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精选资料 房屋租赁合约序号:0000246郑重申明:我公司员工向客户收取任何款项,均须出示盖有我司财务专用章”的正式收款收据”,否则我司一律不予承认甲方(出租方): 邓* 联系电话: 137024* 地址: 广州省佛山市南海区*镇*村姓邓16号 证件号码: 44062214700522* 经纪方: 深圳市万科物业服务有限公司佛山分公司 地址: 万科四季花园城湖畔花街30号 联系电话: 81111111/81111111 乙方(承租方): G.KHOMENKO 格纳金 * 联系电话: 13076751902 地址: 莫斯科 证件号码: 63N26889631 为明确甲、乙双方的权利和义务,经协商一致,签订本合约如下:一, 租赁标的乙方自愿承租甲方位于 广州佛山 市 南海 区 黄岐深峰洲 路 8号万科四季花园城T香苑7-101 房(以下简称该物业) 建筑面积约为 95 M (以房地产权证登记为准), 作为 住宅 用途。二, 租赁期租赁期限为 2010 年 05 月 05 日至 2011 年 05 月 04 日止,共计 月; 租赁期满时,乙方如需续租, 应在本合约期满前30日通知甲方, 在同等条件下, 乙方享有优先租权。三, 租金1,该物业租金为港币/人民币 贰仟陆佰 元整 (不含税费), 乙方每月 05 日前向甲方支付当月租金。2,乙方签署本合约时向甲方支付相当于 二 个月租金额的房租赁保证金港币/人民币 伍仟贰佰 元整,并交纳 2010 年 05 月 05 日至 2010 年 06 月 04 日的房屋租金人民币 贰仟陆佰 元整,总计港币/人民币 柒仟陆佰 元整。3,甲方须于 2010 年 05 月 05 日前将该物业移交给乙方使用,其移交前的有关该房屋的所有费用均由甲方结清,该物业交房后,乙方负责支付该房屋的物业管理费,本体维修费,水电费,管道煤气使用费,车位费,有线/数字电视,网络费,以及 等日常费用,甲方不再承担这部分费用。四, 双方责任1,乙方超过 五 日未交付房屋租金时,甲方有权要求乙方在 二 日内搬出该房屋,并无条件没收乙方房屋租赁保证金。2,租赁期内,乙方不得利用该房屋从事非法活动;不得改变房屋结构或租赁用途;不得储存任何违禁品,易燃品,爆炸品等物品;不得将房屋转租或转让他人;否则,甲方有权力解除本合约(其违约出发同上)3,租赁期间,乙方不按时交租,甲方应及时发出催租通知书,乙方若拖欠租金达一个月或欠交物业管理费,水电费等费用达两个月,视为乙方违约,合约因违约而告终,乙方须全部承担因违约照成的所有责任。4,因乙方违约而合约终止,甲方有权力不经乙方同意收回该物业,乙方须无条件立即退出该物业;如乙方不交回该物业的钥匙,甲方有权力同物业管理单位人员作证进入自己的房产内,将乙方存放在房里的物品轻点拍卖并用于抵偿欠租和有关费用,若有余则应交回给乙方,乙方保证履行合约的规定,如有违约,完全自愿接受甲方做出的上述处理,同时保证不会提出任何异议。5,合约期未满一方需终止本合约时,须提前 30 日通知对方,经双方对该房屋相关费用和物品,设施等进行交验,确认后方可终止本合约;如属乙方提前退租,需缴纳当月房屋租金,其租赁保证金不予退还;如属甲方提前终止本合约时,则应全额退还乙方所有的房屋租赁保证金,并免收当月房屋租金。五,乙方自愿租用甲方 详见物品清单 等物品,设施(详见本合约附件),乙方对所租用之物品,设施须妥善保管,使用并承担相应的维修保养费用;1, 租赁期满时,乙方如不再续租,在乙方结清该物业一切管理费,水,电,电话,煤气,有线电视,网络等费用后,甲方应将押金退还乙方(不计利息)。2, 如有损坏,缺少,使用不当等照成甲方损失,由乙方负责维修或照价赔偿,否则甲方有权利没收其租赁物品押金(但合理的自然损失不在此列);3, 正常使用产生故障或妨碍安全时,乙方应即时通知甲方和物业管理部门,同时应采取有效维护措施;六,鉴于经纪方已促成甲乙双方之间达成本合约,甲乙双方确认:甲方向经纪方支付港币/人民币 壹仟叁佰 元的服务佣金,乙方向经纪方支付港币/人民币 壹仟叁佰 元的服务佣金。七,本合约签署后,甲乙双方须按国家规定自行到相关部门登记备案;八,乙方在签署本合约的同时,须与本物业管理单位签署租户管理协议书。九,本合约如发生纠纷,甲,乙双方应通过友好协商解决,不能解决时即可向当地仲裁委员会提出仲裁,该委员会之裁决结果对甲,乙方均有约束力。十,本合约一式三份,甲方,乙方,经纪方各执一份,经三方签字(盖章)后生效。十一,其他约定事项: 甲方 经纪方 乙方 代表人 经办人 代表人 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日Contract for Apartment TenancyNo. 0000246Statement: Any charge of money by our company staff should be proved by an official receipt sealed by the Company Finance Stamp, or it would not be acknowledged by our company.Party A (Lessor): Deng * Contact Number: 137024* ID No.: 44062214700522* Address: Surname Deng 16, * Village,*Town, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong Province Agent: Shenzhen Wanke Property Service Co., LTD, Foshan Branch Address: 30 Hupanhua Street, Wanke Siji Huayuan Cheng Contact Number: 81111111/81111111 Party B (Lessee): G.KHOMENKO Contact Number: 13076751902 Address: Moscow ID No.: 63N26889631 In order to specify the rights and obligations of Party A and Party B, through friendly consultation, a contract is concluded as follows:A. Location of the PremisesParty B is willing to lease from Party A the 7-101 Apartment, T Xiangyuan, Wanke Siji Huayuan Cheng, located on 8 Huang Qi Shen Feng Zhou Road, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong Province (hereinafter referred to as the Premises), covering a building area of approximately 95 M (in accordance with the real estate registration), for residential purpose.B. Term of TenancyThe term of tenancy is from May 5, 2010 to May 4, 2011 , all together months; Upon the termination of tenancy, if Party B is going to renew the tenancy, Party A should be noticed 30 days before the day of termination. Under same conditions, Party B will be given the preference to tenancyC. Rentals1, Rentals for the Premises is HKD/RMB 2,500 Yuan (not including taxes), paid by Party B to Party A on a monthly basis, before the fifth day of each month.2, Party B should pay a deposit worthy of two months rentals - HKD/RMB 5,000 Yuan, as well as the first installment of rentals for the first month from May 5, 2010 to June 4, 2010 - HKD/RMB 2,500 Yuan, totaling HKD/RMB 7,500 Yuan.3, Party A must entitle Party B the right to use the Premises before May 5, 2010. Any expenses involved in the entitlement should be paid by Party A. After the entitlement, Party B is responsible for paying such daily expenses as the property management fee, water and electricity fee, gas fee, parking fee, wired/digital TV fee, internet fee, and , which will not paid by Party A afterwards.D. Obligations of Both Parties1, If Party B fails to pay the rental on the fifth day of that month, Party A has the right to ask Party B to move out of the Premises on the next day, and