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.8A、8B 英语笔记整理8A Unit 1 A letter from a penfriend relate with = about ambition 志向(a very strong wish) enclose bad-worse-worst ill-worse-worst badly-worseworst owner(n.)拥有者 own(a./v.)1. What would you like to do? Would like / love to do = want to do 想要做 e.g. Would you like / love to Yes, Id like to / love to, but (理由)2. tell sb. sth. about 告诉某人关于的一些事 e.g. Id like to tell you something about my trip in Hong Kong.3. one and a half meters tall. 1.5米 (or) one meter and a half1.5米 four and a half kilos (or) four kilos and a half 用“数词+单位+形容词”来表示身高,体重,长度,宽度,年龄等 e.g. This suitcase is 80cm long, 55cm wide, 5cm high. 长 宽 高4. 限定词(this, that)数词(two)性质(beautiful, ugly)尺寸大小(bid)长短(long, short)形状(round, triangle)新旧或年龄(old, young)颜色(red, blue)国籍(产地)(Chinese)材 料(wooden, leather)状语(shining, glowing)5. ones hobby is doing sth. 习惯性,经常ones ambition(wish / hope / duty / responsibility / job)+ be + to do sth.除了hobby,其余全用“to do sth.”e.g. (1) His job at the moment is to look after the homeless people. (2) Their duty is to keep the whole building clean. (3) Todays homework is to copy the new word.6. own. (v.) 拥有,占有=have,但own更强调物品的归属为某人自己。 e.g. (1) Mr. Smith owns a car. (2) Mr. Smith has his own car. (3) Mr. Smith has a car of his own. 7. be keen on = like very much = be interested in = be fond of (特别)喜欢,渴望,热衷于. be keen on + 名词or 动名词(doing) e.g. He is keen on playing football. be keen on 动名词 make + it + adj.+ for sb. / sth + to do sth. 使得做某事变得8. (1.)enjoy + doing / n. enjoy oneself = enjoy ones time = have a good time (2.)play chess play football play cards play the piano the violin the guitar play + ballgames / chess / cards play + the + musical instrument 音乐器材前加“the”9. physics 物理 physical(a.)物理的,身体的 a physics teacher / lab / homework a physical change / physical education (PE)10. maybe / may be 1) He is maybe at home perhaps 如果原句有动词,maybe 2) He may be at home 如果原句无动词,may be (情态动词)11. 1) enclose (v.)附寄 2) a photo of myself 强调照片有我 不等于 a photo of mine 等于 a photo of me12. 反义疑问句 陈述句(肯),动词(否定)主语的代词? 陈述句(否),动词(肯定)主语的代词? 例:1). I am late, arent I ? 2). There is little water in the bottle, is there ? 3). There are few students in the hall, are there ? 4). You could hardly believe that, could you ? 5). He rarely / seldom goes to the cinema, does he ? 6). Lets go swimming, shall we ? 7). Let us go swimming, will you ? 8). Dont be late next time, will you ? 祈使句的反义疑问句除“Letsshall we?”之外,其余用will you。 little / few / hardly / rarely / seldom 否定词 (反义部分用肯定)13. hope的用法比较特殊,可以说 hope to do,但不能说 hope sb. to do,这是可以用 hope + (that)从句的结构来表示。 Hope 后不可以加to do 只有wish sb. to do train (v.) training (n.) 培训,训练 do well in = be good at work out 猜出 ,squash 壁球 highheight身高 heavyweight(n.) weigh (v.)8A Unit 2 Whizz Kid 1. expect (v.) expect sth. / sb. e.g. (1.) Farmers expect a good harvest.(2.) Ill expect you for supper at 6 p.m. sharpexpect to do sth. / expect sb. to do sth. e.g. (1.) He expects to finish the project in a week(2.) Do you expect me to stay for another week? expect that (从句)2. business C公司 *start a new businessU生意 *He went to Beijing on business (go to on business出差) How is your business? Quit good.*Although he is my friend, business is business (公事公办)businessmanbusinessmen businesswomanbusinesswomen3. similar (a.) 类似的 be similar to 和差不多4. different (a.)不同的 be different from 与不同 differently(ad.) 不同的 difference C U 不同之处e.g. (1.) Teenagers always think that their parents different opinions from them.(2.) Can you tell me the difference between the two words?