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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年六年级上册期中模拟测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Can we walk _all of the street? ( )AinBonCalong2 . I like. ( )Aplay gamesBplays gamesCplaying games3 . 为图片选择正确的英语句子。(_) 1. A. Are we going to talk about the story?B. Are we going to write about the story?(_) 2. A. We are going to read a book.B. We are going to listen to music.(_) 3. A. We are going to put on a play.B. We are going to listen to music(_) 4. A. We are going to read a book.B. Are we going to write about the story?(_) 5. A. Is she going to talk about the story?B. Is she going to write about the story?4 . Look_ that panda.( )AatBinConDnear5 . There _ two hospitals in my village. ( )AisBamCare6 . 找出不同类的单词。(_)1.A.breakfast B.lunch C.sandwiches(_)2 A.rice B.noodles C.hamburger(_)3.A.read B.had C.puts(_) 4.A.England B.China C.Hainan(_)5.A.beer B.women C.men(_)6.A.wore B. told C. funny(_)7. A.bed B.taxi C.show(_)8.A.actor B.women C. evening(_)9. A.history B. question C. Borrow(_)10. A.after B.joke C.soon7 . Time _ go home, kids. ( )AatBforCto8 . She_to school at7:40 every day, but yesterday she_ to school at7:00.Agoes; goesBgoes; wentCwent; goes9 . Hello, I _ Tim. ( )AisBam10 . Wang Bing does _ at home. He keeps his bedroom clean and tidy. ( )AgoodBwellCbadly11 . - Does your cousin go to bed early? ( )- Yes, he usually _ his homework _ dinner.Afinishes, beforeBfinished, forCfinishes, afterDdo, with12 . I have a _ and two _.( )Apencil box; notebookBpencil box; notebooksCpencil boxes; notebooks13 . There was a cinema _. ( )AbeforeBagoCnow14 . ( ) The star always goes _ top.AonBtoCin二、完形填空15 . 从各题所提供的选项中选择最佳选项,将文章补充完整。I例 two sisters. They are Lisa and Lily. They 1twins. Lily is popular and helpful. She often helps 2friends. Lisa is very shy. She 3drawing very much. She draws a lot of beautiful 4 . They both like reading books. They often read5their room.例. ( A ) A. haveB. hasC. am1.( )A isB amC are2.( ) A. sheB. herC. his3.( )A. likesB. likeC. like to4.( )A. picture B. picturesC. the picture5.( )A. onB. atC. in三、填空题16 . 选词填空1. How much _ (is; are) this book?2. This is _ (an; a) email from Tom.3. I want _ (send; to send) a postcard to my friend.4. This postcard _ (has; have) a panda on it.5. You can write a letter on _ (paper; a paper).四、单词拼写17 . 根据要求填空。1.sing(名词形式) _ 2.write_(名词形式) _3.dance(名词形式) _4.do(单三形式)_5.drive(名词形式) _ 6.story(复数形式)_7.country(复数形式)_ 8.worker(动词形式)_9.teacher(动词形式)_ 10.man(复数形式)_五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) 。Some British and American people like to invite friends for a dinner party at home. You should not be upset if your friends dont invite you home. It doesnt mean they dont like you.Dinner parties usually start between 7:00 and 8:00 and end at about 11:00 in the evening. Ask the host what time you should get there. Its polite to bring flowers, chocolate or a bottle of wine as a present.You can have anything you like at the party. Its polite to finish eating everything on your plate and you may take more if you want it. Do you enjoy the party in the evening? Call the host next day, or write a short “Thank you?” letter to him. British and American people like to say “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” all the time!18 . It means your friends dont like you if they dont invite you home. (_)19 . Dinner parties usually begin at nine. (_)20 . You can bring a present with you when youre going to a dinner party. (_)21 . Eating up everything on the plate is not polite. (_)22 . You should write a long letter to the host next day. (_)六、汉译英23 . 根据汉语完成句子。1.国庆假期我拜访了我的叔叔。I _ my uncle for the _.2.我爷爷经常在家读电子书。My grandpa often_ at home.3.-出什么事了?-我的风筝飞走了。-_ ? - My kite _ away.4.瞧!那个小男孩正开心的大笑。Look! The boy is_ happily.七、英汉混合翻译。24 . 多做运动_25 . 数到十_26 . 穿暖和的衣服_27 . see a doctor _28 . Dont be worried!_29 . take a deep breath_八、判断题30 . 判断下面句子中单词画线部分的读音是否相同。(_)1.she bed(_)2.mice rice(_)3. storystopstation(_)4.speakspidersport (_)5. skateskyskip九、句型转换31 . 按要求完成句子。1. goes, by, bike, to, work, He ( . )(连词成句)_2. Hes a businessman. (对画线部分提问)_3. He works in a gym. (对画线部分提问)_4. She likes watching TV. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _十、匹配题为下列交通规则选择相应的交通灯。A绿灯B红灯C黄灯32 . Slow down and stop!(_)33 . Stop and wait!(_)34 . Lets go!(_)第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、五、任务型阅读1、六、汉译英1、七、英汉混合1、八、判断题1、九、句型转换1、十、匹配题1、

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