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大学英语IV练习 Part I Vocabulary and Structure 1.I will hold your note until Christmas Day, _ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time B. at that time C. by which time D. at which time 2.The Prime Minister commanded that farmers _ loans from the government. A. would receive B. received C. ought to receive D. should receive 3.They packed the instruments carefully _ they would be broken during transportation. A. so that B. on condition that C. for fear that D. provided that 4.Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim _. A. may be hardly doubted B. may be seriously doubted C. may be hard doubting D. may be doubted serious 5._ hostels (客栈) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to traveling students and young people. A. When B. While C. Now that D. If 6.When he hurried to the airport, he found, to his great disappointment, his ticket and passport _ at home. A. were left B. had left C. have been left D. had been left 7.Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance _. A. had been increased B. was increased C. might have been increased D. would be increased 8.He went to work on foot yesterday, though he _ by bus. A. must have gone B. might have gone C. would have gone D. could have gone 9.He always prefers to start early rather than _ everything to the last minute. A. leave B. leaving C. leaves D. left 10.Frank was advised to give the assignment to _ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility. A. whom B. whoever C. whomever D. that 11.Almost all the countries in the world hoped that the warring sides would _ a compromise. A. affect B. effect C. come D. lead 12.Our talk was completely _out by the roar of the machines. As a result, we had to communicate with gestures. A. decreased B. reduced C. smashed D. drowned 13.She was arrested for _ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroad. A. getting away B. giving away C. breaking away D. putting away 14.Can you _ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? A. verify B. identify C. justify D. clarify 15.There _ new problems in respect of the relationship between the two countries in recent years. A. rose B. raised C. lifted D. arose 16.The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only _ occasionally to have a mouthful of tea. A. dropping off B. breaking off C. putting off D. setting off 17.His health _ as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on end. A. broke up B. broke through C. broke down D. broke off 18.After the meeting the workers went back to their _ workshops. A. respectable B. respective C. respectful D. respected 19.The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is _ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, proposed. A. fairly B. kindly C. greatly D. largely 20.His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any _ of it at all. A. interpretation B. meaning C. reason D. sense 21.No one in the class could _ the right answer to the question. A. describe B. furnish C. install D. assess 22.The dentist could _ no signs of decay in my teeth. A. determine B. define C. assign D. detect 23.To his great joy he discovered that his ears became _. A. sensitive B. aware C. efficient D. sensible 24.He made no _ to his illness till after the lesson. A. remark B. comment C. reference D. opinion 25.The pilot of the plane is _ for the passengers safety. A. conscious B. responsible C. necessary D. regulated 26.We need to make sure that we _ our resources as fully as possible. A. achieve B. operate C. exploit D. expel 27.The economy looks set to _ its growth into next year. A. endure B. persist C. remain D. sustain 28.It was the only thing that I could doI dont have to _ myself to anyone. A. account B. justify C. discount D. clarify 29.The shop assistant says if I leave $10 as a _, theyll keep the dress for me. A. deposit B. loan C. guarantee D. fee 30.It was such a(n) _ to hear that Marta was found safe and well. A. concern B. anxiety C. expectation D. relief 31.If consumers realize that they are likely to be _ by foodstuffs, they will not buy them. A. fined B. sued C. contaminated D. charged 32.I think you should question their _ in offering to lend you the money. A. motives B. reasons C. ideals D. initiatives 33.The government is trying to _ public confidence in its management of the economy. A. recover B. relieve C. preserve D. restore 34.She was using all her powers of persuasion to _ the Griffins to remain in the town. A. make B. induce C. expel D. tempt 35.Unless you have a heated greenhouse we feel you will have difficulty in keeping the plant for very long indoors because they like a really warm and _ atmosphere. A. vivid B. amused C. moist D. contaminated 36.I dont think his remarks are relevant _ our discussion. A. to B. at C. for D. with 37.He wont succeed any way, _ hard he tries. A. whatever B. no matter C. as D. however 38.We havent got the right answer yet, because the problem _ is quite complicated. A. solved B. is solved C. being solved D. having solved 39.You must speak slowly, so that you can make yourself _. A. to be understood B. understood C. understanding D. being understood 40.It was _ that he didnt go to the party. A. because he was ill B. he was ill C. his illness D. because his illnessPart II Reading Comprehension PASSAGE 1Questions 41 to 45 are based on the same passage or dialog. A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred (上帝的) texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better. A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic (施虐狂的) impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. As to fear, I think, we also need well-documented cases of children being dangerously terrified (恐惧) by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered. There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches (女巫), two-headed dragons, magic carpets (魔毯), etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging (沉溺) his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick (女巫乘骑的扫帚柄) or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted (中魔法的) girl-friend. No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane (精神健全的) child has ever believed that it was. 41.The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _. A. repeated without variation B. treated with respect C. adapted by the parent D. set in the present42.Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they _. A. tempt people to be cruel to children B. show the primitive cruelty in children C. lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children D. increase a tendency to have sadistic impulses in children 43.According to the passage great fear can be stimulated in a child when the story is _. A. set in reality B. heard for the first time C. repeated too often D. dramatically told 44.The authors mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to suggest that _. A. fairy stories are still being made up B. there is confusion about different kinds of truth C. people try to modernize old fairy stories D. there is more concern for childrens fears nowadays 45.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Fairy stories are anything but beneficial to the growth of children. B. Fairy stories teach children the way to adapt to the society. C. No fairy story should be taken as the true description of the reality. D. No fairy story should be told to the children without modification.PASSAGE 2 Questions 46 to 50 are based on the same passage or dialog. Standing alone at the Browns party, Anna Mackintosh thought about her husband Edward, establishing him clearly in her minds eye. He was a thin man, forty-one years of age, with fair hair that was often untidy. In the seventeen years theyd been married he had changed very little; he was still nervous with other people, and smiled in the same embarrassed way, and his face was still almost boyish. She believed she had failed him because he had wished for children and she had not been able to supply any. She had, over the years, become neurotic (神经机能病的) about this fact and in the end, quite some time ago now, she had consulted a psychiatrist (精神病学家), Dr. Abbat, at Edwards pleading (恳求). In the Browns rich drawing room, its walls and ceiling gleaming (发微光) with a metallic (金属般的) surface of imitation gold, Anna listened to dance music coming from a tape recorder and continued to think about her husband. In a moment he would be at the party, since they had agreed to meet there, although by now it was three-quarters of an hour later than the time he had promised. The Browns were people he knew in a business way, and he had said he thought it wise that he and Anna should attend this gathering of theirs. She had never met them before, which made it more difficult for her, having to wait about, not knowing a soul in the room. When she thought about it she felt hard done by, for although Edward was kind to her and always had been, it was far from considerate to be as late as this. Because of her nervous condition she felt afraid and had developed a sickness in her stomach. She looked at her watch and sighed.46.Why did Anna feel awkward at the party? A. She came to the party too early. B. She was neglected by the host. C. She felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere of the party. D. She didnt know anyone there.47.What made Anna feel inadequate? A. She did not make a good mother to her children. B. She was unable to satisfy her husbands desire to have children. C. She did not get along well with her husband. D. She was unable to have a better understanding of her husband.48.As time went by, Anna started to get angry as _. A. she found the Browns were much wealthier than they were B. her husband was usually more thoughtful C. she noticed that no one was willing to talk to her D. her husband was bad-mannered in the party49.According to the passage, Edward wanted Anna to attend the party because _. A. he wanted her to have more of a social life B. he tried to distract her from some unpleasant thoughts C. he needed her support D. he thought she would impress the Browns50.What kind of woman Anna was according to the passage? A. Sensitive and worried. B. Open and