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.第二届海峡两岸口译大赛样题时间:2010-04-02 10:19来源:大赛组委会 作者:大赛组委会 点击:1136次第一环节:综合素质(注:不得记笔记)1)观看一段约1分钟的英文视频,然后在45秒内用中文概述其主要信息。With one-third of American children either overweight or obese, schools are searching for ways to help kids eat leaner, healthier meal. The New York City Department of Education has found a simple solution that made a big impact on its students. Between 2005 and 2006, the public schools phased out the use of whole milk, and replaced it with low-fat or skim milk. Even flavored milks such as chocolate were only available in reduced-fat form. Officials were somewhat concerned that students would stop drinking milk altogether, thereby lowering their intake of vital nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D. But in a new study, researchers from New York citys health department found that milk drinking was actually up slightly in 2009. And the switch to low-fat and skim choices has saved each milk-drinking student nearly 6000 calories and 600 grams of fat each year.主旨口译参考译文:超过 1/3的美国儿童肥胖;学校想法改善饮食;简单解决办法是提供低脂和是提供低脂和脱脂奶。研究显示,这样并未影响他们的营养吸收,反而使学生在多喝奶的同时减少了大量的热量摄入。2)听一段约1分钟的现场中文讲话,然后在45秒内用英文概述其主要信息:我来谈技术转让这个问题,它不是一个简单的说,比如美国有一项技术,你给我中国好了,如果事情都这么简单,可能我们也不必要谈判得这么艰难。相反它是非常复杂的一套体系,这里面包括了知识产权等等一系列问题。所以技术转让并不是说你有一项好的技术,你给我就好了。中国在过去的技术转让过程当中,有很多很多的教训,失败在哪里呢?其实就是别人给了我们技术,给了图纸,其实长久来说未必是一件好事,因为很大程度上它几乎毁了你自己本身研发技术的能力,所以我说,技术转让是一件复杂的事情,甚至是一把双刃剑。它不是一个白给你的一项技术。我们谈技术转让,更多应该谈的是一种技术合作。主旨口译参考译文:Technology transfer is much more complex than just making your technology available to others. China has learnt lessons from the past. Simply being given technology is not good in the long run, as it damages the recipients own R&D capacity. In negotiating technology transfer deals, the goal should rather be technological co-operation.第二环节:对话口译译员为两位对话嘉宾的迷你对话做双向口译。A:我们先来说说“急嫁族”。在现在金融危机的大背景环境下,作为还未踏入职场的“菜鸟”的、快要毕业大学生们,他们的就业形势非常的严峻,这就使得部分女大学生产生了一个想法,就是说,可能会通过选择婚姻来摆脱就业的困境,于是出现了这就是“急嫁族”这一称谓。大部分女大学生都觉得“干得好不如嫁得好”,“抓住一个长期饭票更可靠”。同时在她们列出的择偶条件中,经济上要丰实、事业上要成功、有车有房,这是必备的、相对一致的条件。我不知道,您在澳大利亚有出现这样的情况吗?/B: Well, first it should be noted that Australias unemployment rate has just scored up to 5.5 percent, so its slightly higher than Chinas. Yet this “hurry to marriage” is not a phenomenon that has yet reached our shores, thankfully. Back to your question, if a woman chooses to marry for money, for financial security, is she morally bankrupt? I think not. Perhaps desperate times call for desperate measures. And maybe some women are just doing the best they can in hard times. It is not something I will do, certainly not something I recommend others to do, but if a woman makes her own decision to do this, then I say power to her. /A:是的。其实我也觉得女大学生的“曲线就业”实际上是一种非常消极的一种应对压力的方式,不仅不能从根本上解除就业压力,而且作为长远来讲,它对未来的婚姻生活是有一定的隐患的。所以有“急嫁族”心理的女大学生们,我还是劝你们应该要为爱而婚。其实,不单单是女大学生,我想我们这种在职的白领,她也面临着随时被载员的危险。中国劳动法第 42条规定,“妇女在怀孕、生育和哺乳期的时候是不能被解雇和裁员的。”因此,急忙生一个宝宝,等于有了一张“免裁金牌”。这就是现在我们所谓的“金融危机宝宝”。不知道大洋彼岸的你们是怎样制定你们的“宝贝计划”? /B: Wow, Financial Crisis babies? In Australia, as far as I know, we dont have this law, so its not really an issue. And in Australia, things are different. Helped by the baby bonus and by a thriving economy, birth rate has been booming since 2007. However, this is set to change due to the financial crisis setting in. Personally speaking, to have a baby for job security, I think, it is a terrible idea and at best totally illogical. Firstly, a mother should consider that the burdens a child places on a family both emotionally and financially will far outweigh any job security it may provide. Secondly, raising a child is incredibly expensive. A recent survey in UK found that on average to raise a child from birth to the age of 21 costs 200, 000 pounds. So if newly weds have not made adequate preparations for this, then they would undergo serve financial hardship. /第三环节 会议口译1) 中译英:席卷全球的金融危机给我国的经济带来了严重的冲击,比如出口下滑、工业减速,企业比较困难,财政收入也呈下降的趋势。