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江苏省沭阳县2017高考英语一轮阅读理解训练二(2017高考训练)阅读理解。(2016皖北协作区高三联考)A former RAF (Royal Air Force) Spitfire pilot Peter Proctor, who fought in the World War Two, parachuted (跳伞) for the first time at the grand old age of 92. Mr Proctor jumped out of a plane for the first time at Sibson Airfield, Peterborough, more than 70 years after he joined the RAF.Mr Proctor, who has two artificial hips (臀部) and a false knee, jumped more than 13,000 feet to successfully complete his first ever freefall jump.He said, “Ive spent a lot of my life up in the air but this was a completely different experience. It was a nightmare trying to open up the hatches (舱口) and jump out of the plane back then, but I am so glad I have managed to complete the jump and I would love to do it again in the near future.”Mr Proctor joined the RAF in 1942 and he was stationed in Durban, South Africa, to do his training before being sent to Zimbabwe where he earned his wings. He went on to become a fighter pilot in Egypt, India and went on a jungle selfpreservation course before being sent to Burma in 1945. He ended his career in the armed forces in 1946 to return to his job as a store keeper in a shoe factory and went on to become a lorry driver for 33 years.His wife, Olive, passed away eight years ago, but Mr Proctor has been determined to continue traveling around the world. He said, “Olive died eight years ago and it was absolutely upsetting. But Ive had great support from my family and friends who always encourage me to enjoy life.”Mr Proctor did the jump with the RAF Falcons and raised D|S3,000 for the Royal Air Force Association which provides support for servicemen and their families.1.How did Mr Proctor feel when he jumped out of the plane?A.Terrified.B.Inspired.C.Disappointed. D.Annoyed.2.How long did Mr Proctor serve in RAF?A.About 3 years. B.About 4 years.C.About 8 years. D.About 33 years.3.Whats the purpose of Mr Proctors jump?A.To break the record of a parachute jump.B.To encourage young people to enjoy life.C.To raise money for servicemen and their families.D.To challenge himself and realize his value of life.4.What can be the best title for the text?A.A former pilots first parachute jumpB.A newlyset Guinness recordC.The oldest parachute jumperD.A pilots colorful whole life1解析:选A细节理解题。由第二段的“It was a nightmare trying to open up the hatches (舱口) and jump out of the plane back then”打开舱门跳下去如梦魇一般,可知Mr Proctor当时很害怕。2解析:选B细节理解题。由第三段“Mr Proctor joined the RAF in 1942”和“He ended his career in the armed forces in 1946”可知Mr Proctor在RAF待了大约4年的时间。3解析:选C细节理解题。由最后一段的“.and raised D|S3,000 for the Royal Air Force Association which provides support for serviceman and their families.”可知答案。4解析:选A标题归纳题。由文章第一段可知,本篇文章主要讲的是曾经任职飞行员,现今92岁的老人的第一次高空跳伞。阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【2014高考英语考试大纲调研卷二模试题】 AThroughout my childhood, my father was extremely fat, and my family life was filled with finding new ways to lose weight. But on the weekends I spent with my grandmother, everything changed. Whenever I arrived at my grandmother s house, she would run down her front porch stairs, saying, My little beauty. I heard her say beauty so often that I thought it was her name, so thats what I called her. The name stuck, and soon everyone in her small neighborhood knew my grandmother as Beauty.I remember walking hand in hand along the shops on Devon Avenue in Chicago to get everything ready for our special Saturday dinner. Beauty was very popular in her neighborhood, which made me feel happy to be with her. It seemed that everyone loved my grandmother, from the baker to the butcher. The men at the fruit stand showed us what was in season and ripe, and the ladies at the beauty shop flattered my grandmother on her beautiful hats, telling her she looked exactly like Ruth Gordon.Beauty was the perfect name for my grandmother. Everywhere she went, she made people smile. We walked along Devon Avenue, buying ingredients for our dinner. Beauty would tell me stories about my family. She talked abouther daughter, my mother, who hated to cook, and how my father would sometimes eat an entire pizza before going out to dinner because he worried that he would be hungry while waiting for his food to arrive at the restaurant.My grandmother was always kind to me and was my biggest fan. Though my parents were very busy with their own lives, my grandmother and I would sit around the kitchen table cooking and talking about our feelings for hours.Eventually my treasured weekends with my grandmother came to an end, when my father landed a job at an ad agency in New York City. But it turns out that the nine years I spent in Beautys kitchen were enough for my lifetime.51. Why did people in the neighborhood call the authors grandmother Beauty ?A. Because they were confused about the authors grandmothers name.B. Because the authors grandmother insisted that people call her Beauty.C. Because they accepted the way the author called her grandmother.D. Because the neighbors wanted to make the author pleased.52. While the author went shopping with her grandma,_.A. she could make many friends B. she shared the task with herC. she had a talk with the shop owners D. she felt very proud to stay with her53. While spending the weekends with her grandma the author_.A. was able to lose some weightB. was often made pleased by her grandmas neighborsC. knew more about her parentsD. wondered why her mother disliked cooking54. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Love and Cooking in Beautys KitchenB. A weight-losing Task for My FatherC. An Unforgettable Life with GrandmaD. Grandma Enjoy Being Called Beauty【解题导语】这是一篇记叙文,作者回忆了小时候与外婆度过的周末时光,外婆豁达的性格给作者留下了深刻的印象。51.C【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】第二段说作者听外婆说Beauty的次数太多,以为这就是她的名字,于是作者一直这样叫外婆,很快街坊就都这样叫了。由此判断选C。52. D【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】依据第三段中的Beauty was very popular in her neighborhood, which made me feel happy to be with her. 可知,作者和外婆在一起时感到自豪。因此选项D正确。53. C【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】从第四段可知,作者从外婆那里了解到更多关于父母的事情。54. A【命题意图】考查标题判断。【解题思路】虽然作者在文章开头谈到了父亲的减肥,但是在整个下文中,作者都在讲与外婆一起的时光,描述外婆对自己的爱,以及作者与外婆一起采购的经历。因此A项最适合作文章标题。阅读理解 A caring mother is the single most important factor in Preventing teenagers from abusing(滥用)drugs and alcohol,researchers said on Friday. An international study showed that teenagers living with both parents are less likely to suffer from alcohol and drug problems,and a strong maternal bond is the most effective way to fight against them. “These findings suggest that living with both parents may prevent drug use.”said Dr.McArdle,of Newcastle University in northern England,who led the study.“They also suggest that attachment(感情眷念),particularly to mothers,is a more effective factor and that this is truly across cultures and substances.”The report,which is published in the journal Addiction,involved nearly 4,000 teenagers in England, Ireland, Italy,Germany and the Netherlands.They were questioned about their use of several kinds of drugs and alcohol.The teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents,how well they were supervised(监护)after school and whether they were allowed to meet friends at home. “Both the quality of family relationships and the structure of families have significant influences on youth drug use,”McArdle said in a statement.But he added a strong maternal bond offered the greatest protection against developing drug habits.The rate of drug abuse among teenagers living with both parents and who had a good relationship with their mother was 16.6 percent.If either factor was missing ,the drug abuse rate rose to 32 percentMore than 42 percent of teenagers living in one parent families who did not have a strong bond with their mother used drugs Drug prevention campaigns in British schools and on television warn teenagers about the danger of drugs and alcohol but McArdle said no one is dealing with the problem of their parents responsibility.1.The phrase“maternal bond”refers to_A.the education of mothers B.the supervision of mothers on children C. whether the mother uses drugsD.the guidance of schools on mothers 答案解析:答案为B。本题为词义推断题,考生需结合上下文才能解答此题。从第一段最后一句话 “and a strong maternal bond is the most effective way to fight against them.”和第二段Dr.McArdle讲的第二句话 “They also suggest that attachment(感情眷念),particularly to mothers,is a more effective factor and that this is truly across cultures and substances.”可以推断出来,“maternal bond” 指的是 “母亲对孩子的管束”。2.According to McArdle,which is most likely to have the drug abuse problem?A.16-year-old Tom from a happy big family B.17-year-old Kate supervised by her single motherC.18-year-old Juliet living with her single fatherD.19-year-old Mark cared by his parents.答案解析:答案为C。本题为细节推理题。注意题干所问的是 “在McArdle看来,哪种情况的青少年最有可能吸毒?” 从第二段Dr.McArdle讲的第一句话 “These findings suggest that living with both parents may prevent drug use.”可知A、D选项不可选;从Dr.McArdle讲的第二句话 “They also suggest that attachment(感情眷念),particularly to mothers,is a more effective factor and that this is truly across cultures and substances.” 可知B选项不可选;只有C选项 “和单身父亲一起生活的Juliet” 最有可能吸毒。故答案为C。3Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.Teenagers with both parents wont have the drug use problem.B.Teenagers from several countries filled in the questionnaire.C.Teenagers were asked about their relationship with parentsD.Teenagers in British schools are warned against drugs abuse.答案解析:答案为A。本题为细节题。从第二段 “involved nearly 4,000 teenagers in England, Ireland, Italy,Germany and the Netherlands.”可知B选项被提到了;从第二段最后一句话 “The teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents,”可知C选项被提到了;从最后一段 “Drug prevention campaigns in British schools and on television warn teenagers about the danger of drugs and alcohol”可知D 选项也被提到了。故答案为A。4.The last paragraph suggests that_.A.schools should answer for the drug problem B.television and media are to blameC.parents and the society are responsible for the drug problem D.mothers are the cause of youth drug use答案解析:答案为C。本题为细节推理题。从最后一段 “but McArdle said no one is dealing with the problem of their parents responsibility.”可知,答案为C。