高中英语 Module6 Animals in Danger课时训练3 外研版必修5

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Module6 Animals in Danger基础夯实.单词拼写1.The cuckoo(杜鹃) (下蛋) its eggs in other birds nests.答案:lays2.The bank has (分支机构) all over the country.答案:branches3.This book contains five units,(涉及) some exercises.答案:involving4.What are your (条件) for accepting the invitation?答案:conditions5.I believe he is (关心) about all those matters you mentioned.答案:concerned6.Tigers are in danger of (绝种).答案:extinction7.Smoking during pregnancy can e your babys health.答案:endanger8.She is a at a scholarship.答案:aiming9.Its no w that he didnt come to school these days.答案:wonder10.The (重点) of this chapter is the American Revolution.答案:focus.单句语法填空1.Police were anxious to hear any information (concern)his whereabouts.答案:concerning2.Im so tired that I cant focus anything today.答案:on3.Butterflies feed a sweet liquid produced by flowers,which bees and other insects collect.答案:on4.The IOC stands the International Olympic Committee and was founded in France in 1894.答案:for5.Why are you so (concern)about the boys safety?答案:concerned.根据汉语提示完成句子1.警察让居民照看他们自己的财产,因为在这个地区有人被盗了。Police asked the residents to their property,for someone in this area has been stolen.答案:keep an eye on2.一位告发者向警察局提供了涉及这次犯罪的人员名单。An informer supplied the names of those the crime to the police.答案:involved in3.你喝了这么多咖啡难怪睡不着。 you couldnt sleep when you drank so much coffee.答案:No wonder4.你不应该太过担心丢脸。You should not too much losing face.答案:be concerned;about5.这位老人有死亡的危险。The old man is dying.答案:in danger of能力提升.阅读理解The famous American gorilla(大猩猩)expert Diane Fossey had a completely new way to study gorillasshe pretended to be one of them.She copied their actions and way of lifeeating plants and getting down on her hands and knees to walk the way a gorilla does.It was a new relationship.Diane Fossey was murdered in Rwanda in 1985 and her story was made into the popular film Gorillas in the Mist.It was a long way from King Kong,which is about a gorilla as a monster(a frightening animal),and helped to show a new idea:the real monster is man,while the gorilla is to be admired.Today there are thought to be around 48,000 lowland gorillas and maybe 400-500 mountain gorillas in the wild.From the Congo in West Africa,to Rwanda and Uganda further east,they are endangered(put in a situation in which they could be harmed or damaged)by hunting and by the cutting down of their forest homes.Sometime ago,I found in my letterbox a little magazine from the World Wide Fund for Nature.It had two photos side by side.One was of a young gorilla.“This is a species of mammal(哺乳类动物),”said the words below it.“It is being destroyed by man.We must save it for our own good.”The other photo showed a human baby.The words also read:“This is a species of mammal,”but then went on:“It is the most destructive(破坏性的)on earth.We must retrain it for its own good.”1.The text mainly talks about .A.Diane FosseyB.the gorillas in RwandaC.the protection of the gorillasD.the film Gorillas in the Mist答案:C2.We can learn from the text that .A.Gorillas in the Mist was based on Fosseys experiencesB.lowland gorillas live longer than mountain gorillasC.King Kong showed us that a gorilla is admirableD.Diane Fossey was murdered by a gorilla答案:A3.What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine?A.Gorillas are mans close friends.B.Both man and the gorilla need to be saved.C.Young gorillas are as lovely as human babies.D.Man should live peacefully with the gorilla.答案:D.选词创境运用下列写作词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段(35句)extinction;focus;be concerned about;get involved in;waste;energy;set up;aim参考范文Many animals are facing the danger of extinction.So it is time for us to focus our attention on protecting them.More and more people are concerned about the situation and getting involved in the protection of the wild animals.Many natural reserves are set up,aiming at protecting them.It is believed that our world will have a better future if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy.

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