应该说,今年我们面临着进入新世纪以来困难最大、形势最严峻的一年,经济增长的下行压力比较大。也就是说,我们的首要目标就是要千方百计地保持经济能够有一个平稳较快的增长。温家宝总理在谈到这样一个目标的时候,说到我们有信心、有能力、有条件。从长期来看,我们的经济的向好趋势没有改变。为了保持今年8%的增长速度,我们要全面实施一揽子计划。/第一,扩大内需。这是我们应对当前危机所要采取的刺激消费需求、刺激投资需求的措施,也是一个可以尽快见效的措施。第二,振兴产业。已经通过的十个重点产业调整和振兴规划,是一个中长期结合的规划,是既要为应对当前的危机发挥作用,同时要为未来的发展奠定基础的规划。第三,科技支撑。从长期来看,真正要保持经济又好又快的发展,还得要提高我们的自主创新能力、我们的技术水平、开发能力。第四,大力提高社会保障水平。要解决人民群众生活上的一些困难,解决教育的问题,解决医疗卫生的问题,解决就业的问题。所以这个一揽子计划的实施,我相信对于今年保 8%可以发挥决定性的作用,对于未来的发展,也能够奠定比较坚实的基础。/2) 英译中:Ladies and gentlemen,The theme of my remarks today is policy challenges in responding to the global financial crisis. The sharp global contraction is affecting both advanced and developing countries. According to the IMF, output in advanced economies is expected to contract by 2 percent in 2009, a sharp downward revision from expectations just a couple of months ago. Growth prospects for emerging market and developing countries have been revised downward by a similar magnitude as advanced economies. Global GDP will decline this year for the first time since World War II, with growth at least 5 percentage points below potential. In responding to the global financial crisis, developing and emerging market countries will face three main policy challenges.The first policy challenge is stabilization. Given the unprecedented severity of the crisis, the challenge for policymakers is to assess their ability to undertake countercyclical policies given the resources available to them as well as their institutional and administrative capacity to rapidly expand and adapt existing programs. /The second polity challenge is protecting longer-term growth and development. An important lesson learned during the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s was that neglecting core development spending during a major crisis can have great long-term disadvantages. As we are responding to immediate fiscal pressures, we cannot reduce public spending on the maintenance of existing infrastructure essential for economic development. Otherwise, rehabilitation over the longer term can be costly and economic recovery held back.The third policy challenge lies in protecting the vulnerable. The crisis is projected to increase poverty by around 46 million people in 2009. Inevitably, the crisis will impact social and human development objectives. This implies new spending needs and may warrant a re-prioritization of existing public spending. Critical to protecting people in poor and “at-risk” countries will be the ability of governments to finance programs that create jobs, ensure the delivery of core services, and provide safety nets. / 汉译英 1968年我从北京来到陕西,惟一挂念的是在故乡身患绝症的老母亲。母亲的时日已经不多,身边再无亲人,离别成为我心中最沉重的痛。惟一能传递母亲信息的就是那枚小小的邮票。 母亲当时已经双目失明,信是让别人代写的,内容千篇一律的干枯,邮票却是母亲自己摸索着贴上去的,她贴了一叠信封,随用随取,为的是不给别人添麻烦。 每回接到母亲来信,我都要抚摸贴在信封右上角的邮票,那是母亲亲手贴上去的,它贴得规正却无画面感,很多时候是头朝下的,因为母亲根本看不见,她是凭感觉在贴。邮票残留着母亲的手印,承载着母亲的挂念,那上面有母亲的气息。凝视中,我常常泪眼模糊 邮票是母亲的替代。我对邮票的认识源自于此。 从19世纪40年代之后的鸦片战争、甲午战争,至20世纪30年代的日本侵华战争,中国惨遭东西方列强的屠戮和极其野蛮的经济掠夺;再加上封建腐败和连年内乱,中国主权沦丧、生灵涂炭、国力衰弱、民不聊生。深重的灾难、惨痛的事实使中华民族深知和平之珍贵、发展之重要。这样的历史实践形成了中国人民渴望和平、企求安定的心理,坚定了中国人民走和平发展道路的信念。 1949年新中国成立后,我们在发展道路上艰辛探索,既经历过成功的喜悦,也经受过失败的挫折。从1978年开始,中国开启了新的征程,从计划转向市场,从封闭转向开放,从自成一体转向融入经济全球化,走独立自主地建设中国特色社会主义的道路,取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就。实践充分证明,坚持走和平发展的道路是正确的,既符合中国国情,又顺应时代潮流。中国将沿着这条和平发展的道路,坚定不移地走下去。 2007年1月28日清晨,一列我国最新CRH高速动车组列车在上海南站首次亮相,标志着中国铁路进入一个全新时代。 新型CRH高速列车最高时速可达250公里,目前运行时速160公里。