(3.) In fact, these two books are quite similar. You can choose either of them. (eitheror)5. successful (a.) 成功的 successfully(ad.) 成功地 success(n.) 成功 a great success succeed(v.) 成功 succeed in + n. (doing)He is a successful writer. He has successful published more than 20 novels. Last month he succeeded in holding his first painting show. No wonder so many people admire his great success.6. must be 把握程度强(肯定是)e.g. After a days hard work, you must be tired. 否定式 cant be (不可能是)e.g. He cant be at home now. Because he is on a business trip.7. one of the(1.) This is one of the most expensive dresses in our shop.(2.) Yesterday was one if the coldest days of the year.(3.) One of the longest rivers in the world lies in this country.one of + 最高级 + 名词复词top表示顶级的,不用最高级8. put on (wear)(1.) Its raining hard outside, youd better put on your coat. (2.) Jane is wearing a new dress. wear 已经穿上 put on 指动作9. 一般现在时 Meaning1) 经常性的习惯动作:Wendy always talks about business over breakfast.2) 自然界中的客观事实或真理:The sun rises in the esat.3) 表示人的心理活动或表示客观属性的动词:believe/love/hate/belong to/contain *The book contains six chapters.Seructure: 主语I, you, we, they 一律动词原形. (否) dont+动原. 单三he, she, it 动词后加s或es. (否) doesnt+动原.Time Adverbials: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never10. luckily (adv.) lucky (adj.) 幸运的 【反】unluckily 不幸的 unlucky (adj.)uck (n.)运气 1) You are luck enough to get the first prize. 2) Four is usually regarded as a(an) unlucky number. 3) Luckily, she was at home when I called on her. 4) Tom was upset, because he had bad luck all week.11. sell (v.) (sold, sold)卖 sale(n)卖 sales(n. / a.)销售的 a sales manager 1) The sold out all the tickets by 5 p.m. 2) Im sorry sir. This vase is not for sale. (be for sale 可以买卖的) 3) I got this coat on sale, its very cheap. (be on sale 打折)12. manager (n.) / manage (v.) 管理 mange to do sth. =succeed in doing = be able to do 1) Its raining heavily. He tired to get there on time. 2) Its raining heavily. He managed to get there on time. 做到了13. be responsible for 对负责 responsible (a.)负责 responsibility (n.)责任 *Teacher would like to give the work to those responsible students.14. discuss (v.) -talk oven (about) sth. 讨论 discussion (n.) Lets discuss todays work. = Lets have a discussion about todays work. discuss about sth. 可以说have a discussion about sth.15. over breakfast = during / at breakfast16. go to school in our family car. by car buy bus by train 只跟交通工具17. make phone calls to18. on the way to / on ones way to 在去的路上。home, here, there 不+to 19. but some of the work is boring boring(a.) -(sth.) bored(a.)-(sb.)20. achievegrade in 21. I never fail an exam. fair(v.) 失败 fair to do sth. = be not able to do 未能成 failure(n.) 失败 Failure is the mother of success. He failed to pass the exam, didnt he? He was unhappy to day, wasnt he? fair = not pass 1) He failed the exam.He didnt pass the exam. 2) He failed to pass the exam. He wasnt able to pass the exam.22. The driver collects me from school. collect sb. = pick sb. up 接送某人23. return to (1.) After the meeting, he returned to the factory. (2.) Youd better return the books to the library before Friday. return to -come / go back to 返回 giveback to 归还24. attend a club / attend school / attend a meeting / a lecture join the army / the dancing group / the party take part in a football match / a writing contest attend 强调出席,人到场了 join 加入某长期的组织或团体,成为其中一员 take part in 参加某个具体的活动或比赛25. assist(v.) -help assistant(n.)-helper26. continue(v.) ( 1.) continue doing sth = go on doing = keep doing (2.) work on介词on在这里表示“某方向”27. seldom(adv.)