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杭州市2019版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(五)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Hea big garden behind my house.many flowers in it. ( )Ahas, There isBhave, There areChas, There are2 . Letssize 6.( )AtryBto tryCtrying3 . _ they in the study? No, they arent. ( )AAreBareCIs4 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AshineBbikeCwriteDpicnic从下列单词中选出不同类的一项。5 . AshipBplaneCsubwayDfoot6 . AinBonCplayingDunder7 . ASaturdayBMondayCSundayDplay8 . AsingerBartistCfootballDactor9 . AtonightBtomorrowCtodayDmaking10 . Vivian is a girl, she is a good student. ( )Asixteen-years-oldBsixteen-year oldCsixteen-year-oldDsixteen-old-year11 . seven oclock, I usually have breakfast. ( )AAtBOnCIn12 . What would you like to _? ( )I like _ orange juice.Adrink; drinkingBdrink; drinkCdrink; drinksDdrinking; drinking13 . _ ( )I love tomatoes. Theyre fresh.AWhats your favourite vegetable?BWould you like some vegetables?CWhat would you like for dinner?14 . Look at _ American girl. She is _ new student in our class. ( )Aan, theBan, aCthe, aDthe, the15 . The cat _sleep. ( )AloveBlovesCloves toDlove to二、阅读选择看图,选择正确的选项。16 . Anne has for lunch. ( )Aa sandwich and a potatoBa sandwich and a tomatoCsome noodles and fish17 . Anne has for dinner. ( )Asome fish and a hamburgerBsome noodles and fishCa hamburger and a Coke18 . Tim has beef for. ( )AbreakfastBdinnerClunch19 . Does Tim have any chicken and vegetables for lunch? ( ).ANo, he doesntBYes, he doesCYes, he is20 . has/have an egg, milk and a banana for breakfast. ( )AAnne and TimBTimCAnne三、完形填空完形填空。Hello, Im Li Ming. I have _ subjects this term. They are Chinese, Maths, English, Music, PE, Art, Science and Computer Studies. I like _. Its fun. But my friend Tom doesnt like English. He likes _. He can play football and _ very well in PE lessons.21 . AsevenBeightCsixDten22 . AMathsBChineseCEnglishDArt23 . AMusicBPECScienceDComputer Studies24 . AeatBsingCtoysDbasketball四、填空题25 . 选词填空,注意形式的变化,每空一词。like manyIsingbe childfly five1. The books _ under the chair. Now theyre on the shelf.2. Are these your brushes? Yes, they are _.3. Kitty wants _ a kite in the park.4. The music class is on the _ floor.5. These _ presents are beautiful.6. Listen! The birds _.7. Unhealthy children eat too _ sweet food.8. Everyone in the UK _ Christmas.五、英汉混合短语翻译26 . 小心_27 . think hard_28 . 看舞狮_29 . reuse water_30 . 过去和现在_31 . light firecrackers_32 . 进展顺利_33 . think hard_34 . 读电子书_35 . all over the world _六、句型转换36 . This is his sweater. (改为同义句)This sweater is _.七、填内容补全对话根据上下文情景,补全短文。Lisa and Cindy are good f37 . . They both like e38 . sweets. One day, Lisa asks Cindy to go s39 . with her. But Cindy says she has a t40 . . Lisa takes her to s41 . a doctor. The doctor gives some m42 . . He asks Lisa to b43 . her t44 . in the morning and before b45 . .八、书面表达46 . 作文。每个人都有自己的梦想,你也有吧?请以“My dream”为题,写一写自己未来的梦想,并说说自己为了实现这个梦想打算怎么做。要求:意思连贯,语句通顺,书写规范,不少于5句。_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、英汉混合1、六、句型转换1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、书面表达1、

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