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郑州市2019-2020学年英语四年级上册期末专项训练:语音与词汇D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出画线部分发音不同的一项。1 . AwindowByellowCflower2 . AwindyBhappyCshy3 . AteaBreadCbread4 . AroomBfootCbook5 . AhouseBsoupCmountain6 . 选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。【小题1】sp_ (太空)( )AaceBeacCcae【小题2】f_m(电影)( )AalBliCil【小题3】int_esting (有趣的)( )AesBerCea【小题4】E_th (地球)( )AalBlaCar【小题5】m_n(月亮)( )AooBeeCea7 . Alice can touch with her _ and smell with her _. ( )Ahands, noseBhands, mouthCnose, hands8 . -What are these?( )-_.AThey are pineapples.BThey are pears.CThey are peaches.9 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AworkBbusCcar根据汉语意思选出正确的单词。10 . 我的( )AyourBmy11 . 颜色( )AcolourBname12 . 下午( )AafternoonBmorning.13 . 绿色的( )AyellowBgreen14 . 指( )ApointBopen15 . t_ _ n ( )AruBurCwn16 . 选出下列单词中画线部分的音标。(1)seasonA./i/B./i:/(2)sunnyA./ /B./u/(3)heavyA./hevi/B./heiva/(4)theirsA./ez/B./es/(5)How old are you?A./hau ld a: ju:/B./hau auld a: jau/二、填空题17 . 按要求写出下列各词。1arent(完整形式)_2theyre(完整形式)_3key(汉语意思)_4open(汉语意思)_5look(第三人称单数)_6living room(汉语意思)_7bedroom(汉语意思)_8kitchen(汉语意思)_三、单词拼写根据汉语或提示完成单词。18 . 报纸_,(复数)_19 . 观看_,(三单)_,(过去式)_20 . 电子书_21 . (副词)仍然_22 . 拼写_23 . (介词)用_24 . 昨天_根据句意及首字母提示, 补全句子25 . Can he s_ English?26 . P_ to meet you.27 . Can you tell me your new a_ in Beijing?28 . Can you tell me an interesting s_?29 . This little girl likes c_ very much, because it is sweet.30 . 根据图片补全单词并将整个单词抄写在下面。1. wor_2. _ad3. _ome4. _riend5. _lay_31 . 看图回答问题:-Whats this?-This is a white _.32 . 根据首字母提示补全单词或用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It has got more than eight m_people.2. There is a C_in New York.3. Please tell me m_about Canada.4. Have you_(get)any Chinese kites?5. We_(fly)the flag and we sing songs.33 . (增加一个字母)写单词:(答案不唯一) back_34 . 按要求完成下列各题。1. juggle(名词)_ 2. do(第三人称单数)_3. teach(第三人称单数)_ 4. he(宾格)_5. has(原形)_四、英汉混合35 . 写出英文单词或汉语意思。1. between _ 2. 队,组_3. cloud _ 4. 小时_5. raincoat _ 6. 左边_7. lovely _ 8. 图书馆_英汉互译。36 . 谁的裙子_37 . 太大了_38 . 怎么了?_39 . 会动_40 . 一件漂亮的毛衣_41 . go to the party_42 . try this coat_43 . my beautiful gloves_44 . Nice to meet you. _45 . too short_五、判断题46 . 判断每组单词中画线部分字母读音是否相同,是“T”否“F”表示。(_) 1. A. kite B. river(_) 2 . A. jacket B. skate(_) 3. A. David B. right(_) 4. A. bed B. twelve(_) 5. A. dinner B. pity判断下列单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。47 . bag cake(_)48 . black fan(_)49 . make name(_)50 . next sled(_)51 . red she(_)第 7 页 共 7 页

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