社会生活类-63.In the United States, there were some well-constructed houses for native Indians, ranging from the simple brush shelter to the five-storied pueblo. In the eastern United States, one of the existing types was that commonly known under the Algonkian name of wigwam in which the Iroquois Indians lived. The wigwams were of wagon-top shape with straight sides and ends, made by bending young trees to form the round shape. Over this shape pieces of tree bark were laid to protect the Indians from bad weather. Over the bark dried grass was added. A small hole allowed smoke to escape from the top. Doorways at each end served also as windows. The Iroquois Indians built trunk walls all around their villages. The wall had only one opening. They could quickly close this opening if their enemies came near. Interestingly, the Choctaw Indians in Mississippi also lived in a wigwam of a most primitive(原始的) construction, but different from those of the Iroquois Indians. The Choctaw Indians wigwams, made from mud, cane and straw, were in the form of a bee-hive. The covering was made of a long, tough grass. A post in the centre supported the roof. A hole in the top admitted the light, and allowed the smoke to pass out. The tipi tent-housing of the upper lake and plains area was put up with poles set lightly in the ground, tied together near the top, and covered with bark and grass in the lake country. It was easily portable, and two women could set it up or take it down within an hour. The Pawnee, Mandan and other Indian tribes(部落)along the Missouri built solid ring-shaped structures of trunk, covered with earth and dried grass, housing a dozen families. The Wichita and other tribes of the Texas border built large ring-shaped houses covered with dried grass.Apart from the regular housing, almost every tribe had some style of housing. 1. Which of the following pictures shows the house for the Iroquois Indians? 2. According to the passage, the Pawnee Indians built their houses.A. with openings in the trunk wallsB. large enough for several familiesC. in a ring shape with bark and mudD. by bending young trees to form the shape3. All the native Indian houses described in the passage were.A. of the same shapeB. covered with grassC. built with a post in the centreD. built with doorways at each end4. The passage suggests that.A. all the native Indians built trunk walls all around their housesB. all the native Indian houses were built with poles tied togetherC. the Iroquois Indians took safety into account while building their wigwamsD. the Choctaw Indians in Mississippi built their wigwams with straight sides and ends【参考答案】63.1-4 ABBC 【2014高考英语模拟试题】Frederick Bailey was born around 1818 in Maryland. He was born a slave but later became one of Americas greatest leaders. His mother died when Frederick was about seven years old. Frederick then lived with his grandparents, Betsey and Isaac Bailey. He said that his grandparents had a loving home and were respected by other slaves in the area. Because of this, he did not realize at first that someone owned him and the others. In 1826, Frederick was sent to work for Hugh Auld, in Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. Aulds wife, Sophia, treated him as if he were a member of her family. Mrs. Auld soon began to teach Frederick to read. Her husband became extremely angry and ordered her to stop immediately. Mr. Auld said if slaves could read they would rebel (造反) and run away.In 1836, Frederick met and fell in love with a free black woman named Anna Murray. Murray had a job cleaning other peoples homes. She gave Frederick money to help him escape by getting on a train to New York City.When Frederick Bailey reached New York he changed his name to Frederick Douglass to hide his identity from slave capturers (捕获者). Anna Murray joined him and they were married. They settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts and had five children. In 1841, he attended the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society meeting in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Douglass was unexpectedly asked to give a speech to describe his experiences as a slave. Most of the supporters were white. The crowd praised him. In 1844, Douglass began writing his life story. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave was published the following year. He later published expanded versions of his book. 56. When living with his grandparents, Frederick didnt realize he was a slave because _.A. he had a very big family B. he was only about seven years old C. his grandparents didnt work for the ownerD. other slaves showed respect to his grandparents57. From the text, we can learn that Sophia was _.A. social B. kind C. cruel D. hard58. Why did Frederick change his name when he reached New York?A. He was asked to give a speech. B. He began writing his life story. C. He wanted to marry Anna Murray.D. He wanted to avoid being caught.59. The text is developed mainly by _.A. giving examples B. making comparisons C. following the order of time D. following the order of space【参考答案】56-59: DBDC


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