共有200名乘客见证了列车从上海到杭州的首次运行,其高速、平稳及美妙的乘坐体验给大家留下了深刻印象。该列车的内外装饰都达到了国际统一标准,给乘客优越的旅行体验。此次提速的关键元素在于它的高科技车头,其重量与传统机车头相比减半,大大降低了能耗。除了新型CRH高速列车人性化的设计外,乘客还能体验到更舒心的服务。春节临近,CRH高速列车的全面运营将有望缓解紧张的铁路运输压力,以便出行更加便捷舒适。 首届全国口译大赛初赛样题Part IInterpret the following passage from English into Chinese(Brief to contestants: BP CEOs Speech on Global Business and Global Poverty. I believe the ingredients of sustainable business success are transparency, the extension of opportunity, education and the improvement of environmental conditions. )Opportunity is about providing an equal chance to everyone on the basis of merit, so that if we are working in China or Russia, a Chinese or Russian woman joining at the age of 21 or 22 has an equal chance of rising through the company across the world as someone joining the company here in the UK or in the USA. Opening the door of personal opportunity within a global organization is very important because it demonstrates (that) globalization brings real practical benefits at a personal level.所谓机会,就是在业绩的基础上提供均等的机会给每个人。因此,当我们在中国或俄罗斯运营时,一位加盟我们的中国或俄罗斯的21或22岁的姑娘与我们英国或美国的员工一样,享有同样的升职机会。在一个全球性的公司内打开个人的机会之门,这是非常重要的,因为这表明全球化能给个人带来真正的实际利益。 Part IIInterpret the following passage from Chinese into English对于全世界的每个国家而言,城市友好关系的建立都是提升“软实力”的一个有效的途径。在信息化的时代,“软实力”已经被提到与军事力量等“硬实力”同等重要的高度。软实力的强弱,关系到一个国家、一个地区、一个城市国际和地区影响力能否实现。在未来的日子里,我们将继续地坚持友谊、合作、和平发展的宗旨,继续地推进城市外交的战略。For all nations in the world, establishing friendly relationships among cities is an effective way to boost ones “soft power”. In the information age, the “soft power” has been elevated to a status equal to that of the “hard power”, such as military power. The regional and international influence of a country, region or city hinges upon the level of its “soft power”. In the future, we will continue our commitment to friendship, cooperation and peaceful development and continue to push ahead with the city diplomacy strategy.Part IIIListen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the dialogue only once.宋涛:嗨,艾伦,你的书房里有中国结啊!是你自己做的吗?Hey, Allan, you have a Chinese Knot in your study! Did you make it yourself?Allan: Its a shame I didnt. I bought it from the Culture Street. They told me it can bring me good luck. Is there any story about it? 真不好意思,是我在古文化街买的。卖东西的人说它能给我带来好运。中国结有什么传说吗?宋涛:中国结是一种中华民族特有的手工编织工艺品,具有悠久的历史。它的起源可以追溯到上古时期,当时的绳结不仅是人们日常生活中的必备用具,同时还具有记载历史的重要功用,因而在人们的心目中是十分神圣的。Chinese knots are a unique Chinese handicraft. With a long history, its origin can be traced back to ancient times. At that time, Chinese people used knots for more than just fastening and wrapping. Knots were also used to record events and thus were considered sacred in the eyes of ancient Chinese.Allan: I was told that in Chinese culture “knot” has special meaning.据说在中国文化里“结”有特殊的意义。宋涛:汉字“结”的意思是团聚、友好、和平、温暖、婚姻、爱情,等等。中国结常用来寄托各种美好愿望,如快乐、兴旺、友爱、避邪,等等。In Chinese, knot means reunion, friendliness, peace, warmth, marriage, love, etc. Chinese knots are often used to express good wishes, including happiness, prosperity, love and the absence of evil.Allan: I see. Thats why there are so many shops selling the Chinese Knot before the Spring Festival.明白了。所以每当春节临近,就有很多店铺出售中国结。 首届全国口译大赛复赛赛题Part I 英译中下面你将听到一段联合国秘书长潘基文在联合国维持和平人员国际日发布的电文:On the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we honour the sacrifices of the men and women who lost their lives while serving under the UN flag. This years commemoration is a somber one. The past 14 months have been especially deadly for UN peacekeeping.谨此联合国维持和平人员国际日之际,我们缅怀那些在联合国旗帜下以身殉职的维和人员。今年的国际日活动是肃穆的活动,因为过去14个月对联合国维持和平人员而言尤其伤亡重大。