confiscate unconditionally Party Bs deposit.2, During the tenancy term, Party B cannot make use of the Premises to engage in any illegal activities, cannot alter the building structure of the Premises, cannot change the purpose for tenancy, cannot store in the Premises any contrabands, any combustibles or any explosives, etc., and cannot sublease or sell the Premises to another person; otherwise, Party A has the right to terminate the contract (regarding it as Party Bs breach of contract as mentioned above).3, During the tenancy term, if Party B fails to pay the rentals on time, Party A should immediately send a notice to press for the rentals; if Party B defaults in the rentals for one month or more, or the property management fee, water and electricity fee, etc. for two months or more, he breaks the contract which will consequently be terminated by the breach. Then Party B must bear all the responsibilities concerning this breach of contract.4, If this contract is terminated by Partys breach, Party A is entitled to take back the Premises without being approved by Party B, and Party B must unconditionally leave the premises at once. If Party B does not return the key to the Premises, Party A is entitled to enter the Premises in the company of staff from the property management agent, sorting and counting what Party B has left in the Premises for auction, so as to compensate for the defaulted rentals and other relevant costs; money remaining should be given back to Party B. As Party B has promised to fulfill the obligations on this contract, he must voluntarily accept how Party A deals with his breach of contract as mentioned above, without putting forward any objections.5, If either party wants to terminate this contract before its stipulated expiry date, he must notice the other party at least 30 days in advance. After the submission and verification of relevant costs and articles, equipment, etc. by both parties, this contract can be terminated. If it is Party B who wants to end the tenancy in advance, he must pay the rentals of that month when he is leaving, and the deposit for tenancy is not refundable; if it is Party A who wants to end the tenancy in advance, the deposit for tenancy is refundable, and Party Bs rentals for that month is exempted.E. Party B is willing to lease from Party A the articles and equipment shown on the List of Articles (for details see the contract appendix). Party B is responsible for properly keeping and using the leased articles and equipment, as well as any costs related to their repair and maintenance.1, Upon the expiry of this contract, if Party B will not renew the tenancy, after he pays up all the property management fee, water and electricity fee, phone bills, gas fee, parking fee, wired/digital TV fee, internet fee, etc., Party A should return the deposit to Party B (without interests).2, If any damage, lost or misuse will cause the Party As loss, Party B should compensate the money worthy of the loss; otherwise Party A has the right to confiscate the deposit.3, As for any problems of breakdown or insecurity within the normal use of articles and equipment, Party B should inform Party A and the property management agent immediately, while at the same time take effective maintenance measures.F. Considering that the agent has helped both Party A and Party B to reach this contract that has been confirmed by both parties, Party A must pay the agent HKD/RMB 1,300 Yuan as the service commission, and Party B must pay the agent HKD/RMB 1,300 Yuan as the service commission.G. After signing this contract, both parties must register it in the relevant authority for reference in accordance with the national regulations.H. When signing the contract, Party B must also sign the Lessee Management Agreement with the property management agent.I. If any dispute involved this contract occurs, Party A and Party B should try to settle it through friendly consultation. If they fail to do so, they can apply for arbitration to the local arbitration committee, whose decision for settlement is binding on both parties.J. This contract is in triplicate, respectively kept by Party A, Party B and the agent, which will take effect after being signed (or sealed) by the three parties.K. Other Agreed Items: Party A Agent Party B Representative Operator Representative Date Date DateTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考可修改编辑

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