-not often, rarely 几乎很少,几乎不 (1.) Hes seldom late for school, is he? (2.) It seldom snows in Shanghai, doesnt it? 28. need 做情态动词,只能用于否定或疑问句,后只跟动词原形 *You neednt clean my office *Need I clean you office? need用于肯定句,要用行为动词need:后跟名词或动词to do形式 1) He needs a lot of money to build the house.He doesnt need a lot of money to build the house.Dose he need a lot of money to build the house.What does he need to build the house? 2) They needed to think it over. / (They didnt need to think it over )Did they need to think it over?What did they need to do? Tom doesnt need to go there by himself. She needs to raise some money to do this project. The old lady needs good medical came.29. spend, cost, pay, take, buy 区别 sb. spend money / time on sth. (in) doing sth. sth. cost sb. money sb. pay money + for sth. It take(s) sb. time +to do took sb. buy + sth. + for +money. 1) She spent 2 hours finishing this work.It took she 2 hours to finish this work. 2) He spend 50yuan on the book.The book cost he 50yuan.He pay 50yuan for the book.He buy the book for 50yuan.8A Unit 3 Dealing with trouble1. deal v. (dealt, dealt) Deal with sth. / sb. 处理 *How do you deal with the trouble/old books? *What do you do with the old books?2. happen v. 发生,碰巧 *A funny thing happened yesterday. 1) Sth. happen to sb. 某人发生了某事 Did you hear what happened to peter yester day? 2) happen to do sth. 碰巧,不巧做了某事 I happened to see him yesterday. * happen(偶然发生)take place(经安排后发生) When did the explosion happen? When will the wedding take place? *Great changes have taken place in the last three years.(引导现在完成时)3. keep quiet *They are having an important meeting. Let s go up stairs quietly so nobody will notice us.4.wait v. wait for *Who are you waiting for? *They are waiting for their teacher. waiter/waitress5. suddenly adv. sudden adj. *We are all surprised at his sudden death.6. argue v. 争吵,争论 (argued, argued, arguing) *Listen, they are arguing loudly. Argue with sb. Argue about sth. *Peter argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday. Argument n. 争论,论据,论点 *They had a long argument about the issue. *argument, disagreement, arrangement, management, achievement, movement, excitement7. two women tourists/two men doctors two girl students/two boy students two female elephants/two male lions two apple trees 只有以man、woman构成的复合名词在变成复数时,前后两个名词都要变为复数。8. hold v. (held, held) hold out 伸出,端出/ hold a meeting 开会/ hold up 举起/ hold on (电话)别挂断/ hold one s breath 屏住呼吸9. crowd n, 人群 crowded adj. 1) I saw a crowd of people running around the building 2) There were crowds of people at the theatre. 3) We should take care of our belongings in crowded places. 4) Najing Road Walk Way is one of the most crowded street in Shanghai. 5) The hall is crowded with audience.10. stare v./n. 盯,凝视 (stared, stared, staring) stare at sb. 盯着某人看 1) It s rude to stare at other people. 2) The teacher stare at some students if they are absent- minded.11. go on 发生,继续 1) What s going on? = What s happening ? 2) If he goes on like this, he will lose his job. 3) Although it was late at night, he was still going on watching TV. 4) They went on with their discussion until 9 p.m. *go on with + n.12. move through the crowd across the river through the city across the road through the forest across the pipe through the tunnel through指从某个物体的内部空间通过,贯穿。 Across指从某个物体的表面穿过13. steal v. (stole, stolen, stealing) *She wanted to steal money from his father s drawer. *rob (robbed) rob sth. of sb. robbery/robber14. notice v. 注意 I noticed that he stole the purse at the woman. I noticed him waiting him outside.(notice sb. doing) I noticed him enter the room.(notice sb. do) notice n. 