As we honour such moving displays of courage and dedication, we also pay tribute to the more than 122,000 military, police and civilian personnel who serve with distinction in our operations across the world.Their efforts directly help millions of people.By providing security and promoting reconciliation.By clearing land-mines and demobilizing combatants.By strengthening institutions and the rule of law.By delivering aid and repatriating refugees and displaced personsBy supporting democratic elections, reforming the security sector.and so much more.Peacekeeping is an indispensable part of the UNs work for a better world. Let us give it the support it needs to succeed.我们向如此令人感动的勇气和献身精神致敬,同时也向在世界各地联合国维和行动中杰出工作的122 000多名军事、警务和文职人员致意。他们的努力直接帮助着千百万人民,因为他们提供了安保、促进了和解清除了地雷、促成战斗人员复员强化了机构和法治提供了援助、促成难民和流离失所者回归支持了民主选举、改革了安全部门还做了许许多多其他工作。维持和平是联合国努力创造一个更美好世界这一工作的一个不可或缺的组成部分。让我们给予维持和平工作必要的支持,使之取得成功。中译英下面,你将听到一段温家宝总理在联合国气候大会领导人会议的讲话:中国有句成语:千里之行,始于足下。西方也有句谚语:罗马不是一天建成的。应对气候变化既要着眼长远,更要立足当前。京都议定书明确规定了发达国家至2012年第一承诺期的减排指标。但从实际执行情况看,不少发达国家的排放不减反增。目前发达国家已经公布的中期减排目标与协议的要求和国际社会的期望仍有相当距离。确定一个长远的努力方向是必要的,更重要的是把重点放在完成近期和中期减排目标上,放在兑现业已做出的承诺上,放在行动上。一打纲领不如一个行动,我们应该通过切实的行动,让人们看到希望。There is a Chinese proverb which goes, “A one-thousand-mile journey starts with the first step.” Similarly, there is a saying in the West which reads, “Rome was not built in one day.” In tackling climate change, we need to take a long-term perspective, but more importantly, we should focus on the present. The Kyoto Protocol has clearly set out the emission reduction targets for developed countries in the first commitment period by 2012. However, a review of implementation shows that the emissions from many developed countries have increased rather than decreased. And the mid-term reduction targets recently announced by developed countries fall considerably short of the requirements of the Convention and the expectations of the international community. It is necessary to set a direction for our long-term efforts, but it is even more important to focus on achieving near-term and mid-term reduction targets, honoring the commitments already made and taking real action. One action is more useful than a dozen programs. We should give people hope by taking credible actions.Part III 对话口译下面你将听到的是一段关于泡茶和包饺子的对话:A: Could you tell me how to make tea?(你能告诉我怎样泡茶吗?)B: 我泡给你看。首先用壶把水烧开。好。 然后倒一点沸水温一下茶壶,然后倒出来。(Let me show you. First boil some water in a kettle. OK. Then warm the pot by pouring in a little boiling water, and then empty it out.)A: Ok, Ive boiled the water. Can I put in the tea leaves now?(好的,水已经烧开了。现在可以放茶叶了吗?)B: 是的。然后倒入沸水,盖上盖子,两三分钟后,就可以倒茶喝了。(Yes. And then pour the boiling water, cover the lid, and a couple of minutes later, you may pour the tea for drink.)A: It looks nice. Then how about making dumplings? Do you know how to make dumplings?(不错,那包饺子呢?你能告诉我怎样包饺子吗?)B:当然。首先倒些水到面粉中,然后搅拌,把它拌成一个面团。同时准备好一些饺子馅,馅可以是蔬菜也可以是肉。(My pleasure. First of all, pour water into the wheat flour, and stir it until it becomes a piece of dough. Also get some filling ready. It can be vegetables or meat.)A: Then what should I do with them?(然后我该怎么做呢?)B: 把面团分成一个个小块儿,用擀面杖把它擀成一个圆而薄的饺子皮儿。(Cut the large piece of dough into many small pieces, roll the dough with a rolling pin into round, thin wrappers.)A: How thin should the wrappers be?(饺子皮儿应该有多厚呢?)B: 这取决于你。你只要保证煮熟时饺子不破就行。可是许多人喜欢皮儿薄一点。然后把馅放到皮儿中,把它包起来。最后一件事就是把他们煮熟。在中国北方,人们通常把饺子蘸着酱油和醋吃,同时还吃大蒜。(Its up to you. You only need to make sure that the dumplings wont burst when you boil them. But many people like thin wrappers. Then put the filling in the center of a wrapper and fold it up. The last thing to do is to boil them. In northern China, dumplings are dipped in vinegar and soy sauce, and often eaten with a piece of raw garlic.)Word 文档


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