高中英语 Module2 TheSecond Period LanguageStudy教案 外研版必修5

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The Second Period Language StudyTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语take notice of, temporary, freezer, freeze, contract, permanent, salary, staff, sign, agent, analyst, apply, deductionb. 重点句式He was driving a lorry when he came off the road . Before he volunteered to direct the traffic, Timoteo had had lots of jobs.Somehow he survived. That must have been interesting.They might have got lost, or had an accident.That cant have been easy.2. Ability goals 能力目标Help the students review the verb forms past simple tense, past perfect tense and past continuous tense. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the students to review the verb forms and make deductions about the past.Teaching important points教学重点Enable the students to make deductions about the past actions.Teaching difficult points教学难点Teach the students how to use past perfect tense and how to make deductions correctly.Teaching methods教学方法Question and answer activity, pairwork and comparison method.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a computer. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision First, show the summary of the text on the screen and ask the students to fill in it; and then ask some of them to read their answers. At last check the answers to the summary and their homework with the whole class.T: Last class we learned something about Timoteo Apaza, do you remember? Now Ill give you a couple of minutes to fill in the blanks to see if you really remember the language points. Show the summary on the screen.La Paz is the highest capital in the world, and the mountains 1_(使交通困难). Many roads are 2 _ (状况不好) and accidents are 3_(经常的). On one road 4_ (尤其), one vehicle comes off the road 5_(平均每两周一次). But 6_(由于) Timoteo Apaza, 7_(死亡人数 ) has fallen. Once he had an accident on the road and 8_(与死神擦肩而过). So he felt it was a 9_ (使命) in life to help others. So he acts as a human traffic signal and directs the traffic 10_(从早到晚). Some drivers give him a tip, but most of them just 11_( 经过), 12_(把这个人体交通标志认为是想当然的事).Sample answers:1. make communication difficult 2. in bad condition 3. frequent 4. in particular 5. every two weeks on average 6. thanks to 7. the death toll 8. had a close encounter with death 9. mission 10. from dawn to dusk 11. pass by 12. taking the human traffic signal for grantedAsk a student to retell the text according to the summary. Then check the answers to homework.Step II GrammarTask 1 Review In this part, the students will review some of the verb forms.T: Today we will review the past tenses. How many past tenses have you learned? What are they?S: Three. They are past simple, past perfect and past continuous. T: Since you have learnt them, lets do a simple quiz. Please turn to page 14. Do Exercise 1 of GRAMMAR. You have two minutes.Two minute later, check the answers.T: Now, look at the screen. Lets review the three different tenses together.The past simple tense The past simple tense refers to an action that happened before now, even a minute ago.e.g. All the students went to see the film last night.I saw your sister just a few minutes ago.The past continuous tense The past continuous tense refers to an action in progress when another thing happened. That is to say, a past action was in progress.e.g. The reporter said that the UFO was traveling east to west when he saw it. The past perfect tense The past perfect tense refers to an action that happened before a past action or a past time.e.g.The train had left when the woman get to the station.We had learnt 5000 English words by the end of the last term.Task 2 Practice In this part, enable the students to practise using different verb forms.T: Have you understood the different past tenses?Ss: Yes.T: Ok, lets do some practising. Turn to page 14. Do Exercise 4. You have four minutes to finish this task. Then, I will have a student read his answers.Give the students four minutes to do it.T: Time is up. Who would like to read your answers? What about you?A student stands up and read his / her answers.T: Wonderful! In order to understand the tenses better, read the third paragraph of the reading passage. Find the sentences with the three different verb forms.5 minutes later.T: Who has found the sentences in the past simple tense?S1: Somehow he survived. He was in hospital for months.He was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus.He realized that he was lucky to be alive and felt it was a mission in life to help others.This last experience had a profound effect on him.T: Excellent! What about the past perfect tense?S2: Before he volunteered to direct the traffic, Timoteo Apaza had had lots of jobs. He had been a miner and a soldier.He was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus which had crashed at la curva del diablo.T: A good job! How about the past continuous tense? S3: Then one day while he was working as a lorry driver, he had a close encounter with death.He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred meters down the road.T: We have reviewed the different past tenses, but how to use them correctly is a problem. You should pay attention to them when using them. Lets come to FUNCTION. Step III Function This part is to help the students make different deductions about the past using different modal verbs.Show the following on the screen and get the students to learn the different usages of these modal verbs.“must + have done sth.” is used to show that the speaker is certain about something happened.e.g. Since the ditch is full of water, it must have rained last night.“cant + have done sth.” is also used to show that the speaker is certain about something happened, but in a negative way.e.g. You cant have met my grandmother. She died before you were born.“may / might + have done sth.” is used to express possibility. But “may” expresses stronger possibility while “might” expresses weaker possibility.e.g. I cant find my keys. I may / might have left them at the school yesterday.T: OK, complete the sentences in Exercise 1 on page 17 and then answer the two questions.After about 2 minutes.T: Which sentences show that the speaker is certain about something?S1: Sentences 1 and 2.T: Good. Then which sentence refers to a possibility in the past?S2: Sentence 3.Let the students finish Exercise 2 and then check the answers.T: Now read the situations in Exercise 3 and write a sentence to say about each person in each sentence.Sample answers to Exercise 3:1. He must have met a lot of black people. / He cant have had time to travel around.2. He must have had a tight schedule.3. He might have been delayed by traffic jam.Step IV Vocabulary T: In the first period, we have learnt some words about job. In this period, we will learn more words about job. Now do Exercises 1-2 on page 15. You can look the words up in your dictionary if you dont know their meanings.Five minutes later, check the answers together.T: Look at the two groups of words in Exercise 3. When we put a word from Group a and another from Group b together, we can get a new word. For example, when we put “data” and “analyst” together, we get the word “data analyst” which means “项目分析师” in Chinese. Match the proper words from the two groups and see how many jobs we can get. After the students finish matching, check if they put the right words together. T: OK. Make sure they make sense when they are put together. In this way, your vocabulary will be enlarged. Now, match the questions in Exercise 4 with the jobs you get in Exercise 3. Then work in pairs, ask and answer the questions.Step V Summary and HomeworkT: Today we have reviewed the past verb forms and learned how to make deductions, and some new words about job. After class, please do the exercises of Grammar and Vocabulary in WORKBOOK to practise them.


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