通知,布告 the notice on the wall notice board15. We were in the bookstore, buying post cards. *Many parents stood outside the school gate, waiting for their children. *The boy sat there, crying. *He lay on the bed, thinking about the problem. 现在分词作为伴随动词,补充当时状态16. follow v. *You go first and I will follow you later. follow adj. = next接着 *The child was sick in the evening, but on the following day he seemed to be well again.17. hurry v. 赶快 (hurried, hurried, hurrying) *Don t hurry, we are not late. *Hurry up, or we ll be late for the plane. *Look, he is hurrying to the meeting room. hurry n. 仓促,匆忙 in a hurry *I m (not) in a hurry to change my job. hurried adj. hurriedly adv. *hurried work 仓促的工作 *leave hurriedly / leave in a hurry18. abroad adv. 上(船,火车,飞机) *they went abroad the ship. *The boat is ready to leave. All aboard. abroad adj. 海外,国外 *She will study abroad next year.19. strange adj. 奇怪的 1) Strangely, I have never seen that television show before. 2) Don t talk to strangers. 3) Sorry, I don t know where the book here is because I m also a stranger here.20. afraid adj. 害怕的 Be afraid of (doing) sth. / be afraid to do sth. *Many people are afraid of snakes. *He was afraid of failing in the exam. *Don t be afraid to ask for help. *Are we on time? I m afraid not.21. pick up 捡起,拿起 *Don t throw the rubbish on the ground, please. 代词放在介词短语中 *My father usually pick me up after school. *When I travelled in America, I picked up some American English.22. report v. n. 报告 *He reported a theft. *He wrote a report about the accidents. reporter n. 报告人,记者23. theft n. 偷窃案 thief n. (pl.) thieves24. *It just left a few minutes ago. It has been away for a few minutes.25. detail n. 资料,详细情况 *Let s discuss the details of our arrangement. In detail 详细地 *Let s discuss in detail.26. put the phone down *Put down the old pictures from the wall. Put down 放下 put up your hands put up 举起 put out the fire put out 扑灭 put on the play next week put on 上演 put off the sports meeting put off 延期27. As we got off. get on / go off (bus, ferry, train, plane) get into / get out off (car, taxi) get to 到达 get ready for 准备 get up 起床 get back 回来28. see sb. doing / do (sth.) See sb. doing 看见某人正在做某事 See sb. do 1) 看见某人经常做某事 2) 看见某人做某事的过程(多用于瞬间动词) 同性质词语:hear, notice, find, watch Did you often see her take a walk after supper? I saw the man go into the bank at the time. We heard Tom singing in the room when we entered. Did you hear him say sorry to the teacher?29. He looked worried. Look为感官动词,则后跟形容词 (同 small, taste, feel, sound) 但是如果后面还有at sb. / at sth. 时,为普通行为动词,这时需要以副词修饰。 The little boy looked sadly at the broken vase, he looked really sad. The woman looked happily at her son.30. Well done! 做得好!praise sb. for what he did31. I said as we walked by. As 用法: as = when *As he was a child, he enjoyed swimming. He doesnt run as fast as me. 像一样 He works as a physics teacher. 作为 As she has no car, its not easy for her to get there. 因为 Walk by 经过8A Unit 4 Numbers, Everyones language 1. at least 最少 at most 最多2. in ancient times 在古代3. in many different ways用很多不同的方法4. count v. 数 (counted, counted, counting) *countable adj. 可数的 uncountable adj. 不可数的 Mile is a countable noun while is an uncountable noun. *countless adj. 无数的5. in tens 十进制6. Greek(s) a./n. 希腊的,希腊人 Greece 希腊 Roman(s) a./n. 罗马的,罗马人 Rome 罗马 Egyptian(s) a./n. 埃及的,埃及人 Egypt 埃及 Indian(s) a./n. 印度的,印度人 India 印度7. invent v. 发明 invention n. 发明产物 发明 inventor n. 发明家 1) The invention of telephone made it easier for us to communicate. 2) Bell is inventor of telephone. 3) Printing was one of the greatest inventors in the ancient China. 