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英语AB级词汇词性转换动词变名词 :1V+ tion/sion 结尾 attract吸引attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方concludeconclusion 结论competecompetition 竞争,比赛educate-education 教育decide-decision 决定describedescription描写,描绘express 表达-expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业graduationoperate 操作,动手术operationorganize-organization 组织instructinstruction 指导, 介绍inventinventor 发明者 / invention 发明物inviteinvitation 调查inspire-inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的-pollute-pollution 污染predict-prediction 预言 pronounce -pronunciation发音 permit 允许-permission 允许suggest-建议,暗示-suggestion建议 solve解决-solution 解决方法2v+ ment 结尾achieve-achievement 成就advertise- advertisement/ advertising 广告agreeagreement 同意amuseamusement 娱乐argue-argument争吵develop-development 发展disagreedisagreement 不同意equip 装备-equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治government 政府manage 管理-management 经营,管理3V+ ance 结尾appearappearance 外貌 ,出现perform-performance 演出4V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡-bathing / bath (e.g. take a bath)end 结束-ending 结尾,结局train 训练-training mean - meaning 意义say-saying 谚语5V+ 其他Beg(乞讨)beggar 乞丐behave 行为,举止-behaviorknow-knowledgeflyflight 飞行heat 加热-heat 热量hit 撞击-hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞mix 混合-mixture 混合物press 按,压pressure 压力sit-seat 座位succeed- successtour旅游/ tourist 游客 名词变形容词1名词+y Anger 生气-angryhunger 饥饿-hungry guilt 罪恶-guilty 内疚的health-healthy 健康的luck-lucky 幸运的cloud-cloudy 多云的windwindy 多风的rain-rainy 下雨的snow-snowy 下雪的sunsunny 天晴的fogfoggy有雾的fur-furry 毛皮的tourist-touristy 游客多的salt 盐- salty 咸的shine-shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸-silky 丝绸般的sleep-sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味-tasty 甜的2.名词+ edbalance-balanced 平衡的spot 斑点-spotted 有斑点的talent-talented 有天赋的organize-organized 有组织的disgust-disgusted 厌恶的offend-offended 生气的crow-crowded 拥挤的pollution-polluted 被污染的pleasure 愉快,愉悦-pleased 高兴的3名词+ ful/lessmeaningmeaningful 有意义的carecareful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help-helpful 有帮助的 / helpless 无助的homehomeless 无家可归的color(colour)-colorful (colourful)pain 疼痛-painful 痛苦的use-useless 无用的/ useful 有用的thankthankful 充满感激的peace 和平 - peaceful 平静的,宁静的playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的4名词,动词+ ablecomfort-comfortableknowledge-knowledgeableaccept-acceptable 可接受的understand-understandable 可理解的,易懂的respect-respectable 尊敬的5.名词+ ousdangerdangerous 危险的mystery 神秘-mysterious 神秘的fame 名声- famous 出名的6.ce 变 t confidence 信心-confident 有信心的difference 不同,差异-different 不同的7. al 结尾medicine 药-medical 医学的music-musical 音乐的nature-natural 自然的person-personal (私人的)nationnational 国家的education-educational有教育意义的tradition 传统-traditional 传统的origin起源-original 新颖的;独创的8名词+ lyfriendfriendly 友好的live-lively 活跃的,有生气的lovelovely 可爱的9.+ en 结尾woodwooden 木制的woolwoolen 羊毛的10. 其他energy精力-energetic 精力充沛的fool 傻子foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由free 空(闲)的, 免费的height 高度high 高的illness 疾病- ill 生病的,坏的;n.疾病loveloving 慈爱的death-dead 死亡的pleasure-pleasant令人愉快的 / pleased 某人(感动愉快的)popularity 流行性popular 流行的pride 骄傲-proud 自豪的,骄傲的scientist科学家-scientific 科学的形容词变副词注:副词往往修饰动词和形容词1 形容词+ lybadbadly坏地brightbrightly 明亮地clearclearly 清楚地completecompletely 完全地correct-correctly 正确地finalfinally 最终地fortunatefortunately幸运地generalgenerally 一般来讲loudloudly 大声地particular 特殊的,独特的particularlypolitepolitely 有礼貌地proper 合适的-,恰当的-properly 合适地main-mainly主要地 most 多数-mostly 多半,大多数normal-normally 正常地quickquickly 快速地quietquietly 轻轻地,安静地realreally 真实地,实际上地recent 最近的-recently 最近;近来hard 难的;努力地-hardly 几乎不late 迟的lately 最近;近来sadsadly 悲伤地slow-slowly 慢慢地specialspecially 专门,特殊地specific-specifically 特定地,明确地strongstrongly 坚决地, 强烈地suddensuddenly突然地usualusually 通常地2. 以le 结尾的 去e + ycomfortable-comfortably 舒适地gentlegently 温柔地;绅士地possible-possibly 可能地simple -simply 仅仅;只;简单地terrible-terribly 可怕地3. 辅音字母+ y 变 ilyeasyeasily 容易地heavyheavily 沉重地happyhappily 快乐得4.特殊goodwell好地 well 作adj. 