,往往是自尊心屡屡受挫的结果。这类人自我认识不客观,往往只看到自我缺点而忽略了自我的长处,不喜欢自己,不能容忍自己的缺点和弱点,否定、抱怨、指责自己,看不到自己的价值或夸大自己的不足,感到自己什么都不如他人,处处低人一等,丧失信心,严重的还可能由自我否定发展为自我厌恶甚至走向自我毁灭。自卑感的产生不是来自“事实”或“经验”,而是来自我们对事实的结论与对经验的评价。在进行自我评价后,我们才能杜绝像自卑感这种悲观情绪的产生,这样自我概念也才能形成。自我概念是一个人对自己的比较稳定的看法,它的形成是个人与环境相互作用的结果。一般来说,正确的自我概念的形成首先需要对自我的积极关注,但仅仅是关注还不能保证得到的认识就符合事实。常言到“当局者迷”,一个人的认识能力毕竟有限,会受到来自主观和客观因素的干扰与蒙蔽,从而导致自我概念中的偏差。也就是说我们的自我概念的形成不仅需要懂得自我评价,还必须懂得反省,主要才能将我们一些错误认识矫正,树立正确的观点。 反省是认识自我、发展自我、完善自我和实现自我价值的最佳方法。成功学专空罗宾认为:不妨在每天结束时好好问问自己下而的问题“今天我到底学到些什么?我今天都做了一些什么事情?我是否对自己所做的一切感到满意?如果我们每天都能够反省,改进自己的能力,并且过得很快乐,必然能够获得意想不到的丰富人生。真诚地而对这些提出的问题就是反省,其目的就是要不断地突破自我的局限,审察自己,开创成功的人生。我们要培养善于自我反省的习惯,学会问自己:“我是谁?我能干什么?我做得怎么样?我要到哪能里去?”茫茫的人生旅途中,只有亮起一盏心灯,时时叮嘱自己,才能让成功之路越走越宽广。第三篇:英语演讲稿xian in my eyesladies and gentlemen: please payattention to me. today, my speech topic is xian in my eyesxian is really a great and beautiful city.the history of xian is evident and the ancient capital of 13 dynasties. this is why foreigners like xian. xian is really full of artistic breath. there are many interesting and beautiful buildings in xian, such as da yan pagoda and the bell tower. they are the emblems of this city.if you walk on the streets, you suddenly feel hungry. don be worried, xian has a lot of delicious food, such as chinese hamburgers and cool noodles and so on.now, xian is confronted with a lot of challenges, such as traffic jams, the environmental pollution, and millions of peopleand so on. although xian has lots of difficults i am sure that people in xian can solve these problems, because i think people in xian are friendly, clever, hardworking, and generous. so i think that xian will be better and better.the world expo will be held in xian. i will be a volunteer. i think everyone should do something helpful for the world expo.as time goes by, xian will be more and more beautiful, richer and richer, better and better! i love xian for ever!thats all. thank you very much!第四篇:英语演讲稿随着科学技术的发展,像电纸书,mp5,电脑,带有阅读功能的手机,等电子产品变得越来越普及。因此,也有越来越多的人通过电子产品来阅读书籍,报纸等。于是,社会上有一种观点:传统纸质书籍最终会被电子书籍代替。首先,再某种程度上,这种观点是正确的。根据最新的调查显示:世界上纸质报纸的种类最近几年减少很多,越来越多的报纸停止印刷,开始转向电子发售。传统印刷的书籍销量越来越少,与之相反,网络小说却越来越火爆。许多年轻人 更加钟情于网络小说。电子书籍具有更新快,阅读方便等优点。但是,这种观点是非常片面的。纸质的书籍可以流传上千年,电子书很容易就丢失。另外,你可以仔细想想:你手捧一本精美的书籍,坐在大树下,可以深深地沉迷于其中。电子能否可以给你这种感觉?还有一个很好的比喻:把传统纸质图书比作是你的双腿,电子书比作是新发明的自行车。无论交通工具再怎么发展,也不会代替你的双腿。他们都有一个相同的道理,不是么?所以我说:纸质书籍永远不会消失!with the development of science and technology, like electricity paper books,t a mp5, puter, with reading the features of mobile phones and other electronic products isbeing more and more popular. therefore, there are more and more people through the electronic products to reading books, newspapers, etc. hence, the society has a point: the traditional paper books will eventually be electronic books instead.first of all, to some extent, this view is correct. according to the la(更多内容请访问首页:)test survey shows that: the world in recent years the type paper newspaper, reduce a lot more newspapers stop printing, begins to turn electronic sale. traditional printing of books sold less and less, in contrast,network is more and more popular novels. many young people are more interested in network novel. electronic books are updated quickly, reading convenience etc.however, this opinion is very one-sided. paper books can circulate, thousands of years, ebook easily lost. in addition, you can think carefully: you hand holds a fine books, sitting under the tree, can deeply wallow in. electronic could give you this kind of feeling? have a good metaphor: the traditional paper books to a your legs, ebook pared to the newly invented the bicycle. no matter how traffic tools, also wont again replace your legs. they all have the same truth, isnt it?so i say: paper books wont disappear!第五篇:英语演讲稿is optimism always better than pessimismgood morning everyone, today i will talk about optimism andpessimism with you, many people will say that optimism is better .well, is optimism always better than pessimism? i dont think so , and that is what i want to talk about today.generally speaking, optimism is really beneficial to us, it can raise our will up, it can help us solve problem efficiently. when we meetdifficulties, an optimistic person take it as a challenge to show hisabilities up while a pessimistic person is always afraid ofit, they are failed before they face to those difficulties.however, to some extent, optimism also has its shortings too, first, if a person is too optimistic, he will not have a deep understanding to a problem, and he always thinks he can do that, and it counts for nothing for him. it is really dangerous for him, take mr. good enough for exle, he always doesnt do something well, even if it may cause something terrible, he is always optimistic about it, in my opinion, he would rather to be pessimistic; after all, if you can not do it well, youd rather not do it.so, in a , proper optimism is better than pessimism and pessimism is better than over optimism. just be proper optimism and you will get your success.(221)推荐英语演讲稿英语演讲稿英语演讲稿英语演讲稿英语演讲稿第 12 页 共 12 页


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