4) Who invented the light? Edison.8. develop v. 发展,开发 (developed, developed, developing) China has developed a lot recently.*develop an idea He developed his business three years ago. China is still a developing country. (发展中的) America is already a developed country. (发达的) development n. 发展 developer n. 开发者9. calculating machines 计算器 calculating n. 用于计算的 calculate 计算 calculation n. 计算结果 计算 calculator 计算机1) The teachers asked the students to calculate the width of the street.2) Your calculation shows that the company didnt make any profit.3) Abacus was an ancient calculating too!4) We are not allowed to use calculators in a maths exam.10. abacus n. 算盘 an abacus abacuses11. accurate adj. 精准的 = correct accurately adv. *inaccurate adj. = incorrect12. electronic adj. 电子的 *electron n. 电子 electric adj. 发电的,有电的,带电的 electrical adj. 与电有关的,电气的 electricity n. 电 *electrician 电工1) We can buy all the electrical appliances at the supermarket.2) Our life will be very inconvenient without electricity.3) An electronic dictionary can help us look up the new words very fast.4) How many electric kettles do you have?5) My father is an electrical engineer.6) The air-conditioner doesnt work because of an electrical fault. We need an electrician to repair it.7) Electric bicycles make people to ride faster.8) If you are careless, you may get an electric shock!13.percentage n. 百分比 percent a./n. 百分比,百分之一1) More than 90 percent of the students pass the test.2) Tell me the percentage of the boys of your class.14.powerful adj.强大的 powerless adj. 无力的 power n. 能力,力量,电力,动力,权力*Computer are more powerful than abacuses in calculating.15. flash n. 闪现,一瞬间 in a flush = like lightning16. whole adj. 完整的 The difference between all and whole:1) all和whole都可用于表示整体的单数名词之前,但限定词的位置不一样,all在前,whole在后。 All the city / the whole city2) all和whole都可以加复数名词 all the students / whole of the students whole + 介词 + 复数名词3) whole一般不能修饰可数名词,all可用于各种情况。17. living adj. 活的(只能在名词前做定语) alive adj. 活的(只能在名词后做表语)1) She has no living relatives.2) It is one of the living languages,.3) Although he is seriously injured, he is still alive.4) The living are more important to us to the dead.18. amazing adj. 令人兴奋的 amazed n. 使人惊奇的 amaze v. 使人惊奇 amazement n. 惊奇1) He amazed all his class by winning the gold medal.2) This is one of the most amazing stories Ive ever heard.3) The little boy looked at his image in the mirror in amazement.4) It made us too amazed to say a word/5) What an amazing film!19. solve v. find an answer to 解决 solution n. 解决方案 Its difficult to find a solution to this problem. (the key to the door, the answer to the question, the way to , the entrance to the building)20. instruction n. 指令 8A Unit 5 Look it up 1.Mays father bought her a book. Mays father bought a book for her. *buy/ make/ do for sb. *pass/ give/ send/ deliver/ showto sb.2.look up 查阅 *look up the word in the dictionary *look forward to 希望 *look for查找 *look at看 *look after 照顾 *look out 小心 *look back回顾3. Dinosaur all died out suddenly. die (v.)死亡(瞬间动词)death(n.) dead(a.) *He died three years ago. *He has been dead for three years.4. everywhere 每个地方 anywhere 任何地方 *You cant get it anywhere else. *Lets go anywhere that is quite.somewhere 在某个地方 *Come and see me than. Well go out somewhere. now here 没有哪儿5.harm U n.危害 v.损害。 对有害 do harm to sb./ sth n. The drought did a lot of harm to the crops. do any harm to v. Dont harm your eyes by reading in the sun. Doctors say smoking harms our health. a. Doctors say smoking is harmful to our health. Thi

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