表身体健康的;良好的;适宜的truetruly真实地,不假;真诚地 名词-形容词副词beauty 美,美人beautifulbeautifullycare关爱,关心carefulcarefullycarecarelesscarelesslydifference差别,不同-different-differentlyhappiness快乐happyhappilyhunger饥饿hungry-hungrilyhealth健康healthyhealthilyluck幸运luckyluckilyunluckyunluckily 不幸地noise噪音noisynoisilyprideproudproudly骄傲地sadness悲伤sadsadlysafety 安全;安全的地方safesafelysilence沉默silent-silently 默默地success成功successfulsuccessfullytruth事实truetrulywonder 奇迹wonderfulwonderfully注:以下单词既是形容词又是副词earlyget up early ;an early trainlate be late for class ;come late for schooldeep dive (潜水) deep into the sea ; a hole deep largehigh jump high ; a high mountainhard a hard question;a hard stone ; work hard / study hardlong It takes too long ; It takes a long time to do sthfarjump far ; My home is far from school straight a straight line ; go straight along here英语AB级重点词汇2015.06Acquisition cost 购置成本Actual cost 实际成本Arrival notice 到货通知balance of trade 贸易平衡bill of landing number 提单号码Buyer behavior 买方行为cash conversion cycle 现金周转周期Certificate of origin 原产地证明Chain of customers 顾客链Credit level 信用水平Customer relationship management 客户关系管理Duty free zone 免税区Electronic commerce 电子商务Free trade zone 自由贸易区Indirect cost 间接成本minimum weight 最小重量Net weight 净重2014.12Cost of goods sold 售出货物成本Channel of distribution 分销渠道Commission percent 佣金比例Competitive advantage 竞争优势Current assets 流动资产Direct cost of sales 现有债务Earning before Taxes 税前收入Effective demand 有效需求Advance payment 预付款advising banking 通知行letter of credit 信用证Paying bank 付款银行Capital market 资本市场Cost and freight 成本加运费Import license 进口许可证Joint venture 合资企业2014.06floor area 建筑面积title document 契约文件land use certificate 土地使用证commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼land use fee 土地使用费land use term 土地使用期限planning approval 计划批准reconstruction of old area 旧城改造public utilities 公共设施urban planning 城市规划state-owned land 国有土地the Municipal land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局Construction project 建筑工程housing residence 住宅go through the formalities 办理手续land efficiency 地段效益location classification 地段等级2013.12Admission information 门票咨询Adult admission 成人门票Student admission 学生门票Opening hours 开放时间National museum 国家博物馆Visitor route 参观路线Museum collection 博物馆藏品Ticket desk 售票处Please do not touch 请勿触摸No admission 禁止入内Staff only 仅限员工Group tour entrance 团队入口处Audio guide 语音导游Family visit 家庭参观Floor plans and galleries 平面图和展馆Multimedia guide 多媒体导游Group ticket 团队票Information desk 问讯处2013.06network editor 网络编辑network translation 网络翻译home-based business 居家企业 (IKEA)data entry 数据录入Blog writing 博客写作News writing 新闻写作Website design 网站设计Engineering design 工程设计Sport writing 体育新闻写作Academic writing 学术写作Ticket booking 订票服务Online customer service 在线客户服务Professional game player 职业游戏玩家Online school 网上学校Online consultation 在线咨询Online marketing 网上营销Online shop 网店2012.12Bank loan 银行贷款Business plan 商业企划Investment return 投资回报Consumer price index 消费者物价指数Cost control 成本控制Contract worker 合同工Customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度Daughter company 子公司Mother company 母公司Import duty 进口关税Price control 价格控制Sales tax 销售税Cash flow 现金流Mail order 邮购Factory price 出厂价Contact of employment 就业合同Employment Law 劳工法2012.06Expo 博览会Registration fee 注册费Scope of exhibits 展品范围Exhibitors profile 参展商简介 Trade show 贸易展Participation fee 参展费Exhibition space展位Queuing are排队等候区域Participation procedure 参展程序Reserve a spot 预定展位Theme zone 主题曲Sponsor and organizer 赞助商和主办单位Fire exit 安全出口/消防出口Exhibit directory 展品目录Overseas supporter 海外支持单位Registration system 登记系统Sign up 报名/签名2011.12Brand loyalty 品牌忠实度Brand value 品牌价值Buying habit 购买习惯 Buying motivation 购买动机Consumer survey 消费者调查Customer service 客户服务Distribution channel 分销渠道Market potential 市场潜力Market research 市场调查Market share 市场份额Market size 市场规模Marketing goal 营销目标Marketing plan 营销计划Product image 产品形象Reference price 参考价格Sales analysis 销售分析Sales promotion 促销2011.06No parking in front of this gate 此处门前严禁停车Guests car park 访客停车场Dangerous bend 弯道危险Diverted traffic 交叉路口Limited parking 停车位有限Low bridge ahead 前方桥底New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段Entry to motorway/highway 高速入口Parking for taxi only 只准许出租车停靠No entry 禁止进入/驶入Staff only 仅限员工Pedestrian crossing ahead 前方人行横道Peak hours only 只限高峰时段Please drive carefully 请小心驾驶Road closed 此路封闭Speed limit of 48 kmh 限速每小时48公里In case of fire, stay in vehicle 发生火宅时,请留在车内One way (street) 单行道2010.12Child help 儿童救助Damaged baggage 行李损坏Delayed baggage 行李延误Emergency Medical Operation 紧急外科手术Hospital Allowance 住院补贴Loss of Deposit 押金损失Medical Expenses 医疗费用Personal Accident 人身意外事故Personal Liability 个人责任Personal money 个人钱财Rental Vehicle Excess 车辆租赁额外支出Strike Risk 罢工险Third Party Insurance 第三方责任险Travel Document 旅行文件Travel Misconnection 旅途乘车失误War risk 战争险

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