talkative. C. Imaginative and cheerful. D. Sensible and easygoing.Part III Cloze (20%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. CLOZE 1At the age of 21, Steve Jobs and a friend, Stephen Wozniak, built a personal computer called the Apple. The Apple changed peoples idea of a computer 1 a gigantic mass of vacuum tubes only big business and the government could 2 to a small box used by ordinary people. No company has done more to 3 the computer and make it user-friendly than Apple Computer Inc. Two years after building the Apple I, Steve Jobs 4 the Apple II. The Apple II was the best buy in 5 computers for home and small business 6 the following five years. Steve Jobs was 7 a brilliant young man in Silicon Valley, because he saw the future demands of the computer industry. “ The personal computer was created by the hardware revolution of the 1970s and the nest 8 change will come from a software revolution, “ said Jobs.Jobs was an orphan 9 by Paul and Clara Jobs in 1955. While still in high school, Jobs 10 lectures at the Hewlett- Packard electronics firm. There he was 11 as a summer employee and met another employee, Wozniak, who had a (n) 12 for inventing electronic 13 . In 1972 Jobs graduated from high school and 14 at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. After dropping out of Reed after one semester, he 15 the campus for a year, taking classes in philosophy. Early in 1974 Jobs took a job 16 video games for Atari, Inc. But, he really had his eye on the 17 end of the electronics business and 18 Wozniak to work with him toward building a personal computer.They sold everything they had, 19 $1,300 to start their new company. With that capital base and credit begged from local electronics suppliers, they set up their first production line. Jobs 20 the name of their new company Apple in memory of a happy summer he had spent as an orchard worker in Oregon.1. A) from B) in C) with D) of2. A) use B) afford C) buy D) purchase3. A) accomplish B) constitute C) popularize D) compose4. A) had introduced B) introduced C) introducing D) to introduce5. A) personal B) individual C) personnel D) private6. A) after B) before C) through D) throughout7. A) consented B) considered C) condemned D) consulted8. A) urgent B) strong C) powerful D) dramatic9. A) adapted B) received C) adopted D) taken10. A) attended B) went C) participated D) visited11. A) reserved B) engaged C) appointed D) hired12. A) emotion B) passion C) feeling D) rage13. A) plan B) system C) method D) devices14. A) recruited B) entered C) registered D) recorded15. A) hung around B) hung on C) hung out D) hung over16. A) depicting B) defying C) designing D) denying17. A) economical B) influential C) initial D) commercial18. A) confirmed B) assured C) persuaded D) prevailed19. A) raising B) recruiting C) enhancing D) arising20. A) came up for B) came up to C) came up from D) came up withCLOZE TWOWhen Henry Ford announced he was going to produce an automobile that would be 1 to the general population, he probably did not realize what a great 2 his achievement would have on life in the United States and, 3 , the world. Fords use of mass production 4 to manufacture the Model T started a new era in personal transportation. 5 , roads were build for the sake of cars and the greater 6 of people. With cars and the roads, having a business of ones own became a lot more 7 . Every type of business sprung up. Customers could easily get to the stores 8 they were in town, 9 there was a road, so businesses 10 had to be located at a towns center.And what about the family vacation? Families 11 into their cars and drove across the country to 12 the new frontier, stopping at every possible roadside 13 on the way. There was no limit 14 where you could go and what you could see. The car offered a sense of independence and, as Americans particularly hated to be 15 , they fell in love with the automobile 16 . 17 , each American household owns two or more cars. As the world gets more complicated, driving cars around helps people 18 the demands of modern life.If you ask people what qualities 19 Americans, they will probably say that the two 20 characteristics of an American are inventiveness and independence. America is truly the land of cars and car culture.1. A) affordable B)considerable C) advisable D) of2. A) respect B) impression C) impact D) glory3. A) generally B) eventually C) formally D) necessarily4. A) applications B) expectations C) responsibilities D) strategies5. A) As a whole B)As a result C)As a rule D) As well6. A) ability B) liability C) stability D) mobility7. A) feasible B) plausible C) permissible D) responsible8. A) no matter why B) no matter how C) no matter where D) no matter what9. A) provided B) equipped C) supplied D) assigned10. A) not any longer B) no longer C) so long as D) as long as11. A) packed B) paced C) parked D) passed12. A) investigate B) search C) explore D) inspect13. A) attraction B) distinction C) transaction D) conviction14. A) at B) by C) to D) for15. A) reserved B) controlled C) restricted D) bounded16. A) insta

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